Diet and Nutrition

Interview with Biggest Loser’s Eliminated Contestants Daniel and David

We didn’t get much of a chance to get to know David, as he left the Biggest Loser week 1 as a result of Alison’s twist; but America did quickly fall for Daniel. He was the heaviest player in the show’s history, a starting weight of 454 pounds, and also one of the youngest at age 19.

Daniel worked out with Jillian at the ranch for 30 days, and lost 60 pounds before being eliminated in week 4. Saying goodbye to Jillian, he said “I love you.” He told us “she’s five-foot-nothing and I’m terrified of this woman,” in a jovial way that shows the respect they have for one another, and the appreciation he has for her. He said in week four when he fell on the treadmill while Jillian yelled at him that that moment was his turning point. All he could think about was being at home on the couch eating ice cream, and that’s when he finally had to admit he is an emotional eater. He now understands what food is and how to put it in its place.

Meanwhile, David was back at home in North Carolina. He said “the camera guys tell you want to do,” and that he was naive enough to think they wouldn’t air video of him eating fried chicken (on what turned out to be his high calorie day). Daniel said it hurt him to finally learn the hard time David was having back at home.

Listen now as David and Daniel discuss the growing child and teen obesity trends, and where the responsibility lies.


Lifestyle is Not a Dirty Word

Roni of

Roni from RonisWeigh is our guest blogger for January. You’ll recall she recently took runner-up for Best Diet Blog and her site GreenLiteBites won Best Healthy Recipe site category in our first Diet Site Awards. On her sites she shares her experiences with weight loss and maintaing a healthy life with her family.

Being someone who writes about weight loss and healthy eating for a living, I cringe when I feel the need to to use the word ‘lifestyle‘. It’s fast becoming an over-used, over-marketed term to describe how to successfully lose weight.

I know this. Yet, every time I need to describe the changes that must happen for one to successfully lose, I can’t fight it. The word somehow finds it way to the paper. And as I proofread my own articles I visualize all of the eye rolling that will happen when it gets read.

Don’t deny it. You’ve done the pre-mentioned *eye roll*. Thinking to yourself “Ugh here’s that LIFESTYLE thing again.” But you don’t want to change. You like to go out with friends, order pizza for the family on a Friday night, and enjoy popcorn with butter at the movies. You also loathe the gym and have no time to exercise anyway. You LIKE your lifestyle. It fits you… probably better then your jeans. (more…)

Biggest Loser’s Superbowl Recipes by Curtis Stone

curtis stoneAre you guys ready for some football? How about some recipes that will satisfy that innate need to munch during the Superbowl, keep even the manliest appetites satisfied, and that have less fat and calories than the typical game-day fare. You better be ready because we’ve got them! Curtis Stone appeared on Biggest Loser season 7 episode 4, and showed the contestants their stand-by appetizer favorites, and some healthy alternatives.

  • Instead of the Mexican-style layer dip with 1755 calories, try this 7 Layer Dip with shrimp and vegetables. (more…)

Make Healthy Choices When Eating Beef

Beef has gotten a bad rap in recent years. Even with the popularity of low-carb Atkins-style diet plans, beef still wears the Scarlet A in the animal protein world. But on average, Americans eat almost 63 pounds of beef per person each year. So, maybe that bad rap isn’t getting through to the public.cuts of beef

While most nutritionists will steer you away from the steer, in favor of chicken, turkey, and fish, they won’t tell you to avoid it altogether. You just need to be aware of which kind of beef to buy.

Cooking Light’s Aliza Green was researching for her book, Field Guide to Meat, when she realized that she should expand her palate to include different cuts of beef. In her article on she outlines which to choose for “maximum flavor and nutrition.” (more…)

Tune In: Oprah and Dr. Oz Explain Why America’s Kids Are Fat

dr. oz and oprahTune in today and tomorrow (Jan. 26 and 27) to Oprah as she hosts a two-part series about the childhood obesity epidemic afflicting our country. It begins with an emotional and necessary intervention for 16 obese teens and their families. Watch as they confront the anger, pain, their parents and themselves. Oprah asks what they are hungry for, and she’s not talking about food.

Then tomorrow, Dr. Oz steps in and takes us behind the scenes in school cafeterias to show what America’s kids really are eating, hidden truths about the fast-food we feed our kids, introduces nutritional education the entire family can use, and how to pack a low-cal lunch your kids will want to take to school.

Tune In to Oprah, check your local listings for schedule.

Fighting Midlife Weight Gain

overweight woman on scaleYou can see the signs of gaining weight – shopping for clothes isn’t as fun as it once was, you go to button your favorite pair of pants and notice the “extra” spilling over your pants, and finally you jump on the scale to confirm the bad news, you’ve gained weight. Midlife weight gain is common, in fact many Americans gain a pound or so every year as they make their way through young adulthood, often ending up flabby and chubby at 40-years-old.

Why do so many people gain weight in midlife?

– Hormones, although will only contribute for about 2-5 extra pounds.

– Poor lifestyle choices, overeating, reduced amount of exercise, and stress are the remaining factors that contribute the most to that weight gain. (more…)

The Best Post-Yoga Eats

While most exercise forms suggest that you nosh a bit beforehand, with yoga, you are well-advised to refrain from eating 2-3 hours before down-dogging. This recommendation is due to yoga’s deep breathing and postures which together can cause undigested food to bother your stomach or travel upwards and result in acid reflux. But when it comes to eating after your yoga class, you’re free to replenish your energy.

Here are a few pointers to consider for your next post-yoga meal.

1. Hydration: Rather than reach straight for a granola bar, chug some water. This is especially true if you engage in highly intensive yoga classes like Bikram, Ashtanga or power yoga. These forms of exercise will cause you to sweat, and particularly in the case of Bikram yoga, you’ll sweat a lot. So you’ll want to rehydrate before you assess your level of hunger. Avoid expensive flavored waters or sugary sports drinks. Good ol’ fashioned water will do the trick. (more…)

Sometimes You Just Need to Run Away

Most of us have a daily routine that includes various responsibilities. Perhaps your weekend feels like free time, but many use that extra time to catch up on errands, housework, and rest. busy momSometimes it can feel like you are stuck in an endless cycle of the day-in-day-out, repeating this week what you did last week.

What percentage of your day includes things you need to do versus things that you want to do? Responsibility is a positive thing, a stressor that encourages growth in many cases; however, we need to recover from responsibility and take time to relax every day. This renews us to act positively again the next day without burning out. (more…)

Eat the Rainbow for Your Health

An easy and fun way to remember to eat your fruits and vegetables is by thinking of eating the different colors of the rainbow. When eating fruits and veggies think of the different colors of the rainbow, this will help to introduce a variety of different nutrients and add spice to your diet by trying out new and more exotic fruits and veggies. These colorful foods deliver a healthful dose of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting phytochemicals.


*FYI the darker and more rich the color, usually indicates the more nutrients it contains.


Here are a few examples of what you’ll gain by tasting the rainbow:

Yellow and Orange– sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, oranges, and carrots  (more…)

New Study Shows Saying “No” to Food Harder for Women

french friesNew research suggests that a woman’s brain may unconsciously have a tougher time resisting favorite foods compared to men. This study was conducted to examine why some people don’t stop eating after internal cues tell them that they are full. This is a problem for today’s society because chronic overeating leads to obesity, which is sweeping across our nation to an alarming high.

One of the researchers, Dr. Gene Jack Wang – senior scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory and professor of psychiatry at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, believes this helps place another piece to the puzzle in understanding behaviors and diet. Dr. Wang speculates that “women may have more trouble saying no to food because they sometimes have to eat for two.” He continues by saying that maybe evolution contributes to women having difficulty saying no because “of their important mission to have a baby.”  (more…)

Healthy Superbowl Recipes

andrew rubalcavaOur guest post today comes today comes to us from Andrew Rubalcava, a 26-year-old native of Los Angeles, runs the health and fitness blog Go Healthy Go Fit. His “Healthy Tailgating Recipes” series has featured the top authorities on the grill, including Ray Lampe, author of The NFL Gameday Cookbook and David Joachim, author of The Tailgater’s Cookbook. As we prepare for the Steelers vs. Cardinals to face-off on February 1, he offers some healthier snack choices.

Buffalo Wings Are Out: Deli Platters Are In

Everyone gets deep fried wings, but it takes originality to be a good host. Go to your local supermarket deli and order a platter comprised of beef, chicken and/or turkey cold cuts. (more…)