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Hallelujah! You've lost weight! Well, maybe after spending a few weeks on one of the first diets that combines religion with weight loss, you can look up to the heavenly skies and thank the powers that be for your new body and healthier self.
The Hallelujah Diet hails from Hallelujah Acres, a non-denominational Christian ministry that provides education, products, services and other resources to help people understand and practice God's ways to ultimate health. Rev. George Malkmus, Founder of Hallelujah Acres created the diet plan which attempts to teach healthy living from a biblical perspective.
The diet includes 85% raw food and 15% cooked food. Its predominance of raw food is built on the belief that the abundance of God's natural foods that are uncooked and unprocessed will not just stave away cravings and hunger but will also help to lead you to weight loss and a healthier you.
The mission at Hallelujah Acres is to teach people about God's natural laws for healing and health seemingly outlined in the Bible. The diet is supposed to show you how to attain and maintain optimal health while eliminating sickness and disease and to assist you in adopting a healthier lifestyle all from a biblical perspective. There is no set time for how long you are supposed to be on the diet. According to Hallelujah Acres: the longer, the better. And if eating this way will make a permanent place in your life, then Hallelujah for you!
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- The Hallelujah Diet includes plenty of fresh vegetables which studies have long demonstrated their aid in weight loss and possible disease prevention
- Diet is very clean
- Plenty of support both online and offline including recipes, seminars, events and community support
- Combining religion with weight loss goals might be a great solution for individuals seeking to find additional meaning through their weight loss journey
- Vegan and vegetarian friendly
- The Hallelujah Diet is very strict for most people with its vegan and raw nature
- Combining religion with weight loss goals might turn some people off
- Adhering to The Hallelujah Diet for a sustained period of time might be difficult due to its restrictive eating plan
- May be too low in calories
The Hallelujah Diet is comprised of 85% raw food and 15% cooked foods. Salads, vegetable juices, and a small amount of fruit or fruit juices are the main staples.
One time each day, either lunch or dinner, you can consume one serving of a cooked vegetable or grain like a baked potato, brown rice, or some squash.You'll eat small amounts of oils and raw nuts three times per day before each meal, you'll drink one glass of BarleyMax (which is the diet's trademarked powdered juice made from organically grown barley leaves and organically grown alfalfa). It also includes vitamins, minerals, enzymes and chlorophyll.
Jesus walked the desert; you use the Fit10, a piece of exercise equipment that allows you to exercise in bursts of 10 minute using a combination of strength, cardio and flexibility exercises. There is also the Urban Rebounding System, which is a mini trampoline that you use three times a week for fifteen minutes a day. Both pieces of equipment can be purchased on the Hallelujah Acres website.
Whether The Hallelujah Diet's usage of the Bible as its pillar for validity turns you on or off, the diet is without question a very clean, unprocessed, low-fat, low-calorie eating plan that could very well result in weight loss. It resembles more of a cleanse with the main staples being raw veggies and small amounts of grains, fats, and fruit. If you're a vegetarian, The Hallelujah Diet won’t be that much of a stretch for you to adopt. But if you're a meat-eating, dairy-drinking foodie, be prepared to undergo a radical shift in what you eat and how you eat.
haleluyah, haleluya, hallelujiah, halelujah
The Hallelujah Diet
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@wendy brand
posted Apr 19th, 2013 12:24 pmthere is no such thing as a sinful quoted leviticus 14 now but you forget that we don't live under the old covenant.we live under the new covenant.the new covenant says no food is sinful.go read romans 14 not only in the KJV but also in romans 14 verse 2 and 3 reads "for one believeth that he may eat all things:another,who is weak eateth only herbs(vegetables)let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth for God has received him"
also if you don't know,Jesus abolished the old covenant.
infact,if you read your bible,you will see paul telling timothy about those who will command others to abstain from certain reads"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils....forbidding to marry AND COMMANDING TO ABSTAIN FROM MEATS WHICH GOD HAS CREATED TO BE RECEIVED WITH THANKSGIVING OF THEM WHICH BELIEVE THE TRUTH.for EVERY CREATURE of God is good and nothing to be refused,if it be received with thanksgiving"(1 timothy 4:1,3-4)
So there should be no iron clad rules about it.there is nothing like "this is God's diet"
the hallelujah diet is good alright but there should be no iron clad rules
+A family friend persuaded us to take the Hallelujah diet workshop about 3 years ago (after my mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and refusing treatment after surgery) and it has changed our lives! I have been eating this diet and cleansing off and on over the last few years, and would like to stick to it permanently. I became a vegetarian many years before hearing about this raw lifestyle, so adjusting wasn't as hard for me as I'm sure it is for others. My mother has closely followed this diet and her cancer has not returned even though her doctors gave her a 2 year timeline before it should show up again. Thank you lord for showing us this lifestyle!
posted Aug 12th, 2011 12:03 pmSKJ
+I went on this diet about six years ago, lost 40 pounds, and felt like a 25-year old. (I am a senior citizen.) I went gradually went off of it when caring for my sick dad five years ago. All my weight plus is back and I feel tired most of the time. I know that it works, and am trying to get back on. My friends and family were amazed at what this plan did for my health, looks, and attitude. Hopefully, I can gradually return maybe with consistent prayer for a boost of strength, thought, planning, and will power.
posted Dec 27th, 2010 7:46 pmWendy Brand
+This lifestyle plan (I don't like the term "die-t") has contributed to the healing of our family's ill health. By following this plan we lost a combined total of 27 lbs in 10 days, got off of 6 of the 7 prescription meds we had been taking for almost 6 years and felt better than ever! That was over 8 years ago. We don't follow it to a t but live by the basic guidelines of vegan style eating and love all the benefits that come from eating healthfully and God's way.
posted Apr 18th, 2010 8:40 amTo CKRAMER who said, "there is no such think as a sinful food." I say, check your bible in Leviticus. It DOES have sinful foods and I would challenge you to show others where it says that Jesus ate meat other than fish.
I would recommend this plan to everyone who wants to be well and live in vibrant health. It is a challenge but is worth every bit of it. If you take time to be healthy now you won't have to MAKE time to be sick later. Use common sense folks. This plan WORKS. Even if you only follow it partially you'll feel much better than you did before so I encourage you to give it a go and see where it takes you on your journey to vibrant health. Be well and prosper. :-)
+I love this diet, it has worked for me and I have modified the schedule and foods to fit me and my family lifestyle I am a vegetarian,have been for fifteen yrs and I just keep getting better and better at 43 yrs young. Thank you Rev. M.
posted Jan 20th, 2010 5:59 pmMrs Rose Nwenwu
+I would like to lose my weight.
posted Mar 18th, 2009 10:03 pmdorothy
+About 10 years ago, I tried this diet, I haven't always stuck to it, but I have incorporated raw foods into my diet. Now I have wanted to go back to it. For the past 3 days I have eaten pretty much all raw and have noticed feeling happier and having fewer cravings for sugar. I have been praying for direction in my eating habits and feel like God is leading me in this direction!
posted Jan 25th, 2009 12:18 amCKRAMER
This is one of the craziest diet schemes out there. God intended man to eat meat, fish, vegetables, fruits etc. Why did Jesus and the disciples eat bread, fish, etc. I knew someone that went on a similar diet. He is a missionary pastor. Him and his family did the diet. The family was so sickly looking from the lack of nutrition that it was horrible. One time the daughter ate a small bite of something that was not on the diet and became very ill. Does that sound like something that God intended? Not to me. God created amimals for man to use, eat, etc. I think that someone came up with this diet to be able to use the Bible with it. This allowed him to pull in suckers who then get guilty because they are feeling that they are out of God's will by not submitting to "God's Diet". Well, it's more like the guy who made the diet wants to guilt you into it for a profit. Try my diet....Eat, but in proportion, Do not eat because you are bored, Exercise. Glutony is a sin, which is overeating, putting food above all else. Eating is not a sin, there is no such think as a sinful food. Do not buy into this horrible diet. This scheme diet does not give your body all of what it needs. It's a starvation diet that allows you to eat some things that do not do anything as far as nutrition goes. You are basically faking your body into starving.
posted Jan 21st, 2009 5:47 pmAngela Collins
+I haven't started the diet, but i was looking forward to starting it for the new year. It seemed to be the direction the Lord was leading me, but I have to tell you that I was a little disappointed to find that I could not find the Barley max and carrot max at health stores or even whole foods. And I didn't realize that juicers were so expensive....
posted Dec 31st, 2008 8:28 pmBetty
+I was practicing this H lifestyle for at least 4 yrs. and strayed to meats again... but I always kept many of the practices in my heart and style of eating. I am returning this yr 09' to the full H lifestyle and soooo look forward to feeling better and the weight loss that I will experience.
posted Dec 29th, 2008 2:43 pmZanada Maleki
+This diet is not a here today gone tomorrow event. It is a total way of eating. Yes, you can fall off the wagon,but you also get back on because when you fall or jump off the diet regimen, you get to re-experience the ill health you had before the diet. All things in moderation, including the H-diet. The more you experience the Halleluyah diet, the more you wonder why you put up with the crud from the other alleged foods. This diet realigns your body chemistry. You won't avoid getting sick, you just won't be as sick and as sick as long as other folks on the standard fare of eating, whatever that has come to nowadays. There are witch doctors and other practitioners who will try to say that the diet is not balanced without meat. Consider that the meat nowadays has been so tampered with, that the naturally herbiferous animals have been forced to become cannibals, as well as forced to undergo steroid and antibiotic treatments, all of which go into our system as we eat it. Think about it. The animal meat is the byproductof all that junk fed to the cattle mixed in with their food. Same for poultry, pork, and now fish. Shouldn't the antibiotics be beneficial for people if people eat antibioticfied meats? Remember the doses were for animals, in their huge strength size. Where does that leave you as a person, besides more vulnurable to mutations of the bacteria and viruses the antibiotics were intended to "kill". There is merit to the H-diet (Halleluyah). It has helped more people than hindered, not to mention it makes us less dependent on the overpriced pill remedies that have side effects worse than the diseases we tend to succomb to. Then you get to take a pill that counteracts the side effects of the side effects, all leading to a hugh vicious cycle. I will take the simplicity of the H-diet anytime. have I jumped off the wagon often? Certainly. And I have quickly returned to the wagon. We all have choices to make and I prefer the choices I can live with, literally live with, not exist with but live with. Live!
posted Dec 9th, 2008 12:26 pmgloria
I have never felt better in my whole life. I have been on the diet for 8 weeks and feel like a new person,I don't crave sweets, love my vegetable and juice. The lord was with me with I found this diet, purely be accident. Thank you for a rewarding experiece.
posted Apr 18th, 2008 6:27 amKarone
I have found complete freedom from my weight troubles using the Halelujah Diet. I used to live in constent condemnation for every single thing that I ate - now I live a full and joyous life!
posted Mar 20th, 2008 8:44 am