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Calorie Counting Diets

These reviews are focused on diet and weight loss programs that require you to track and count calories, points or other nutrition facts. Many have been proven to work and each require math skills and dedication to find success.

        [0] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 970
                        [title] => The Hacker Diet
                        [subtitle] => A computerized approach to food journals.
                        [logoFileName] => hackers-diet.gif
                        [blurb] => An electronic diet that calculates calories consumed and burned, The Hacker's Diet is a no-nonsense food journal that supports weight loss and maintenance.
                        [path] => the-hacker-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 4
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-hacker-diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 100
        [1] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 2515
                        [title] => The Hairy Dieters
                        [subtitle] => Lose weight by making over your food with these two cooks and BBC stars.
                        [logoFileName] => hairy-dieters.jpg
                        [blurb] => Dave Myers and Si King share special recipes from their BBC show about making over food to lose weight. 
                        [path] => the-hairy-dieters
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-hairy-dieters/
        [2] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1460
                        [title] => The Hormone Diet
                        [subtitle] => A 3-step plan to renew, replenish and restore your health. 
                        [logoFileName] => hormone-diet.PNG
                        [blurb] => A program to balance hormones for men and women, The Hormone diet helps you lose weight, gain strength and live younger longer. 
                        [path] => the-hormone-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 2
                        [thumbs_down] => 2
                        [titlenew] => The Hormone Diet Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 26
                        [url] => /diets/the-hormone-diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 50
        [3] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 682
                        [title] => The Hospital Diet
                        [subtitle] => Increase your metabolism for quick weight loss.
                        [logoFileName] => hospital-diet.PNG
                        [blurb] => There is limited information available about this diet that claims to mimic the diet prescribed to admitted hospital patients. The Hospital Diet gives your metabolism a rapid increase so that you can lose weight quickly.
                        [path] => the-hospital-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 5
                        [thumbs_down] => 1
                        [titlenew] => The Hospital Diet Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 33
                        [url] => /diets/the-hospital-diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 83
        [4] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 655
                        [title] => The Hot Dog Diet 
                        [subtitle] => Chow down on hot dogs and lose weight in 3 days!
                        [logoFileName] => Hot Dog Diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => A fad-diet indeed but the Hot Dog Diet promises to help you lose weight as you follow a strict eating plan that allows you to eat a few franks over this 3-day diet. 
                        [path] => the-hot-dog-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 7
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => The Hot Dog Diet  Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 47
                        [url] => /diets/the-hot-dog-diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 100
        [5] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 484
                        [title] => The Insulin Resistance Diet
                        [subtitle] => Learn to pair carbohydrates with proteins and fats to balance your glucose levels.
                        [logoFileName] => The Insulin Resistance Diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => The Insulin Resistance Diet teaches how to manage a healthier eating plan by carefully pairing carbs with fats and proteins. You'll balance glucose and lose weight.
                        [path] => The_Insulin_Resistance_Diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 4
                        [thumbs_down] => 0
                        [titlenew] => The Insulin Resistance Diet Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 44
                        [url] => /diets/The_Insulin_Resistance_Diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 100
        [6] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 485
                        [title] => The Ketogenic Diet
                        [subtitle] => A high-fat, low-carb diet most notably known for helping children with epilepsy.
                        [logoFileName] => The Ketogenic Diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => A diet developed for children with epilepsy, The Ketogenic Diet is very high in fat, low in carbs. It's a distant cousin to the Atkins Diet adopted for weight loss.
                        [path] => The_Ketogenic_Diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 4
                        [thumbs_down] => 0
                        [titlenew] => The Ketogenic Diet Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 32
                        [url] => /diets/The_Ketogenic_Diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 100
        [7] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1512
                        [title] => The Lenten Diet
                        [subtitle] => A diet involving no meat on Fridays for a short period. 
                        [logoFileName] => lenten diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => The Lenten Diet is typically followed by members of the Catholic church for 40 days each year. 
                        [path] => the-lenten-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => The Lenten Diet: Does it work?
                        [newRating] => 35
                        [url] => /diets/the-lenten-diet/
        [8] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 2502
                        [title] => The Live Food Factor
                        [subtitle] => Use living or raw foods to give your health the ultimate boost.
                        [logoFileName] => life-food-factor.jpg
                        [blurb] => Use this comprehensive guide of the raw diet to make your move to eating raw foods. 
                        [path] => the-live-food-factor
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-live-food-factor/
        [9] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 895
                        [title] => The Longevity Diet
                        [subtitle] => Extend your life and look younger by following a calorie restriction diet.
                        [logoFileName] => longevity-diet.gif
                        [blurb] => Eat less and choose foods that are nutrient-rich - The Longevity Diet is a caloric-restriction diet that adds years to your life and slims your waist.
                        [path] => the-longevity-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 2
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-longevity-diet/
        [10] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1664
                        [title] => The Magic Guide to Lose Belly Fat
                        [subtitle] => An ebook that helps you lose 10 pounds in 21 days. 
                        [logoFileName] => magic guide.gif
                        [blurb] => Get prepared to workout with efficiency and eat clean with the Magic Guide to Lose Belly Fat diet. 
                        [path] => the-magic-guide-to-lose-belly-fat
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-magic-guide-to-lose-belly-fat/
        [11] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 2387
                        [title] => The Manhattan Diet
                        [subtitle] => A look at the fitness and nutrition habits of the thin and somewhat famous in New York City.
                        [logoFileName] => manhattan-diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => Eileen Daspin's The Manhattan Diet tries to capture the nutrition and fitness habits of the thinnest, most fabulous women in New York City.
                        [path] => the-manhattan-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-manhattan-diet/
        [12] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1338
                        [title] => The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter 
                        [subtitle] => Another tool to help you master your metabolism from Jillian Michaels. 
                        [logoFileName] => Master-Calorie-Counter.jpg
                        [blurb] => A pocket-sized tool for a great body through nutrition and hormones, The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter by Jillian Michaels is a must-have guide. 
                        [path] => the-master-your-metabolism-calorie-counter
                        [thumbs_up] => 2
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-master-your-metabolism-calorie-counter/
        [13] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 2607
                        [title] => The Mayo Clinic Diet Online
                        [subtitle] => The Mayo Clinic Diet is an interactive website designed to help you lose weight and keep it off.
                        [logoFileName] => the mayo clinic diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => The Mayo Clinic Diet is an interactive website designed to help you lose weight and keep it off, based on the eponymous bestselling book.
                        [path] => the-mayo-clinic-diet-online
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-mayo-clinic-diet-online/
        [14] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1146
                        [title] => The Paleo Diet
                        [subtitle] => A diet that follows the eating style of our primate ancestors.
                        [logoFileName] => paleo-diet.png
                        [blurb] => A diet that reflects the eating style of our hunt and gather ancestors, the Paleo Diet is a high-protein, low-carb diet that shuns dairy, flours, sugar and beans.
                        [path] => the-paleo-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 23
                        [thumbs_down] => 2
                        [titlenew] => Paleo Diet Review (UPDATED 2018): Don't Buy Before You Read This!
                        [newRating] => 48
                        [url] => /diets/the-paleo-diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 92
        [15] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 822
                        [title] => The Pen and the Paper Diet
                        [subtitle] => You'll need your calculator for this customized diet plan. 
                        [logoFileName] => pen-and-paper-diet.gif
                        [blurb] => Learn exactly how many calories your own body needs to consume in order to lose weight and maintain it with The Pen and the Paper Diet. 
                        [path] => the-pen-and-the-paper-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-pen-and-the-paper-diet/
        [16] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1719
                        [title] => The Salt Solution
                        [subtitle] => Learn how to reduce the sodium in your diet to help you lose weight.
                        [logoFileName] => salt-solutions.jpg
                        [blurb] => The Salt Solution is a new weight loss book from Prevention that will show you how to reduce the sodium in your diet to help you lose weight.
                        [path] => the-salt-solution
                        [thumbs_up] => 3
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-salt-solution/
        [17] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 1435
                        [title] => The Sleeping Beauty Diet
                        [subtitle] => This weight loss method was made famous by Elvis. 
                        [logoFileName] => sleeping-beauty-diet.jpg
                        [blurb] => There is no guarantee you'll wake up looking as beautiful as Sleeping Beauty on the fad diet, the Sleeping Beauty Diet, but you will get caught up on your rest. 
                        [path] => the-sleeping-beauty-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 1
                        [titlenew] => The Sleeping Beauty Diet Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 42
                        [url] => /diets/the-sleeping-beauty-diet/
        [18] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 2603
                        [title] => The Spark Solution
                        [subtitle] => SparkPeople's complete two-week diet program to fast-track weight loss and total body health.
                        [logoFileName] => spark-solution-book.jpg
                        [blurb] => The Spark Solution review is a look at SparkPeople's complete two-week diet program to fast-track weight loss and total body health. 
                        [path] => the-spark-solution
                        [thumbs_up] => 
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => 
                        [newRating] => 
                        [url] => /diets/the-spark-solution/
        [19] => Array
                [Diet] => Array
                        [id] => 968
                        [title] => The Stillman Diet
                        [subtitle] => An early form of the Atkins Diet with a low-fat twist. 
                        [logoFileName] => Stillmandiet.jpg
                        [blurb] => Used for rapid and dramatic weight loss, the trailblazing Stillman Diet paved the way for other high-protein, low-carb diets.
                        [path] => the-stillman-diet
                        [thumbs_up] => 14
                        [thumbs_down] => 
                        [titlenew] => The Stillman Diet Review: Does it Work?
                        [newRating] => 47
                        [url] => /diets/the-stillman-diet/
                        [percentApproval] => 100
  • The Hacker Diet

    The Hacker Diet

    A computerized approach to food journals.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Hairy Dieters

    The Hairy Dieters

    Lose weight by making over your food with these two cooks and BBC stars.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Hormone Diet

    The Hormone Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    A 3-step plan to renew, replenish and restore your health.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Hospital Diet

    The Hospital Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    Increase your metabolism for quick weight loss.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Hot Dog Diet

    The Hot Dog Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    Chow down on hot dogs and lose weight in 3 days!

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Insulin Resistance Diet

    The Insulin Resistance Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    Learn to pair carbohydrates with proteins and fats to balance your glucose levels.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Ketogenic Diet

    The Ketogenic Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    A high-fat, low-carb diet most notably known for helping children with epilepsy.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Lenten Diet

    The Lenten Diet: Does it work?

    A diet involving no meat on Fridays for a short period.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Live Food Factor

    The Live Food Factor

    Use living or raw foods to give your health the ultimate boost.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Longevity Diet

    The Longevity Diet

    Extend your life and look younger by following a calorie restriction diet.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Magic Guide to Lose Belly Fat

    The Magic Guide to Lose Belly Fat

    An ebook that helps you lose 10 pounds in 21 days.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Manhattan Diet

    The Manhattan Diet

    A look at the fitness and nutrition habits of the thin and somewhat famous in New York City.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter

    The Master Your Metabolism Calorie Counter

    Another tool to help you master your metabolism from Jillian Michaels.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Mayo Clinic Diet Online

    The Mayo Clinic Diet Online

    The Mayo Clinic Diet is an interactive website designed to help you lose weight and keep it off.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Paleo Diet

    Paleo Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    A diet that follows the eating style of our primate ancestors.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Pen and the Paper Diet

    The Pen and the Paper Diet

    You'll need your calculator for this customized diet plan.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Salt Solution

    The Salt Solution

    Learn how to reduce the sodium in your diet to help you lose weight.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Sleeping Beauty Diet

    The Sleeping Beauty Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    This weight loss method was made famous by Elvis.

    User Rating


    approval rating

  • The Spark Solution

    The Spark Solution

    SparkPeople's complete two-week diet program to fast-track weight loss and total body health.

    User Rating


    not enough reviews

  • The Stillman Diet

    The Stillman Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

    An early form of the Atkins Diet with a low-fat twist.

    User Rating


    approval rating