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Rachael Ray Diet

Rachael Ray Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

The bubbly TV cook has her own approach to eating well.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

The Rachael Ray Diet is a weight loss non-diet which is intended to be an easy way to help people who don’t like committing to dieting. There’s no official guide or book offered to help show what the diet requires, instead there’s general advice for lifestyle changes.

There are some simple suggestions offered for people to follow to help avoid any serious dieting changes. Though it’s called the Rachael Ray Diet, the idea behind this plan is to help people lose weight without strict adherence to a difficult dieting regiment. In reviewing many different kids of weight loss diets, our experts found that the 18Shake Diet provided the most effective results. This is due to its appetite suppressing meal replacement and its fat burning diet pill, both of which have no unwanted stimulants or preservatives.For more information about the 18Shake Diet, click on the link here.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

Rachael Ray Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

No specific ingredients are recommended or offered as there are no products one has to buy, nor is there a sample meal plan. The official Rachael Ray website does offer some recipes, but this is offered without any nutrition facts. There’s also no mention of portion sizes or how one should choose their meal planning schedule.

The outline for this plan is to follow the following principles:

• Don’t eat if you’re not truly hungry. Avoid eating out of boredom or because you want to indulge.

• Never skipping any meals, making sure to get enough food to alleviate appetite.

• Learning from mistakes by changing that which has not helped you in the past. There are no specific examples given as to what this might mean however.

         • Determining what would be an ideal body type for you.

• Getting some form of exercise including moderate physical activity instead of not doing anything and sitting around.

• Try to not eat much fast food, avoiding soda and instead replacing it with water, getting a sufficientamount of fruits and vegetables, and keeping a healthier mind state. There is no ban on fast food or unhealthy foods, only a suggestion to make sure one is not consuming too much of these foods.

For a list of our expert reviewed top ranked weight loss diets, click on the link cited here.

The idea behind the Rachael Ray Diet is to live as one normally does but with minor changes. While these suggestions are definitely healthy and can promote weight loss, it’s also very basic advice that is already well known. It’s also not a guaranteed weight loss strategy, and results can vary wildly depending on will power.

These very common sense suggestions aren’t enough to truly promote sustained weight loss, as there is no support for those who find it hard to simply give up rich foods or who aren’t motivated enough.

Another suggestion is to instead of stepping on a scale to measure progress; it’s advised to avoid this altogether. Monounsaturated fats are also recommended, which are found in full fat dairy, red meat, avocados, grapeseed oil, and macadamia nuts to name a few. There is no suggestion for what kind of serving size is advised however.

Much of the information is given in a few sentences, and there’s no way to determine exactly how to select a healthy portion for foods.

Learn about which weight loss diets were rated as the best by visitingour expert created top ranked list.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

Rachael Ray Diet Quality of Ingredients

The only suggestion for an ingredient is monounsaturated fats, which is a healthy fat when eaten in moderation. It’s been shown to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular damage, though in excess it can also promote damage to the heart.

Other than that one suggestion for an ingredient, the other recommendations are based off of lifestyle changes. It doesn’t ask users to stop eating certain foods, only to make sure to balance their diet and life with more wholesome options. The main principle is to practice self-control in all things.

The suggestions are all fairly basic and are more for moderation instead of banning anything in particular. While this is good advice, it’s not an effective way to lose weight as there’s not much support or guidance. All the information provided is common sense. This is likely why this is not featured in a guide or sold in a book. Our review experts have compiled a list of the best weight loss diets made available here.

The Price and Quality of Rachael Ray Diet

Since no book, guide, supplement, or pill is recommended, the only price one has to pay is on the foods one chooses to get. The diet does not enforce any strict rules, and one can even indulge in some fast food occasionally.

While the diet is flexible, there’s not enough support offered to help those who have struggled with weight loss. The suggestions made are basic and already well known as healthy ways to live life. No support is offered for those who need to count calories, and no products are offered to help improve fat loss. Click on the link here to learn about which weight loss diets were ranked as the best.

A non-diet as this is described is not an effective quality weight loss plan. It does not offer enough to help secure weight loss results.

Business of Rachael Ray Diet

The creator Rachael Ray is a popular television cooking host, owner of a cookware brand, and she often makes recipes without enforcing any strict standards for measuring ingredients.

In being interviewed about her own weight loss, she revealed how there was a struggle to lose weight. By making simple lifestyle changes she’s been able to feel better and naturally lose weight.

She also insists that a regular diet would not work as it’s difficult to avoid hearty foods as a known celebrity cook. There is no actual resource or book for the Rachael Ray Diet, and instead the basic suggestions made are taken from interviews.

She has also been quoted as saying:

“I have no formal anything. I’m completely unqualified for any job I’ve ever had”

This is seen through the lack of an education in anything related to knowledge about nutrition and weight loss. It’s also likely why the Rachael Ray Diet does not make any claims about benefits, nor does it provide any detailed evidence or suggestions for weight loss. All the available information about this diet can be summarized in a few short sentences.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of Rachael Ray Diet

There are very few reviews available; here are some quotes from users:

“Rachel Ray is chubby, and getting chubbier. Not sure why I’d want to follow her”

“She is not an expert on ANYTHING… to see people even listen to her is unbelievable. Are we THAT gullible?”

“give me a break!! She cooks nothing but pasta, most things are fried/coated in bread. How can anyone lose weight eating like that”

The few users who commented on the diet mentioned how it doesn’t make sense of how someone without a background in weight loss would give advice. People also had issues with the kinds of foods Rachael Ray likes to cook, since they’re often full of calories and are cooked in unhealthy ways.

There were also problems having to do with the basic common sense information that is spread.

To learn about which weight loss diets were rated as the best for weight loss, click on the link here.

Conclusion - Does Rachael Ray Diet Work?

The Rachael Ray Diet is based off of simple principles which are known to be moderate approaches to weight loss. You can still eat and drink as you’d like, but it’s advised to do so in moderation and to eat more healthy foods. Also, moderate exercise is advised instead of staying inactive through the day. There’s no other support offered and this is why there have been criticisms for these suggestions by users who have heard of this diet. Rachael Ray also has admitted she has no qualifications, and she has no background related to nutrition, fitness, or weight loss. There’s not enough support offered by this diet to prove it would be a comprehensive weight loss solution.

In reviewing many different kinds of diets our review experts have found that the most effective for weight loss is the 18Shake Diet. It has a combination of both a meal replacement which can suppress appetite for hours, and a fat burning weight loss diet pill. Both help to promote increased weight loss without the use of stimulants, colors, artificial ingredients, preservatives, fillers, or binders. Customers have also rated them highly due to their potent weight loss benefits.

The 18Shake Diet is also backed by an entire 30-day money back return policy. This allows users to try it risk free without any hassle and with no questions asked. Learn more information about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet by clicking this link.

How Does Rachael Ray Diet Compare?
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(Page 3 of 4, 76 total comments)



This product is a complete waste of time and money. The "terms" of the offer are not well-disclosed and if you miss your window of opportunity for cancellation you will be charged more than $125 for the acai berry and simple cleanse products. Not only is this totally out of line pricing for something that works, it's ridiculous for products that are totally ineffective.

posted Sep 3rd, 2009 2:54 pm


I haven't tried Rachel's complete diet BUT...DO NOT ORDER THE ACAI BERRY AND THE SIMPLE CLEANSE! They are scams. I've had such a hard time trying to get refunded and ended up losing like $200 just to end it! If you want info this is what I was able to get because no one seems to be able to give you any information on supervisors.

posted Aug 31st, 2009 5:53 pm

peter steffen

o boy i just ordered the acai supplements an now i start to worry whit all the negative feedback.hope it will help my as I recall right there is noting in this world wich gives us a positive result whith no effort just open the wallet does not work what on has to do is get rid of the fear wich is saying to us we going to loose if we put some spit in it so to say i learned a long time ago one geth his whishes if one tries the required way in other words som thing need a bigger effort than others keep on triing and you all will find wath you want or see the light wich takes a wile by the way one can be upliftet instantly but not to many people hit the jakpot whath is the odds and yeah for the negathivis my grammar sucks but wisdom has a face but its not there where you all looking beeing negative is the reverse way to analize thing and often results in the opposite one wants to achief HAND pete

posted Aug 6th, 2009 5:26 am



I am so disappointed in this Acia/colon cleansing diet. I have been on it for 3 weeks & I have actually gained a lb. I feel bloated & tired when they tout just the opposite. FYI: I exercise everyday and eat sensibly but I need to lose 10 extra, stubborn lbs. I, too, believe THIS IS A SCAM!

posted Jul 30th, 2009 5:03 pm


how do we lose weight

posted Jul 16th, 2009 12:21 am


The Rachel Ray industry needs to be aware of the Acai Berry scams currently using her name to fleece well-meaning people. From Rachel Ray's website I linked to an Acai Berry FREE offer, only to find later $87 was charged to my credit card. Because I am actively pursuing this as a fraud case, I expect to be credited with a refund, but no one should have to go through this, especially from a site "associated" with Rachel Ray. After all, that was the reason I proceeded to the Acai Berry site; it was advertised on Rachel Ray's site.

posted Jul 12th, 2009 3:27 am

Brittney Spears

All of you that are so mean on here are probably just sad fat and unhappy and look for any way to bring someone down that's better off than you. This diet probably wouldn't work out for you anyway because it involved SELF CONTROL. Thanks for the laugh. People are so negative... who cares how she started off?? A lot of successful people start off serving fast food. SHUT UP, you just make yourself look and sound really stupid.

posted Jun 16th, 2009 3:09 pm


Poor Rachael, succumbing to all the diet hype. Does it stroke the ego to keep hearing, "You look fine! You don't need to lose weight!" In the end, that's not enough. Too bad she is such a role model to young girls--hopefully she won't be inspiring some to become eating disorder statistics. She was fine the way she was. I just don't get it.

posted Mar 30th, 2009 7:04 pm



First off , stop hating on her because she probably not only has more money than you , shes more popular, and most likely is doing more with her life than anyone else talking crap about her.

Second off , i just started yesterday! Im soo excitedddddddd

posted Mar 18th, 2009 11:26 am

ac from gastonia

I have been taking the colon cleanse pro for about a week and i can not see any difference in my weight

posted Mar 17th, 2009 7:51 am



have a total different opinion then some on here. I think she is very inspiring. I cooked the Sirlon Stir Fry, red cabbage and mashed potatoes dinner she cooked the other day on TV. I was so inspired by her, that I went to the store the NEXT DAY and purchased everything to make this meal. My family LOVE IT and it had a great time cooking it. I am not a friend or relative or anyone that knows her personality. I just like her cooking style and she approach to having fun in the kitchen and great food. Even it some don't care for her voice tone, I really never have given it any thought either way. So I would have to say, I'm ok with her voice. Some times people, its how you WANT to preceive things! Look for the good in things, you'll find it!!

posted Feb 15th, 2009 10:20 pm



I have a total different opinion then some on here. I think she is very inspiring. I cooked the Sirlon Stir Fry, red cabbage and mashed potatoes dinner she cooked the other day on TV. I was so inspired by her, that I went to the store the NEXT DAY and purchased everything to make this meal. My family LOVE IT and it had a great time cooking it. I am not a friend or relative or anyone that knows her personality. I just like her cooking style and she approach to having fun in the kitchen and great food. Even it some don't care for her voice tone, I really never have given it any thought either way. So I would have to say, I'm ok with her voice. Some times people, its how you WANT to preceive things! Look for the good in things, you'll find it!!

posted Feb 15th, 2009 10:16 pm

Mandy Cat


The only Rachel Ray diet I might try is one where I listen to that voice before every meal in order to lose my appetite. Which wouldn't be particularly difficult; she's everywhere. In a recent trip through Bed Bath and Beyond, I passed by her pots and pans, her kitchen accessories, her cookbooks, her bathroom accessories (huh?) and a DVD player with her quacking away about something or other. If you're not careful you have to watch her shilling for dog food on TV.

What is it about this woman that makes her so popular? Her recipes are lame and unoriginal, her instructions are sloppy. And, again, that voice!

posted Feb 7th, 2009 4:07 pm



ANYTHING with her name on it is ridiculous! She is not an expert on ANYTHING (she started as a food sample person in a store!) and to see people even listen to her is unbelievable. Are we THAT gullible?

posted Jan 22nd, 2009 4:15 pm


Marta, if Rachel's so chubby why did the men's magazine Maxim pick her to do a photo shoot? She wasn't bearing all by any means but her stomach was showing,and she looked pretty good if you ask me, and I don't think a leading mens publication would pick her if she was "chubby".
She admits that she has a booty, and hips, but she doesn't have rolls of fat anywhere. Chubby to you must mean something entirely different than the rest of us!
I wonder, since you say you are chubby would they pick you?
Chubby is Rene Zellweger in Bridgette Jones's Diary. She gained weight to portray that charcacter, and that character was chubby!

posted Jan 18th, 2009 11:10 pm

Leah Coleman


I simply cannot believe that some of you people on here are calling Rachael chubby! In a way it doesn't surprise me though. After all, we live in a world now, where many people think if you don't look like an anorexic supermodel, you're fat! I read recently that in modeling circles a size 6-8 is considered a plus size! What utter nonsense! I'd love to look like Rachael! I just don't get those ultra skinny, sick looking models who think "gee I just ate a crouton, I better go throw up"- and some young girls still think that is the body model ideal. Rachael is a much better role model and example for girls, or anyone to follow.

posted Jan 8th, 2009 9:05 pm



Rachael Ray is Hot!!!.

posted Jan 3rd, 2009 3:11 pm



the berry pills are a scam. they will charge you every month even if you cancel. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER. IT IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted Dec 31st, 2008 4:53 pm



I have celiac's disease and can't use most of the grain based recipes she promotes. Having recently graduated with a degree in Plant Biology, I gave up watching her show because of all the misinformation she toutseven though I only get three channels and ABC is clearest! lol She is a media hog, catering to mainstream cravings for ratings. She endorses Dunkin Donuts for cying out loud. "Health food - blah!

posted Dec 15th, 2008 3:45 pm




You just admitted that Rachael is probably healthy (which she is). So saying she's chubby is just showcasing how incredibly shallow you are and your skewed vision of beauty.

Don't worry, I don't blame you. I blame the media - and you for being stupid enough to fall for it.

posted Dec 6th, 2008 1:18 pm


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

Rachael Ray is one of the most beloved celebrity cooks of our time. She makes cooking fast, tasty, and most of all fun. She runs several TV cooking shows, a daily talk show, a magazine and has a line of cookware. Eating all of that delicious food and constantly being on the go, you have to wonder how she looks so great. Rachael says she hasn't looked at a scale since she was a child and says she doesn't have time nor does she need the pressure of trying to make her body meet everyone else's standards.

A non-diet approach to, well, dieting can prove to be beneficial for some. It removes many of the pressures, expense and time-consuming tasks of managing a diet. More than anything, it's a common-sense approach to eating. Eat what you should, avoid what you shouldn't and indulge once in a while. The non-diet philosophy continues to gain in popularity.

As with all diets, this one too has a few rules. But they're really quite simple.

  • Try to learn from your past mistakes by changing things that obviously didn't work for you before
  • If you're not hungry, don't eat
  • Don't skip meals
  • Decide what "the perfect body" means to you
  • Think in a healthier frame of mind - don't eat too much fast food, drink water and not soda, get plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Don't just sit around, get in some moderate exercise as often as possible

Rachael has also featured the popular Flat Belly Diet on her Emmy-winning talk show. The diet focuses on the inclusion of Monounsaturated Fats (MUFAs) at each meal- which means a healthy dose of the chef's favorite E-V-O-O. After featuring the acai juice Monavie on her show, her name has become synonymous with the acai berry diet, although she does not endorse the supplements.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • You don't have to weigh yourself all the time
  • Eat food you love - just remember to do it in moderation (and don't forget your veggies)
  • Low stress, no pressure
  • An opportunity to create the perfect plan for you
  • No organized, detailed program (some people like that)
  • Self-control is the key

It's your call. Remember, all things in moderation and make sure you're getting plenty of nutrients. In this common sense lifestyle, you probably already know what you shouldn't eat at all, what you can sneak in every once in a while and what you need to be stuffing yourself with.

If you're bored with your recipe catalog or just looking to try something new, the Web is stacked with healthy, balanced recipes (including those of Rachel Ray) and many sites that offer recipe swapping.


Basic science will tell you: Calories in + Exercise = Calories out. Everyone, including your doctor, will tell you that about 30 minutes of moderate exercise will usually suffice. A light jog, some laps in the pool, the stairs instead of the elevator, walking the kids to the park instead of driving - they're all simple ways to get your heart rate up every day. (Remember, Rachael's not just sitting on the couch eating Bon Bons!)


With celebrities like Rachael Ray promoting what continues to be a growing bandwagon for non-diets, critics continue to come out of the woodwork. Many in the dieting industry say that you need a solid diet foundation to work from if you're going to meet your goals, live healthier and stay in shape. But many would argue that that billion dollar per year industry has left them struggling to find the right one.

A non-diet isn't necessarily ignoring a true need to eat well and exercise - it's just an opportunity for you to make decisions that are right for you and your family. With everyone seeking a customized diet-, this is one way to do that. The Web is jam-packed with resources and educational tools to help you along the way.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

No Diet, Rachael Ray Diet, Rachel Ray Diet, Rachael Ray Deit, Non-Deit

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