Diet and Nutrition

Pomegranate is Winter’s Perfect Produce

With the coming of winter, we’re faced with exciting and exotic produce to enjoy. Among the many to choose from is the pomegranate.

Although its health benefits are impressive, USA Today and the Federal Trade Commission remind us that pomegranate isn’t a cure-all. Consuming pomegranates will give you tons of great health benefits, but it certainly won’t provide any miracle cures.

Pomegranate seeds and juice provide ample amounts of:

Dance Your Ass Off Contestant Katie Fanok Talks Losing Weight and Gaining Happiness

Katie Fanok; Image via: Charles Bush Photography

For years, Katie Fanok struggled with depression and insomnia. Counselors labeled her “depressed” and prescribed her drugs, but after realizing the drugs merely amplified the depression, Katie set her sights on a workable solution.

For her, it was dance. And so she danced. But after surgery for an injured ankle rendered her more than reluctant to continue with her passion, Katie began to pack on the pounds. Fed up with her physical condition – and now more depressed than ever – Katie took a friend’s advice and auditioned for the TV dance/weight loss show Dance Your Ass Off. had a chance to talk to Katie about her transformation experience on DYAO. Here is what this newly svelte dancer had to say about her reality show debut. (more…)

Jillian Michaels Releases New Meal Replacement Shake

Jillian Michaels Fitness guru and Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels is launching a new meal replacement shake. The Jillian Michaels Ultimate Shake is touted for being as delicious as it is healthy. The low-calorie shake is high in both protein and fiber, containing 7 grams of fiber and 16 grams of protein. One shake has only 180 calories and comes in two flavors, double chocolate and French vanilla.

“I’m really excited about my new, naturally flavored meal replacement shakes,” said Jillian. “They are high in protein, low in calories, rich in B6, B12, antioxidants and fiber, contain no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners, and best of all, they’re absolutely delicious!”


Weight Gain Caused by Exposure to Light

We’ve all heard the many reasons for gaining weight, but you’ve probably not heard this one: Consistent exposure to light at night may lead to gaining weight. The odd part is that the study says that weight gain occurred even when eating habits and activity levels did not change.

The researchers found that mice who were exposed to a dim light at night over eight weeks had a body mass gain that was about 50 percent more than the mice that lived in a normal light and darkness cycle.

“Although there were no differences in activity levels or daily consumption of food, the mice that lived with light at night were getting fatter than the others,” said Laura Fonken, lead author of the study and a doctoral student in neuroscience at Ohio State University.

The mysterious weight gain comes from what the researchers believe is ill-timed eating with the mice that were exposed to nighttime light. (more…)

Tips for Kim Kardashian When Ordering at Jamba Juice [PHOTO]

A friend to DietsInReview sent us this pic of Kim Kardashian leaving a NYC Jamba Juice yesterday, and it got us thinking… is this how she’s feeding those curves?

We have no way of knowing what’s in that large Jamba Juice cup that Kim Kardashian is carrying. What we do know is that it’s probably filled to the hilt with calories. We’ll grant that if this is her on-the-go lunch that it’s probably got fewer calories and fat and more vitamins than some other in-and-out, grab-and-go option might offer. If it’s a snack, we hope her Quicktrim and workouts are working out for her.

However, even Kim Kardashian should know that those smoothies are calorie bombs.

Here are a few tips on healthy ordering at JJ that we thought KK, and everyone else, could use. (more…)

Misleading Health Food Claims Confuse Consumers

Don’t you like it when you see, say, a candy product that is labeled “50 percent less fat”? First… 50 percent less than what? Second, it’s candy!

Over the years, as certain dietary concerns became the latest trends (think low-fat, low-carb, etc.), food manufacturers have tried to keep up the best they can while still selling a palatable food product. Maybe the best example is after the low-carb craze really took hold. While it’s died down a little, and research has come out to show that whole grains are a necessary part of a healthy diet, people are still carb-conscious.

Food manufacturers do a dance of deception around the labeling regulations, usually staying within the law, but still doing a good job of misleading consumers. (more…)

Whole Foods Introduces New Line of Soy Milk and Almond Milk

Got milk? What about chocolate soy milk? Or vanilla almond milk?

I love almond milk, and while I’ve been a devotee of Blue Diamond’s unsweetened vanilla almond milk, Whole Foods’ new refrigerated line of soy and almond milks are giving my usual stand-by some stealth competition.

Made from flavorful American-grown organic almonds, the new 365 Organic Everyday Value Almond milk is the first-ever private label organic refrigerated almond milk. (There is also a shelf-stable version, if you prefer.) Naturally free of saturated fat and cholesterol, Whole Foods Market’s Almond milk contains as much calcium and Vitamin D as dairy milk and is an excellent source of Vitamin E. The new line boasts a fresh, rich taste that comes in Original, Vanilla and Unsweetened flavors. (more…)

Biggest Loser Workouts Blast Fat and Preserve Muscle Mass

Season 4's Jim Germanakos shows off his muscles

NBC’s Biggest Loser’s weight loss methods have been controversial since the show premiered in 2004. Obese contestants passing out, being rushed to the hospital, throwing up and collapsing happens nearly every episode, having many experts and viewers concerned that the workouts are too intense for the morbidly obese participants. Many contestants, after losing upwards of 100 pounds, gain the weight back after leaving the regimented atmosphere of the ranch, leading many to believe that the results are too much too soon, making it impossible to maintain.

A new study, however, shuts the critics right up. Not only do the four to six hour daily workouts help the contestants drop tons of weight fast, but the quality of their weight remains ideal- making the Biggest Loser ranch one of the fastest and most effective ways to lose weight. (more…)

Acorn Squash a Healthy Addition to Your Fall Diet

Acorn squash is a type of winter squash with astounding health benefits. Winter squash are so prized in Native American cultures, that they are often found in tribal cemeteries as gifts for the deceased.

The acorn squash is dark green with hints of orange on the outside, and has a pale, orange flesh with a nutty, sweet flavor.

Acorn squash is known for providing the following health benefits:

  • Cancer-fighting properties. Acorn squash contains a large amount of phytonutrients and antioxidants that have anti-carcinogenic effects on the body.
  • Men’s health. This particular squash may help reduce the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • Immune system support. There’s nothing the acorn squash can’t do! Eat, and protect yourself from this year’s cold and flu season. (more…)

Jets’ Coach Rex Ryan Weight Loss Inspiration to His Players

As we reported last year, Jets’ coach Rex Ryan is dealing with weight loss in his own way. Last year, he reportedly tried a liquid diet to cut weight from his substantial 350 pound frame. He did not find success in this effort and turned to a lap band surgery during the off season this past spring.

Recently, his team has been surprised to see him power walking on the treadmill as early as 7 a.m. Many of the Jets players like to complete their workouts early, but they have been shocked at the effort that Ryan has exerted in the early morning hours. “He was really going by the time we got in there,” Jets’ center Nick Mangold said recently. “So I don’t know what time he got in there, but he was going on that treadmill.” (more…)

Even Busy Moms Can Make Homemade Baby Food [VIDEO]

Before my daughter was born I decided to make my own baby food. Several friends had done so and raved about the cost savings, ease and enjoyment. That, coupled with my plans being justified after reading My Two-Year-Old Eats Octopus, inspired me to put a new blender and food processor on my registry. The gift was fulfilled and last month I put it to use for the first time, as my now five-month-old daughter was ready for solids. Solids in the form of pureed, liquified vegetables.

I’m certainly not on a high horse about it, as I’ve unfortunately been accused. Instead, I’m sharing my experience with it because I’m shocked at how easy, affordable and fun it is. Plus, it’s a really healthy option to feed my daughter and expose her as young as possible to fresh foods (and my love of cooking!). Processed, jarred baby foods can mask the true flavor, smell and color of fruits and vegetables. Plus, the pre-made baby foods at the store come in a limited variety and cost, in some cases, more than a dollar a jar (or, a dollar per feeding). I haven’t found zucchini or pumpkin at the store, but my daughter has enjoyed both of those varieties at home.

Watch the video below as I describe my first batch of zucchini, carrots and squash. It’s a six-week supply of food that I paid $7.50 for, and spent two hours preparing. (more…)