Diet and Nutrition

Why Crossfit and the Paleo Diet Combine for Explosive Weight Loss Results

Everyone knows that if you want to lose weight, you’re going to have to incorporate a good diet and exercise together. That’s pretty much a given. But did you know if you incorporate two very distinct lifestyles together you could see mouth-dropping results? They’re called the Paleo Diet and Crossfit.

Yes, the two on their own are great ways to work toward your health and fitness goals, but when combined it seems the match was made for each other.

One reason Crossfit athletes are fans of the Paleo diet is because of the way the foods make them feel and how it prepares their bodies for the intense workouts. If you eat a bowl of ice cream or a cheeseburger just hours before your WOD (workout of the day), there’s a good chance you’ll be best friends with a trash bin and won’t be able to finish the workout. People have noticed that when they stick to their Paleo diet, not only will they be able to finish the workout but they’re also able to get through it much easier and push themselves harder.

Andrew Manser, a Crossfit gym owner in Hollywood, says he’s been doing Crossfit and variations of Paleo for the past five years and highly recommends the combination. (more…)

Go Meatless: The Perks of Adopting a Vegetarian Diet

By Team Best Life –

Thinking about going vegetarian, or at least cutting back on your intake of meat, poultry and fish? There are some serious perks to adapting a plant-based diet—these foods supply minerals and vitamins while remaining low in fat and calories. They’re easy to digest and help keep your cholesterol low. (High cholesterol levels contribute to heart disease and other health issues.)

Phytochemicals and fiber found in plant foods can also help fight disease. In fact, compared to meat eaters, vegetarians are less likely to suffer from a variety of ailments, from diabetes to obesity to hypertension. A few more benefits: Going vegetarian can help protect the environment and may even lighten your wallet.

Before you go meat-free, there are a few things you should know:

There are many variations of vegetarianism.

A vegetarian diet consists of mainly plant-based foods, including vegetables, beans, grains, fruits, nuts and seeds. Within this category, there are a few different options. For instance, you could be a lacto-ovo vegetarian, someone who eats plant-based foods, dairy and eggs, or a lacto vegetarian, someone who eats dairy products but no eggs. (more…)

Stop Aging with 17 Day Diet’s Dr. Mike in Men’s Fitness

The second most popular diet of 2024 was 17 Day Diet, and the brand continues to make headlines in the new year. Since its debut in 2024, the book has grown in to a brand where you can apply Dr. Mike Moreno’s 17 Day principles to weight loss, cooking, and even slowing the effects of aging. This month, get some insight on his 17 Day Diet Plan to Stop Aging in Men’s Health Magazine.

Dr. Mike makes an appearance in the magazine’s January issue to talk about the book, but also set you up for your healthiest year yet.

Here are some of Dr. Moreno’s recommendations for prolonging the signs of aging.

1. Keep your heart healthy with exercise: As we age our hearts becomes more effective. In order for our hearts to become stronger with age, we have to do aerobic workouts. Walking, jogging, and running are just a few suggestions. Dr. Mike mentions that with the help of exercise and a healthy diet, “an older person can have the heart of a very young person.” (more…)

You Can Have Better Sex by Valentine’s Day – Our Experts Show You How

A lot goes in to a good sex life, and for women it can be more of a mind game with our conscience than anything else: Are my legs shaved? How’s my breath? Am I bloated? What’s he really think of my naked body? It’s common for women to over analyze things and want everything to be perfect to be “in the mood,” but that can be the biggest antagonist of them all.

We’ve got four weeks to get you ready for a romping good Valentine’s Day night. So follow these four key tasks our experts have identified to help you work on body image, toning, flexibility, and a little weight loss. There’s a good chance you’ll be the one wanting to skip dinner and head straight to the sheets…

Body Image

We all have insecurities about our bodies, but realize how important a positive body image is for enhancing our sex lives.

“Even without changing your body, learning to love it (or parts of it) can do wonders for you in the bedroom,” says Brooke Randolph, LMHC, our resident mental health expert. “If you hate your body and want to hide it, it’s hard to really relax and be tuned into your partner and what you’re experiencing. When you feel good about yourself, you’re more likely to not only try to seduce your partner, but you’re more easily seduced by them as well.”

Try these sexy self-confidence boosters: (more…)

Illuminutri Takes the Guesswork Out of Supplements and Nutrition

With the hundreds of supplements on the market today, it can be confusing to pick the right ones for you and to know that they are safely manufactured with the best ingredients. The FDA does not evaluate supplements before they reach the market so it is up to the consumer to know if what they are taking is healthful and beneficial.

Dr. Stephen Barkow began to see this as a problem in his practice when many patients would come in asking about a particular supplement. He noticed that most people don’t have a direction when taking supplements.

Out of those experiences, the idea for Illuminutri was conceived. Dr. Stephen Barkow and his wife, certified clinical nutritionist Pamina Barkow, decided to combine their expertise to create their own line of supplements to use with their patients as part of a comprehensive health plan.

“Patients come in with a variety of pain, from inflammation to complications from surgeries to chronic pain. I ask myself, ‘What can I do more naturally to reduce pain?’ and then I come up with recommendations for patients. It’s more of a lifestyle change than easy fixes,” said Dr. Barkow. (more…)

Claire Danes’ Post-Baby Body Rocked the Golden Globes

Just one month ago, Claire Danes had a baby. No one ever would have known last night at the Golden Globe Awards, though, as she showed off her stunning post-baby body in a fire red Versace dress on the red carpet. The actress garnered a Globe Award for Best Actress in a TV Drama for her role in “Homeland.”

Although the star did not divulge details of how she slimmed down in time for the award ceremony, she did mention her new son, Cyrus Michael Christopher born December 17, in her acceptance speech, thanking him and husband Hugh Dancy for their support.

Danes told Access Hollywood, “It’s very startling, to find myself on a red carpet. I’ve been in sweatpants for a while.”

To maintain her weight over the years, the 33-year-old tries not to go on extreme diets, instead preferring whole foods while avoiding heavily processed ones. In interviews, she says she eats in moderation but occasionally indulges, telling, “Every now and then it’s good to indulge the soul.” She also works out with a trainer, but admits to hating the gym. Although Danes exercises at the gym when it is necessary to prepare for a role, she prefers other activities like dancing instead. (more…)

Biggest Loser Pediatrician Joanna Dolgoff Reveals the Secret to Ditching Junk Food for Good

The Biggest Loser season 14 is off to a roaring start with Jillian Michael’s team already down to two contestants. But what everyone seems to be buzzing most about are the show’s three teens, and specifically, what they’re doing to improve their diets safely. That’s where Joanna Dolgoff, M.D. Pediatrician steps in.

Dolgoff is the show’s official pediatrician and child obesity specialist and the brains behind the diet program the Biggest Loser teens are following. Dolgoff’s prescription for a healthy diet is defined in her book “Red Light, Green Light, Eat Right,” which aims to teach kids how to make healthy choices based on the principles of the traffic light.

Green light foods – such as lean proteins, fruits and vegetables – are the most nutritious; yellow light foods – such as popcorn – are moderately nutritious; and red light foods are the least nutritious and limited to twice weekly indulgences. In addition to offering basic diet advice, the book also includes sample menus, recipes, and an index of more than 1,000 color-coded foods.

While Dolgoff’s message is primarily aimed at the teens on this season of The Biggest Loser, it’s applicable to people of all ages who are trying to eat well. We recently spoke with Dolgoff about what exactly junk food is and how we can eliminate if from our diets for good. Here’s what she had to say. (more…)

6 Apps You Must Download for Better Health in 2024

With the advancements in technology it seems like people have to do less and less work everyday. Sometimes, the scenes from Wall-E don’t seem so farfetched because everything we want or need has, or will, come to us so easily with the help of technology. The good news is that some of these advancements actually lend themselves to a healthier lifestyle. Some of them, like our favorite apps for the new year, will still make you work for it.

The iTunes store offers a seemingly endless bounty of apps that can help and guide people to live and manage their diets and fitness regimens. But to make your search a little easier, we narrowed down just six apps that we think will impact your fitness and diet routine if you’re still up for a little hard work!

1. Juice

Juice is a fun app to help you connect the dots between your daily habits and personal energy levels. Use Juice for seven days, record daily energy levels, then start making connections between sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Juice gives a personalized assessment with tips for feeling more energized. The more you use the app the more you learn about yourself and become more familiar with your body. You can also record other daily habits by adding categories like stress, life balance, and mood. Ditch the energy drinks and download Juice instead! Cost: Free


2. Exercise Calorie Converter

This is one of the top grossing health and fitness apps on iTunes, and it helps you learn what types of physical activity you need to do to burn off a meal. The app emphasizes fast food meals and can help settle that should you/shouldn’t you debate. Athlete In Me will show just how many miles it takes to burn off a Big Mac. Download the app to see if it’s worth it. Cost: $2.99 (more…)

How to Cook with Persimmons

Persimmons are an odd fruit all around. Their shiny orange skin is unlike any other fruit and their flavor can be described as both spicy and sweet. Can you believe I’ve never tried one before? Like pomegranates this voluptuous fruit has mostly remained a mystery to me, until now. It’s time to crack the code. 

For starters, did you know there are two varieties of persimmons and each is best suited for certain types of dishes? Also, they’re an ideal autumn and winter fruit despite their summery appearance. I think it’s time to put our skepticism aside: Let’s dive in and get the full scoop on persimmons.

What do they taste like? It depends on the variety. According to Whole Foods there are two varieties of persimmons: astringent and non-astringent. The astringent (like the Hachiya) is likened to the consistency of jelly. Non-astringent varieties (like the Fuju) are more crunchy and sweet with a slightly spicy flavor.

Health benefits: Lucky for you and I persimmons not only taste delicious, they’re also extremely healthy. Like most fruits and vegetables they’re very high in fiber, meaning you fill up fast and stay that way for longer. According to FitSugar, just one persimmon contains nearly a quarter of your recommended daily fiber amount  – roughly 6 grams. That’s impressive for a pint-sized fruit. In addition, the fiber in persimmons called pectin helps regulate blood-sugar levels.

Persimmons are also high in vitamins A and C, as well as manganese and free radical-fighting antioxidants. Perhaps the coolest perk? Persimmons have stomach-soothing properties, which means eating one or two won’t leave you feeling bloated. That’s a win-win for fiber-loving ladies. (more…)

7 Questions About Denise Austin’s 7 Skinny Strategies

Fad diets or exercise products seem to come and go every year. However, there are a few names that have lasted the test of time. Denise Austin is one of those names. She has been in the fitness business for decades. This decade is no exception as she recently released a new book titled, “Side Effect: Skinny.”

Her new book deals with what she calls a “fat blast diet,” and seven “Skinny Strategies.” Since Austin provides seven strategies, we asked her seven questions about her new book.

Calorie Confusion

One step instructs dieters to change up their caloric intake on various days to create calorie confusion and trick the metabolism. While many diets refer to cycling or varying intake on certain days of the week, is this how Austin has seen such long-term success? She said she’s eaten this way for the last 20 years and her work with professionals has convinced her to promote it. As she says, “variety is key.”

Fat-Blast Workout

A second strategy is the “Fat-Blast Workout.” We were curious if it was necessary to follow Austin’s unique workout if one was already on an exercise routine. Would results still be felt without the “Fat-Blast Workout?”

“[It] is divided into two types of workouts: one is the fat-blast walk, which is an interval walking routine that can be very well integrated into any cardio workout that someone may already have established. Again, this interval program is all about changing up the routine and surprising your muscles,” said Austin. (more…)

Bollywood Star’s Balanced Diet Philosophy Should be Emulated by Hollywood

After reading a recent interview from a rising Bollywood star, here’s to hoping our Western culture can start teaching our daughters to embrace the Indian culture of actress Bhavna Pani.

The Times of India headlined with Pani’s own words, “I never go on a diet.” The beautiful dancer and actress told the news source that she exercises faithfully, but she never diets, and stated that “shortcuts always prove to be disastrous.” These sage words are coming from a 22-year-old who has to be on screen in front of millions. It was really refreshing to hear that she’s embraced healthy living as a lifestyle and scoffed away quick, hard hitting diets that won’t last.

Pani said in her interview that all her exercise comes from dance and body weight training. She mentioned that she dances about 1-2 hours a day while adding in a toning activity like Pilates or yoga on alternating days. She says her routine is effective and does not demand too much time. (more…)