Diet and Nutrition

Stuff People Say in the Diet and Fitness Industry

Originating with a Twitter account owned by Graydon Sheppard and Kyle Humphrey, popularized through YouTube video and quickly generating a whole universe of spin-offs, the “Sh*t People Say” meme has proved to be a thoroughly entertaining phenomenon. Some may take offense, some may already think it’s played out, but we couldn’t resist sharing a few of the gems that apply to our work here at DietsInReview.

Stuff Foodies Say

Our love of real, unprocessed, organic foods here at DietsInReview is sure to cause a lot of people to stick most of us in the “foodie” category. Shopping at the farmers market or Whole Foods, participating in a CSA and obsessive back-of-package label reading are some of the key characteristics of the foodie. They typically love greens, local food and sustainable farming, and may also adopt more rigorous eating regimes, such as going vegetarian, raw, local, vegan, paleo or gluten-free.

One thing we’d like to add to the script:

“I only shop at perimeters of the grocery store.”


Dr. Travis Reveals Foods to Lose Your Gut on The Doctors

Today on The Doctors, Dr. Travis Stork will be be uncovering the Secrets of Losing Your Gut for Good. This will be his first time doing the show as a sole host. Dr. Stork works as an ER physician and one of the first things he examines in his patients is the amount of belly fat they have. This information can tell him how easily someone might recover from injury and if they can expect to face future health issues like diabetes, heart disease, cancer and others.

Some of the things that will be shared on Dr. Stork’s first-ever solo show are the foods that can help get rid of extra belly fat, statistics on how extra weight can affect your health, little things to do to make a difference in belly fat and some of the best snacks available. As a preview to the show, we’ve listed the top five belly-busting foods Dr. Stork will be sharing:

Beans: Choose dried beans over canned whenever possible. They are a great food because they fill you up without filling you out.

Eggs: Eggs are full of muscle building protein and the vitamin B12 in egg yolks are an energy booster that keeps red blood cells healthy.

Berries: Full of antioxidants, it is better to eat whole berries rather than to drink only the juice.
Dairy: Have three lean or low-fat servings of dairy each day to decrease your chances of being overweight by 60 percent.

Whole Grains: Having whole grains that are minimally processed can add fiber to your diet and keep you full. Items higher in fiber and less processed are your best choices. (more…)

Retrofit Offers a Long-Term Approach to Weight Loss Maintenance [GIVEAWAY]

All too often in the weight loss industry, companies stay in business because of their clients’ failures. Many programs are effective at helping their clients lose weight, however, they don’t help them maintain the loss in the long term and benefit from returning clients.

retrofit weight loss programRetrofit offers a very different kind of service, one that’s geared to help you maintain your goal weight as much as it is designed to help you get there. That’s only one of the many advantages Retrofit offers clients in its 12-month plan. It combines the convenience of an online diet with the best expert advice and personal attention of a weight loss clinic. Unlike many online programs that simply supply users with meal plans and workouts but no personal interaction, Retrofit provides each client with a team of wellness experts.

This team of experts makes up the core of the Retrofit experience, and consists of a registered dietitian, an exercise physiologist and a behavior coach. “They’re the most educated team out there,” says Kim Evenson CMO at Retrofit. She adds that compensations is based on their ability to help clients reach their goals by the end of the year. You will meet with each member of the team during scheduled video conferences, but they are also always available if clients have additional questions. They will help you craft a weight loss plan that’s totally based on your needs and that can work with the realities of your lifestyle. Additionally, there’s a program adviser who “functions like your admin,” explains Evenson. “That person is with you from day one through the very end of the program.”


Where to Find the Best Food in Super Bowl Village

Sporting events generally aren’t places where you count on finding healthy snacks readily available. Lucas Oil Stadium does have some “real food” (I don’t know if healthy really applies) beyond nachos and hot dogs, so I was hopeful for real options when the Super Bowl came to Indianapolis. While there was not much variety within the Super Bowl Village itself, you will not have to wander far to find something that feels more like a meal than a snack.

The Super Bowl Village, stretching from the Indiana Convention Center to the Bankers Life Fieldhouse (formerly the Conseco Fieldhouse) has plenty of concession stands offering chicken tenders, steak burgers, hot dogs, french fries, soft pretzels, Sweeties gourmet treats, Frito Lay chips, candy, hot cider, coffee, hot chocolate, cappuccino, Gatorade, water, and Pepsi products.

Inside the Indiana Convention Center, which houses the NFL Experience, additional options include Lipton tea, fruit juice, popcorn, whole fresh fruit, Lay’s Potato Chips, Snickers, M&M’s, yogurt, turkey caesar sandwiches, Italian grinder sandwiches, roast beef sandwiches, grilled veggie sandwiches, chicken caesar salad, tossed garden salad. burgers, BBQ pork sandwiches, and tenderloin sandwiches.

Deeper in the NFL Experience, near the memorabilia show and autograph stage, Pepsi Max and Doritos each has an exhibit with free samples, contests, and games. Considering the long lines seen in the NFL Play 60 Game Zone, attendees could have very positive feelings about these exhibits.

Luckily, not far from there in the maze of the NFL Experience, the “Sandwich Zone” offers carved turkey and carved beef for sandwiches with several topping options. They also have candy, soda, water, Gatorade, and Lipton Tea.


Kallari Chocolate Company Goes Beyond Fair Trade

Millions of people are planning on buying, giving and eating chocolate in celebration of love on Valentine’s Day. This time of year means big sales for chocolate companies. If you are interested in buying chocolate that supports fair labor standards, as well as those that do not harm the environment or your body, make sure you are well educated as to where your chocolate comes from and how it was harvested.

Of the many types and varieties of chocolate on the market, not all adhere to certifiable fair trade standards, which means there is little concern about the environment or the people who work hard to bring your sweet treat to a store near you. Those that do however will display the words Fair Trade on their labeling, making it easy for the consumer to be aware that they have kept up with the requirements necessary to be certified fair trade.

One notable chocolate manufacturing company that does not flaunt a fair trade certification, however surpassed fair trade standards and brought their harvesting and processing techniques to a remarkably high level of ideals. Kallari, the only line of world-class, certified organic dark chocolate is operated by an indigenous cooperative of organic cocoa growers who gain 100% of the profits for which they work so hard.


The Pinterest Diet Supports Weight Loss with Recipes, Motivation and Fitness

I fought joining Pinterest for a while because I didn’t want to have to keep up with one more social media platform. I barely use Google+, I can go days without reading my Facebook stream, and I’ve abandoned any themed boards years ago. My cousin kept raving about it, so I eventually took a look, truly wanting to not like it. I joined Pinterest because there were so many pretty things and simply browsing the pins was soothing. I truly believe that adding more art and beauty to our lives improves mental health.

Pinterest has been mocked as the place where women go to plan imaginary weddings, dress children that don’t exist, save recipes we’ll never prepare, and decorate homes we can’t afford. It may be true for some, but there are ways that you can use Pinterest to help you meet your goals of changing your diet and exercise habits. Pinterest can be a great source for recipes, new ideas, and motivation.

You can view a few of those ideas and examples in this slideshow:

View 10 Ways Pinterest Support Weight Loss Slideshow (more…)

Best Tasting Meal Plan Prize Shared by Diet to Go, Biggest Loser Meal Plan, and Chefs Diet

Three meal delivery diet brands just received a major hat tip from the food experts at Epicurious. Diet to Go, Biggest Loser Meal Plan, and Chefs Diet all received “three and a half forks” from the culinary publication, recognizing them as “Best-Tasting Diet-Plan Meals.”

These leaders in the meal plan delivery space, shipping low-calorie and nutritionally balanced meals out to health- and weight-conscious customers, won in a blind taste taste against eight total meal delivery companies. The tests were conducted by Epicurious as they sought to find diet delivery meals that were reasonably priced, tasty, and healthy. The judges ruled over criteria such as flavor, texture, and appearance of a variety of polutry entrees. Out of four possible “forks,” these brands each received three and a half forks.

For Diet to Go, their Thai turkey tenderloin over rice with green beans and grape tomatoes held its own at the competition. The judges said the turkey was tender, and unlike so many pre-made meals the vegetables remained crisp. The judges’ only negative comments referred to the amount of sauce on this particular meal, and they didn’t love the chocolate brownie or chocolate pudding that come as dessert options. They claimed they tasted somewhat artificial. (more…)

Greek Yogurt is No Fad Food, Dominating the U.S. Yogurt Market

Americans have found a new yogurt. According the to the numbers, Greek yogurt sales are dominating the market and look to continue that pattern.

Currently, Greek yogurt accounts for a quarter of the total U.S. yogurt market. The top two national Greek yogurt companies are Chobani and Fage, and each company is currently expanding their plants to meet the demands. Chobani produces an astounding 1.5 million cases of the thick yogurt every week. Consumers are foregoing the thinner, sometimes watery, version of yogurt for the thick creamy blends of Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt unique texture is achieved by straining off the whey, leaving a creamier yogurt with nearly twice the amount of protein of a traditional.

Many foods have been issued fad status and some of the rapid growth of Greek yogurt may be attributed to that. However, there’s a strong industry belief that Greek yogurt is here to stay. Its rapid rise to fame may speak to its predicted longevity.

In 2005, Hamdi Ulukaya bought an old Kraft Foods plant in New York state. He planned to make the type of yogurt that was common to his home country of Turkey. He didn’t feel the current yogurt in stores was being made right so Ulukaya and his company Agro-Farma began producing yogurt for companies like Stonyfield Farms and eventually, his current company, Chobani, was launched in 2024.

Weight Loss and Better Health With Guidance from “Wheat Belly”

A few weeks ago my friend Michelle McNally tweeted a link to this interview with Dr. William Davis, author of Wheat Belly. I was impressed with Dr. Davis, so I put it on my hold list at the library and started discussing it with people I respect. Michelle had already made several dietary changes for her family after her daughter was diagnosed with multiple (17) food sensitivities, but she changed her own diet even when her daughter was not around after reading this interview. Beyond wheat free, Michelle’s daughter is also sensitive to yeast, which eliminates some wheat-free choices in addition.

Hazel Walker is an author, speaker, and personal mentor. She states, “at age 55 I am looking closely at the cause and effect that some foods are having on MY Body. I had already given thought to wheat being an issue, this just confirmed what I thought.” Hazel has committed to 31 days wheat free. She taught me that gluten free, does not always mean wheat-free.

What really caught my attention was the quote from Dr. Davis, “what you are being sold called “wheat” is really not wheat at all, at least nothing like the wheat of 1950 that our mothers and grandmothers had. Modern wheat is the product of extensive genetics experiments conducted during the 1960s and 1970s to increase yield.” Eliminating partially hydrogenated soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup were my first steps to purifying my diet, and I have made every effort to avoid genetically modified foods. The thought that there may not be non-genetically modified wheat available in the United States any longer is frightening to me. I normally promote a balanced diet, avoiding processed foods but not any foods in particular. Cutting out wheat sounds very drastic, but as Dr. Davis says, “I don’t think that modern wheat should even be considered food…Modern wheat is not a creation of nature. It is the creation of geneticists.” (more…)

Fake Vending Machine Dispenses Good Health and Hope

Many advocates fighting to end childhood obesity are also fighting to get vending machines out of our kids’ schools. The machines are filled with unhealthy, low-nutrient foods and soda. Many people want to see them kicked out of the schools for good. However, Utah schools may have the one vending machine advocates may start fighting to get in their own schools.

Rose Park Elementary School in Salt Lake City, Utah has welcomed a new addition to its halls. Thanks to the LiVe public service program, Intermountain Healthcare has installed a fake, talking vending machine. The vending machine looks like any other, full of sweet and salty treats. The difference is that the snacks are fake and the machine doesn’t take money. When the children select an item the machine dispenses a morsel of healthy information.

“I’m a vending machine and can’t move without someone’s help,” a cartoon-like voice says when a student chooses a Lava Cake. “Keep buying food like this and we’ll have that in common.”

The young elementary students are having fun with the machine, even if they are fooled at first. Some of the children have tried to dislodged the faux treats before they realize the game. Older students have taken younger children to the machine to show them how it works and to hear what it might say.

Nothing Funny About Chelsea Handler’s Remarks Regarding Mariah Carey’s Weight

Even the thickest-skinned among us tend to cringe when someone gets picked on for their weight. Recently, comedian Chelsea Handler slammed Mariah Carey for all her weight fluctuations and it doesn’t look like anyone’s laughing.

Mariah Carey, the pop superstar and new mother of twins, has publicly shifted in size throughout her career. Most recently she became the celebrity spokesperson for Jenny Craig and showed off her stunning postpartum figure. While the star’s weight has been a focal point at times, it has never been controversial until now.

Apparently Chelsea Handler had strong opinions about Carey and shared them openly this week on Howard Stern’s radio show. “…She’s just so ridiculous with her body. You see her one day and she’s 50 pounds heavier or light…there’s nothing real about her…”

Handler has used her brash comedy style to slam both Carey and her husband, Nick Cannon, over the last year.