Tag Archives: roni

The Best of 2025: From Fearless Selfies to Fitness Leaders, the 26 Must-Follow Names in Wellness

I don’t know about you guys, but we had a really great year over here at DietsInReview.com. We certainly felt the love — hello you named us a Top 50 Health Blog for 2025! — and tried every day to show it to you, too. Together we celebrated some tremendous weight loss successes, fitness milestones, and met so many more of you out there who make this a fun place to be in here.

Along the way, we found a few people who made the Internet a healthier place to be, even enlightening and holding us to a higher standard. They should be recognized, and you should consider following them. There’s a lot of brains, talent, and heart in this bunch of 26 brands and people in our 13 categories, covering food, fitness, and even social networks.

Without further adieu … meet our picks for the best of 2025!


kenlie alan

It was Oxford’s word of the year, you don’t think we’d pass up a legitimate chance to use it, did you? We selected two individuals who are using their selfies to better themselves and those around them. Plus, their selfies are duck-face free, so we can actually stand to look at them!

Alan Ali@Sweating_It_Off

Kenlie Tiggeman@ALLTHEWEIGH


One hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE. It would take longer than four days to watch a single minute’s worth of new video content – and no one has time for that! So we saved you the potato couchin’ time and sorted through to find the very best new clips from this year. Honestly, you’ll put them on repeat.

Dance Walking Fitness by Ben Aaron

Prancercise on YouTube (more…)

Fitbloggin’ 2025 Speakers Announced with DIR’s Brandi Koskie Presenting

Last night the blog community was anxiously awaiting a single email. No, nothing from a publicist with a new product for them to write about and giveaway. This time, an invitation to giveaway their knowledge, tips, advice and insight for growing the smallest of blogs into centers of influence. Last night, Roni Noone, the woman behind Fitbloggin and “too many blogs to list here,” as she is known to say, released the speaker list for the 2025 Fitbloggin’.

This is the third annual Fitbloggin’, a conference for bloggers focused in the health, fitness, and wellness niche. Held each year in Baltimore, bloggers come from across the nation, and even abroad, to meet up with their online colleagues and friends, network with influential writers and advertisers, and simply have a really good time away from it all.

DietsInReview.com’s director of publishing, Brandi Koskie, was named as a speaker, as well as more than 20 others. Brandi will be hosting a 45-minute presentation on the event’s second day called “Get Down to Business: Drive More Traffic Through SEO,” and will help introduce some simple and effective tactics that bloggers can use to bring more readers to their sites.

Other notable Fitbloggin’ speakers who our DIR team has had the pleasure of working with include: (more…)

Win a FitBloggin’ 11 Ticket

Winner Selected 3/1/11: DUBYAWIFE

We are attending FitBloggin’ 11, and we want to take you with us! Well, at least one of you.

It’s a really intimate and engaging conference for bloggers who are focused on fitness, health, and of course networking and learning!

Thanks to Roni at FitBloggin’, we’ve got one conference ticket to giveaway. One blogger will attend for free! Respond in the comments below why you really HAVE TO, WANT TO, NEED TO go to FitBloggin’ 11, and why this ticket, valued at $250, should be in your hands.

Simple as that!

One winner will be drawn at random on March 1, 2025 and notified at that time. (more…)

Heather Ashare to Host Yoga for Bloggers at FitBloggin’

We’re proud to announce that our resident yoga expert, Heather Ashare, will be hosting a yoga for bloggers session at the FitBloggin’ ’10 conference. The conference is a gathering of fitness and wellness bloggers from around the country, and this hour-long session will be just what they need to kick-off a weekend of learning and networking. fitbloggin

If you’re attending the conference, you can expect:

A fun and energetic yoga class specifically designed for bloggers and writers whose passion for sharing their expertise as health advocates finds them sitting behind computers for way too long. With a focus on posture, shoulder alignment, and lower back strength, the class will raise heart rates, stretch hamstrings and lighten the mind. All levels are welcome. (more…)

Lifestyle is Not a Dirty Word

Roni of RonisWeigh.com

Roni from RonisWeigh is our guest blogger for January. You’ll recall she recently took runner-up for Best Diet Blog and her site GreenLiteBites won Best Healthy Recipe site category in our first Diet Site Awards. On her sites she shares her experiences with weight loss and maintaing a healthy life with her family.

Being someone who writes about weight loss and healthy eating for a living, I cringe when I feel the need to to use the word ‘lifestyle‘. It’s fast becoming an over-used, over-marketed term to describe how to successfully lose weight.

I know this. Yet, every time I need to describe the changes that must happen for one to successfully lose, I can’t fight it. The word somehow finds it way to the paper. And as I proofread my own articles I visualize all of the eye rolling that will happen when it gets read.

Don’t deny it. You’ve done the pre-mentioned *eye roll*. Thinking to yourself “Ugh here’s that LIFESTYLE thing again.” But you don’t want to change. You like to go out with friends, order pizza for the family on a Friday night, and enjoy popcorn with butter at the movies. You also loathe the gym and have no time to exercise anyway. You LIKE your lifestyle. It fits you… probably better then your jeans. (more…)

3 Reasons Weight Watchers Worked For Me

Roni of RonisWeigh.com

Roni from RonisWeigh is our guest blogger for January. You’ll recall she recently took runner-up for Best Diet Blog and her site GreenLiteBites won Best Healthy Recipe site category in our first Diet Site Awards. On her sites she shares her experiences with weight loss and maintaing a healthy life with her family.

I’ve tried everything from Atkins to the Zone to lose weight. In between there was the grapefruit diet, the Negative Calorie plan, Xenadrine, Phentermine, low-carb, no carb, no fat, fasting, you name it, I tried it. Nothing seemed to work. My weight fluctuated as much as 50 pounds throughout my 20s.

At age 29, after the birth of my son, I discovered Weight Watchers. I walked through the door desperate to get a hold on this weight issue thing and put the yo-yo dieting behind me forever.

To my surprise it worked! (more…)

Recipes for Wonderful Wonton Wrappers

Roni from RonisWeigh is our guest blogger for January. You’ll recall she recently took runner-up for Best Diet Blog and her site GreenLiteBites won Best Healthy Recipe site category in our first Diet Site Awards. Today, Roni shares some of her original healthy and scrumptious recipes.

Wonton Pizza Bites by Roni

Wonton Pizza Bites by Roni

I admit it. I’m a appetizer-holic. I love them. From the first bite of the cheesy, greasy mozzarella stick to the last salty crispy crunch of stuffed potatoes skins, I always thought appetizers were actually better then the meals themselves. I’d routinely get the “sampler” at Denny’s and don’t get me started about the recent tapas craze here in Baltimore.

So what’s a girl to do? Is it possible to live a healthier slimmer life and still get in my finger food fix?

Of course it is! (more…)

A Day in the Life of a Weight Watcher

roni We’re ringing in the new year with a good friend, Roni from RonisWeigh. You’ll recall she recently took runner-up for Best Diet Blog and her site GreenLiteBites won Best Healthy Recipe site category in our first Diet Site Awards. Today, Roni guest blogs about what a day is life for her as a Weight Watchers follower.

Hi, my name’s Roni and I’m a Weight Watcher.

Sounds cheesy, doesn’t it?

Well, it’s true! Never in a million years would I have thought to describe myself as a member of one of the more popular weight loss plans out there. I was a serial dieter. A yo-yo’er. I conceded to the fact that I would never be happy with my body. It was just the way it was. (more…)

Guest Blog: Creative Food Ideas Keeps Things Fresh

Hi All! Being a guest blogger, I feel as though I have to introduce myself. My name is Roni and I normally blog over at my place, WeightWatchen.com. My claim to fame, if you will, is losing 70lbs on Weight Watchers, which I’ve kept off for 2 years now.

WeightWatchen.comOne of the things that helped (and helps) me become successful on this weight loss attempt (believe me, there were MANY attempts) was my willingness to try new foods. I think most of us now know that a successful weight loss plan needs to be something that we practice long-term. Dare I say a lifestyle with all the advertising that’s going on. Anyway, if the plan we choose has only specific meals or foods we can eat that may put us in a position of getting bored, returning to old eating habits and going off plan. Which may lead to disastrous results, like gaining even more weight (yes I’ve done that too).

So what’s the answer?

Well, it may lie in your refrigerator.

Shortly after I joined Weight Watchers, I hit my kitchen. Soon, I realized with just a little creativity and some practice (ok, ok A LOT of practice) I can make good healthy foods at home. Something I think that is very necessary for long-term weight loss success.

I’m not sure I would be where I am now (weight-wise, that is) if I didn’t get creative and keep things fresh in the kitchen. Now I know that not everyone has the ‘cooking gene’ but there are many resources out there to help give you ideas, hold your hand and even inspire you.

A few months ago I started GreenLiteBites where I share my kitchen adventures on cooking and eating light. I post about new foods I’ve tried, share my recipes, and even post tips.

Don’t worry, if an amateur blog isn’t your style, a lot of places are focusing on healthy, light recipes, like CookingLight.com, Healthy Cooking at TasteofHome.com and even the Food Network.

So I say, give it a try! Hit your kitchen and see what you can come up with, you may surprise yourself!
Thank you, Roni, for sharing your kitchen and weight loss insights with DietsInReview!