Tag Archives: New Year

New Years Resolution Survival Guide: Eat Healthy and Lose the Weight for Good

Planner with sticky note - Eat healthy

If your diet is getting an overhaul in 2025, you aren’t alone. Eating healthier to lose weight is the most common New Year’s Resolution, and the people that make that resolution usually have the same one each year, because year after year, for whatever reason, they don’t achieve it.

Whether your resolution is to finally lose the weight for good or to simply eat healthier to feel better, making changes to your eating habits can be tough. Food and the way we eat are effected by so many emotional and physical factors, it can be hard to fight past the triggers, habits and cravings to make positive changes.  Whether you are a beginner and don’t know where to start, or just need all the strategies you can find, we’ve rounded up our best strategies for making better nutritional choices for every New Years Resolution to give you your best chance of success.


New Years Resolution Survival Guide: The Separation is in the Preparation

coffee and notepad with the text 2016 resolutions

We know you’re barely done digesting your Christmas cookies, but it’s time to start looking forward to 2025. The New Year brings new opportunities to start fresh, set goals for the year ahead and make positive, lasting changes in your life. But before you can starting working toward your New Years resolution, you need to find the right one.

Take some time to reflect on the last year. What would you have liked to have done differently? What was the biggest source of stress for you? What would you have liked to work on, but just didn’t find the time?

Now think forward: What are your goals for this coming year? What do you want to achieve? Get your ideas churning with 8 Ways to Make a Healthy New Years Resolution.

Coming up empty? We’ve got you! 20 Healthy New Years Resolutions You Should Make.


See How the Stars are Dieting in 2025


Diet is the word of the season, no matter what you claim as your profession. Celebrities aren’t immune, and their diet proclivities make front-page news. Here’s how some of the biggest names have lost some of their winter pounds, whether living in the real world or prepping for the red carpet season ahead.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Though Paltrow does not have a need to lose weight — she has been deemed “Queen of the Cleanse” — she recently posted about her “annual deep cleanse.” Her annual diet consists of three meals and one snack and focuses on ridding your body of toxins in your system. No dairy, sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine, wheat, or any meat, including seafood.

Soleil Moon-Frye

We spoke with Frye recently about her incredible 23 pound weight loss, something she is very proud of. Frye lost the weight using Nutrisystem‘s My Way and Fast 5, programs that helped her keep on track after a third baby. The former Punky Brewster star looks great, and is happy to be able to eat whatever she likes!

Timothy Spall

Spall, the well-known Harry Potter actor who plays Wormtail, emerged at the Film Critics Circle Award quite a bit lighter. Spall credits his weight loss to the motivation of his wife, a personal trainer, and a huge change in his diet. Spall’s son has also recently celebrated a huge weight loss of his own. (more…)

How Celebrities Resolve to Live Better in 2025


Yes, celebs are just like us. They make New Year’s resolutions, too! If you have yet to plan your 2025 goals, look to these famous role models to come up with your own! We like how they’re keeping it simple and realistic.

1. “When people are talking to me, I will listen.” — Matt Preston, MasterChef Australia

Preston goes on to tell the Daily Mail that he does not usually believe in resolutions, but he and his daughter resolved to make this goal together.

2. “I just need to be better this year than I was last year.” — Ne-Yo, singer

He says, “New Year’s resolutions don’t work for me because I’ll be real disciplined for like a week and then I’ll fall off.” Ne-Yo has a good plan regardless: resolve to not make any resolutions. Personally, trying to be overall “better” than you were in a prior year is a perfect resolution.

3. “I don’t make ’em, ’cause I always break ’em.” — Dolly Parton, country starThough Parton has a similar mindset as Ne-Yo, she also went on to tell Female First that she will stay busy, which keeps her energetic. Her other secret? Naps. “Where I am, whatever I’m doing, I take a quick nap.” Not a bad resolution — more naps! (more…)

NYE Party Planning: Stop the Scale from Springing Forward When the Clock Does

New Year’s Eve. A night of champagne toasts, smooching loved ones, staying up way too late, and boogying the night away. At the start of the year this is feels like a fitting celebration. But it’s important to remember that calories still count on special occasions, no matter how much you’d like to think otherwise. One night of overdoing it can set you back several steps when it comes to meeting your resolutions. As in, if you wake up on January 1 feeling tired, hung-over, and a few pounds heavier than on December 31st, chances are slim you’ll reach for a healthy, well-balanced breakfast first thing of the morning. So, have fun, but plan ahead.

NYE dancing

Try to drink at least a glass of water between each cocktail—this will slow your rate of drinking, hydrate your body, and may even help you drink less overall. And be choosy about what you put into your body. Remember, sugary-tasting drinks are usually pretty high in calories. Choosing to mix liquor with soda instead of tonic water can save you hundreds of calories by the end of the night. Finally, to negate all of those extra calories you do consume, start dancing. Dancing is a great way to kickstart the metabolism, plus it’s fun to do!

Here’s how long you’ll have to shake it to burn off these popular these popular drinks:


The Must-Read Diet and Fitness Book Titles of 2025

At least where we are, the weather outside is frightful making it a delightful time to stay inside and curl up with a new book. Though 2025 was full of great reads about health and fitness — did you see our Best Books of 2025? — we’re excited about what 2025 will bring.

Whether you’re looking to try something new or want the latest edition of a diet or expert you know and love, the new year’s new releases have something for you.

burn the fat feed the muscle

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle by Tom Venuto

Tom Venuto is at it again with another best selling book. Focusing on nutrition and fitness, Venuto has dubbed this his “nutrition bible.” Released earlier this month, we think this is a great book to start your New Year’s fitness resolutions.

Release Date: December 10, 2025

happy hormones slim belly

Happy Hormones, Slim Belly by Jorge Cruise

Based on science that says women naturally crave carbohydrates, Jorge Cruise’s new book will help women over 40 find the balance between eating carbs in order to balance hormones and cutting carbs to lose weight. Look for it on bookshelves today!

Release Date: December 23, 2025 (more…)

No More ‘New Year, New You’ Broken Promises. Plan to be SMART about Your Resolutions

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. I think it’s important to set a goal when it makes sense to do so, not based on a random date on the calendar. Not everyone is ready to change her life on January 1. Yet, even I get caught up in the frenzy of renewal and excitement that comes with the change of the calendar.

According to Time.com, losing weight is one of the top resolutions made – and broken. Why? Because we pin our hopes on an outcome we can’t directly control. We become frustrated when the scale doesn’t budge and we give up. We forget about the other benefits healthy weight loss strategies can bring.


The scale is actually the worst judge of our progress in our fitness journey. I have clients who have dropped 1-2 sizes while the scale only changed a pound or two in the process. Not only did their shape change, they also started feeling all the other benefits of focusing on fitness (and not how much they weigh).

This year, instead of the big “New Year, New Me” proclamation, I want you to take it one step at a time. I want you to pick ONE resolution that is SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relative, Time-Based) and focus on improving your health, not pounds lost. If you focus on doing the right things for your body it will often show up in your shape. You’ll also feel better by focusing on the things you can control. Here are some ideas to get you started. (more…)

4 Health Resolutions it’s Safe to Break This Year

By Kati Mora, MS, RD from AroundThePlate.org

Let’s face it. Some rules are just meant to be broken and with less than 80 percent of people actually achieving their New Year’s resolutions anyway, maybe its not such a bad idea to break a few of them this year. Instead of completely giving up on your resolution though, consider the reasons why your resolution was set to fail. If you can identify the reason, chances are you will be much more successful the second time around.

Although goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely, they should also be fun and challenging. If they fail to be the latter it is often much harder to stick with, no matter how well-defined or memorable. So this year consider ditching your previously set resolution and unresolve to do something. It sounds counterintuitive, but if you take a look at these four resolutions to break, you will see that sometimes breaking ties with your staple resolution can help you achieve your ultimate healthy goal.

Working out at the gym. Who says that a gym membership is the only way to get ripped this year? Instead, consider working out in the great outdoors. Not only will you save a little money, but you’ll reap the benefits of being one with nature. In fact, multiple studies have shown that exposure to natural light improves mood, concentration, and may even help you heal faster. Winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, tubing, sledding, and cross-country skiing are just a few ways to get moving outdoors during the colder months. Snowball fights and snow fort building will also work up a sweat with a lot of fun along the way. (more…)

Top 4 Reasons Diets Fail and What to Do About It

New Year’s resolutions are in full swing, most of which revolve around losing weight and getting in shape. If this describes you, how confident are you that this will be your year? New Year’s resolutions are notoriously short-lived for many reasons.

healthy diet

According to Dr. Jessica Bartfield, a weight loss specialist from Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery & Bariatric Care, only 20 percent of those who plan on losing weight are successful. She gives her top four reasons so many dieters fail to lose weight. We’ll give you the remedies.

1. Underestimating Calories Consumed

Dr. Bartfield: “Most people (even experts!) underestimate the number of calories they eat per day.”

Our Suggestion: If you’re the type that prefers to wing it when it comes to eating, you’re setting yourself up for failure. It’s not enough to want to lose weight. You have to prepare, plan and research what you’re going to eat.

Like Dr. Bartfield, we suggest writing down everything you eat. If you prefer an old-fashioned written food journal, that’s great. However, there many digital solutions that offer a more comprehensive experience with access to your favorite foods’ calorie count, weight tracking, and many other features. (more…)

3 Thoughtful Reasons For Taking Up Yoga in the New Year

The popularity of yoga has been on the rise for quite some time. From Bikram’s hot yoga to Anne Anderson’s snow yoga (Snowga), there are styles sure to assuage all types of desires.

Although there are an estimated 22 million people practicing yoga today, a large number of American’s have yet to give it a whirl. If you are in need of a little coaxing to join a yoga class, check out the following reasons why making it your New Year’s resolution might be of benefit to your health and happiness.

You will learn more about yourself

You might be 60 years old and seemingly privy to all of your nuances and inner workings, but there will always be just a little bit more about yourself you can learn.

The word yoga means ‘to yok’ or ‘to join.’ The true purpose of yoga is to unite mind, body and spirit. In the process of this yoking, we discover parts of ourselves that we had no idea existed. This awakening is worth the effort, and it is what makes yoga so much more than just exercise and stretching. (more…)

The Real Way to Cure a Hangover

The New Year’s celebration is one of the biggest in the world. For many, the revelry involves alcohol, and lots of it. But when a new day (and year) dawns, party goers often feel the aftereffects of their festivities in the form of a nasty hangover.

If this is your predicament, don’t reach for greasy foods, caffeine, or medications, which can worsen the effects of alcohol on your body. Use these natural remedies instead for a fast and healthy hangover recovery.

1. Water

One of the most tried-and-true, widely recognized remedies for too much alcohol is to drink lots of water. Many hangover remedies sound strange and follow bad logic, and will probably not do any good, but this simple tip makes sense. Water will dilute the alcohol in your body, minimize alcohol’s dehydrating effect on your body, and flush out toxins. Try to stay hydrated before, during, and after drinking and its negative effects will diminish considerably.

2. Fruit and fruit juice

Once you’re properly hydrated, start replenishing the vitamins you’ve lost and get your blood sugar back to normal with a tall glass of juice. Orange or tomato juice will replenish lost vitamins and contain natural sugars to help your body metabolize alcohol faster. Bananas are great for restoring depleted potassium levels associated with overindulging, and they have magnesium, beneficial for headaches. If you don’t have any fruit juice, down a Gatorade or other electrolyte-containing sports drink.

3. Ginger

Ginger has been used for centuries as an aid for motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting. Brew some ginger root tea for soothing relief, or pop open a ginger ale for a quick fix. (more…)