Diet and Nutrition

ShiftCon Proves GMO Shift is Already Happening

“Shift Happens.” That’s the message Leah Segedie wants to get across with the ShiftCon Eco Wellness Social Media Conference. Thanks to her and some of the other ShiftCon bloggers, shift is already happening.

ShiftCon 2014

The past year has already seen brands announce they are reformulating their products to go GMO free. They include:

  • Dole
  • Kashi
  • Barbaras
  • Chipotle
  • Cheerios

Cheerios and Chipotle have made their shifts to GMO-free products fairly well-known, but other brands are doing it a little more quietly. Segedie added ShiftCon bloggers are looking at big brands including Kellogg’s, General Mills, PepsiCo, as well as specific products within certain company’s line.


New From Nutrisystem: My Way and Fast 5

Diet giant Nutrisystem is unveiling a brand new plan in time for early 2024 dieters. With Nutrisystem My Way, the company is offering dieters customizable weight loss plans with calorie count based not just on gender (as it was in the past) but also taking into consideration age, weight, and activity level. The company is confident that this change will help users get the most possible benefits from the plan, which centers around Nutrisystem shakes and shelf-stable and frozen foods.


But that’s not all. The company has also introduced a new “jumpstart” plan called Fast 5—a one-week low-cal diet that is meant to help users see rapid weight loss at the very beginning of their attempt, hopefully providing extra incentive to stick with the My Way program over the long haul. On Fast 5, dieters consume 1,000 calories a day. When Nutrisystem tested the Fast 5 eating program on real dieters, they found that people lost an average of 5 pounds in just one week.


Eat Like the Stars by Re-Creating the 71st Annual Golden Globes Menu

For those of us who anticipate awards season every year, we know that the Globes are all about celebrating achievement and having a good time. With both television and film being recognized, it’s guaranteed you’ll see your favorite actors from both the big and small screens.

golden globe

Hosting the event this year for the second time are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. The dynamic comedy duo were arguably the best part of last year’s show, so you can look forward to another great performance full of jokes about the more easy-going nature of the Globes.

The more relaxed atmosphere of the Golden Globes also allows the stars to enjoy an amazing three course Mediterranean-inspired meal. Chefs estimate they will serve about 150 vegan and gluten-free meals tonight to stars with pickier palettes and different dietary needs. For the rest of the celebrities, the announced menu sounds absolutely divine, and absolutely re-creatable.


Work it Off: Biscuits and Gravy

When I have visitors to my (new) hometown of Portland, Oregon, they all want to go on the same sort of sightseeing tour—one that focuses on all of the delicious food available. So when my friend Beth arrived last week from Colorado I had all of my hot spots queued up: Pok Pok for its Asian Wings, Salt and Straw for its Salted Caramel Ice Cream, and Olympic Provisions for its killer brunch. But of all of the indulgences we shared, the one I was most worried about burning off was a large plate of biscuits and gravy from Portland’s J&M Cafe.

biscuits and gravy

I did some searching online and found a big range for the calorie count in a serving of biscuits and gravy—estimates were anywhere between 200 and 530 calories. Judging from the flakiness of the biscuits, the size of the serving, and the sausage that was blended into the thick gravy, I’m going to guess the plate I ate was packed with about 450 calories. Eek!

Just how does one burn off a meal of that size? I grabbed a calculator—and the American College of Sports Medicine’s Compendium of Physical Activities—to find out. Here are three ways I could have burned off a 450 calorie breakfast of biscuits and gravy:


Heather Martinez Walked, Boxed and Kicked Off 185 Pounds

Heather Martinez spent many years adapting to her weight gain instead of addressing it. Heavy since elementary school, she remembers not being able to participate in sports or other activities. She admits she would eat her lunch and then eat what was left of her friend’s lunch too. After school she chose fattening snacks like cookies, chips and candy. Her weight struggle progressed through junior high and high school, eventually reaching 326 pounds.

heather martinez collage

Today, Heather is 185 thinner and has maintained the loss for several years. She wants her story to inspire others saying, “You can begin to live healthier at any point in your life. You have the power to change at any moment.”

More from Heather in her own words –

What habits specifically led you to gain weight? There were multiple factors that led me to gain weight: Eating the wrong foods, eating large quantities of food at one time, not eating vegetables and fruits and constant snacking on unhealthy options.

What caused you to realize you needed to change? I knew I needed to make a change when I began choking in my sleep. Another turning point was when I could no longer fit into a restaurant booth or a movie theater seat. The final straw came when I visited my favorite clothing store and realized I could not fit into the biggest size they offered.

How did you lose the weight? I started walking around my parent’s pool. I was so obese that I could only walk for 3 minutes and I would be out of breath. Other tactics I used included cutting out all fast food and sweets, keeping a food journal and scheduling workouts in a calendar.

What diet and exercise methods did you employ? I incorporated healthy options into my diet such as baked chicken and fish, protein shakes, nuts, avocados fruits and vegetables. At first, my exercise routine included walking and lifting weights, but as I began to lose more weight, I added boot camps, boxing, Turbo kick and body combat classes to my program.


Lose Weight at Work

A growing number of companies are implementing wellness-at-work programs, and for good reason: A report from the American Heart Association reports that for every dollar invited in corporate wellness, a company saves somewhere between $3 and $15. In general, employees who participate in wellness programs are sick less often, pay lower health insurance premiums, and are less likely to file for disability pay or worker’s compensation.

salad at desk

There are many approaches to improving employee health. Some offices hand out pedometers or Fitbits or organize company sports teams. Others  serve up healthier foods in cafeterias and vending machines or hire in-office fitness instructors to teach classes. But for many people, more guidance is needed to create lasting health effects. That’s why one of our favorite strategies for encouraging wellness at work is bringing in actual weight loss and wellness coaching for employees.


7 Health and Fitness Newsletters that aren’t Spam!

If you’re like most people, you receive dozens of emails each day that you never actually read before deleting. These are the messages you know are junk, yet somehow you keep resisting the urge to actually mark as spam. Maybe you actually took the time to subscribe to a certain email list, maybe you were added after making a purchase or signing up for a service. No matter why you get these messages, the beginning of the year is a good time for clearing out the clutter and your inbox is a great place to start.

Easier said than done, right? Wrong. Our own Brandi Koskie recently used to see what subscriptions were lurking in her inbox and found 99 different email newsletters! She unsubscribed from about 65 of them.

reading email

Margo Donohue, aka Brooklyn Fit Chick, also sees a lot of surplus emails flow into her inbox. “On average I read and answer about 250 emails per day,” says Margo. “These are from people I need to deal with on top of the regular newsletters. I don’t always have the time to read even the newsletters I’m  interested in, but the ones I do read usually have snappy headlines linked to a few articles.” (Note to publishers: Keep it quick and simple!)


Raw Vegan Couple Ran 366 Marathons in a Row

At least one amazing duo rang in the new year by meeting and completing their 2024 resolution, and it was a lofty one! About this time last year we learned about a couple who planned to run a marathon each day and make their way around the continent of Australia. Long story short: The couple ran into 2024 by finishing their 366th consecutive marathon.

Couple running sunset

Here’s a bit of background on the undertaking in case you missed our initial post: Last January 1st, Alan Murray and Janette Murray-Wakelin left Melbourne on foot for their first marathon of 2024. The 60-year-old grandparents set out to break a record, raise money for charity, and simply draw awareness to healthy living.


Bye Bye Bloomberg! What NYC Gained Before it Lost its Biggest Health Advocate

With the new year, New York City bid farewell to Mayor Mike Bloomberg after a twelve-year term. Love him or hate him, his achievements in public health were stunning. While others only talked, he managed to act on smoking, obesity, and hypertension—and he placed the burden of fixing them on the industries that profited at the cost of the public’s health.

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The Mayor showed that public health is a priority for local government, not just for the federal government to create health policies from on high. Bloomberg used New York City as a laboratory for public health innovation, spotlighting issues and testing solutions on a relatively small scale.

Here’s a reminder of Mayor Bloomberg’s most significant public health campaigns:


Science Teacher Loses Almost 40 Pounds on “McDonald’s Diet”

Inspired by Morgan Spurlock’s documentary, Super Size Me, science teacher John Cisna from Iowa decided to help take his students’ education out of the classroom. He engaged in  a three month experiment much like Spurlock’s, eating McDonald’s every day, but instead of indulging and not exercising, he followed a more structured program which he discussed on TODAY.

  • Cisna’s students put the menus together which included nearly everything on the McDonald’s menu from salads to Big Macs to sundaes.
  • His students tracked his caloric intake and 15 different nutrients

Alison Sweeney Talks to Redbook About Staying Fit: “It’s Not About Dieting”

Alison Sweeney RedbookOn the Biggest Loser, host Alison Sweeney introduces contestants to their weekly sweat-inducing weight loss challenge. Always looking svelte and fashionable beside the big weigh-in scale, how does she stay so trim and healthy? In the January issue of Redbook magazine, Sweeney talks about her daily routine and even inspires the reporter to follow her lead.

I’m not a big fan of resolutions. . . because just like diets, I feel like you’re setting yourself up to fail. 

As an actress on the soap opera, Days of Our Lives, Alison has been in the Hollywood spotlight for years. After the birth of her children, now 8 and 4, she admits the baby weight was tough to take off. After a variety of diets left her feeling tired and well – hungry, she decided to drop the word, “diet” from her vocabulary and instead, opted to, “overhaul her lifestyle.”

In some ways I’m sort of boring, I do the same things all the time

Consistency has made it relatively easy for Alison to control her daily calories. While some people crave variety, she makes healthy eating a habit, often eating her same favorite meals for days on end. “Every day I have oatmeal with blueberries, agave nectar, and cinnamon for breakfast – period,” she said. (more…)