What is it?
Omni Drops is a weight loss droplet formula made to help one lose weight quickly alongside a diet. Up to a pound a day of weight loss is mentioned as a possibility.
The diet is highly necessary, as the supplement alone cannot help with weight loss. One has to eat only 500 calories a day. Omni Drops are made with homeopathic ingredients for what’s said to be healthy weight loss. In this review you’ll learn about how customers reviewed it, what kinds of ingredients are used, whether or not it’s effective, and much more. A list of the top 10 diet pill supplements is available when you click here.
Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2025?
Omni Drops Ingredients and Side Effects
No official ingredients listing are provided by the manufacturers. There’s also conflicting information by customers as to what’s added inside. Here are the ingredients which some websites claim are inside Omni Drops:
Vitamin B12
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropic)
Magnesium: Mineral which when it’s not found in the diet will raise blood pressure and harm blood sugar.
This ingredient is often only needed in people who are deficient, such as those who live in developed countries who won’t get enough nutritional foods.
It’s often not required for the average person. Excess amounts can cause both stomach problems and diarrhea.
Phosphate: A chemical mixture of salts and minerals which is found in dairy products, nuts, cereals, meats, and other foods.
They help process many important functions, but they’re not needed in those without a deficiency.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropic): This hormone is extracted from embryos. An endocrinologist found that while on a low calorie diet of 500 calories, it was effective for weight loss.
The FDA has not only added that these claims are not true, but they have since banned it from use. The FDA adds:
“These HCG products marketed over-the-counter are unproven to help with weight loss and are potentially dangerous”
They also discuss the problems with a 500 calorie a day diet:
“Living on 500 calories a day is not only unhealthy- it’s hazardous”
It’s unknown why the company has added this ingredient. One customer who read the label added that it’s one of the few listed ingredients. No information is provided to show exactly how much is included, and whether or not it’s sourced from a quality source. Typically, this additive is only provided when one has a prescription, and only in rare cases.
Without looking at a current ingredient listing it’s unknown if this is still added, or if they have reformulated their supplement.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.
Omni Drops Quality of Ingredients

It’s impossible to determine the total quality without first looking at an ingredients listing. It’s unknown at what strength each ingredient is added in, and there’s no way to determine if there are only natural ingredients.
The added magnesium, phosphate, and vitamin b12 are healthy, but they can be found in natural foods. The only reason these ingredients are added is due to the necessary diet one has to do. Since only 500 calories are offered, it’s important to supplement with more nutrients to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals one will be missing out on.
None of these additives have been shown to be good enough to promote weight loss. Even the added HCG has not been shown to be effective or safe for weight loss, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Without being able to see what’s truly inside and at what dose, it’s impossible for even a medical professional to recommend Omni Drops. To see which diet pills made it to the top 10 list, you can click here.
The Price and Quality of Omni Drops
Though the company has an official website, they fail to mention exactly how much it will cost. The only way to determine pricing is by using the websites contact form and finding an associate. These associates then sell Omni Drops, and it’s likely they make it this way so people have to hear a sales pitch.
Since no price is offered on the official website, there’s no way to determine if a standard pricing is offered, or if one might have to pay more depending on where it’s purchased from. This form of sales makes it impossible to truly have a safe buying experience. Very rarely is this an issue with diet pills.
Ingredients like the ones claimed to be inside of Omni Drops have not been proven to be effective for weight loss. Also, as you’ll see in the “Business of Omni Drops” section, there were people who had issues with scheduling a return. All sales are likely final.
For the top 10 list of diet pill supplements click here.
Business of Omni Drops
Omnitrition owns this brand and they can be contacted via the following:
Phone Number: (775) 335-4700
Address: 5301 Longley Ln # 143
Reno, Nevada 89511
The company currently has an F rating on their Better Business Bureau page. This is due to extreme customer dissatisfaction with how the business has treated them. Here are some direct quotes from customer reviews of Omnitrition:
“rep stated that they are behind on orders and do not have an estimated time of arrival”
“Refused to refund unopened product”
“I received a very rude and condescending email”
“tried to return the products to my distributor who was pushy with medical advice”
The company operates a multilevel marketing strategy, which means sales are only offered by people who earn a commission of sales. They are referred to as associates, according to the official website.
Many had problems with trying to schedule a return even within the company’s protocol for a 30 day return. People have claimed the company does not honor their guarantee, and that they are difficult to deal with.
A few people also had problems with the company’s associates; they stated that the service was bad, and that they were rude. Some were even given medical advice, even though these people have no background in medicine. There were issues with people having emails which criticized them for not taking Omni Drops are corrected.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Omni Drops
There aren’t many reviews available online. Here’s what a few customers had to say:
“I still had cravings 3 weeks into the program”
“A friend of mine was using them for a short time and she was always hungry and had no energy”
“You will waste your money and any weight you lose is likely to come back… when you start eating more normally”
“This diet gave me heart problems”
There are some people who did manage to lose weight, but this can be done on any 500 calorie diet. Many users mentioned they experienced health problems which may be due to Omni Drops, or it could be due to the extreme caloric reduction.
Web MD has also expressed concerns over these kinds of diets:
“Gallstones are the most common serious side effect f very low-calorie diets”
They also mention that a reduced calorie diet would be from 800 to 1500 calories, and this diet requires 500 calories to be reduced.
The FDA has also mentioned the limitations of such a diet, and the potential health consequences. The issue with reducing calories this low for weight loss is also due to the likely weight gain.
For many people who tried Omni Drops, there was an issue with regaining all the lost weight. This is caused by a starvation mode in which the body is limited on calories. Customers who followed the diet quickly regained the weight once they started eating normally. Though, there are also no ingredients in Omni Drops which have been proven to be effective for weight loss. The only weight loss seen is due to the low reduction of calories.
Conclusion - Does Omni Drops Work?
When making a decision on Omni Drops it’s important to look over what’s inside, what customers have to say about it, and how the company is rated. Unfortunately, the company fails to provide much information about this brand, and no ingredients label is provided. Customers have also left negative reviews, claiming it’s not an effective or safe solution for weight loss. Finally, their Better Busiens Burau page has an F rating due to a lack of customer satisfaction
An alternative is the 2025 diet pill of the year called Sletrokor. This all natural solution for weight loss was not only the top rated diet pill supplement, but customers agree, it has potent weight loss benefits. There are testimonials featured on their website which showcases potent results. People mention it’s beneficial for helping reduce food cravings and helping burn calories. Find information about Sletrokor by clicking here.
Inside Sletrokor are only natural plant extracts which can help increase metabolism, reduce appetite, support health mood, and provide several other benefits.
You can try Sletrokor risk free, since they offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are offered with no questins asked within 30 days. To learn more about Sletrokor, click here.
User Feedback
(Page 2 of 6, 109 total comments)Sara
?Support groups ? Hi everyone! (: I currently weigh 165 and I am 5'2" my goal weight is 125. Have tried many different diet methods and I never seem to follow through. It's to the point where my boyfriend and my parents are noticing my excessive weight gain and I hate it. Looking in the mirror disgusts me and I hate clothes shopping for myself! I really need support to get this weight off and I was wondering if any of you knew a support team for the omni diet? I'm starting it next week! Please let me know!
+It's really funny to me to read the negative comments that say it's not the drops, it's the 500 calories per day. A few things, its not as exacting as 500 calories per day. It's actually the weight and very limited highly healthy type of food you eat. As I measured the calories were between 600 and 800 per day depending on size of the fruit, etc.
posted Feb 15th, 2016 3:05 amSecond thing, try sticking to the diet without the drops and the other support your Omnitrition seller provides you. IMPOSSIBLE. So, yes, it is the low calories but it is also the supplements and the support that makes it possible.
The limited, food and supplements I believe are designed to force the body to access your fat tissue for its caloric deficit and not muscle or organs. That was certainly true for me.
I started at 325 pounds. Without Omnitriion I was stuck at 250. I started right before Thanksgiving and went two rounds. I am now at 195 pounds AND I HAVE ABS! I didn't even have abs when I was a 185 pound college kid. (Qualifier, I have gotten addicted to weight lifting and ab work.)
One drawback, especially during the first couple of weeks of using the supplement you have "pregnancy head" (can't remember what you intended to do) and can be reactive (snappy). Just tell your friends and loved ones (and yourself) to try to be understanding.
Anyway, the pros so far outweighed the cons, and so may people have asked me how I did it and I loved the results so much that I am thinking about becoming an Omnitrition distributor.
Mary Hamman
+I took the omnitrition drops and lost 30 lbs. It has been 1 yr and I have kept the weight off. Never felt better. The acid reflux is gone and the high cholesterol is now normal. Ready to do round 2 of the drops.
posted Feb 9th, 2016 2:53 pmDeb!
?When do drops expire! I tried this diet and could not commit. When do the drops and nite lite go bad if kept refrigerated? Omni people suggest 60 days, but other sites say 3-5 years. Please help!
+People REALLY DO NOT understand the process. I lost 47 pounds, 40 inches and got off of my BP and Diabetes medication. I went from an 18/20 to a size 10. Don't tell me it doesn't work. I know better. STOP USING SCARE TACTICS and do some research. I keep hearing how dangerous this diet is but I have yet to hear it from someone who has used it! There is definitely more positive feed back out there. I have maintained for almost 8 months now. I became a distributor and I had a Medical doctor get on the diet. She lost 37 pounds in 6 weeks and feeling great. People are afraid to eat controlled portions but they are not afraid to eat 3000+ calories per day...which is where the REAL danger lies. And NO it is NOT EXPENSIVE when you compare it to having to pay for medications. Maybe if people stop eating from the dollar menu and drinking those expensive fattening coffees then maybe they can afford to get healthy. HCG is not the answer but it is certainly the jump start most people need! I advocate healthy eating and exercise...but most can't do it when they are so discouraged and weak. With HCG you see quick results and that is the motivating factor to continue! Want more information? Go to www.facebook.com/hcghealthyweight
posted Jan 7th, 2016 3:16 pmNicole
+I lost 42lbs on my first round of 30 days. I did 5 rounds in total and lost over 125lbs in less than one calendar year. My body loved the clean eating and portion control that the diet requires. Not sure why it says theres no money back guarantee. I was told that there is a 30 day guarantee. They even replaced one of my bottles for free when I contaminated it and it started having a funky flavor. No fault of their but they still replaced it.
posted Jan 4th, 2016 6:52 pmVanessa
+I started the omni program on 9/28/15 and went from a TIght size 16/XL to a 10/12/M in 6 weeks. It's not 500 calories. I put what I are into Myfitnesspal and it was 1000 calories which was what they recommended for me to lose weight. The products are great and less expensive than many diets out there!
posted Jan 4th, 2016 2:50 amMarie
+I started this program after having numerous miscarriages and being 260 pounds. I lost over 100 pounds and had a healthy baby boy. I was able to get off all medications and have never felt better. I started the program again after I was done nursing my son and have lost all baby weight and an additional 20 pounds. I haven't weighed 140 pounds since high school. I have never been hungry on the program and my doctor was pleased with my results and never had an issue with it until I didn't need any medications anymore and then told me he wouldn't see me as a patient. That is the real scam.
posted Jan 3rd, 2016 10:28 pmMelissa
I am 3 weeks into the diet and this is not a product for me. I have had the worst nights sleep, recurring nightmares and simply can't focus on the morning on a piece of fruit. My job is a very physical one, not to say that this hasn't worked for those in a physical field, but for me I feel sluggish and not refreshed.
posted Dec 11th, 2015 2:44 pmATS
You can get HcG drops on Amazon for a whole lot less money.
posted Dec 11th, 2015 12:47 amMWC
+My wife started Omni about two years ago, at age 58. She started at about 240 lbs, and is now at 142 lbs. She uses the drops, Nitelite, and Omni IV. she also supplements with a Calcium pill. She has had two annual checkups since starting. at the first one her NP her that Omni users were the only patients losing weight. At the second checkup her doctor noted how well her skin had remained tight, not saggy. She absolutely feels good under the plan, and energetic. I think a prospective Omni user needs to realize this is a long term game. this means follow the phases. You may find as she did that the weight comes off during the "drops" phase, but the body measurements change during the next phase (phase III). "Life" (phase IV) gives one a chance to introduce certain foods back into one's diet, but when a food causes one to gain, simply go back to phase III to take it off again. I think part of the idea is to learn to enjoy the healthy foods and acclimate your body's desires to the foods that are good for YOU. This takes time. Some foods may be good for others, but not for you. Keep a measurement diary and over time you will gain much satisfaction over your progress. She and I are constantly hearing positive comments over her good looks.
posted Oct 22nd, 2015 3:52 pmApril Lindsey
+I am currently on this diet and have lost 20 pounds in one month. I am walking proof that this diet works. The recipes are amazing and pounds just shed off this is the best health decision I have ever made and I regret nothing. For more information on these products or if you are interested in ordering you can get in touch with me or your local distributor!
posted Oct 14th, 2015 6:31 pmRobert
+I have seen several people take this diet and accomplish what many diets fail to do. Yes you only eat 500 calories a day. But you eat much of your own fat. you take the drops to make your body not enter fat storing mode for eating so less. You have to follow the plan exactly. The plan is very simple. Anyone that says this is unhealthy hasn't tried it and are probably mad that they are losing customers.
posted Aug 26th, 2015 6:54 pmTammy
-To the nurse sunkissedbreeze I know several people that have used and are currently using this diet. Yes they have lost weight but it's because they only eat 500 calories a day. That is so unhealthy because they are starving their body. It has nothing to do with the drops and everything to do with starvation.
posted Aug 4th, 2015 9:39 pmmica
Hello, I am on the Omni Drops and I have been since april. I am on my second round and I have lost 35 pounds. I am a diabetic and I don't take the same amount of meds that I did initially..almost none. Not saying that this is the cure, but I have done the 500 calories with out the drops and still gained weight, I have lost the weight that I have so struggle with losing for years and I have tried many diets. the Omni Drops DO WORK. dont knock it until you have tried it. These drops are not as expensive as other products that Make you pay auto shipment just to keep getting the product. this product actually help you to train yourself to eat healthy to never have to keep dieting for the rest of your life! IT REALLY WORKS!
posted Jul 23rd, 2015 5:20 pmVincent
I love the idiot trainer on here talking shit that you starving yourself with this. NO your not. Ive been on this 3 weeks now and I'm down 17lbs. The drops themselves help with a boost in metabolism which is turn helps you burn calories faster which guess what...HELPS YOU LOSE WEIGHT FASTER. I did the last week without the drops and still lost weight just not as much as the previous 2 weeks. If you havent tried this you have no room to speak on it because you DONT know whether it works or not.
posted Jul 4th, 2015 5:23 pmAnna
+I have completed 4 rounds of the program and have lost 93 lbs. I went from a size 24 to an 11/12 and now have a new lease on life! I love my new healthy life and am thankful for Omnitrition every day!
posted Jul 1st, 2015 2:48 amkathy
+I am currently on the diet and its not 500 calories, it is portion control, we dont count calories.
posted Jun 24th, 2015 9:36 pmJackie
+The program works. Check out my.official.site for more product info. WWW.omnitrition.com/Jdsanchez IMA
posted Jun 24th, 2015 10:58 amDawn
3 years ago i completed 2 rounds of HCG. in 46 days i lost 43 lbs. I lost 20 more after i stopped taking the shot in the Maintenance phase and A LOT of swimming jogging and walking. it fell off in 3 months. i was thinner than i have ever been. My COMP had significantly changed. No more BP meds.
posted Jun 11th, 2015 8:04 pm