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Eat Stop Eat

Eat Stop Eat

eBook Teaches a New Way To Fast

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Eat Stop Eat is an ebook that goes against the grain of most of the diet books on the market today. Rather than having you eat small meals throughout the day, counting carbohydrate grams or calculating food on the glycemic index, Eat Stop Eat literally has you fasting for 24-hours, two times a week all in an effort to burn fat, rev up your metabolism and lose weight.

Created by athlete and nutritionist, Brad Pilon, Eat Stop Eat rejects the notion that starving yourself for small bouts at a time puts your metabolism into slo-mo. Instead, Pilon shows through research and science that just the opposite occurs: your metabolism quickens, your energy improves and you body won’t feed off your muscle.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Eat Stop Eat is an original and science-backed program
  • Can be used in conjunction with any eating style or diet
  • Flexible diet days
  • No one food is prohibited on the Eat Stop Eat diet
  • Starvation days may help to take your mind off of food
  • May be difficult to follow in the immediate and long-term
  • Starvation days may cause dieters to eat too much on eat days

The Eat Stop Eat program contains a novel approach to dieting by having you not eat anything for two, 24-hours periods during each week. These two days should not be consecutive days but rather sandwiched between other eating days. The Eat Stop Eat ebook lays out a well-detailed plan for you to follow. On the days that you do eat, you can eat carbohydrates, fat and protein but you don’t have to measure how many grams or calories you are consuming. Instead, you eat a normal day’s worth of food so that you feel satisfied.


You will learn about how much and what kind is best to perform with the Eat Stop Eat program. You are encouraged to exercise as part of this program and Pilon promises that even if you choose to exercise on starvation days, you will have the energy to workout.


Eat Stop Eat is a new approach to dieting that may just have some merit. Not eating for a day may help to quell thoughts of food once you do it a few times. And it may help to effectively help take weight off while keeping your metabolism at an active rate. But if you have low blood pressure, are diabetic, pregnant or underweight, you should not follow the Eat Stop Eat program.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Eat Stop, Eat Starve Eat, Ate Stop Ate,

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(Page 1 of 1, 7 total comments)


Eat stop Eat Is a must try program
My site - www.eatstopeatnow.com

posted Feb 10th, 2018 9:59 am



cant wait to try it

posted Dec 28th, 2011 11:31 pm



Is eat stop eat safe for a person with breast cancer? I have breast cancer and the steroids that I was blasted with have cause me to gain 25 pounds, I want to know is this safe for someone one like me. I have my surgery in four weeks and than 16 radiation treatments. Is eats peat a safe diet.

posted Aug 20th, 2011 6:54 pm


sounds interesting...I'll give it a try...

posted Aug 4th, 2011 3:41 pm


i read blogs from fitnessblackbook.com all the time and you actually only need to fast 1-2 times a week until dinner time. not a full 24 hours. you just have to keep your dinner at a minimum and not eat 3-4 hours before going to bed. its similar to the warrior diet just that you eat less at dinner

posted Jan 29th, 2010 10:42 am


I LOVE this diet - I've been using it to maintain my weight for about 8 months now... achieved a healthy weight through a lot of hard work and lots of energy... I wish I had known about this program back then, I probably wouldn't have had as hard of a time. I barely even think about my diet anymore, this is automatic.

One little thing I want to lay to rest - I'm really prone to getting dizzy, etc, from low blood sugar - and that REALLY scared me about this plan at first - but I find if I eat a really healthy, high fiber meal before the fast, I don't have that problem at all. Far more likely to get dizzy from eating something sugary w/o anything to follow it up for awhile.

It's seriously as simple as it sounds, the fasting is difficult at first (3-4 times) but it gets easier to the point of not thinking about it anymore after awhile.

I've got some videos and a more thorough review at my website, check it out :) (I've got some other reviews on there, but there almost as a comparison - Eat Stop Eat is my favorite, and the one I use once a week, consistantly -

posted Nov 12th, 2009 9:04 am



This is the ultimate diet for those of you that are too lazy to worry about what to eat, how much to exercise, etc. Especially useful for sedentary individuals like myself.

I want to lose 16 kilos, and I've lost over 3 already in nearly 2 weeks. I only exercise 10 mins a day. (The Five Tibetans) I'm not tired at all when I get enough sleep.

The fasting phases of this diet seems to cleanse your blood, and it gets used to not eating sweets: suddenly, all those bags of sweets can be right in front of your face, and you might take a piece or two, but you won't want to eat whole bags anymore after that.

I've spent hundreds of euro on different weight loss e-books, and this one seems to be the jackpot. Though there are others that are also effective, like the Calorie Shifting Diet by Fat Loss for Idiots, but shopping for and eating so many different kinds of foods was extremely annoying and troublesome for me and I gave it up after a week even though I had decent results. This is the first diet I've been able to hold longer than a week. (Been 2 and a half weeks now and counting.)

Even though it's not in the program, I recommend making sure the FIRST meal after a fasting phase is as healthy as possible. I see my weight dropping every day, and the results are jaw dropping and gratifying for an impatient Aries like myself. (Note: my weight stayed the same on the one day that I had a huge portion of noodles and cream salmon sauce, therefore Do NOT eat a lot of simple carbs like noodles, white rice, bread, etc. Eat meat and veggies. This will make the diet even more effective. Even fatty meats and veggies will make you lose weight)

Good luck to all!

posted Nov 11th, 2009 4:01 am


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