What is it?
Omni Drops is a weight loss droplet formula made to help one lose weight quickly alongside a diet. Up to a pound a day of weight loss is mentioned as a possibility.
The diet is highly necessary, as the supplement alone cannot help with weight loss. One has to eat only 500 calories a day. Omni Drops are made with homeopathic ingredients for what’s said to be healthy weight loss. In this review you’ll learn about how customers reviewed it, what kinds of ingredients are used, whether or not it’s effective, and much more. A list of the top 10 diet pill supplements is available when you click here.
Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2025?
Omni Drops Ingredients and Side Effects
No official ingredients listing are provided by the manufacturers. There’s also conflicting information by customers as to what’s added inside. Here are the ingredients which some websites claim are inside Omni Drops:
Vitamin B12
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropic)
Magnesium: Mineral which when it’s not found in the diet will raise blood pressure and harm blood sugar.
This ingredient is often only needed in people who are deficient, such as those who live in developed countries who won’t get enough nutritional foods.
It’s often not required for the average person. Excess amounts can cause both stomach problems and diarrhea.
Phosphate: A chemical mixture of salts and minerals which is found in dairy products, nuts, cereals, meats, and other foods.
They help process many important functions, but they’re not needed in those without a deficiency.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropic): This hormone is extracted from embryos. An endocrinologist found that while on a low calorie diet of 500 calories, it was effective for weight loss.
The FDA has not only added that these claims are not true, but they have since banned it from use. The FDA adds:
“These HCG products marketed over-the-counter are unproven to help with weight loss and are potentially dangerous”
They also discuss the problems with a 500 calorie a day diet:
“Living on 500 calories a day is not only unhealthy- it’s hazardous”
It’s unknown why the company has added this ingredient. One customer who read the label added that it’s one of the few listed ingredients. No information is provided to show exactly how much is included, and whether or not it’s sourced from a quality source. Typically, this additive is only provided when one has a prescription, and only in rare cases.
Without looking at a current ingredient listing it’s unknown if this is still added, or if they have reformulated their supplement.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.
Omni Drops Quality of Ingredients

It’s impossible to determine the total quality without first looking at an ingredients listing. It’s unknown at what strength each ingredient is added in, and there’s no way to determine if there are only natural ingredients.
The added magnesium, phosphate, and vitamin b12 are healthy, but they can be found in natural foods. The only reason these ingredients are added is due to the necessary diet one has to do. Since only 500 calories are offered, it’s important to supplement with more nutrients to make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals one will be missing out on.
None of these additives have been shown to be good enough to promote weight loss. Even the added HCG has not been shown to be effective or safe for weight loss, according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Without being able to see what’s truly inside and at what dose, it’s impossible for even a medical professional to recommend Omni Drops. To see which diet pills made it to the top 10 list, you can click here.
The Price and Quality of Omni Drops
Though the company has an official website, they fail to mention exactly how much it will cost. The only way to determine pricing is by using the websites contact form and finding an associate. These associates then sell Omni Drops, and it’s likely they make it this way so people have to hear a sales pitch.
Since no price is offered on the official website, there’s no way to determine if a standard pricing is offered, or if one might have to pay more depending on where it’s purchased from. This form of sales makes it impossible to truly have a safe buying experience. Very rarely is this an issue with diet pills.
Ingredients like the ones claimed to be inside of Omni Drops have not been proven to be effective for weight loss. Also, as you’ll see in the “Business of Omni Drops” section, there were people who had issues with scheduling a return. All sales are likely final.
For the top 10 list of diet pill supplements click here.
Business of Omni Drops
Omnitrition owns this brand and they can be contacted via the following:
Phone Number: (775) 335-4700
Address: 5301 Longley Ln # 143
Reno, Nevada 89511
The company currently has an F rating on their Better Business Bureau page. This is due to extreme customer dissatisfaction with how the business has treated them. Here are some direct quotes from customer reviews of Omnitrition:
“rep stated that they are behind on orders and do not have an estimated time of arrival”
“Refused to refund unopened product”
“I received a very rude and condescending email”
“tried to return the products to my distributor who was pushy with medical advice”
The company operates a multilevel marketing strategy, which means sales are only offered by people who earn a commission of sales. They are referred to as associates, according to the official website.
Many had problems with trying to schedule a return even within the company’s protocol for a 30 day return. People have claimed the company does not honor their guarantee, and that they are difficult to deal with.
A few people also had problems with the company’s associates; they stated that the service was bad, and that they were rude. Some were even given medical advice, even though these people have no background in medicine. There were issues with people having emails which criticized them for not taking Omni Drops are corrected.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Omni Drops
There aren’t many reviews available online. Here’s what a few customers had to say:
“I still had cravings 3 weeks into the program”
“A friend of mine was using them for a short time and she was always hungry and had no energy”
“You will waste your money and any weight you lose is likely to come back… when you start eating more normally”
“This diet gave me heart problems”
There are some people who did manage to lose weight, but this can be done on any 500 calorie diet. Many users mentioned they experienced health problems which may be due to Omni Drops, or it could be due to the extreme caloric reduction.
Web MD has also expressed concerns over these kinds of diets:
“Gallstones are the most common serious side effect f very low-calorie diets”
They also mention that a reduced calorie diet would be from 800 to 1500 calories, and this diet requires 500 calories to be reduced.
The FDA has also mentioned the limitations of such a diet, and the potential health consequences. The issue with reducing calories this low for weight loss is also due to the likely weight gain.
For many people who tried Omni Drops, there was an issue with regaining all the lost weight. This is caused by a starvation mode in which the body is limited on calories. Customers who followed the diet quickly regained the weight once they started eating normally. Though, there are also no ingredients in Omni Drops which have been proven to be effective for weight loss. The only weight loss seen is due to the low reduction of calories.
Conclusion - Does Omni Drops Work?
When making a decision on Omni Drops it’s important to look over what’s inside, what customers have to say about it, and how the company is rated. Unfortunately, the company fails to provide much information about this brand, and no ingredients label is provided. Customers have also left negative reviews, claiming it’s not an effective or safe solution for weight loss. Finally, their Better Busiens Burau page has an F rating due to a lack of customer satisfaction
An alternative is the 2025 diet pill of the year called Sletrokor. This all natural solution for weight loss was not only the top rated diet pill supplement, but customers agree, it has potent weight loss benefits. There are testimonials featured on their website which showcases potent results. People mention it’s beneficial for helping reduce food cravings and helping burn calories. Find information about Sletrokor by clicking here.
Inside Sletrokor are only natural plant extracts which can help increase metabolism, reduce appetite, support health mood, and provide several other benefits.
You can try Sletrokor risk free, since they offer a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are offered with no questins asked within 30 days. To learn more about Sletrokor, click here.
User Feedback
(Page 5 of 6, 109 total comments)happy girl
It was recommend to me, by my doctor to try a 500 calorie diet (specifically an hcg diet) to lose weight after I lost 70# and have had no new change in over a year. This was after the diet pills she had me on didnt work either. I have been eating right and at the gym regularly, even hired a trainer, no results. I found omni through my sisters friend and an employee. I have been on the system for 3 days and have lost 10#. I feel great. Nothing has helped me in my weight loss struggle till now. I did my part but needed the push back over the the weight loss stagnation. I still workout because I do not want to lose my habit so I can keep it off when im done, I have just cut back on what and how much I do.
posted Aug 5th, 2014 6:21 amPaula
-This was a terrible detour in my weight loss journey. I friend of mine kept asking me to try it (she is a distributor) and when I finally gave in, her 2 hour meeting with me was all about the ways to make money by becoming a distributor of the product and bragging about how much she makes per month. Only a quick/rushed 20 minutes on what the diet entails.
posted Jul 28th, 2014 11:48 pmShe left $175 richer and I was left with a scam of a diet....
It was terrible! After the "load" where you stuff yourself with fatty foods for 2 days, you suddenly go into starvation mode for 3+ weeks on 500 calories a day, plus a gallon of water or fruit tea, DAILY. I was so shaky and disoriented by day 7, I had to quit. My coworkers were concerned about my lack of energy and I was seriously considering eating my own fingers at one point. :)
Worse, when I asked my distributor about the lack of energy, terrible food choices/so limited (and the terrible seasonings - everything is flavored or sweetened with stevia, and I'm not a sweets person), she just said to take more drops.
Well, the drops must be full of caffeine because they sent my heart racing -to the point where I nearly called 911 one night as I lay in bed, all jerky, aggitated and counting twice as many heart beats in a minute then what is normal! It scared the wits out of me so I quit it...after eating normally for a few days, I was back to normal and so happy! The very few vegetables you're allowed to eat, and the few pieces of fruit, along with very little protein seasoned with ginger and stevia (yeah, awful), I was shaking and had dark circles under my eyes.
I would NOT recommend this diet to anyone unless you're desperate and don't care if it affects your heart or sleep. I see they sell Nite Lite drops to help you sleep - that's because I'm convinced the drops are loaded with caffeine! My distributor is mormon and I'm sure that's why she loved those drops - after a life avoiding caffeine, it has quite an affect on her! haha
Bottom line is, just eat a big salad every day for lunch, a sensible breakfast and dinner, cut out sweets and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and lose weight the healthy way. I can't believe I feel for Omni...I'm on Weight Watchers now, and have lost over 20 lbs and I'm loving the recipes, wide variety of foods/unlimited, and cooking light for my family!
I am only on day 5 of dropping after my 2 days of loading and have dropped 11lbs. Someone mentioned exercise. I usually walk 5 miles a day. I have backed down to 3miles. I need to still exercise for peace of mind. But when I do I add 2 more oz. of protein. I am still losing. It works. You need to get creative with your meals even though the food list for dropping is short!
posted Jun 27th, 2014 6:14 pmLaura
+I can't say enough good things about this diet! I've lost 18 lbs. in two weeks and I feel really great. A lot of people say such a low calorie diet is not healthy however there are current studies indicating just the opposite. Not to mention a fact that should be obvious, being overweight is equally unhealthy and in some cases deadly. I have always been, an emotional eater and never been able to stick to any type of diet, for some reason this one worked for me!
posted Jun 24th, 2014 10:16 pmLily Ann
+Just finished a round, dropped 32 lbs. with only the drops, though I will use the NiteLite the second time around. I am smaller than I was in high school and feel awesome. Skin got uncomfortably dry at one point, but other than that, no side effects other than chronic compliments and feeling awesome.
posted May 17th, 2014 12:25 amAndi
-I was talked in to trying this and it was a huge mistake! I almost died. I had heart palpitations and my hemoglobin dropped to 8. I got very weak and stayed in bed for nearly 3weeks. My Dr. Recommended blood transfusion and gave me steroids to build strength back up. When I contacted my 'caring' coach she could give a shit less. As a matter of fact I could not get a refund! So don't think this is something to try and if it doesn't work you will get your money back. It is a pyramid scheme! Also go to FDA.gov and look up HCG you will find it is illegal. Good luck
posted May 16th, 2014 7:32 pmDoug
+I started the 43 day diet with the Omni drops at 280 lbs. At the end of 43 days I weighed in at 232 lbs. I lost 48 pounds in 43 days. I have gained back 8 lbs. but I have to omit I have not been eating right. Today I am starting a second round. True 500 calories is not much but with a little thought about it there is plenty that can be added to your meal that does not have but few calories. The first few days I had some hunger pains but it felt good. I knew it was working. I wrote down my weight on a calender every day. AMAZING.
posted May 16th, 2014 12:50 pmhappygirl
+I have been doing omni drops for 4 weeks now.. I have lost 15 lbs and feel amazing. Over a year ago I tried some other brand of hcg drops and had negative side effects (face broke out, spotting, cranky) and i felt drained and hungry all the time so I only did it for 3 weeks. So, with Omni I was very skeptical and it took me a year to try the hcg diet again but I am so grateful I did. I have had no side effects with Omni drops. I feel healthier and more energetic than I have in a very long time. I dont feel hungry and actually I know its 500 calories but I feel like I am eating more than I did before the diet, I am just eating healthy. I don't like to call it a diet, I like to call it a life-changing program. Because that is what it is. It not only makes you feel better about yourself and helps you lose weight but it teaches you to eat healthier to have a healthier lifestyle. You become more aware of what you are putting into your body. I dont have junk food cravings anymore. Best of all I feel like I am finally finding myself again. I feel like I can be a better mother, wife and person overall. It's amazing how just feeling better about yourself can really help you start to improve in all other areas of your life. (spiritually, family, relationships, career). I know its pricey but when you add up all the $ you spend on a whole bunch of stuff that doesnt work you are spending way more than you would on Omni. Omni is so worth it plus if you are not satisfied there is a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. If the drops seems to drastic for some people Omnitrition has many other products that help with weight loss, too. No, I am not a distributor (although I am considered it) I just really believe in these products. I've seen what they have done for me and a lot of other people as well.
posted May 10th, 2014 7:16 pmChristine Pryor
Started this diet on May 6th, did the two days of loading and lost two pounds in those two day, that was loading! I am now on day three of the 500 calorie diet, days one and two were miserable, I had given up coffee because I don't like stevia and didn't think I could handle black coffee, this resulted in 2 days of seriors caffeine withdrawals so I felt miserable. Day three I had some black coffee so the headache is gone, I feel great and have lost 6 pounds already. I am still kind of skeptical because once I lost 6 pounds on weight watchers and then just couldn't seem to lose anymore so gave up. If this keeps up I will definitely be a believer. I know others have lost lots of weight, I just need to see it come off of me. I will keeo believers and unbelievers posted.
posted May 10th, 2014 7:11 pmgenisispure
I have a few friends taking these products and they seem to be doing fine with them and losing weight. My issue with them is that it requires no exercise (and to me to loose weight in a healthy manner you have to exercise) you can only eat 500 calories a day ( that is not healthy for you a bit! Your body need critical vitamins and minerals from the food you eat) and it's all about losing the weight FAST...... that too is not healthy for you body. If you lose weight fast without exercise and a low calorie diet.... you are going to have a body lacking nutrients with saggy skin and muscle loss. Sorry people but I am all about taking care of my body and doing what is going to keep me healthy. No omnitrition for me. I have done my research and I will be using Genisis Pure products..... they actually have people's health in mind.
posted May 6th, 2014 2:44 pmHeather Dixon
I have been overweight my whole life and before I tried Omni I was just like you all looking for a reason that it wouldnt work on me.
posted Apr 16th, 2014 4:50 pmI am so glad that I didnt listen to all of the negativity and gave it a try! I am currently on my second round and I have lost 80 lbs since December 26th of 2013.
This is the only thing that has ever worked for me and teach me how to eat lo live not live to eat. If you are looking into this you should really try it!!
Im so glad that I did!!
+This is the only weightloss program I've ever been introduced to. I've been using the products for 2 years and have to say I'm healthier than I've ever been!
posted Mar 15th, 2014 5:25 pmThe program is safe. My friend works at a hospital and all the dr's she works with would recommend these products to their patients.
The drops helps me go from a size 14/16 to 4/6 in less than 5 months. I wasn't as successful with the 3rd phase and went back into poor eating habits, so I did gain some of the weight back, but my body has transformed. Even after gaining weight back I still didn't pass a size 10.
I have friends who have been able to maintain and have not gained the weight back! They're loving life, and pay it forward.
I would recommend if using the drops to also use Omni 4 (liquid vit), charge (energy in a bottle), nite lite (sleep in a bottle), garcinia cambogia (weight-loss assist), and opt. Thermo Java Sugar-free (burns fat and has caffeine).
It's an investment at first! But pays off in the end! Plus there are options to sell the products, which allows you a greater discount and can at least pay for your products each month!
+I love this diet! Never felt better. I take the HCG drops and Omni 4 vitamins. I have energy,pretty skin and the weight is coming off..
posted Mar 6th, 2014 11:59 pmChacho
?3 Days of 0 pounds lost. I am on my second week and I have had 3 straight days of 0 pounds lost. My first week I lost 10 pounds. Is there a way to jump start the process or is this normal?
+I am on round two in my first round i dropped 50lbs total now im back for another 30 in this round in 28 days i have no doubt i will do it!!! You get used to small meals within a week and it tells you if you are hungry to go up to 6 oz portions you might lose slower but lose none the less make sure to drink plenty of water and unsweet tea and coffee.
posted Feb 18th, 2014 7:38 pmAmy
+The drops pull 1400-4000 calories per day from your fat cells. You are not starving because your intake calories are 500, but you're also getting the calories from the fat cells. There is also a 30 day money back guarantee with Omnitrition. Instead of looking at just the website, a distributor could have answered all the questions. A round of the drops is between 21-45 days depending on the amount of weight you want to lose and then there is 21 days of maintenance to reset your hypothalamus. You are off the drops and you increase your caloric intake. If you do not do the maintenance then you will not keep the weight off. Also, in "life" phase, after maintenance, if you go back to eating crap then there was no point in doing the diet. This diet is made so that you learn to eat clean for a lifetime and have the occasional splurge. It works!
posted Sep 16th, 2013 5:03 amsherri
+I have tired every diet including, one my doctor had me stay on with 1200 calories and exercise. I lost some but not in the areas I wanted to lose. With the drops I have lost 71lbs and I have kept it off it.I eat normally now. Everyone is different. I would recommend this diet to anyone. It is not easy but losing weight is never easy.
posted Aug 6th, 2013 3:58 pmMelanie
+Currently I am on round 4 and feel great. I have lost a total of 57 lbs and have not gained any back, since Feb. If you don't do the 3 weeks of maintinance, which resets your metabolism, it can come back easily. I love Omnitrition and recommend it to everyone. It is by no means easy, you have to be mentally prepared to make lifestyle changes, which is the main goal of the program. Simply eating 500 cal a day would leave you looking sickly and feeling even worse. Granted, there may be a few individuals who this may not work for, people with prior underlying medical conditions. Just do your own research and decide for yourself and don't just listen to the bad reviews. :) Have a great day!
posted Jul 29th, 2013 11:44 pmJC
-Followed protocol. I had a good weight loss but could not sustain it even with watching what I ate. Gained all the weight back as did my friends. Temporarily, this works but it is not a good term solution because the weight does come back quickly and that is frustrating.
posted May 22nd, 2013 3:47 pmConnie
+I am on my 3rd week. If you are hungry the program says to take an extra dose of drops and eat an extra helping of protein. Also, you do not workout on this program. You really have to read all of the literature. If you haven't, and/or you haven't tried it, you can't really knock it. I didn't have a lot to lose, but hadn't been able to lose it any other way. For me the 7 lbs I have lost is wonderful. There is great support and a ton of recipe's. My friends have stayed on Phase 3 because they like it as a lifestyle.
posted May 7th, 2013 2:11 am