Diet and Nutrition

My Cleanse

Last Spring, I felt a powerful need to go on a cleanse even though I’m a pretty healthy eater by American standards: Vegetarian, no alcohol, ample amounts of fruits and veggies and I do yoga everyday. I do confess to a slight sugar addiction. I followed a cleanse from a book on Ayurvedic health, the ancient Indian form of health and healing. I realized for my own body type, that a super stringent cleanse like the Master Cleanse would not work for me.

So the first day, I ate fruit for breakfast, a salad of raw vegetables for lunch and some steamed vegetables cooked with some spices like turmeric and coriander for dinner. During the day, I snacked on oranges. The next day, I opted for a total juice fast. Carrot juice was a main staple as were herbal teas. I also diluted organic fruit juice and sipped it throughout the day. I continued this for one additional day. At the end of my three days, I felt that I could go longer, but I chose to stop. I felt superbly clean on the inside and also had a new found trust and faith in my discipline. (more…)

Bob Harper’s new book: Are You Ready!

Biggest Loser fans have gotten a front-row seat to see how the fitness expert Bob Harper helps people battling their weight lose hundreds of pounds and find a person inside themselves they thought was long gone. This week he released his new book, “Are You Ready! To Take Charge, Lose Weight, Get in Shape and Change Your Life.”Bob Harper Are You Ready

It is a must-read this spring if you’ve always wanted to dig deeper inside the mind of Biggest Loser’s Bob Harper and reap the benefits of his life-altering weight loss tactics. The book is a fairly quick read- opening with a few chapters to help you dig deep inside the emotional side of your weight. Find out the “why” so that you can move forward from there. The next few chapters are dedicated to the diet- although he urges you not to treat this like a diet. As the title suggests, you have to be completely ready to change your lifestyle. Finally, he dedicates the lengthiest portion of the book to exercise and fitness. Bob provides step-by-step instruction for dozens of exercises that include cardio, upper body, lower body and yoga.

This is as close to a personalized lifestyle makeover from Bob Harper as most will ever be lucky enough to have. It’s well worth the $23 investment and time spent reading.

Learn more by reading the full review of Bob Harper: Are You Ready!.

Cleaning up for spring

Whether you’ve done it or just heard about it, doing a cleanse is a hot and popular undertaking these days. Even though cleanses have been around for hundreds of years, a few like The Master Cleanse have enjoyed some time in the spotlight recently. The purpose of a cleanse varies. Some do it to clean out their system of toxins, others do it to lose weight and still others undergo this feat of discipline to improve their energy and sense of well being.

The kind of cleanse varies also. From all-juice fasts to eating just vegetables, most cleanses rely on just a few staple foods to get you through a predetermined amount of time. Typically, cleanses occur at the change of seasons like the shift that we are experiencing now of ushering in spring as we say farewell to winter.

Most Western medical professionals find cleanses unnecessary since they believe the human body has an innate system to rid itself of unwanted sludge. However, many health professionals, usually those with an alternative health focus, promote cleansing as a necessary part of maintaining and improving health. If you’re thinking about doing a cleanse, it’s safe to consult with a health practitioner who helps guide people through a cleanse. He or she can help you choose a cleanse that fits your energy needs and your ultimate goal.

I’ve done one cleanse in my life. It lasted for three days. The first day I ate nothing but fruit and vegetables and the remaining two days, I drank nothing but fruit or vegetable juices. At the end, I felt pretty darn good. So much so that I swore off of sugar and anything remotely processed for about a month afterwards. Not bad for a first time cleanser. I’m thinking about doing it again in the coming weeks to herald in spring. If you have a cleansing experience you would like to share, I’d love to hear from you.

Guest Blog: Creative Food Ideas Keeps Things Fresh

Hi All! Being a guest blogger, I feel as though I have to introduce myself. My name is Roni and I normally blog over at my place, My claim to fame, if you will, is losing 70lbs on Weight Watchers, which I’ve kept off for 2 years now.

WeightWatchen.comOne of the things that helped (and helps) me become successful on this weight loss attempt (believe me, there were MANY attempts) was my willingness to try new foods. I think most of us now know that a successful weight loss plan needs to be something that we practice long-term. Dare I say a lifestyle with all the advertising that’s going on. Anyway, if the plan we choose has only specific meals or foods we can eat that may put us in a position of getting bored, returning to old eating habits and going off plan. Which may lead to disastrous results, like gaining even more weight (yes I’ve done that too).

So what’s the answer?

Well, it may lie in your refrigerator.

Shortly after I joined Weight Watchers, I hit my kitchen. Soon, I realized with just a little creativity and some practice (ok, ok A LOT of practice) I can make good healthy foods at home. Something I think that is very necessary for long-term weight loss success.

I’m not sure I would be where I am now (weight-wise, that is) if I didn’t get creative and keep things fresh in the kitchen. Now I know that not everyone has the ‘cooking gene’ but there are many resources out there to help give you ideas, hold your hand and even inspire you.

A few months ago I started GreenLiteBites where I share my kitchen adventures on cooking and eating light. I post about new foods I’ve tried, share my recipes, and even post tips.

Don’t worry, if an amateur blog isn’t your style, a lot of places are focusing on healthy, light recipes, like, Healthy Cooking at and even the Food Network.

So I say, give it a try! Hit your kitchen and see what you can come up with, you may surprise yourself!
Thank you, Roni, for sharing your kitchen and weight loss insights with DietsInReview!

Interview with Biggest Loser’s Jay Kruger

These interviews with the Biggest Loser eliminees are rather bittersweet. It’s always exciting to have a chance to visit with them. How often do we grow somewhat attached to characters on TV, but never have the opportunity to actually talk to them? That’s the bitter side- that in talking to them, it means I’ve spent the past three months growing attached and now they’re gone. Jay Kruger is definitely one of those. As Ali said last night, he’s the sweet teddy bear in the Biggest Loser house. Jay was likable from the start and made all the more charming with that good ‘ole Boston accent.

As part of the final five, he and his brother the last “couples” team standing, and the tallest member of the all-man blue team, Jay made his departure from Biggest Loser and Australia last night. He selflessly asked to be eliminated after falling below the yellow line with his brother Mark. Here are a few favorite excerpts from our conversation and you can hear the interview in its entirety below.

It was nice that you got to stick around long enough to go to Australia with the final five. What was the most memorable part of being in Australia?
Ahh Geeze! There were so many great things that happened in Australia. For me, it was the bridge climb. Earlier in the season I had the fear of heights and I had to conquer that on the zip line. Then the bridge climb, you couldn’t smack the smile off my face! You could see the opera house and the Olympic stadium from there. It was a magnificent view and to be there with people you care about. I looked at Roger and said “Do you realize right now we’re on top of the bottom of the world?” It was the greatest part of the whole trip.

Jay and Roger Biggest LoserRoger said after you had been eliminated that “everyone watched you grow out of your brother’s shadow.” How did that comment make you feel and is it accurate?
I was crying when he said it and I was crying last night. I do think it was accurate. One thing I’ve taken away from this whole thing, being on Biggest Loser doesn’t just work on the outside in losing weight. You also work on the inside. You find out why you get to that point in the first place- where you’re just overweight. I was a grumpy individual before I came here. I lacked self-confidence. Through this experience I’ve gained so much self-confidence.

Roger is accurate because I grew out of his shadow and became my own person. My wife has seen that in the weeks I’ve been home. I’m more confident. It’s going to make me a better father, husband friend with everyone I come in contact with.

Last night in Where Are They Now- you talked about your daughter, Lindsey, and the 10K run you’re doing for the Beckwith-Wiedemann Organization. When is that run and how is all of that going?
We haven’t worked out a date yet. My wife is working with the city of New Bedford to nail down a date, possibly June. We’re Looking forward to raising money and awareness for a syndrome that when our daughter was born we didn’t know anything about it. It effects 1 in 14,000 kids. They came to us after she born and I thought, ‘give her a pill and let’s get going.’ But it doesn’t work that way. My wife has taken the bull by the horns on that. She’s the vice president of the children’s organization. She’s helped so many families and getting awareness out.

jay biggest loserIs there a place where people can go to make a donation?
Beckwith-Wiedemann Children’s Foundation, that’s the web site. You can make donations there. Thank you so much!

I told Jay how I had a good cry last night watching his elimination. (It was my Cry of the Week). He said “I was trying to hold back the tears myself. I think I cried as much last night as when it really happened.” I told him my husband caught me crying and asked what was wrong, I responded tearfully that they let Jay go. “Blue team’s crying again! That’s what’s wrong!” was Jay’s response. “I read somewhere that someone said instead of ‘Pride on Three’ it’s ‘Cry on Three.’ I Love that!” Thank you, Jay!

Listen to the full interview with Jay below

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Biggest Loser: Episode 14

I really enjoyed the episode of Biggest Loser last night. Until the last 10 minutes. But we’ll get to that later.

Not only did the contestants get to go on a fabulous vacation, but the viewers also got to go along. Not just a vacation for our eyes with all of the beautiful scenery, but a break from the same-ole-same-ole. The final five were of course shocked when Allison informed them they’d be going to Australia for a week.

Why Australia? Apparently Biggest Loser has made its mark in about 90 countries. The Biggest Loser in Australia is wildly popular, and behind North America is the second heaviest continent. Trainers Bob and Jillian split their time between the U.S. Biggest Loser and the Aussies. That’s why the trainers were absent in the week 13 weigh in. It also sheds a little more light on why the contestants were sent home for a week in episode 8. Next week, the final four’s last week on campus, no trainers either. Rumor has it the Australians spent some time on the Arizona Biggest Loser ranch earlier in the season.

It was a trying week for the contestants with jet lag, strange gym schedules and not being able to prepare their own food. A trying week for alliances as well. It appears as though everyone has finally figured out Roger is favored to win unless they start treating him as such. Ali rallied Mark, Jay and Kelly to start working to remove Roger- but of course not let him catch on. He’s aware though. Maybe not of the alliance, but that the “brotherhood” is breaking up and there aren’t a lot of people left standing in his corner.

So much happened last night that I thought I’d just hit on a some of the high points.

– Kelly and the Oyster. I’m right there with you sister! I laughed so hard watching Jillian literally shove the slimy guy into Kelly’s throat. Kelly said even God couldn’t make her eat it and Jillian casually responded that she and God are related.

– The night on the town in Sydney looked spectacular. And speaking of spectacular- ALI! Wow, that girl is gorgeous. Good for her for just working it. Putting on an outfit that three months ago she would have longingly passed on the rack. Not last night. She owned it. In case you’re wondering, the restaurant they went to is OTTO and the club is Tank, inside the Establishment Hotel.

– Could see the “brotherhood” bond crack a little as they were about to climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Mark apparently has a life-long fear of bridges (gephyrophobia) and refused to go to the top of the 440 foot structure where Allison was waiting. Roger said “to hell with him,” and Ali stood by saying no one was going up without Mark. What happened to Pride on Three, Roger?

– Last Chance Workout. Talk about complete opposites. Bob had the guys next to the water for an intense yoga session. Meanwhile, Jillian was playing drill sergeant and giving the girls a beat down. Anyone else laugh as hard as I did when she was sitting in the tire being dragged by Ali and Kelly yelling “MUSH!”

The challenge last night was pretty intense, the hardest they’ve ever had. A triathlon that I personally cannot imagine doing. Picture these contestants, three months ago- they wouldn’t have either. If nothing else, this was a true testament to the amazing progress they’ve made on Biggest Loser. Swimming 300 yards, running 1/4 mile, bicycle, then running to the Aurora Place building and running up the 44 flights of stairs to the top. Ali and Mark held the lead from the start with Mark eventually pulling ahead. I was so impressed how Mark waited for Ali at the top and then she literally carried him over the finish line.

As these two come to terms with the possibility of being top contenders for the finale that’s just two weeks away, they had to also say goodbye to Jay. Mark and Jay both gained a pound in Australia, during the most unimpressive weigh-in this season. This was quite possibly the most heart-wrenching elimination to date. I was not at all surprised to see Jay step up to be eliminated, but that doesn’t mean I liked it. Check back tomorrow for the Diets In Review interview with Jay.

Cry of the Week: The entire last 10 minutes of the show. Sobbing. So sad to see Jay leave.

Quote of the Week: “I’m going to cut a mean a** rug tonight!,” Mark as they were getting ready to go out in Sydney.

Next Week: It’s the last week on campus. There are no trainers. And an exciting twist that effects the finale.

My exercise plan- week 1

Remember that first episode of Biggest Loser– and all the contestants were puking? That’s how I feel right now. I just wrapped my first session with my personal trainer. The part that hurts the most- my elbows. Explain that to me.

We’re going to meet two days a week- weights and core strengthening. Three days a week I’ll do an hour of cardio on my own. My goal? Tone up, look as healthy as my age should be and as healthy as my mind thinks I am. I’d like to lose about 10-15 pounds. Ultimately, I want a weight that is healthy for me, and a body shape that I’m comfortable with.

I’ve never bought in to the mega-thin super model, Hollywood definition of thin, or even body image. Jenny Craig’s new spokeswoman Queen Latifah says it best in the diet program’s ad campaign- why should myself or anyone else care what “size” I am. “Size Healthier” is what the Queen’s goal is and I think that sounds pretty good.

I want to share my progress with you, as well as my experience in the gym. That means boldly going where I’ve never gone before- telling the world what I weigh. I’ve shared a lot of personal stuff on the Internet- but never this.
Starting Weight: 143
Starting BMI: 24.5
Starting Inches at waist: 33

There, I said it. Those numbers are also written on my bathroom mirror. Staring me down, mocking me as if to say “Every time you think about skipping the gym- is a chance missed to erase these numbers and replace them with something better.”

Unlike a lot of people losing weight- be it 10 pounds or 100 pounds- I’m not changing my eating habits and introducing a gym routine all at the same time. My husband and I have spent the better part of the past year “making over” our kitchen. I’m pretty happy with our diet, the new healthier finds we’ve made, things we’ve cut out that I don’t particularly miss. I plan on sharing this with you too, because it’s possible you have a pantry that could use a makeover.

Long introduction for today. My first training session was tough, but here’s a look at what we did today, and I imagine continuing to do. To be honest, I don’t know what the “official” name is for this stuff, but I’ll get back to you on that.
– Warm up with 3 minutes on treadmill, cool down 3 minutes on treadmill
– 2 sets of 30 squats
– 2 sets of 30 step ups, each leg (raise self on one leg, while standing 1′ off ground)
– 2 sets of 30 crunches, lying on bench
– 2 sets of 40 leg lifts, each leg (lying on side, raising leg)
– 2 sets of 30 – lying on back lifting 5 pd weights
– 2 sets of 30 shoulder presses
– 2, 5 minute sets on elliptical
– 2 sets of 20 each of the following crunches, lying flat on floor:
– 20 regular crunches
– 20 criss-cross crunches (rest left leg on right knee, right elbow touches left knee)
– 20 bicycle crunches (moving legs as if peddling, elbows touch opposite knees)

He told me to be sure to eat something small before I head to the gym- banana, apple, cheese stick. I learned that I did not bring enough water with me and will definitely get a bigger bottle next time. He also told me to eat a small snack, ideally protein, when I finish and to continue drinking plenty of water. Good thing that’s all I drink anyway!

It’s 24 hours later and oh man am I sore! I’ve had two abdominal surgeries- and I would place the pain I’m feeling up there with post-surgery. Just achy, achy muscles. You never realize how much you use those until they don’t want to be used.

I did my cardio tonight. I was supposed to do an hour, I got through 45 minutes. The trainer will be back tomorrow afternoon- and all I have to say is- it’s gonna hurt.

Medifast explained

MedifastLosing 20 pounds in 30 days almost sounds too good to be true. Medifast says its possible. With programs designed specifically for men, women and diabetics, Medifast can be responsible for helping people lose 2-5 pounds a week. This rate of weight loss makes it one of the fastest ways to lose weight, amongst popular weight loss programs. Medifast also boasts the support of 15,000 physicians who recommend it as “safe and effective in multiple clinical studies.”

What is Medifast? It’s meal-delivery meets meal-replacement. You’ll follow a low calorie diet, about 1200-1400 calories/day, that is low in fat, offers balanced nutrition and has been proven successful in clinical research. Critics suggest that a diet this low in calories is counter-productive as it forces your body into starvation mode, where the body begins holding on to fat stores for survival. However, Medifast clarifies that limiting caloric intake will let your body use those fat stores for energy rather than packing on more calories.

Medifast Meal PlanFollowing the Medifast 5 & 1 plan means eating 5 Medifast “meals” and 1 Lean and Green Meal each day. Every two to three hours throughout the day you will eat your choice of Medifast shakes, bars, oatmeal, soups, scrambled eggs, pudding and a variety of other meal replacement foods and snacks, all of which are delivered directly to you. For dinner, you’ll eat one Lean & Green Meal that you prepare with your own food. The L&GM consists of a small portion of lean protein. This can be 5-7oz. of chicken, fish, beef, seafood, pork or turkey and can be cooked any way you like- just not fried. You’ll accompany this protein with three servings of vegetables from the Medifast Vegetable List, which might include fresh spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, eggplant, mushrooms, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and green beans. During the beginning of your Medifast program, higher carb vegetables are removed from your diet to help you jump start your weight loss. Things like carrots, peas and corn will reintroduced at a later stage.

Medifast also recognizes the importance of regular exercise in order to lose weight and maintain health. Many programs dismiss exercise encouraging you to change little about your lifestyle to lose weight. This is not realistic. While Medifast does not provide clear-cut guidelines to follow for your exercise regimen, it does recommend that you find time each day to incorporate physical activity. Depending on your current level of exercise- don’t over commit or strain. “Listen to your body” is what they suggest and do no more than your body will allow. Many Medifast customers make walking their activity of choice because it conveniently fits in with their schedules.

The Medifast site features dozens of testimonials from real people who found success with the program, as well as blogs of six current Medifast customers. The site also offers many tools and support that have become popular amongst online weight loss programs such as weight trackers, community message boards, BMI calculator, online ordering and more.

What sets Medifast apart from many of its notable competitors in the diet market is that it makes the distinction that this is a lifestyle change and not a quick fad diet or even fast approach to dropping pounds. So while other diets help you shed pounds quickly, after that they leave you hanging. Medifast teaches when you should eat, how to eat and what to eat- so that long after you’ve bid farewell to the program, you’re still maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.

Learn more with the Diets In Review Medifast review.

Go ahead and start Medifast today with this special offer- Buy 4 weeks of food and get one free! Use code PROMO at check out.

March Madness Munchies

If you plan on sitting on your duff this weekend watching the March Madness Sweet 16, do yourself a favor and don’t fill up on the typical watch party snacks. Greasy potato chips, fried chicken wings and calorie-packed cheese dips are common fare at these parties. Whether you’re hosting the crowd or have been invited to attend, be prepared with healthier snack options. Your guests won’t notice the difference and you’ll look like you’re helping out the host if you are the guest. These are our top two seeds:
March Madness
Cherry Almond Clusters are a sweet, crunchy twist on traditional popcorn balls.

19 cups air-popped popcorn
2 cups granulated sugar (substitute Splenda, with zero calories)
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tsp. vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tsp. almond extract
1 cup maraschino cherries, cut into quarters (use fresh cherries to reduce calories)
1/2 cup blanched, whole almonds, toasted

1. Keep popcorn warm in a 300 degree F oven
2. In a heavy medium-size saucepan, combine sugar, water, corn syrup, vinegar and salt
3. Bring to a boil; clip candy thermometer to pan
4. Cook syrup to 250 degrees F (hard ball stage)
5. Remove saucepan from heat
6. Quickly stir in almond extract
7. Scatter cherries and almonds over the popcorn
8. Slowly pour syrup over all; toss lightly to coat evenly
9. Spread popcorn on sprayed cookie sheet and let cool
10. Separate into clusters with a fork

Caribbean Chicken Kabob have a refreshing flavor and offer plenty of protein and fresh veggies.

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 lime rind, finely grated
2 Tbs. lime juice
1 Tbs. rum
1 packet sweetener
1 tsp. cinnamon
Fresh veggies and fruit like mushrooms, peppers, onions, zucchini or pineapple

1. Cut chicken into bite sized chunks
2. Place in a bowl with the lime rind, juice, rum, sweetener and cinnamon
3. Marinate 1 hour
4. Save the juices and thread chicken on 4 wooden skewers with desired vegetables
5. Cook the skewers under a broiler or grill for 8-10 minutes, turning occasionally and basting with the juices

Click here to find hundreds of free recipes at Diets In Review.

TV Chef Ellie Krieger cooks up a thinner waist

People often need a friendly face with an authoritative voice to encourage them to live healthy lives. For many, Ellie Krieger is the personality whose face and voice gently inspires them to continue the struggle toward a balanced, healthy lifestyle. As the host of the highly-popular Food Network television show “Healthy Appetite,” she greets her audience with the ease of a long-time friend, offering health tips and recipes that promote losing weight. As the author of the bestselling “Small Changes, Big Results,” she has gained both media attention and a ever-growing base of loyal fans. Today, her momentum continues to build with her new online program “Healthy Living With Ellie Krieger.” ellie krieger

Building Her Following Through Exposure

Krieger, a registered dietitian, has been slowly building a fan base with regular appearances on popular TV shows such as “Today,” “Saturday Early Show” and “Your Total Health.” She has also contributed articles and columns to print magazines such as “People,” “Parenting” and “Woman’s Day.” Catering primarily to women, Krieger offers her expertise in both health and nutrition to an ever-growing legion of female fans who are struggling to lose weight and live healthy lives.

The Ellie Krieger Method For Healthy Living

Krieger maintains that most fad diets are ineffective for living healthily over the long-term. For example, while some diets that encourage its followers to avoid consuming carbohydrates to lose weight, doing so for a prolonged time can have physical and health impacts. Instead, she promotes eating foods that people find delicious while getting into shape and keeping fit through exercise. Krieger contends that this balanced lifestyle of eating the right foods, not depriving your body of foods that it naturally wants to enjoy and being active is the only healthy way to lose weight and keep it off while feeling energized and staying healthy.

Through her book, Food Network television show and online program, Krieger emphasizes that people should focus their attention on the quality of foods they eat, not simply the quantity. For example, eating desserts that you crave is something you should allow your body to enjoy. Just don’t eat desserts in excess. Plus, she claims that if you’re going to indulge, make sure you do so with foods that are worth indulging. That is to say, don’t indulge in horrible-tasting muffins simply to “fill the void.” Indulge in great-tasting muffins so that you’ll enjoy your food more.

Through Krieger’s online program, you’re encouraged to stick with a schedule that includes 3 meals and 2 snacks each day. Nothing is off-limits, including the desserts you crave. A critical component of the program is getting exercise. In the program, you’ll be provided with a customized activity schedule to help you stay active each day.

Healthy Living Can Be Simple

According to Ellie Krieger, living a healthy life isn’t mysterious. It’s simple. It merely requires sticking to a diet that focuses on the quality of foods you give your body and ensuring that you maintain an active lifestyle. By doing these things, you can feel better, lose weight, live healthier and enjoy life more fully. Often, the best solutions are the simple ones.

Article by Damon Zahariades

Also Read:

Healthy Grape Recipes for Summer from Ellie Krieger

Ellie Krieger Dishes on Healthy Snack Ideas and How to Learn to Love Cooking

17 Healthy Carbohydrates You Should Be Eating

Belly Fat and Dementia

It’s always been said that the fastest way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. That path through the stomach is now thought to be the fastest way to the brain- and mental illness. It’s a widely known fact that belly fat is the most dangerous fat you can carry. This is because the fat sits closely to most major organs and puts undue strain on your heart.

A new study, discussed on CBS Evening News last night, shares that middle-aged people with big bellies are more likely to develop dementia when they’re older.

If the risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure weren’t enough to scare you into a extra sit-ups and healthier diet, maybe this news of dementia will.

The study is clear in stating that this is about belly fat, and not necessarily being overweight. Individuals with healthy weight and high amount of fat in the abdomen were 89% more likely to develop dementia. Those with belly fat were three times as likely to develop dementia as those with fat hips.