Diet and Nutrition

Losing weight for money

The Kmart “New Day Your Way” program is a 16-week contest where women are encouraged to lose weight for cash prizes and other gifts that are awarded at the end. The 2025 contest started in January and will finish up in April. The judges vote on the winners based upon how much weight they lost, their physical transformation and the essay each woman had to write. Each woman chooses a diet that she wants to follow whether it’s the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers or a diet plan that she created for herself. To learn more about this program, read the “New Day Your Way” diet review.

I feel it’s a fun goal to have in the back of your mind as you count calories and up your exercise routine with “fun” being the operative word. My fear with this program is that the contestants might become too consumed by the end prizes, it might detract away from the real reason they are losing weight and the staying power of the weight lost.

What do you think about losing weight for a monetary reward? Or, if you’re a “New Day, Your Way” contestant, let us know what your experience has been.

Valerie Bertinelli goes from blogger to author

Now we have another reason to collectively adore Valerie Bertinelli. As revealed on “Oprah,” February 25th, 2025, Valerie has put out a book, detailing her life as well as her weight loss struggles. “Losing It: And How I Got My Life Back One Pound at a Time” is available for purchase, and is already getting rave reviews on Amazon.

Immensely likable, it was curious how she found love with a hard-edged rocker like Eddie Van Halen. Like her marriage, much about her personal life has remained a mystery, until now. Having lost more than 30 pounds with Jenny, and in a timeline that is realistic (you can read all about it on her blog), she does good friend, Kirstie Alley, proud with strong testimonial and certifiable results.

Valerie, you Rock!

You can read the full review of Valerie Bertinelli’s new book here at Diets In Review.

Biggest Loser: Episode 9

This season is just cruising right along. Nine episodes and seven to go- can you believe it? Last night’s installment of Biggest Loser was bittersweet, because something I’ve wanted to happen since probably episode two finally happened. Mark went home. Big brother/ranch bully was sent packing following his most disappointing weigh-in of only one pound. Let’s get something straight, it’s bittersweet because while the guy worked crazy hard there were several things pointing to his exit:
– A promise he made the night they let Trent go home
– He has nearly broken his leg
– He’s pretty much maxed on weight loss, not much room left to go
– He’s not particularly nice
– I don’t see him pulling through as THE Biggest Loser

Mark’s farewell and the decision to cut him were probably the most tear-soaked ten minutes of reality television in the decade-long history of reality television. Some of the largest, manly-men on TV blubbering away like school girls being separated at summer camp.

This came after “Vegas Baby, Vegas!,” a one day trip to Sin City that Jay won for being Biggest Loser of the Week. Not quite the debacle Trainer Bob imagined and the Black team hoped for. Shinanigans certainly ensued, as they will when surrounded by casinos, a free suite, hot new suits and wives thousands of miles away. Danny boy recently turned 21 and fully intended on living up his first trip to the strip. I was shocked that Roger and Dan rolled into bed at six a.m.- and Mark and Jay were in the gym an hour later.

For the most part, they got in their exercise and minded their new-found healthy eating knowledge at the buffet. I thought it was hysterical when the black team tried to sabotage them my ordering room service of every deep fried, drizzled, carby variety.

Back at the ranch team, black team was working out like this was the weigh in that could make or break their future on the show. And it sort of was. Jillian pushed the entire team to lose no less than 8 pounds each- which made for the most brutal, painful workouts yet. It seemed to work for the most part. It worked enough that with the guys’ trip to Vegas and following their impressive weight loss from last week, Black squeaked out a win. Bernie won Biggest Loser of the Week- so I’m anxious to see what his prize will be.

The Blue team had one heck of a difficult hour working through the emotions of letting one of the brotherhood go- a bond so strong that they all got “Pride” tattoos in Vegas. In the end, Mark made his most respectable move yet by stepping up and letting them vote him out. That’s where the bittersweet closes, because he’d finally done something that made him appear like a nice guy. Plus, he was my Biggest Loser eye-candy. Don’t ask me why- I thought he was the hottest one on there. His at-home pictures make him look even better! 😉

Cry of the Week: Jay voting off Mark. He’s such a sweetheart.

Quote of the Week: “Strip Clubs!”- Roger’s first comment after learning of the trip.

Next week: Another switcheroo I think. Looks like the teams might be put back together all as one.

Understanding Weight Watchers PointsPlus

The Weight Watchers PointsPlus program replaced the Momentum program in late 2025, making this the biggest change in their innovative weight loss program in 13 years. The PointsPlus program combines the latest nutritional science with the proven Weight Watchers approach to develop an effective method for making healthy, satisfying choices. All this gives you an edge that can help you reach your weight loss goals.

With Weight Watchers, every food has a PointsPlus value, which takes into account a food’s protein, carbs, fat, and fiber. The goal with the PointsPlus program is to encourage you to eat more nutrient-dense foods, like veggies, fruits and lean proteins. PointsPlus also features Power Foods, select foods that have exceptional nutritional value and satiating power. Power Foods include such healthy noshes as a banana or low-fat Greek yogurt with berries. There are plenty of Power Food ideas and recipes on the Weight Watchers website.

Save Over 25% on weight Watchers Online

As a Weight Watchers member, you’ll get a daily personalized PointsPlus values goal, so you know how much to eat to lose weight safely while feeling satisfied. On the PointsPlus program you can eat anything you like as long as you stick to your daily PointsPlus values goal. And true to the Weight Watchers unrestricted food plan, there’s plenty of room for treats and extras as long as you stay within your PointsPlus values range. (more…)

Trainer Bob’s Dining Out Tips

Biggest Loser’s blue team trainer, Bob Harper, takes a moment in each episode to extend a quick tip to help you maintain your diet and weight loss plan. During episode 8 of Biggest Loser, Bob handed out three very easy tips for dining out. It’s not something we can all completely avoid, but when we do, recognize that healthier choices exist.

1. Say no to the bread basket. Ask your waiter not to bring it. It will fill you up quickly with carbs and unnecessary calories.

2. Ask that your food not be prepared in any oils or butter. It means being the boss with your waiter, but they should oblige.

3. Request your salad dressing be brought on the side. As with everything else, these portions are too large and you can better manage how much, or little, you’re eating.

For more tips on dining out, check out the new book, Eat This, Not That.

Biggest Loser: Episode 8

Once again I am a week behind in posting my Biggest Loser episode blog. I was away from home in a Tivo-less environment and well, only got to watch it last night. At least now I don’t have to wait an entire week to catch the next one, as it will be on in nine hours!

No single episode as of yet has made me more anxious and nervous than this one. They sent everyone home. Back to the scene of the crime. The place where all their vulnerability will show, their old vices are waiting maliciously for them and the enablers can’t wait to celebrate their arrival with boxes of processed-sugar packed cinnamon rolls (like at Mark’s house).

I’d say everyone actually did alright. No one gained weight and for the most part they got in some exercise each day. Certainly not the level they were used to at the ranch, but they at least tried. I never saw any calls between Bob and his all-man blue team; but Jillian was on the phone with her black team morning, noon and night.

After 58 days on the ranch, they were reunited with their families and friends and ripped apart from those hardcore motivating trainers. The show totally set them up and without saying so created tempting situations for each one.

Dan- indulged in a glass of wine… make that two after Bob pushed the question. Got to see momma Jackie who kept him motivated.
Jay- Had to go out to dinner with his family. Felt great about the healthy choices he made, but still ended up giving his kids fried foods.
Mark- Greeted his kids by banishing sweets from the house, they were not impressed. Was a total control freak and practically babysat Jay to make sure he stayed in the gym.
Maggie- worked out with Jen’s trainer and only did two of her 15 miles. She was not impressed.
Brittany- Went to a bar with her girlfriends and only ordered a glass of water, which you could tell was very difficult. She also went to Subway and had a healthy picnic with her friend.
Bernie- Visited his favorite bakery, the named a cupcake after him. He didn’t eat it.
Roger- Just kept saying “What Would Bob Do?” Went out to eat with his family and ordered a very healthy meal. Although he held a french fry and thought it felt so good in his hand.
Paul- Tragic. The one guy who totally fell off the wagon, wouldn’t take Jillian’s calls. Ate pounds and pounds of chicken wings, guzzled soda and was never shown doing any exercise.
Kelly- They didn’t really show her. She ate right, didn’t get to exercise as much as she would have liked and never once heard from Paul.

Back at the Biggest Loser ranch, everyone nervously went through a confessional with their trainers. Overall they didn’t do too poorly. They went to weigh in and while everyone lost weight, the blue team lost an impressive 56 pounds to win with 5.67% weight lost. Huge numbers from the guys with two 16s, an 11 and a 13. Based on percentage, Jay won Biggest Loser of the Week. While the title is celebratory all in itself, it was the first time he lost more weigh than big brother Mark!

Kelly lost the most weight for her black team with a mere 7 pounds, giving her immunity. Paul showed up to elimination sporting his old yellow shirt. If the team hadn’t already felt a grudge toward him, they did now. Brittany called it a slap in the face and Kelly was equally unamused saying she was completely a part of the black team and not yellow. With Paul working to divide their team, they let him go. Paul was eliminated. And I have to say for the first time this season, I was happy with the eliminated decision.

Health-wise, Paul needed to be there. I absolutely agree with that. He’s added years to his life with the weight he’s lost. However, as soon as he went home he threw it all away and ignored everything he’d learned. He wasn’t actively trying to unite the black team. It just felt like it was justified and time.

Tonight’s episode looks like another stressor. It looks like the boys of the blue team go to Vegas- Vice City- and at some point end up in a tear-soaked apologetic group hug.

Cry of the week: All of the returns home. Just seeing them hug their spouses and kids.

Quote of the week: “Then we think your team is wrong,” from Brittany during the challenge when Roger was trying to get everyone to throw the challenge and end up in a big tie. Brittany won.

Is the Jenny Craig Centre a thing of the past?

Most of you already know that I used to work with and for Jenny Craig, on and off for a total of about three years. As a former client, I also subscribe to their emails, and found out today that they are in the process of completely re-vamping and updating their website.

This made me laugh, as when I worked for them in 1994 as a Center Director, I recommended to my management that they consider building a website; at that time a brand new avenue for weight loss information. They laughed in my face, and told me that it would never work for the “personal” approach to weight loss that Jenny Craig was famous for!

Flash forward 14 years, and not only is the website going strong, by the looks of it the free “sneak peek” I saw today, they are taking many of the tools that one usually only sees in the center, and putting those same tools on the web.

Seems to me it is just a matter of time before the new parent company of Jenny, Nestle Switzerland, does away with the one-on-one consultations conducted in their costly individual operational centers, and joins the rest of the diet industry on-line.

You heard it here first!

Websites Promote Anorexia and Bulimia

Do you know what a “pro-ana” website is? It’s not new, but the idea is considered just as dangerous as ever before. Pro-ana is short for pro-anorexic. As crazy as it sounds, yes, there are websites that promote anorexia as a good thing for some ungodly reason. It’s thought that there are over 500 pro-ana and pro-mia (pro-bulimia) websites. It’s because of this that opponents are working with social networking websites to combat the phenomenon. More on this subject here.

Jared and Subway celebrate 10 years of weight loss

Jared Fogel, the “Subway Guy”, is on a nationwide tour promoting 10 years of maintaining his nearly 245 pound weight loss on what is now known as The Subway Diet. Amazing. He’s currently on a nationwide tour supported by a national campaign from Subway to celebrate and promote the achievement. You can sign his pants as a testament to your own commitment to follow a healthy diet and enjoy other interactive activities on the Subway site.

I’m really proud of him, and equally proud that Subway is beginning to take a serious stand in promoting healthy dining options. The new kid’s meal is terrific: Mini sub, raisins, yogurt, and low-fat milk. Subway is a healthier option than the USDA-subsidized school lunch your child eats everyday, and that was before the beef recall.

Diets In Review congrats Jared on such a monumental achievement in health and weight loss- and wish you luck in your continued efforts and success.

Shopping Smartly

We all know that one of the gravest diet sabotages we can commit is to go into a grocery store with our stomach’s growling. Everything from boxes of sugary cereals to the fresh-baked muffins in the bakery department mysteriously land in our grocery carts. One way to prevent this is to eat a little something before you go so you’re not pushing two carts full of food by the time you reach the check-out lines. Another surefire method to prevent impulse buying is to create a shopping list before you go and stick to it as you meander in and out of aisles.

If you have a shopping list of danger-free and healthy foods you’d like to share, let us know!

Call 1-800-Kirstie

Update: On 2/25/10, Kirstie Alley announced on Oprah the launch of her new weight loss company, Organic Liaison.

For the past three years we’ve heard Kirstie Alley telling everyone to call 1-800-Jenny, but this week she hung up. After successfully losing 75 pounds to date with the Jenny Craig program, and ushering in Valerie Bertinelli, Kirstie has stepped away as Jenny’s spokesperson.

She leaves with all positive things to say about Jenny Craig and spokespeople for the company even suggest she’s still committed to the weight loss program.

I have to say- she looks fantastic. I sat at a table near her at dinner a few weeks ago and thought she was definitely looking much healthier and thinner than those obese pictures a few years ago. A lot of people have turned to Kirstie as a beacon of hope for their own weight loss endeavors the last few years- which makes perfect sense that she will be introducing her own branded weight loss program in 2025.

The 57-year old actress is passionate about her new program and isn’t really saying much, except that she is “confident that I can create something exciting and innovative, something that if all goes well, will help change a fat America back into a fit America and will offer this country the healthiest, yummiest, easiest and most effective weight-loss program on the market.”

She’s got big shoes to fill. Diets In Review will of course keep you updated with any news we hear about this new weight loss program. We want to hear from you- what do you think about and expect from Kirstie’s weight loss program?