Tag Archives: cleanse

Pulp Fiction: Why My Misadventures in Juicing Left Me Feeling Terrible

carrot juice

By Cat Poland, a writer who shares her experiences with life and motherhood at Mom on the Range.

You know what’s cute? Baby bellies. Aren’t pregnant women adorable?

You know what’s not so cute? Baby bellies when you’re not pregnant. I’m not making a blanket statement about the size of other women’s bodies and what I think they should or shouldn’t look like. I’m talking solely about my own.

It’s annoying. Pants don’t fit well, and forget about wearing maxi dresses without getting “the look” from others. Is she, isn’t she? When a family member put her hand on my belly and asked if I had “news,” I lost it.

What if I did a juice fast? (Or cleanse, as some might call it.) I just wanted to look not so pregnant. And I was curious. Would I have renewed energy as some claimed? Would I cure my pesky battle with constipation (thank you, hormones). Would I feel rejuvenated? (more…)

7 Ways to Afford Your Own Staycation Retreat Weekend

It’s summer vacation! Time to celebrate, enjoy the weather, and focus on YOU. Just because you don’t have a tropical getaway booked doesn’t mean you can’t still plan your own amazing day or weekend “staycation” right in your own hometown! A lot of people see self-care as selfish, when truly it is the opposite: selfless. If you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of others? Being at your best helps you bring out the best in those around you.

So take some time to show yourself the love you deserve!

massage outdoors

Weekend retreats and relaxation packages are popping up all over the place now to promote self-care. But if you’re looking to skip the airport security lines and save on a hotel, why not create your own pampering weekend locally? Here are our top seven suggestions for making the most of your “me” time.

1. Truly Take Some PTO.

Personal time off is rarely used as just that: Personal Time Off. No hustle and bustle of traveling, no doctor’s appointments, or commitments to anyone else but yourself. If it is reasonable for you to take a few hours to lengthen your at-home retreat weekend, your soul will truly thank you for it. And your boss may not mind how rejuvenated and energized you will be returning to work on Monday! (more…)

Chia Seeds Live Up to the Hype

The chia plant didn’t have the best introduction to the American market. (Ch-ch-chia, anyone?) But don’t be fooled into thinking that chia seeds—which are being added to everything from smoothies to cookies—are all hype. The truth is, chia seeds may be just what your diet is missing!


Chia’s Superfood Superpowers
Chia is the ancient Mayan word for “strength” and these tiny seeds, which are primarily grown in Southern Mexico and have been eaten for thousands of years, live up to their name. They’re packed with amazing amounts of goodness to keep you strong and vibrantly alive. Here are just some of the superpowers packed into the minuscule seeds. A serving boasts:

  • more Omega-3 fatty acids than salmon
  • more calcium per ounce than milk
  • more Vitamin C than an orange
  • fiber, iron, magnesium and potassium
  • tons of antioxidants and anti-cancer properties

Looking to Shed Post-Baby Pounds on a Juice Cleanse? Think Again.

baby juice

New moms everywhere are following the recent trend of celebs like Fergie and Jessica Simpson who have shed post-baby weight by juice cleansing. Women inside and outside of Hollywood to lose weight are under pressure every day but are under special scrutiny to rush back to their pre-baby body. But is this dramatic weight loss safe for mamas and their new babies?

Today Shape Magazine posted about the popularity and potential harms of postpartum juice cleanses. Juice companies now market this new fad and have created specialized cleanse programs for these women. The verdict?

“No!” says Registered Dietitian Mary Hartley. “Don’t even attempt to diet until the baby is at least 8 weeks old.” New moms who breastfeed need at least 1600-1800 calories per day to get the nutrients both baby and mom need. Juice cleanses typically only provide about 1200 calories, and nursing moms need at least an extra 500 calories for breastfeeding alone according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. “After 8 weeks, to make sure the baby is growing well and mom is not excessively hungry, mom shouldn’t attempt to lose more than one pound a week,” cautions Hartley. Juice cleanses would shed pounds much too rapidly for any adult to sustain, let alone a nursing mother and her newborn. (more…)

Shedding for the Wedding: Plan Ahead Months, Not Weeks, for Healthy Results

Last week on Live Big With Ali Vincent, we met Dominique who is getting ready for a day she’s dreamt of for years…her wedding day. Of course Dominique wants to feel amazing walking down the aisle. She also wants to jump start her new life as husband and wife in a healthy way.

Have you ever had that special occasion you wanted to lose a few extra pounds for? I certainly have…and still do. I think special occasions are great opportunities to reboot our healthy living. However, if you switch your lifestyle completely just to lose a few pounds you run the risk of returning back to your old habits and gaining all your weight back (and probably more). (more…)

Conscious Cleanse: A Review of the Cleanse That Changed My Mind

Typically we publish a workout-centered post on Saturdays – you know the drill. But today I was given the freedom to talk on something else. I’ve chosen something relevant to me right now in my “journey to health,” which is a cleanse I’m currently enduring.


Before you roll your eyes, lock up your kids and call me a fanatic, hear me out. Prior to this cleanse I was entirely adverse to anything with the word ‘cleanse’ in it, and have always viewed anything with the label an unsafe fad or trick to help you fit into your skinny jeans or “finally break the bondage of that grilled cheese addiction.”

This cleanse, however, is different. It’s been more of a learning process than a diet, and it’s allowed me to change the way I view food and how it nourishes me. It’s also helped me realize how I’d unknowingly grown so unaware of how food and the body work together to achieve optimum health. (more…)

Dr. Oz Promotes New Two-Day Wonder Cleanse

Dr. Oz is promoting a new two-day “Wonder Cleanse,” but it’s not like the popular cleanses you’ve heard of before. Instead of drinking nothing but water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper, you eat foods that naturally rid your body of toxins. That’s where the “cleanse” comes in.

So think of it as more of a hiatus from ice cream and Funyuns and a shift toward pure foods.

And why should we cleanse? According to Dr. Oz, our bodies are constantly being exposed to harmful substances in the environment and in our diet, and it’s important to flush those out so our bodies can get back to operating more efficiently. Think of it as a ‘spring cleaning’ of sorts for the body.

Over the course of a 48-hour period, Dr. Oz encourages participants to eat six meals and eight snacks made from naturally-purifying, delicious ingredients. And the key? Enzymes. (more…)

Gwyneth Paltrow Promotes $425 GOOP Cleanse

In January, when people are dieting and exercising their way back into their skinny jeans, dietary cleanses that promise quick, effective weight loss can be tempting. In today’s edition of her GOOP newsletter, actress and health aficionado Gwyneth Paltrow promoted her new The GOOP Cleanse by Clean kit, which retails at $425.

The cleanse program instructs you to drink a special protein shake for breakfast, eat a balanced meal for lunch, a protein shake for dinner and take GOOP “clean” supplements throughout the day. Though popular cleanses like The Blueprint Cleanse, The Master Cleanse and The Zen Cleanse purport a number of health benefits, doctors have told Hollywood Life that there is no “scientific proven” value to cleanses.

While the cleanse kit is designed to give your digestive system a break, eliminate toxins, rebuild beneficial bacteria and give you more energy, NYC internist Dr. Robert Bos said that there is no medical evidence that your digestive system needs a break. (more…)

Naturally Detox With These 15 Foods

By Michelle Schoffro Cook for Care2.com

When it comes to cleansing your body of harmful toxins, food really is the best medicine. You’ll be amazed to learn that many of your favorite foods also cleanse the body’s detoxification organs like the liver, intestines, kidneys, and skin, preventing harmful toxic buildup. Help ward off the harmful effects of pollution, food additives, second-hand smoke, and other toxins with delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, and beans.

Apples. Because apples are high in pectin, a type of fiber that binds to cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, they help eliminate toxic build up and to cleanse the intestines.

Avocados. We rarely think of avocados as a cleansing food but these nutritional powerhouses lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least thirty different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals. (more…)

How to Safely Start a Juice Cleanse At Home

There are a number of juice cleanses available that promise fast, foolproof results. From the Blueprint Cleanse, which promises no uncomfortable side effects to the Zen Cleanse which aims to flush toxins from your body.

With juice cleanses becoming more mainstream than ever, it’s important to do your homework and research what kind of cleanse is right for you before you begin. While some cleanses include whole foods and offer nutritional benefits, others suspect that cleanses and fasts are little more than diet hype.

“A juice cleanse is very safe and easy to do. One of the best ways to start gently detoxing the body is to add fresh vegetable juices to a good diet,” said Cherie Calbom, MS, author of The Juice Lady’s Turbo Diet and Juicing for Life. “This will start the body on a gentle detox.  Then you can progress to a day or two of vegetable juice fasting where you give your digestive system a rest.  This helps your body rejuvenate and repair damaged areas.”


Former Biggest Loser Contestant Wins Lawsuit Against Diet Companies

Jen Eisenbarth claims diet companies used her image without her permission

On the TV show The Biggest Loser, contestants work hard to lose weight through diet and lots of exercise, without the use of additional products except for those endorsed by the show.

Season three contestant Jennifer Eisenbarth was eliminated early in the season, but she went home and worked hard to lose over 100 pounds on her own. Now, Eisenbarth has not only been successful in weight loss, she has just won a legal battle with several weight loss companies.

Eisenbarth filed a lawsuit against many diet and weight loss companies for promoting several products, including diet supplements and cleansers, using her name and image without her permission. Although her legal fight has been going on since 2025, the companies named in the lawsuit, including  FWM Laboratories, Bromacleanse, Coast Nutraceuticals, Herbalife International, Congoo and HD Vest Advanced Systems, have settled and agreed to a permanent injunction.
