Author Archives: Trey Copeland

NEW Probitrinol Review 2025 [WARNING]: Does It Really Work?

Probitrinol is a daily probiotic supplement made with natural ingredients that’s supposed to maintain optimum overall health. It made the top of the list of the Best Probiotic Pills of 2025. Their official website also states how it can help improve your immune function, prevent urinary tract infections, and help your digestive tract.

This company even provides information about how the pills work, and the benefits of the ingredients included in each pill. You can also read customers reviews about how the supplement has helped them, with customers talking about how these pills helped their digestive system and allowed them to overcome years-long gastrointestinal problems. Are these reports true? How can you tell if this supplement works or not? In this Probitrinol review you’ll learn why how well these pills rank in the top. You can find more information on the product’s official website:

Buy Probitrinol with 70% OFF

Probitrinol Quality Of Ingredients

One of the main things we noticed about Probitrinol is that all of its ingredients are natural, meaning there are no harsh chemicals or artificial additives. The result is a pill that won’t clutter up your body with unnecessary ingredients, and won’t cause harmful reactions due to the presence of hard-to-digest artificial ingredients.

Many probiotic supplements only promise to help your gut flora, but Probitrinol doesn’t stop there. It also promises to help your immune function, promote a healthy urinary tract, and help promote the growth of your body’s natural flora.

Another reassuring factor is the fact that this supplement was made in a cGMP-certified facility, meaning it surpasses the stringent Good Manufacturing Practices standards for ingredient purity and product quality. You can order Probitrinol at this link.

Discount Alert:

The official website Probitrinol is offering a limited time,
70% OFF promotional discount from 03/21/25 - 04/02/25

Probitrinol Ingredients and Side Effects
L. acidophilus B. lactis L. fermentum L. rhamnosus L. longum
S. thermophilus L. gasseri L. plantarum L. reuteri L. rhamnosus
L. salivarius L. casei B. coagulans L. paracasei L. bulgaricus
L. helveticus Prebiotic FOS Vegetable Cellulose Maltodextrin Silica

acidophilus: This popular strain of “good” bacteria is naturally found in the body and comes with lots of benefits including anti-aging, lowering cholesterol, and allergy relief. According to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, a supplement including L. acidophilus can provide a “beneficial outcome” for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.

lactis: Another popular probiotic, found in raw milk and is a component in cottage cheese. It’s supposed to be good for improving the digestion and improving immunity.

fermentum: This strain of bacteria is present in most all mammals, especially people, and is supposed to be a powerful factor in good digestion, as well as other health benefits. The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that this strain has “cholesterol-lowering effects.

rhamnosus: Another powerful probiotic that has been shown to have a positive correlation with cognitive function and immune health. It’s also been shown to prevent the fungal infection Candida, or candidiasis (National Institutes of Health).

You can learn more information about Probitrinol here.

longum: This bacteria is found naturally in the gastrointestinal tract, and has been shown to produce lactic acid, which helps curb the growth of “bad” bacteria that can harm your health (Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2006).

thermophilus: One of the ingredients in many types of yogurt, this strain has been demonstrated ot have an effect on reducing diarrhea suffered by people who have negative reactions to antibiotics (Digestive Diseases and Sciences).

gasseri: A common strain found commonly in women, this one has a unique effect: it supposedly can help with weight loss. In a study published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine, “[d]espite there being no change in behavior or diet, administration of only the supplement BNR17 [a form of L. gasseri] reduced weight and hip circumference” (Korean J Fam Med, 2025).

plantarum: Found in many food products like kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles, this bacteria helps the intestines retain their “permeability” – which allows them to absorb nutrients more efficiently (Gut Pathogens, 2025).

reuteri: Studied for its benefits to the intestinal tract, L. reuteri has been shown to reduce the duration of diarrhea (Ailment Pharmacol Ther, 2025), but has another benefit: dental health. That’s right: L. reuteri can help prevent tooth decay by “decreas[ing] the oral carriage of mutans streptococci” (Int. J Food Microbiol, 2004).

salivarius: Another beneficial bacteria that helps the body’s fight against infection, salivarius produces things called Bacteriocin-Like Inhibitory Substances (BLIS) which have antimicrobial properties (PloS ONE, 2025). At least one type of this strain is also supposed to coincide with lowered risks of strep throat, due to the fact this salivarius is often found in the mouth and upper respiratory tract (Future Microbiology, 2025).

casei: Considered a “superstar” in the world of probiotics, casei is found in lots of different fermented food and drink products including cheese, green olives, and yogurt. It’s considered useful for helping reduce symptoms of lactose intolerance, IBS, and constipation, and is good for helping the body fight against arthritis, dermatitis, respiratory infections, and other ailments (Healthline).

Prebiotic FOS: FOS, or “fructooligosaccharide” is a natural substance that provides the “fertilizer” for beneficial bacteria in your system, allowing them to grow and repopulate to healthy levels. Adding this to supplements increases the effectiveness by providing the optimal circumstances for probiotic bacteria to flourish.

Get Probitrinol at the lowest price from the official website,

The Price and Quality of Probitrinol

Right now, you can get a one-month bottle for $39.99 from the main website. Considering the huge amount of health benefits you can get out of this product, that’s a fantastic deal.

Not only are the ingredients naturally-derived and free of harsh artificial additives, they all come with scientifically-backed evidence that they can provide positive benefits to all areas of your body.

That’s right: while others probiotic supplements will sell you a product for the same price (and often much, much more) that only deals with your digestive system, instead Probitrinol gives you better digestive health in addition to this host of other benefits, which include improved immune function, oral health, microbe resistance, and even help treating IBS and constipation.

These other supplements generally offer you between 1 and 11 different probiotic strains, but Probitrinol gives you an astonishing 18 different strains for incredible results that you can see in all facets of life, from your skin to your mind, from your gastrointestinal tract to your immune health.

Business of Probitrinol

This product is made by a California-based company called 18Nutrition. Here are some ways that customers have to contact them:

Phone Number: (800) 614-1820

Address: 600 W 9th Street #611, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Email: [email protected]

This company offers a money-back guarantee for products that are returned in the first 30 days, with no questions asked. There are no auto-charge or auto-shipping policies with this company: you buy what you want to pay for.

The website gives a clear explanation of the product and the science behind it, and the company’s policies are clearly explained.

Customers have had a good experience with this company, with users reporting good customer service from their interactions with the company.

This company also has a good reputation with the Better Business Bureau, with no outstanding customer service claims made against them without resolution.

Customer Opinions of Probitrinol

As with many products, you can find customer reviews of Probitrinol online. Here’s a small sample:

“This is the best probiotic I’ve ever purchased!”

“I have fibromyalgia, and one side effect I have from it is IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). After two weeks of using Probitrinol, the IBS is gone!”

“I have horrible acid reflux, meaning I can’t usually eat after 5pm or I’ll never be able to sleep – but after taking Probitrinol, my digestive issues seem to be resolving!”

One customer reported that they had digestive issues that troubled them for over a decade, including constipation, discomfort, gas, and bloating. After taking Probitrinol as directed for a couple weeks, her issues seemed to totally disappear, a testament to how powerful this blend of probiotic strains can be when used properly.

Click here for more information about Probitrinol.

Conclusion – Does Probitrinol Work?

Probitrinol made the top of the list of the Best Probiotics of 2025. Not only are the ingredients high-grade and naturally-derived, but the pills are manufactured in a facility that’s inspected by the FDA and complies with cGMP standards for nutritional supplement purity and quality.

Not only are its ingredients high quality, but there are no side effects to speak of, so people who are hesitant to take a nutritional supplement for fear of the side effects has little to fear.

Customers also rave about how it’s helped them, not only by promoting better digestive health and ridding them of conditions like constipation and IBS, but also in increasing overall health and a sense of well-being. All the ingredients involved have been researched for their health benefits, and none are considered harmful.

Probitrinol also comes with a fantastic, industry-leading 30-day money-back guarantee which comes with no hidden fees. So even for customers who worry that the product might not work out for them, they don’t have to worry about wasting their money.

For the above-listed reasons, Probitrinol has rightly made it to the #1 spot on the list of the Best Diet Pills of 2025.

Vi-Alpha Review (UPDATED 2025): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Vi-Alpha is a male enhancement supplement used to prevent sexual anxiety, make erections easier to gain, and boost sexual endurance. They made it using in-house nutritionists who carefully selected the blend of ingredients, though no proof is ever provided.

We found out they are giving free supplements for 5 star reviews on Amazon, a shady business practice to make their brands seem better than they actually are. It’s formulated for generally healthy men and should be taken 30 minutes to an hour before sex. The blend of ingredients are described as being safe and proven to work. After looking at many types of male enhancement blends, Viritenz was considered the best. The ingredients and customer support are both great, and it works to improve both the mind and body. To get a better understanding on what made it the top rated male enhancement supplement, click here.

Vi-Alpha Ingredients and Side Effects


Asparagus Root Powder Ginkgo Leaf Extract Korean Panax Ginseng Fenugreek Watercress
Oat Straw Maca Broccoli Black Aged Garlic Silicon Dioxide
Gelatin Brown Rice Flour Magnesium Stearate    

Asparagus Root Powder: The root part of this vegetable has a rich amount of fiber which can aid digestion. This also has minerals, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It’s been used to help prevent inflammation and urinary tract infections.

Web MD concluded that the safety of it is unknown in:

“larger medicinal amounts”

Ginkgo Leaf Extract: Ancient herbal extract that’s been used for many intended benefits including boosting circulation, improving memory, supporting brain health, and even for the treatment of sexual problems.

Fenugreek: Herb used for its claimed benefits to libido and testosterone. Web MD does state that evidence is insufficient in determining if it can prevent infertility and sexual problems in men.

They’ve warned it may lead to:

  • Congestion, bloating, and gas.
  • Hypoventilation, allergies, and wheezing.

Watercress: A vegetable in the same family as broccoli. This is often used for its claimed anti-cancer benefits. It also has similar natural chemicals to broccoli such as diindolymethane which is used for testosterone enhancement.

Web MD does warn that when used for long periods or in heavy amounts this may cause:

“stomach upset or kidney problems”

Broccoli: A vegetable rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and the natural chemical diindolymethane. This may be useful for reducing estrogen, though it’s unknown what the total amount of diindolymethane is.

Black Aged Garlic: Fermented form of garlic that is used for its antioxidants which can boost the immune system and reduce the damage caused by stress. Typically ingredients like this are used to help reduce cortisol or stress levels, which when controlled support testosterone levels.

We provide a greater explanation on what the top 10 male enhancement supplements are and why in this link.

Vi-Alpha Quality of Ingredients

They claim this was selected by nutritionists but it’s still not a sign of quality. It’s good that they use potent aphrodisiacs like Maca, and wellness herbs like panax ginseng, and ginkgo biloba, but there isn’t much else included which would have a dramatic impact on male enhancement.

The marketing would have you think this is a really good supplement, but all their claims are never proven. Because there is very little added to it which can effect male enhancement, it ranks as a poor supplement.

Their website also admits while it’s formulated to be side effect free, users may have to deal with:

“heart burn, increased energy…. increased heart rate”

To get redirected to the top 10 male enhancement list, click here.

The Price and Quality of Vi-Alpha

A 15 day bottle is sold at $23. No returns are offered on open bottles. It would have been helpful had they given a basic explanation on why they choose these ingredients; they fail to give any insight into how the formula is meant to work, or what can be expected.

Many of the ingredients like the black aged garlic and watercress have to be better understood to know if the key chemicals in them actually work. The highest dosed ingredient is the black aged garlic at 2,000 mg, which may have antioxidant potential if it’s carefully extracted.

There are far too many undetermined issues which make it impossible to predict what may happen from taking this supplement.

Find male enhancement support from our top 10 rated list; click to be redirected.

Business of Vi-Alpha

They are Astral Nutrition Limited, their full contact information is:

Address: Unit 50, Team Valley Business Centre, Earlsway, Gateshead NE11 0QH
Phone Number: 44 (0) 191 3891 048
Email: [email protected]

You’re only allowed to make a return if the package is unopened and sent back within 14 days of purchase. It also must still be resealed, so if you get a single bottle you won’t be able to try it and see if it works for you.

Their terms and conditions also mention that if there are any issue the customer won’t be able to file a class action lawsuit. They also mention in the case of any claims or judgements, they also mention how any:

“out-of-pocket amount… will be limited”

So any money that the company spends in fighting any lawsuits will come out of the winnings awarded to the customer. You’d also be forced to do arbitration which:

“will take place in the UK”

These are really shady business practices that the company puts in place to protect themselves in case they cause any issues.

They also offer a free bottle of their supplements if a customer gives a previous bottle a 5 star rating on Amazon. This is not a good way to do business since customers who want free product are going to claim their supplements work. It cheats the purpose of providing a real reliable review and it’s a cheap way to make a supplement seem better than it actually is.

Find a simple understanding for what you’re best options are which can boost male enhancement by clicking this link.

Customer Opinions of Vi-Alpha

Unfortunately there wasn’t much feedback available online. Here’s a few of the only reviews we could find which are featured on the company’s official website:

“subtle impact… I was drunk so though it probably didn’t help”

“about as good as you can expect without visiting the doctor’s office”

“Rock hard and lasted longer”

Because we could only find reviews on the company’s website, it’s unknown if these can truly be trusted. With only 3 experiences to go on, it’s impossible to say if it’s actually as good as they would have you think it is.

This top 10 list was carefully selected after much review of many male enhancement supplements; learn about your options here.

How Does Vi-Alpha Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Vi-Alpha
  • 58/100
Conclusion – Does Vi-Alpha Work?

Vi-Alpha is a very poor supplement; all you get are claims about how effective it’s going to be without any evidence. They only make suggestions on how it can work, and they make it seem like it was carefully selected yet there is no proof. You also aren’t protected by a good money back return policy, only bottles which are untampered with can be sent back. Much of the ingredients are fairly basic, and they rely too much on additives which don’t have aphrodisiac benefits.

By doing extensive research into male enhancement products, we determined that Viritenz was the best option currently available. The ingredients are balanced and added in amounts which can potentially be useful at supporting healthy libido and overall sexual pleasure. They rely on ingredients which if you were to research; you’d find a lot of supporting evidence.

The customers who tried it said it invigorated their sex lives, making it easier to perform whenever the mood called for it. They even make it in a facility that it approved by the FDA, and which is tested to ensure quality. Only natural ingredients without fillers or stimulants of any kind are included. For a great understanding of why Viritenz was top ranked, we advise clicking here for the full review.

Amberen Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Amberen is a dietary supplement that treats symptoms of menopause. Amberen addresses a range of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and more.

Amberen is an over-the-counter solution that claims to naturally restore hormone balances without any side effects.

Amberen is also designed for all stages of menopause—from perimenopause to post-menopause.

We’ve found Femmetrinol most effectively helps users fight hot flashes, night sweats and more through a blend of herbal ingredients.

Click the link for a look at Femmetrinol and how it works. (more…)

Osteo Bi-Flex Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Osteo Bi-Flex is a joint health pill brand that claims it can boost the overall function of joints. They make a total of 9 different products in different strengths and each with slightly unique features.

This includes a triple strength, one a day, vitamin D, MSM version and much more. They claim that it’s a pharmacist recommended brand for treating but not curing joint pain. Depending on the product, results can come in quickly as 7 days. Our review experts have analyzed many joint health supplements and they’ve found the best overall is Flexitrinol. It’s a fast acting joint health product that customers and our review experts alike have found great benefits in. Learn more about the benefits of Flexitrinol by clicking the link here.

Osteo Bi-Flex Ingredients and Side Effects

Here are common ingredients added to their brands:

Chondroitin Sulfate Methylsulfonylmethane Collagen Boron Boswellia Serrata
Hyaluronic Acid Manganese Sulfate Vitamin C Glucosamine HCI Natural Palm Leaf Glaze

Chondroitin Sulfate: Chemical extract found in cartilage. It’s used to reduce the breakdown of cartilage which can keep joints working strong. Osteo Bi-Flex’s maximum strength only has a total of 225 mg per serving on their maximum strength, which is lower than other brands.

Methylsulfonylmethane: Extract taken from animals and green plants. It’s been used effectively for reducing joint inflammation and chronic pain.

Our review experts have crafted a list of the highest rated joint health supplements.

Boron: Mineral extract that is used to improve bone and mental health. In amounts added to most supplements it has been tested to be safe.

When found in foods and proper dosage strengths via supplements, it can promote the normal growth and overall health of the body.

Boswellia Serrata: Herb used in Ayurvedic medicine to fight inflammation. While studies have shown it to support joint health, has added:

“funded by the producers of the tested supplements”

So it’s possible for these clinical studies to be unfairly biased.

Hyaluronic Acid: Found naturally in the body, this helps to lubricate and cushion joints and tissues. Web MD has stated:

“LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth”

Only in few cases has it shown a possibility for rashes.

Glucosamine HCI: An amino acid sugar that is made in the human body. It provides a cushioning effect on the joints.

Glucosamine HCI is extracted from shellfish and capable of relieving minor pain.

Click on the link cited here for a list of the top ranked joint health supplements.

Osteo Bi-Flex Quality of Ingredients

There are many natural ingredients which have been shown to help with joint pain. The issue is that they often don’t add it in high dosage strengths, which makes it weaker than other products.

Even the Osteo Bi-Flex extra strengths products are added in fewer amounts than what other brands offer per serving. For example:

  • Chondroitin: Added in a blend of ingredients and amounting to somewhere around 1,103 mg in their triple strength formula. This makes it likely added in small amounts. A maximum strength version only contains 225 mg per serving.
  • Boswellia Serrata: In the triple strength formula there is only 100 mg per serving, mentions that between 800 to 1,200 mg are needed for an average dose.

Due to these lower amounts, it’s possible that even if you were taking the strongest versions of Osteo Bi-Flex products you won’t be receiving ingredients at their most potent.

They do use many good ingredients, but due to the lack of potency it’s not as effective as it could be. Discover which joint health supplements were rated as the best overall by clicking this link. has also looked at these brands and concluded:

“Stop using… if you have irregular heartbeats; or swelling in your legs”

They also mention that common side effects can include:

  • Nausea, stomach pain, and hair loss.
  • Puffy eyelids, bloating, and gas.
  • Constipation and diarrhea.

There is a possibility for many different side effects, some of which require you to stop taking them immediately.

Those with the following conditions are advised to seek the recommendation of a healthcare professional before taking:

  • High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • Asthma, an allergy to shellfish, and bleeding disorders.

This makes it important to proceed with caution before considering Osteo Bi-Flex.

The Price and Quality of Osteo Bi-Flex

Purchases can be made from many online retailers and places where supplements are sold.

Prices can also vary depending on which specific brand is chosen. Here are the prices to each brand currently on

  • Triple strength 120 tablets: $18.04 for a 60 day supply.
  • Advanced MSM 120 caplets: $6.97 for a 30 day supply.
  • One a day 60 tablets: $18.10 for a 60 day supply.
  • Herbal formula 80 capsules: $6.98 for a 40 day supply.
  • Joint and Bone 74 tablets: $24.00 for a 37 day supply.
  • Ease 28 tablets: $17.08 for a 28 day supply.

The main issue with these brands is that even the strongest one isn’t as potent as the best joint health supplements. There is also a possibility for side effects and people with certain health conditions are not advised to supplement.

A claim is made that people often see results within 7 days of use. In reading the fine print it’s revealed that this is for one sole ingredient called 5-Loxin, which is a patented version of boswellia serrata extract.

This study was flawed however as it was funded by the manufacturers of this patent which could be potentially biased.

Yes another issue is that while boswellia serrata has been shown to be effective, Osteo Bi-Flex adds it in small amounts. This makes it less likely to have an impact on improving joint health.

Click the link here for a comprehensive list of the top ranked joint health supplements.

Business of Osteo Bi-Flex

The company behind Osteo Bi-Flex is called PL Thomas – Laila Nutra, LLC and their contact information is:

Phone Number: 1-888-848-2335

Address: 2100 Smithtown Avenue

Ronkonkoma, New York 11779

Email: [email protected]

A contact form is also listed on their official website for direct messages.

They specialize in herbal nutraceuticals and they’re made up of a combination of 2 major businesses that recently joined together.

No information exists on whether or not they offer a money back return policy, so it’s unlikely they offer returns. No other information is listed on any websites such as the Better Business Bureau, so it’s unknown how they handle customer concerns.

Typically a company this large should have some sort of customer feedback, so it’s likely they have not had any serious issues.

Customer Opinions of Osteo Bi-Flex

Here are some select reviews taken from users:

“started to experience GERD flare-ups and once I stopped taking it my esophageal burning disappeared”

“it improved my arthritic problems in my hands but it takes some time to work”

“didn’t really work that well, still experiencing elbow and knee pain”

“started feeling rising headaches especially near the back of my head and neck”

There were mixed reviews from people who either experienced no change, some benefits, great benefits, and or side effects. The kinds of side effects experienced included:

  • Headaches, nausea, and stomach pain.
  • Difficulty eating, throat discomfort, and burning in the throat.
  • Diarrhea, indigestion, and feeling of fullness.

Those that did have negative experiences mention they felt normal as soon as they stopped taking their chosen version.

No matter which brand was reviewed, each one had the same kinds of issues and effects according to users. This is likely since the formulas are essentially the same with minor additions and different dosage strengths.

For a comprehensive listing of the top ranked joint health products, click on the link cited.

How Does Osteo Bi-Flex Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Osteo Bi-Flex
  • 30/100
Conclusion – Does Osteo Bi-Flex Work?

Osteo Bi-Flex makes a wide assortment of joint health products in varying strengths and with slightly different ingredients. While this provides variety, they often fail to add significant amounts of key ingredients such as chondroitin and boswelia serrata. This makes it unlikely to work as effectively as other joint health supplements. There were also mixed reviews from people who either did notice a difference, or those who felt it was a waste of money or that it promoted side effects.

There’s also no mention of a money back guarantee which likely makes all sales final. Prices can vary wildly between each specific brand and the manufacturers often fail to add sufficient dosage strengths for most of their products.

By reviewing many joint health supplements our experts have found Flexitrinol was the most effective. It has the right amount of ingredients at dosage strength preferable for reducing joint pain. Many customers have benefited from its potent mixture of ingredients.

Flexitrinol is also manufactured in a GMP certified facility to ensure routine quality and potency. This is a way for 3rd party inspections to ensure that the ingredients are made in a safe and clean facility. It also guarantees that there are strict policies on ensuring routine inspections. Discover more about the benefits of Flexitrinol by visiting the link here.

Kremotex Review (UPDATED 2025): Does This Anti-Aging Solution Work?

What is it?

Kremotex is an anti-aging skin cream made with ingredients known to promote healthy and more youthful skin. It accomplishes this by smoothing wrinkles, managing skin tone, and strengthening skin with just one single formula.

Both old and young can use this since it protects and improves collagen. Collagen is skin protein which over time naturally breaks down. Kremotex has natural ingredients that help stimulate and nourish skin to protect against environmental factors as well as the aging process. This is why it was rated as the best by our review experts. It features an affordable solution made with the most up to date ingredients for anti-aging support. You can find more information on their official website

Buy KREMOTEX with 70% OFF

Discount Alert:

The official website Kremotex is offering a limited time,
70% OFF promotional discount from 03/21/25 - 04/02/25


How Does it Work?

Collagen and stem cells are essential in ensuring proper skin health. Collagen provides support and maintains:

  • Durable, strong, plump, smooth, and healthy skin.

Stem cells serve a function in the body by signaling commands to either grow or divide. Skin stem cells naturally decline and breakdown overtime which can damage the skin causing an unhealthy appearance.

When skin stem cells are introduced they can help provide new life into once damaged skin.

Both collagen and stem cells combined can promote improved skin health by working deep within the DNA of skin, helping to revive and rebuild healthy skin.

Kremotex Ingredients and Side Effects

Here are some select ingredients that provide benefits:

Purified Water Glycerin Paraffinum Liquidum Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil
Sodium Lactate Stearic Acid Steareth-20 Alpha Arbutin
Niacinamide Panthenol Xanthan Gum Fragrance
Phenoxyethanol Benzoic Acid EDTA Potassium Sorbate
Malus Domestica Fruit (Stem Cell) Extract Iris Padilla  Leaf (Stem Cell) Extract Carbomer Lecithin
Benzoic Acid Nymphaea Caerulea Leaf (Stem Cell) Extract
Malus Domestica Fruit (Stem Cell) Extract: Plant cell extract which is added to help regenerate healthy skin tissue. This comes from a Swiss apple strain and is known to have effective metabolites which can deliver effects.Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil: Jojoba seed extract which is rich in polyunsaturated fats. This can be used to help increase moisture, and reduce the likelihood of breakouts or clogged skin. This is different from other similar fats, as it is less likely to leave a greasy feeling. It is also highly stable, and able to resist the natural breakdown that other fats can have.Iris Padilla  Leaf (Stem Cell) Extract: Natural flower stem cell that is added to help create healthy skin tissue regeneration.Nymphaea Caerulea Leaf (Stem Cell) Extract: A water lily that has a high amount of healthy antioxidants, which can help reduce the breakdown of healthy skin tissue.

Glycerin: Extract often taken from plant oils which helps moisturize skin and prevent moisture from escaping.

You can order Kremotex skincare with a 70% discount here.

These ingredients have been shown to not only be safe, but also capable of providing benefits such as:

  • Improved skin texture, feel, color, tone, and overall appearance.
  • Reduced discoloration, redness, dark spots, visible pores, blotches, crow’s feet, and wrinkles.
  • Protect against humidity, pollution, UV rays, aging, and moisture loss.
  • Substitute invasive, costly, and often painful surgery or Botox injections which are known to potentially cause serious side effects.

These ingredients have also been shown to be safe and useful for even sensitive skin. An interesting feature of this brand is it actually uses newly discovered ingredients that aren’t often found in other anti-aging creams.

This fact shows how the manufacturers have done their research to ensure only the best ingredients are included.

It provides a powerhouse of natural ingredients which on their own would be beneficial, but together help to maximize the look and feel of healthy skin without having to add potentially damaging ingredients.

Click here to get more information about Kremotex.

Kremotex Quality of Ingredients

It’s clear from reading all the ingredients that the formula was carefully selected to provide real anti-aging benefits. There’s no cheap food coloring, preservatives, or unnecessary filler additives that are used to substitute more wholesome ingredients.

Each ingredient serves a purpose and has studies to show they’re great for not just improving the appearance of skin, but also protecting against inevitable issues such as:

  • Aging, sun exposure, pollution, and tissue damage. These all combine together to cause damage and within time can cause noticeable changes to the appearance and feel of skin.

This makes it usable for those who already show signs of aging, as well as people looking to prevent any future potential issues. These benefits are unique to this brand as some anti-aging creams only work to protect skin but cannot do anything about already damaged skin.

Only quality ingredients are added which can help promote significant health benefits to skin.

Click on the link here to see why Kremotex skincare was rated so high.

The Price and Quality of Kremotex

Kremotex provides a full one month supply per 1.oz container for $79.99. Extra discounts and even free bottles are offered with bulk purchases that include:

  • 3 month supply with 1 free bottle which averages $59.90 each container.
  • 5 month supply with 2 free bottles which averages $49.99 each container.

No auto-shipment policies are provided to ensure customers aren’t automatically charged for unsolicited products. Instead a policy of buy more to save more is offered.

For the kinds of ingredients used, all of which have been shown to help provide numerous benefits, the pricing is more than fair. Some brands will provide less than half of the beneficial ingredients and still charge much more.

The official website clearly outlines the benefits through different stages:

  • Day 1-30: Skin becomes tighter and moister.
  • Day 31-60: Collagen is boosted which reduces fine lines, crow’s feet, wrinkles, and tightens skin.
  • Day 61-90: Skin is now less wrinkly while staying firmer and more vibrant. These benefits extend with repeat use after the 90 days are up.

Fortunately as you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Kremotex” section, people noticed all these results in a quicker amount of time.

This makes it a greatly accordable anti-aging cream considering the high quality ingredients added. The official website also states:

“designed and proven to start working on a molecular level right way but you will see noticeable results in just as little as four weeks”

This is due to ingredients like stem cells. Both work deep in the skin to send signals that can help nourish skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Another great benefit to this brand is that it puts many potent ingredients in one formula. Certain brands will provide anti-wrinkle defense and support but only if you mix and match different products.

Instead Kremotex reduces the overall cost as you have all around skincare benefits from one single source. This is likely why the company mentions that this can be an alternative to expensive and complicated Botox injections.

Business of Kremotex

The company is known as Beauty Blast Inc. and their contact information is:

Address: 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90045

All sales can be made from the official website which offers discounts on bulk purchases. Information about what they do, how they operate, and even a full ingredients list is featured on the official website. Not all companies provide an ingredients list for users to review.

A comprehensive 100%, 30 day money back guarantee is also offered with no questions asked.

They also manufacture their ingredients in a certified GMP facility. This ensures that it’s made in a clean, safe, and 3rd party reviewed facility.

The company is transparent about how they operate and there were no lawsuits, FDA issues, or any complaints from customers about their customer service. Users were more than satisfied to make purchases from the company. Visit the link provided to see which anti-aging creams were listed in the top 10.


Kremotex does not offer any auto shipment practice. Instead, the company will offer discounts on bulk purchases.

The benefit of this is that they will not keep one’s credit card on file, so there is no fear of sudden unrequested charges.

There are certain anti-wrinkle companies which will offer discounted rates for those who sign up for an auto shipment policy. The issue is that there are untrustworthy businesses which will continue to charge users even for unsolicited brands.

This will often lock people into month to month contracts which cannot be escaped from. So customers will continue to have to pay for a product they didn’t first approve of.

What often happens is that other companies will say all you have to pay is shipping and handling, but hidden in their terms and conditions is a contract which states they will continue to charge their standard rate each month if one does not cancel within a certain time frame.

The issue with this is that certain companies will charge regardless, even if one tries to cancel beforehand. Fortunately, Kremotex does not engage in these kinds of hidden automatic billing charges.

Customer Opinions of Kremotex

Featured below are select reviews from online users:

“Something in this makes a huge difference for me”

“I highly recommend everyone to try this cream!”

“I started seeing results in just 3 weeks!! I’m so in love”

“I get mistaken for someone 5-8 years younger”

Only positive reviews were found online. It not only lived up to its claims, but people also experienced real changes that surpassed their expectations.

Before and after photos on the official website also revealed significant changes in the appearance of skin. This comes from people who have tried other anti-aging creams, but that didn’t experience the results they were looking for.

People often add how they experienced results quickly, and they highly recommended others to try it. Some even added how they noticed results much quicker than the suggested roughly 4 week mark.

Conclusion – Does Kremotex Work?

There’s good reason why Kremotex was rated by our experts and customers alike as the best anti-aging cream. Not only did it deliver on what was promised, but they exceeded customer expectations. Impressive before and after photos showcase how effective and beneficial it is. The ingredients reveal exactly why it’s been shown to promote healthier skin. There’s natural extracts such as stem cells, jojoba seed oil, olive fruit oil and more which have been shown to promote healthy skin.

Each ingredient added has an important purpose and can help to improve overall skin health. It works for both young and old alike as it’s not only preventative against skin damage, but it can also improve the appearance of things like:

  • Crows feet, dark spots, redness, sagging, dark circles, dryness, and wrinkles.

No animal testing is performed and there’s also a 30 day money back guarantee. In researching ingredients for anti-aging creams, Kremotex had the most well-rounded and newly developed ingredients for improving skin health. Visit the official website to learn more about Kremotex.

Advanced Dermatology Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Advanced Dermatology is an anti-aging brand made with active ingredients to help make plump, youthful, firm, and denser skin. This is made possible by its formula which was created as an alternative to costly and painful botox.

A total of 6 products are offered:

    • Super Youth Serum.


Juice Plus+ Review: Does This Supplement Really Work?

What is it?

Juice Plus is a brand that sells powders and capsules that are designed to supply the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables in a quick, easy fashion. The product states that it is intended to provide the nutrition the user needs for a healthy diet but doesn’t necessarily eat daily.

The formula that makes up the product features over 20 different fruits, vegetables, and nutrients that are key for a healthy diet all in the form of a capsule. It states that it is the next best thing to actually eating fruits and vegetables.

The top diet supplement on the market has been named as 18Shake, ranking ahead of several other competitors. Review experts were tasked with evaluating all the dietary supplements on the market and found that 18Shake’s formula and effectiveness was unmatched. If you would like to learn more about 18Shake then just follow this link.

Juice Plus+ Ingredients 

Here are all the ingredients that are included in the Garden Blend version of the product:

Carrot Parsley Broccoli Spinach Kale Tomato Garlic
Oat Bran Rice Bran Beet Cabbage Gelatin Glucomannan Calcium ascorbate
Natural Tocopherol Blend Natural Carotenoid Blend Calcium Carbonate Sprinulina Natural Enzyme Blend Folic Acid Lactobacillus Acidophilus

The product website allows the user to view the full list of ingredients used in each of their featured blends, and also makes the supplement facts label available, which lists some of the specific dosage information that was used for some of the ingredients.

For most of the fruits and vegetables that are included all it states is that it was derived from the pulp of those fruits and vegetables.

Quality of Juice Plus+ Ingredients 

Rice Bran: A plant of which the bran can be used for medicine and is also a part of healthy diet. It has many potentially uses health-wise, such as treating high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Furthermore, it also can strengthen the immune system and increase energy which can lead to better athletic performance.

Kale: A leafy vegetable that is becoming increasingly popular as a healthy source of food. It functions as an antioxidant and can be used to treat breast cancer, heart disease, colitis, constipation, and diabetes among other things. Additionally, it is believed to contain chemicals that can prevent cancer.

Broccoli: A vegetable of which the parts that grow above ground are used to make medicine. It can be used to prevent different kinds of cancers, such as prostate, breast, colon, and stomach. Furthermore, it can help regulate and boost the immune system and its ability to fight off disease.

There is no question that Juice Plus utilizes a lot of quality ingredients that are key to a healthy diet, but independent studies have shown that it offers far less nutritional value than most multivitamins. Many multivitamins that are available online or even in stores are much more affordable than what Juice Plus charges and can provide far more nutrients.

Follow this link to learn more about the top meal replacement shake by clicking here to view information about 18Shake.

The Price of Juice Plus+

Juice PlusThrough the Juice Plus website, though it is a bit unclear, it seems that there is only one option for purchasing their product. They offer it as a monthly auto-renewal program in which you are charged $44.50 a month for four months. They handle shipping and handling, which equates to a total of $178. They also offer a 100% money-back guarantee on your last shipment.

In exchange, you receive a four months’ supply of the product, 240 capsules a piece of Orchard and Garden blend capsules, of which two are supposed to be taken each day. It is also sold through Amazon as a one-time purchase price of $134.99, also with free-shipping, though they state that they only have a few left in stock.

These prices do not compare favorably to many other supplements that are currently on the market, particularly given that many other supplements or multivitamins will provide more nutritional value for less money, and they do not require that the user to commit to a monthly auto-pay system.

Juice Plus+ Intended Benefits

Here are some of the benefits that are promoted by the product:

  • Makes achieving a healthy diet simpler
  • It can save you money
  • Can help user maintain or lose weight
  • Provides vitamins and antioxidants
  • Can start user on the road to a happier and healthier life.

Although it may just be two capsules a day, the manufacturer claims that Juice Plus is a key on the road to a balanced and healthier lifestyle. Because eating healthy consistently can be expensive and time consuming with all the preparation and cooking, the product actually allows the user more time to balance and improve their lives in other ways.

According to them, time that used to have to be devoted to cooking can now be used for other aspects of maintaining a healthy and balanced life, such as exercise, rest, and personal relationships.

Additionally, their formula that is full of vitamins and antioxidants, that can keep the user’s body healthy by strengthening their immune system and making them more resistant to illness and germs, while also helping the body to function more regularly and efficiently. With the body functioning at closer to its capacity, it can achieve more in several areas of life.

Only some of these benefits have actually been backed up by independent clinical studies, many of which found that it had the most substantial effect on younger boys who struggle with obesity or an unhealthy diet. The benefits were less noticeable and defined within adult users and could all be found or replicated with easily attainable or cheaper multi-vitamins or supplements.

If you are looking for a dietary supplement to fill in the gaps of your healthy diet, then click here to learn about 18Shake.

The Science Behind Juice Plus+

Juice Plus touts several clinical studies on their website from a variety of different universities throughout the country, all of which attempt to sell the benefits of the product, but if you look closely you’ll find that all the clinical studies were funded by Juice Plus themselves. It is difficult to trust the validity of clinical studies that are funded by what is being studied.

Most independent studies and reviews of the product have come to different conclusions. Specifically, that while Juice Plus does hold some benefit health wise, it cannot replace the value of actually eating fruits and vegetables. The company essentially admits this when they state that it is the goal of the product to bridge the gap between what you should be eating and what you are eating. But research has shown that it only provides small amounts of a handful of nutrients, while a generic multivitamin will can provide over 30 nutrients to the user, and they also disclose the quantities and specific dosages of the nutrients that they are providing.

Business of Juice Plus 

The product is formulated and manufactured by The Juice Plus+ company. They make their contact details clear through their website, along with their company terms and policies:

Address: The Juice Plus+ Company, 140 Crescent Drive, Collierville, TN 38017

Phone Number: 800-347-6350

Email: [email protected]

The company has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau and their page features only a handful of complaints from over the years. It does not appear that they are currently involved in any lawsuits or litigation.

It does appear that many consumers felt that they were misled by the amount of the product that they thought they were going to receive, believing that they were going to receive four bottles of the product and only receiving two.

The top diet supplement was named 18Shake by a group of review experts, click here to find out more about it.

Customer Opinions of Juice Plus 

As with any multilevel marketing company, it’s important to watch out for exaggerated and fake reviews from salesmen.

Here are a few verified customer reviews:

“This is a total rip off” 

“shake seems to create horrible gas” 

“Horrible gas and stomach upset” 

“Couldn’t finish it! Nasty!!” 

Side effects related to stomach health are often listed. People mention it left them bloated, full of gas, and very uncomfortable.

There was concern over the price. People felt for what’s offered, it’s much too overpriced.

Customer Opinions

There is a large amount of customer reactions to the product that can be located online. There are over a hundred customer reviews that are currently posted to the products Amazon page, and the reactions are decidedly mixed to negative. Here a just a few of the things that consumers had to say about the product:

“I completely disliked this product. It claims to give you more energy and help with acne issues. It didn’t do either for me.”

“I followed the usage directions for a couple of days, and both times it made me sick to my stomach. I had to return it for a refund.”

“It doesn’t live up to its description, I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks now and have seen no difference in my body”

For those of you who are looking to improve your diet through a supplement, look into 18shake. Follow this link to learn more about it.

How Does Juice Plus Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Juice Plus
  • 39 /100

Juice Plus+ claims to features a wide-ranging, health conscious formula with big ambitions about improving the lives their users. There is a lot of debate within the science and health community regarding Juice Plus’ value as a supplement and its claims to a healthier life. In conclusion, let’s examine some of their main claims and their validity:

Provides essential vitamins and nutrients: Juice Plus states that it provides essential vitamins and nutrients that can be missed when eating on the go or not taking the time to prepare healthy, balanced meals. Unfortunately, independent studies and examinations of the product have shown that they amount of nutrients it provides is dwarfed by many other affordable supplements that are currently on the market.

It is simple and time saving: The reason it can be so difficult to eat healthy is the time that it takes to shop, prepare, cook, and serves a balanced meal. Juice Plus can potentially save you time from having to prepare balanced meals consistently, but eating fruits and vegetables or taking a more effective multi-vitamin or supplement saves just as much time.

Can potentially benefit other areas of your life: By saving time and money associated with eating healthy balanced meals, the user can devote more time to beneficial areas such as exercise, rest, relationships, or hobbies. While this is all true, it is not unique just to Juice Plus, which can provide all the same benefits for less of the cost.

Manufactured and sold by a reputable company: The company behind Juice plus holds a solid reputation online for quality customer service and trustworthiness. They have a solid reputation with the Better Business Bureau through which they are accredited with the exception of the occasional consumer complaint.

Can save you money: Technically this could be true when compared to the amount of money one would have to spend to consistently purchase food that makes up a healthy balanced diet, but as many have pointed out, it actually is more expensive that simply buying a range of many fruits and vegetables or several other diet supplements.

18Shake is currently the top ranked sleep aid that is on the market because of its strong base of satisfied customers and a formula that has shown to be strong and effective. It can provide nutrients that you may be missing from your diet and is simple and easy to use.

All the ingredients in 18Shake have been tested by third parties for their safety and effectiveness, and, of course, the it is produced in a GMP certified facility. To learn more about 18Shake and how it can help you, simply click here.

Teami Review: Does it Work?

What is it? 

Teami is a diet plan system offering tea blends made to help you lose weight with a laxative and stimulant effect. Their Teami formula is made to help increase metabolism and energy, while reducing the risk for bloating.

Much like many other teas, these formulas are made without dairy, soy, or GMO ingredients. They also mention how it’s all-natural, though this is also common to other teas. The company has a large following on Instagram, and they use a lot of fitness models to advertise their products. So is this diet plan effective for weight loss? What kinds of results are possible, and is it safe? You’ll learn all you need to know to make an informed decision in this review.

Teami Ingredients and Side Effects 

Hear are are the ingredients to each of their teas, the colon and skinny formula which are separated:

Oolong Yerba Mate Lime Leaf Extract Lotus Leaf Ginger Root
Dandelion Leaf Rhubarb Root Senna Leaf & Root Hawthorn Berry Extract Psyllium Husk Seed
Phaseolus Calcaratus Seed Valerian Root Poria Cocos Stem Bark

teamiphotoOolong: Made from the same plant as green and black tea, this is partially fermented.

It not only has caffeine, but also theobromine and theophylline, which stimulate the central nervous system.

It is also used to increase mental alertness and metabolism. Side effects are possible and they include:

  • Heartburn and rapid heart rate. 
  • Jitters, convulsions, and involuntary spasms. 
  • Irritability and mood swings. 
  • Sleep disturbances and restlessness. 
  • Headaches and vomiting. 

Web MD mentions that users:

“should not drink oolong tea with other stimulants” 

“could cause serious heart problems” 

This makes it important to watch out for any side effects, and to limit use. 

Yerba Mate: Plant made to use tea; it stimulates the brain, heart, and blood vessels.  It can produce the same kinds of side effects that were listed in the Oolong section.

Web MD also mentions that taking this for a long time or in large quantities is:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE. It increases the risk of mouth, esophageal, laryngeal, kidney, bladder, and lung cancer.” 

Therefore, it’s not a long-term solution for weight loss. It can have serious potential side effects through its stimulants and the potential risk for cancer.

Dandelion Root: Herb that is used to reduce swelling while increasing urine production. Though there’s not enough evidence to prove these claims according to Web MD.

The University of Maryland Medical Center also confirms:

“there have not been any quality scientific studies on dandelion” 

“dandelion can cause increased stomach acid and heartburn” 

It’s also known to increase hunger as well. Without much evidence to go on, it’s unknown if this is a safe diuretic.

Rhubarb Root: A plant that’s used to treat digestive issues. It’s commonly added to foods as a way to add flavor. Possible side effects can include:

  • Stomach pain. 
  • Heartburn. 
  • Constipation or diarrhea. 
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding. 

Long-term use has also been associated with irregular heart rhythm, muscle weakness, potassium and bone loss, and kidney failure.

Hawthorne Berry: Used to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and to improve blood flow. Extracts from this plant contain antioxidants.

It’s known to potentially interact negatively with medications. Possible side effects are many and they include:

  • Headaches and dizziness. 
  • Insomnia. 
  • Nosebleeds. 
  • Fatigue. 
  • Palpitations. 

It’s also not advised to take this if one has any heart conditions, due to the increased risk for side effects.

Psyllium Husk Seed: Seeds of this plant are used to cook with due to its fiber, and it’s also a treatment for constipation.

In certain people it can have allergic reactions as well as side effects. The FDA also states that his is a choking hazard:

“Esophageal obstruction and asphyxiation… are significant health risks” 

This risk is increased if there are not enough fluids. It’s advised to always take this with sufficient fluids. Though it can also cause a lack of absorption of minerals and vitamins.

This can also target water-soluble vitamins that can be flushed out with this ingredient.

Phaseolus Calcaratus: Also known as rice bean, this ingredient is eaten as a food, though it’s known for causing flatulence unless properly cooked.

It’s considered a high protein source, though not much information exists on this ingredient in tea form.

Poria Cocos Stem Bark: This is a fungus that is used to teat diarrhea and GI bleeding. Web MD adds how:

“it hasn’t been well researched by scientists” 

So it’s unknown if this would be safe for short or long-term consumption.

Valerian Root: Often used to treat anxiety and insomnia. It’s unknown exactly how this works. In some people this may have the reverse effect, and it can increase anxiety.

Teami Quality Of Ingredients 

TeamiThere’s many laxative ingredients added to this that may make going to the bathroom more common.

Though this is not the healthiest solution to weight loss. Live confirms this by saying:

“Regularly taking laxatives in an attempt to lose weight can have potentially fatal consequences” 

It’s also not a long-term solution to weight loss. One ends up losing a lot of vitamins, minerals, fluids and electrolytes.  This can require extra supplementation in order to make up for what’s lost.

Live Strong also mentions:

“weight lost while taking laxatives is just water… will quickly return once you stop” 

There’s also the use of understudied ingredients, which haven’t been proven such as porio cocos stem bark and valerian root. Taking these can potentially increase the risk for side effects.

It also relies on stimulants to make weight loss happen. Unfortunately, the added caffeine can produce many side effects.  Relying on caffeine for weight loss is not recommend, since it’s effects after repeat use are limited to just sleep loss.

The Price and Quality of Teami 

One 30-day pack costs $49.99. This is essentially a mixture of teas, so it’s quite expensive for what you’re getting.

While the caffeine found in this tea can improve metabolism, this effect is not long lasting. Routine use of it is linked to a lack of benefits as reports:

“to the point where the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti-sleep effect.”

Other ingredients in this formula are for reducing the amount of water the body stores, as well as laxatives for increasing bowel movements. This combination isn’t a long-term solution for weight loss. It’s also not a fat loss solution; it’s only meant to get rid of fluids.

Real fat loss isn’t seen through heavy laxatives and diuretics.

It’s also not a long term or cheap approach to weight loss. Much more cost affordable options exist for weight loss.

Business of Teami 

Teami Blends owns this company, and they can be reached via:

Phone Number: (888) 803-0169 

Email: [email protected]

They operate out of Miami, Florida, but they don’t add an address.

There’s a few negative reviews listed on the companies Better Business Bureau page:

“Never received product but was charged” 

“never received the product I ordered, even after contacting the company” 

“they provide no info on returns” 

Many were disgruntled to see that they couldn’t make a return. There have also been complaints on how the company operates, these customers couldn’t find any customer service support.

Customer Opinions of Teami 

There’s many reviews available online. Here’s what customers have had to say:

“tea is disgusting and it also caused me to break out into hives” 

“thoroughly regret spending this kind of money on this product” 

“I was running to the bathroom every hour the next day” 

“no weight loss, no loss of inches in tummy area” 

There was a lack of weight loss benefits as well as many side effects for several customers. Some didn’t like the taste of the teas, and others claimed it was bland and unpleasant to drink.

Several users also experienced serious bathroom issues including diarrhea, frequent bathroom use, and watery loose stools.

How Does Teami Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Teami
  • 33 /100
Conclusion – Does Teami Work?

You might get the urge to try Teami after hearing about all its claimed benefits. Though the tea can produce some short-term stimulatory effects because of the caffeine, it’s also not a long-term solution. It’s also known to potentially cause side effects that include rapid heart rate, mood swings, and insomnia. This can actually make weight loss even harder.

Worst of all is the laxative like effects from most of the ingredients. Many customers also agree, it caused issues that included frequent bathroom trips, diarrhea, and other symptoms. The best solution for weight loss is a plan that doesn’t include stimulants and laxatives.

The best diet plan out now goes by the name of 18 Diet Plan. Not only is it specially formulated to help with weight loss, but also users agree, it’s a great solution for fast results.

The 18 Diet plan combines a wholesome meal replacement, all natural supplement, and eBook for meal replacement tips. This comes without any harsh ingredients that only bring about short-term results. This plan is a solution for long lasting results that are side effect free.

WeightNot Review: Does it Work?

What is it? 

WeightNot is a weight loss diet plan made to help people through natural foods, supplements, coaching, and online tools. They claim to offer fast and healthy results, through a full lifestyle change.

Their program is offered in 3 unique stages. The first is for detoxification, the second is to reset ones metabolism, and the 3rd is for restoring digestive health. There are a lot of layers to each stage, and it’s offered in 2 versions, with one offering even faster results. They claim losing weight quickly is the best solution for long-term weight loss. Are there any benefits to using the WeightNot plan? What kinds of results have customers experienced? You’ll learn everything you need to know about WeightNot in this review.

WeightNot Ingredients and Side Effects 

A long list of supplements are offered, though the company does not offer a list of these ingredients until after you purchase one of their plans.

Although they claim it’s all natural, stimulant free, and prescription free, it’s still important to know what kind of ingredients are used.

Ingredients even if natural have to be added in specific amounts. There’s a potential for unwanted side effects when you take random amounts of ingredients.

WeightNot Quality Of Ingredients 

WeightNotIt’s impossible to determine the quality without first looking at the ingredients.

Customers mentioned online that there’s a detox blend, a supplement for liver health, and fiber blends. Though it’s never revealed exactly what’s inside and in what amounts.  There are also other supplements but it’s unknown what they’re for.

Web MD advises to:

“keep in mind that research gives many of them (supplements) mixed reviews” 

“In some cases, there isn’t a lot of science to back up the claims and some have health risks” 

Therefore, it’s critically important to know what you’re getting before you make a purchase. The possibility for side effects is a major issue, and investing money into random supplements is not advised.

It truly doesn’t make sense to purchase a full package without first knowing what you’re getting.

The Price and Quality of WeightNot 

There’s 2 separate programs offered, and each one has a different price:

Fast Thintervention “Reflex”: Sold for $5 a day and comes with:

  • Email and online support, including apps and access to forums. 
  • Collection of recipes and information about dieting stages. 
  • Tips for exercise and nutrition. 

To begin using this program you have to sign up for at least a month long trial. So a 30-day would cost $150. 

Faster Thintervention “Intensive”: This is sold for $10 a day. It combines all the features from the Reflex program, but it includes extra tools:

  • Faster detox plan. 
  • Phone or video coaching. 
  • Text and phone support. 
  • A menu made specifically for one’s needs. 
  • Advanced diet sequence 

This plan is only available for a minimum of 2 to 6 months. So at it’s longest it can cost upwards of $1,600 or more, and that’s without adding taxes. Some customers also mentioned that they paid around $2,000 for this service.

Also, a lot of the support isn’t thoroughly explained. They fail to mention what kind of certification the coaches who offer support have. It’s unknown if the text and video support are actually from certified dieticians.

Taking advice from someone who doesn’t know about health isn’t recommended. Also, taking online and phone advice isn’t as valuable as direct one on one support.

The help offered is also not described in detail. It’s unknown what they mean by “Advanced diet sequence”, and they fail to properly describe their detox plan.

The reason for the lack of information is because the company is holding unto their diet advice, expecting potential users to purchase these plans on the good faith of the company. It’s because of this that this diet plan isn’t of very good quality. You just won’t know before you go into it what it calls for.

According to customers:

“The bulk of the program actually sees you on an 810 calorie per day diet” 

“a good deal of these calories come from the various supplements you take” 

So you’re greatly restricted to a minimal amount of calories. Unfortunately, this is not a long-term solution to weight loss as the diet suggests.

Web MD mentions that this kind of dieting:

“in the long-run, very low-calorie diets aren’t more effective than more modest diets” 

This goes against the company’s claims that this is a long-term solution for weight loss. Web MD also adds: 

“Very low-calorie diets are not ok for everyone” 

They advise you talk to your doctor before limiting yourself to the amount of calories allowed by this plan.  So the recommendation that this plan is safe for everyone is also not true. Taking the advice of the customer support staff is also not advised, as they are not certified to hand out dietary advice.

Business of WeightNot 

The name of the company is also WeightNot; they have customer support staff available via:

Phone Number: (855) 934-4486 

Address: 7801 Norfolk Ave, Suite 115

Bethesda, Maryland 20814 

Email: [email protected]

They have multiple negative reviews on the way they handle customers. They are also featured on the website Scambook as well as the Better Business Bureau website. Here’s what people have had to say:

“received a charge on my credit card without my knowledge” 

“have not heard a word since I ordered” 

“extremely rude and condescending towards me” 

“trying desperately to resolve the issue with the merchant” 

Several customers were extremely disappointed with the company. Many have had to argue with the staff due to their bad attitudes and lack of support.

They also do not offer a money back guarantee, so once you’re locked into a contract you have to deal with what’s given. Many mention that they couldn’t take their supplements due to their doctor’s orders, even though the customer representatives claim their supplements would be OK to use.

There were complaints about being deceived and offered health advice from people who have no background in health and nutrition. This can be potentially dangerous especially when one has unique health concerns. Customers have advised not to work with this company due to the lack of support.

Customer Opinions of WeightNot 

There are reviews about the supplements as well from customers:

“I was throwing up at night” 

“pills smell horrible and make me nauseated” 

“violently vomiting for the first three days” 

“I was dizzy, I had shortness of breathe, and I broke out into cold sweats” 

For certain people the supplements offered caused serious side effects. These users experienced symptoms of vomiting, nausea, headache’s and flu like symptoms. Though the supplements are all natural, this doesn’t mean that they’re all safe.

Unfortunately, users also mentioned that the company does not offer a listing of their ingredients before you make a purchase. So if there is an ingredient you might be allergic to or not able to process well, you wouldn’t be offered a refund.

No money back return policy is offered on their supplements. So you have to take a change in trying this product before knowing whether or not it would be safe to use.

How Does WeightNot Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • WeightNot
  • 27 /100
Conclusion – Does WeightNot Work?

Before you decide on the WeightNot diet plan, consider the fact that you won’t know what you’re getting before you buy it, and that customers have listed various side effects. This plan does emphasize fast results and all natural foods, though this same structure can be found in many other plans.

WeightNot suffers from a lack of important information. They don’t explain what kinds of foods you’ll eat, nor do they have support staff that are registered dieticians. Many customers have also complained that they weren’t allowed refunds, and that they were locked into month long contracts. Some plans can even have you locked into a 6-month plan.

A better solution would be to use a plan that’s described in detail before you purchase it, and a plan that’s been rated highly by customers. One such strategy you can use is the 18 Diet Plan.  Not only did customers experience safe and long lasting weight loss, but also they did so knowing full well what they were purchasing.

This plan comes with an all-natural weight loss supplement made with clinically researched ingredients. You can also read about all their ingredients because they actually offer a full supplements facts list. Also, there’s an appetite suppressing high quality meal replacement shake that’s made with easy to digest whey protein. No added fillers, binders, or preservatives are added, and their products are stimulant free as well as all natural.

You also get access to an eBook that goes over the proper way to use a meal replacement diet. With the 18 Diet Plan you get the satisfaction of knowing exactly what it involves, and an ironclad money back guarantee on all the products offered. Not only were customers satisfied with their weight loss results, but they also experienced results without a fear of not knowing what would be in store for them.

Bioslim Review: Does it Work?

What is it? 

Bioslim is a weight loss system offering supplements, a cookbook, activity guide, and full reference guide. It claims to offer the nation’s best natural weight loss program that works with your body, instead of forcing the body to lose weight unpleasantly and with much struggle.

They add that your metabolism will be increased, and that the entire Bioslim system offers a supportive weight loss system. Inside this system you get information on how to exercise and eat properly. They mention that there’s no added stimulants, food substitutes, or unnatural ingredients. It’s claimed to be a long-term solution to weight loss that can support overall health. Are all these claims true? What kinds of effects are truly possible? In this Bioslim review you’ll learn everything you need to know to make a decision.

Bioslim Ingredients and Side Effects 

The complete system has 3 supplements. Here are the ingredients added:

Green Tea Cotinus Quercetin Calcium-pyruvate Potassium-Pyruvate
Coenzyme Q10 Vitamin B5 Vitamin C Glucomannan Chromium Polynicotinate
Oriental Ginseng Root Atractylodes Astralagus Chinese Thoroughwax Gardenia
Balloon Flower Licorice Root Dong Quai Sargassum Laminaria
Vitamin B Complex Pantothenic Acid Siberian Ginseng Choline Inositol
Bromelain Calcium Selenium Magnesium Zinc
Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E

Cotinus: Also known as smoketree, this plant hasn’t been well researched. One study was conducted on fish to test the effects on their growth rate.

Though it’s used in Bioslim as a way to enhance the absorption of green tea. No studies have shown this effect to be true.  

Quercetin: Known as a bioflavonoid or vitamin P, it increases the absorption of green tea.

It can lead to side effects:

  • Upset stomach. 
  • Headaches. 

The University of Maryland Medical Center adds that:

“can lead to a loss of protein function” 

“Very high doses… may damage the kidneys” 

So intake of this ingredient should be taken with caution. 

Coenzyme Q10: Molecule found naturally in their body, it’s used to help produce energy. When added to supplements it’s meant to help with fat burning as well as other effects.

Though confirms that:

“no evidence that COQ10 improves life expectancy or is able to induce fat loss or muscle tissue growth” 

Glucomannan: Thickener used to help suppress appetite and improve cholesterol levels.

Peninsula Medical School ran a clinical study and confirmed:

“does not show that Glucomannan intake generates statistically significant weight loss” 

It can also lead to side effects that includes:

  • Flatulence and gas. 
  • Bloating, stomach discomfort, and dehydration. 
  • Diarrhea, increased bathroom usage. 
  • Loss of vitamin and mineral absorption.

 Choking and blocking of the esophagus and throat. 

It’s also advised to drink enough fluids in order to prevent a choking hazard. 

Atractylodes: Used in Chinese herbal medicine as a way to reduce swelling and improve digestion. Though not enough research is available to prove these claims.

Web MD mentions:

“isn’t enough information to know if other atractylodes products are safe” 

Possible side effects include:

  • Dry mouth and a bad taste.
  • Nausea. 

Chinese Thoroughwax: Herb used in Chinese medicine that is used to reduce liver problems and inflammation.

Web MD confirms:

“isn’t enough information to know if bupleurum is safe” 

“none of these (effects) are proven in humans” 

Side effects may include:

  • Drowsiness. 
  • Increased bowel movements and gas. 
  • Lung and breathing issues. 

Gardenia: A flower that is grown in parts of Africa and Asia. There are no clinical studies showing whether this is safe or effective for weight loss. 

Balloon Flower: Roots of this flower are used as medicine. It’s claimed to help with inflammation, cancer, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Though no clinical studies have been performed o humans, and it’s unknown if it is safe or effective. 

Licorice: Plant used as a flavoring agent. It’s added to help with reducing swelling, and for overall immune system support.

Web MD adds:

“Consuming licorice daily for several weeks or longer can cause severe side effects” 

These side effects can include:

  • Low potassium levels. 
  • Paralysis. 
  • Brain damage. 
  • Paralysis. 
  • Water and sodium retention. 

This is why it’s advised to take this with caution and only for short periods. 

Dong Quai: Plant used as a way to change hormones such as estrogen. Though this effect has not been replicated in humans.

There’s also a potential fear for carcinogens, Web MD confirms

“Dong quai contains chemicals that are considered to be cancer-causing” 

Very little information exists about the use of this ingredient.   

Sargassum: A brown algae that is fond in tropical oceans across the world.  Though it’s used in Bioslim to help improve thyroid function, no studies of this effect exist online. 

Laminaria: A type of brown algae found in Japan.  It’s used to help support thyroid function. Web MD adds:

“POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth” 

This is because the level of iodine that affects the thyroid can be high enough to cause damage. It’s known that this effect can lead to weight gain and malfunctions.

There’s also extracts of this that contain arsenic, a poisonous chemical. 

Inositol: Vitamin like ingredient that is used to help with mood, high blood pressure, triglycerides, and skin disorders.

Side effects can include:

  • Fatigue.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Nausea. 

Bromelain: Enzyme extracted from pineapple juice that is used to help with digestion. Side effects can include:

  • Diarrhea. 
  • Stomach pain and discomfort. 
  • Allergic reactions.
Bioslim Quality Of Ingredients

BioslimMany of the added ingredients in these formulas are either understudied or potentially unsafe.

Health and science organizations have mentioned that the kinds of effects possible include malfunctioning thyroid, mood swings, headaches, and even brain damage.

There’s no indication that the makers of Bioslim put any research into these ingredients, as they fail to provide any clinical studies proving their many claims.

There’s no way to determine what kind of an effect these supplements may have on health.  They also provide no information as to what kind of diet is allowed by the nutritional cookbook.

The Price and Quality of Bioslim 

The full Bioslim package comes with 3 supplements, a reference guide for the plan, a video guide, cookbook, and activity planner for $89.95.

The supplements come in a months supply of their vitamin and mineral complex, 12 day supply of their accelerator weight loss pills, and a months worth of their health support supplement.

Without knowing what kinds of exercises or foods are allowed, it’s difficult to judge these two important details.

Though judging from their supplements, there are far too many questionable and untested ingredients. It’s unknown what kind of effect this may have from person to person.

Business of Bioslim 

The name of the company is also Bioslim and they can be found via:

Phone Number: (800) 246-7546 

Address: 16869 SW 65th Ave #318

Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 

Email: [email protected]

They currently have 64 complaints on the Consumer Affairs website for a lack of customer satisfaction:

“even if you do attempt to cancel within the time… (they) continue to bill you anyway” 

“This is a total scam” 

“They said they will not refund me” 

“sucked into this scam by the free trial” 

Many mention that they used the free trial and tried to cancel within the 14 days allowed, but that the company will often not respond to calls.

Of the 64 complaints, it’s often repeated that they don’t allow returns and they continue to automatically charge one’s credit card without notification.

Customer Opinions of Bioslim 

There are reviews on many websites from online customers:

“I was throwing up” 

“paid nearly $600 for something that does not work” 

“products did not work” 

“caused me to have breathing problems” 

Customers have listed several extreme health problems. This includes stomach problems, headaches, flu like symptoms, and body discomfort.

These same customers mention that there was no money back guarantee offered.

How Does Bioslim Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Bioslim
  • 39 /100
Conclusion – Does Bioslim Work?

Bioslim might seem like a good option due to its comprehensive sounding solution to weight loss, and its scientific sounding explanations. Though before you make a decision, it’s important to keep in mind the numerous negative reviews from customers. Not only did many say it wasn’t worth it, but there’s been several complaints about the lack of money back return.

When looking for a diet plan you have to make sure the company reveals information about what foods you’ll eat, and that the supplements offered provide ingredients that have been studied thoroughly. Bioslim fails to provide information about their ingredients, and many of these additives have been shown to be ineffective and potentially dangerous.

The number 1 ranked weight loss diet plan is the 18 Diet Plan. Not only does it offer an all natural meal replacement and supplement, but also it contains ingredients shown to be safe.

These ingredients have also been proven by multiple studies to be effective for real noticeable weight loss. This is why many customers have agreed, this plan is easy to use, safe, and effective for real sustained weight loss.

The 18 Diet Plan is trusted by its manufacturer, and that’s why they back it with a solid 30-day money back guarantee for their supplement and meal replacement.

Javita Review: Does it Work?

What is it? 

Javita is a weight loss coffee brand that is infused with ingredients to boost metabolism and burn calories. There are different styles available depending on the specific product, but each one promises to help with real weight loss benefits.

The company focuses on making instant coffee drinks, though they also offer a green tea strain and a cocoa blend. It’s marketed as a gourmet instant beverage that has more weight loss benefits than a standard caffeine drink would have. Their coffee has added herbs that are often found in weight loss supplements. Does this drink have better use than a standard cup of coffee? What kinds of results are possible? This Javita review will break down all the information you need to know.

Javita Ingredients and Side Effects 

Here are the ingredients used in their “Burn + Control” and “Energy + Mind” coffee:

Arabica and Robusta Coffee Garcinia Cambogia Extract Yerba Mate Extract Green Tea
Bacopa Monnieri Herb Gotu Kola Herb

Arabica and Robusta Coffee: Arabica beans are considered sweeter, and Robusta sharper in taste. These strains both contain caffeine, though the makers of Javita don’t mention how much total caffeine is included when combining the other stimulant ingredients.

A typical cup of instant coffee can have upwards of 135 mg of caffeine. Though caffeine does have metabolism boosting effects, this is only short lived. adds that routine use of caffeine is limited:

“the effects of caffeine will be diminished, often to the point there the only benefit a user experiences is caffeine’s anti=-sleep effect” 

If using caffeine for a weight loss purpose, it’s then important to cycle it to reduce the risk of potential side effects that include:

  • Rapid heart rate, jitters, and high blood pressure. 
  • Insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue. 
  • Headaches, ill feelings, and withdrawal symptoms. 
  • Anxiety, paranoia, and mood swings. 
  • Cold sweats, muscle spasms, and shakes.

Without knowing the full caffeine content, it’s impossible to determine what would be a safe amount. It’s also not advised to take any other stimulants when using this ingredient.  This can further increase the risk for unwanted symptoms. 

Yerba Mate Extract: Plant brewed as a tea that is grown in parts of South America. It’s used to help burn fat and decrease hunger. Though mentions:

“appetite-suppression effect can only be achieved through high doses, if at all” 

“Fat burning effect is attributed to its caffeine”

Therefore, using it needs to be cycled, making it not a long term solution to weight loss. There’s nothing unique in this ingredient beyond the caffeine which can help provide any fat loss benefits.

There’s also the possibility for potentially extreme side effects. Web MD adds:

“increases the risk of mouth, esophageal, laryngeal, kidney, bladder, and lung cancer” 

“When taken in large amounts… is LIKELY UNSAFE, due to its caffeine content” 

Much like the other ingredients in this blend, it’s unknown how much caffeine is added. This makes it impossible to determine what would be a safe amount. 

Green Tea: Antioxidant rich tea that’s commonly drank and used in supplements due to its caffeine content.

Studies have been mixed on its weight loss benefits:

“may boost metabolism and burn fat… However, other studies show no benefit” 

Due to the added caffeine, it can also lead to side effects which were listed in the “Arabica and Robusta Coffee” Section. 

Bacopa Monnieri Herb: Used as a nootropic for brain health to improve memory creation and reduce anxiety.

Though mentions that when this ingredient is used alongside a stimulant:

“this combination has not been tested” 

So it’s unknown what kind of effect this stimulant heavy mixture might have. It’s also known to potentially cause side effects, especially when taken on an empty stomach:

  • Nausea, upset stomach, and stomach grumbling. 
  • Bloating, diarrhea, and increased bowel movements. 
  • Dry mouth.        

This ingredient has also been tested by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine:

“in other cognitive abilities (it’s) currently lacking perhaps due to inconsistent measures employed by studies” 

Therefore, it’s unknown if this ingredient truly is effective for all that’s claimed. 

Gotu Kola Herb: Used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, this ingredient is used to reduce inflammation, promote wound healing, and improved skin health.

The University of Maryland Medical Center offers caution:

“gotu kola has the potential to the harmful to the liver” 

“best not to use… for more than 6 weeks” 

There have also been several reported side effects:

  • Nausea. 
  • Extreme fatigue and drowsiness. 
  • Upset stomach. 
  • Headache. 

It’s because of the potential side effects to the liver and other possible issues that this ingredients use should be exercised with caution.

Javita Quality Of Ingredients 

JavitaKnowing the strength of the stimulants you take is important to verify safety. Not everyone reacts to caffeine the same, and for some much less is needed for safe effects.

Caffeine is not a long term solution to weight loss. Studies have shown its effects are reduced to just sleep loss when taken repeatedly. This requires a cycling effect, though caffeine is not a very effective weight loss additive.

The other ingredients in this coffee blend such as yerba mate and green tea are also potentially damaging.

Garcinia Cambogia is added which is an effective weight loss ingredient, though it’s unknown how much is added.

Overall, the lack of information on the stimulants, and the lack of evidence for effectiveness for some of the ingredients make it impossible to determine what kind of an effect it may have. When taking a stimulant heavy formula it’s especially important to know how strong it truly is.

The Price and Quality of Javita 

No price is listed on the official website. They do try to get people to become members in order to learn more about the full pricing.

Each box offers a 24 serving packet, though it’s unknown how many servings are allowed each day.

There are prices listed on, but it’s unknown if this is the typical price offered by the company. One 48 serving package sells for $58.70.

This is incredibly high for what’s essentially a cup of coffee with a few added cheap stimulants and herbs.

For example, the added yerba mate and green tea mixed with coffee can be purchased for much cheaper when purchased separately. Though it’s incredibly important to find out how much caffeine is added. 

Business of Javita 

The company is owned by Javita International LTD. They can be reached via the following:

Phone Number: (855) 528-4821 

Address: 7835 NW Beacon Square Blvd.

Boca Raton, Florida 33487 

No information exists about whether or not they offer a return policy. Information on how the company operates is also unknown.

They currently have a C rating on the Better Business Bureau website which helps track customer satisfaction.

Here’s what people have had to say about the companies service:

“have NOT received any product from them” 

“Javita has not resolved this issue” 

“No settlement has been made” 

It’s unknown whether or not they back up their products by a safety guarantee.

Customer Opinions of Javita 

There are currently 171 negative reviews on their page. People have mentioned the following:

“gave me heart palpitations and my stomach hurt” 

“I have GAINED 2 pounds” 

“hasn’t done anything to promote weight loss” 

“It did not curb my appetite” 

Many people mentioned that they failed to lose weight, appetite, or have any improved mood. There were many complaints about the lack of any benefits at all.

For the users who tried this brand, they claimed there was no difference between this and a regular cup of coffee.

Side effects were also an issue for customers. This included common issues seen from stimulants such as headaches, insomnia, upset stomach, and increased bathroom usage.

How Does Javita Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Javita
  • 31 /100
Conclusion – Does Javita Work?

When deciding whether or not to try Javita, it’s important to keep in mind this brand is incredibly limited because of its ingredients. Several customers mention there was no benefit to this drink, and that it caused considerable side effects with no weight loss benefits.

People add that Javita products are simply a caffeine heavy drink that’s not much different than regular coffee. When looking to lose weight it’s important to look for a diet plan that’s stimulant free, made with all natural ingredients, and made with clinically studied additives which have been shown to help with weight loss.

The best diet plan for 2025 is called the 18 Diet Plan. It’s a combination of a natural metabolism booster, meal replacement, and a diet book to help understand the diet better. The entire package is made without stimulants, artificial ingredients, or any ingredients which haven’t shown weight loss benefits.

There are many users who have experienced beneficial weight loss results without any unwanted side effects. This diet plan has long been used by celebrities and several people for beneficial weight loss results.

The 18 Diet Plan also has offers a full 30 day money back guarantee, so there’s no risk of using an unknown or potentially dangerous product.