Diet and Nutrition

3 Easy Ways to Boost Your BBQ’s Nutrition

When you’re manning the grill during a backyard barbecue, it’s still important to keep your healthy diet in the forefront of your mind.

We chatted with David Venable, host of QVC’s In the Kitchen with David, about how to slim down and add more nutrition to your meals when you’re grilling this summer.

Choose Turkey:

If you eat burgers frequently during the summertime, choose turkey once in a while. Turkey has a wonderful flavor and less fat than most beef burgers.

“There are two kinds of ground turkey you can buy,” said Venable. “One is all turkey breast meat and the other is a blend of white and dark turkey meat. If you want to go very lean, choose all white meat.”


NutriSystem Flex Offers Dieters A Flexible Meal Delivery Diet

For those who want to lose weight, but still enjoy some flexibility in your diet, NutriStystem Flex could be the answer for you. This new program from NutriSystem offers you five days of prepackaged meals each week. The other two days are your flexible days, making it the most convenient and lowest price program that NutriSystem offers.

On the days that you eat the prepackaged meals, you will be eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and a dessert. You can select your own meals, or choose to have some of the most popular items sent to you. A lot of the guesswork is eliminated because you will receive a Flex Meal Planner with your food. This planner will tell you what to eat, when to eat and how to balance NutriSystem meals with your own recipes.


Interview with the Cookie Doctor, aka Dr. Sanford Siegal

We recently had a chance to interview Dr. Sanford Siegal, the creator and face of Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet.

In the interview he defends that his cookie diet is not a fad, we discuss the ingredients used to make the popular cookies, and he tells why at 80-years old he’s still a constant presence at the bakery.

Live from his Florida bakery, Dr. Siegal gives us a behind-the-scenes peek at the very room where his 35-year-old cookie plan is baked and packaged daily.

Click here to watch the video interview, where you’ll also find a giveaway for a Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet prize pack!

Raven-Symone Drops 70 Pounds After Taking Time Out of the Spotlight

Raven-Symone is no stranger to the spotlight. She started acting at a very young age as a child star on The Cosby Show. As she grew up, she also landed her own TV show titled That’s So Raven which was a huge success.

The curvaceous Raven-Symone has always encouraged others to be comfortable in their own skin, no matter what their size. That is a motto that she has lived and continues to live daily. Now Raven-Symone is not only comfortable in her skin, she’s also comfortable in her clothes.

The star has recently dropped 70 pounds from her frame. “It’s great to put on clothes and not wear a girdle,” she says. She started focusing on her health after deciding to take some time off from the spotlight in 2025.

To drop the weight, Raven-Symone started exercising and making big changes to her eating habits. She worked out at least four times per week, including time on the elliptical machine during her sessions. For her diet, she traded in cupcakes and other unhealthy foods for oatmeal and apple slices for breakfast along with salmon and steamed asparagus for dinner.


How to Grill Perfect Vegetables

Either as a side dish or the main event, grilled vegetables are a fresh, healthy way to celebrate the summer season.

Not only is it important to eat more vegetables as part of a healthy diet, but if you’re eating more vegetables, chances are you’re eliminating higher-fat foods in favor of colorful, plant-based foods.

Opt for Veggies that Grill Well

Just like meats, different types of vegetables stand up to heat differently. Eggplant, summer squash, button mushrooms, peppers, corn on the cob and onions are all excellent on the grill. To serve them in a more creative way, opt for kabobs or a grilled vegetable salad.


How to Grill the Perfect Steak

When you envision a grilled steak, you typically imagine a huge, marbled cut of meat full of saturated fat and cholesterol. With the summer grilling season in full swing, it’s important to be able to enjoy your favorite foods in moderation.

Kari Underly of Range Partners is a third generation meat cutter and offered us some of her top tips on choosing and preparing the proper cuts of steak for your summer cookouts.

“It’s so important for grocery stores and chefs to know how to sell various cuts of steak,” said Underly. “The proper portion of steak is 3-4 ounces and a lot of cuts have multiple portions in one steak.  The average consumer has know way of knowing any better.”

High in zinc, iron and protein, a moderately sized steak is nutritionally dense and can be very good for you if you choose the right cut and cook it well.


Fruits with the Least and Most Amount of Sugar

By Megan Zehnder for

Fruit is no-doubt an important part of our diet. Full of fiber, antioxidants and other phytochemicals, fresh fruit is a great source of sustainable energy. Unlike foods with mostly simple carbohydrates and sugar (like hard candy, cake and donuts) whole fruit contains fiber and other nutrients, which allow the body to feel more full and to absorb the sugar slowly over time, leaving you with lasting energy.

The problem is many people today consume an excess of sugar, which causes inflammation, and can lead to a variety of diseases. (Check out dangers of excess sugar and 7 Tricks to Tame Your Sweet Tooth.)

When it comes to fruit, some choices are better than others. Since dried fruit and fruit juice contain a higher-concentrated sugar content, whole fresh fruit is generally a much better bet. Additionally, prioritizing low-sugar fruit can help keep your overall sugar consumption in check.

Here is a list of fruits that, in their approximate location on the spectrum, are lowest-to-highest in sugar content. Sugar and carb counts vary based on growing conditions, species and other factors. (more…)

Healthier Burger Alternatives for Your 4th of July Cookout

Fourth of July is here and burgers sizzling on a hot grill is practically the American dream, but with so many people watching their weight, the typical high-fat beef burger is no longer the best barbecue option.

Not only are typical burgers high in saturated fat and calories, but the toppings people use to dress them, like bacon and cheese, can be calorie bombs themselves. With seafood, chicken and vegetables offering a lower-fat and calorie option, there is no shortage of grill fare to choose from when it’s time to plan your next party.

The book Burger Parties by James McNair and Jeffrey Starr (Ten Speed Press) offers a variety of party menus centered around burger recipes, including beef alternatives like chicken burgers with jicama slaw an swordfish burgers with tangy apple tartar sauce.

This year, when you’re grilling to celebrate your favorite patriotic holiday, opt for something lighter than the traditional burger. Look to different protein options, such as chicken, fish, turkey and tofu to fill your menu.


Live a Spa Life Every Day

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

Most of us equate the idea of beginning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with lots of bland foods and loose fitting clothes. I made the mistake a lot of us make by putting my life on hold until I was at my ideal weight. Now I understand that we don’t need to reach a magical number before we can start enjoying our life and bring some fun into our food, wardrobe and workout.

My friend Beth has been a huge influence in my life. The sassy senior lives a full and happy life and her secret is simple, she lives as if she resided in a spa. (more…)

8 Sustainable States are Organic All Stars

In our fifty nifty states, some are shining above others in the area of sustainability and organic food production.

When a food is titled organic, that means that it was produced using methods that avoided synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The food does not contain genetically modified organisms and it was not involved in radiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives while being processed. If livestock or meat products are labeled organic that means the animal was raised without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones.

Obviously this is how farming used to always take place. Synthetic inputs are a creation of more modern times. All of these organic practices have been linked to sustainability in that they foster the cycling of resources, contribute to ecological balance, and protect biodiversity.

The health benefits of eating organic products come from the simple fact that one is consuming food, not chemicals. While the jury is still out on what impact these chemicals and artificial elements exactly cause, if you’re like me, I’d prefer not to eat a bug spray or an artificial flavor if I can avoid it. Even if it may not be “that bad” for me.


Pippa Middleton’s Diet and Workout Plan

What’s it like being the sister of a princess? While I’m not a Royal watcher, I did hear a little joking about the presumed jealousy that must be brewing in Pippa Middleton, sister of Kate and sister-in-law to one Prince William.

Yes, I’m sure it’s a royal pain to be considered Britain’s most eligible bachelorette and now to be rumored to be back dating an ex-flame George Percy, who just so happens to be the son of the Duke of Northumberland and one of the richest men in Great Britain (Percy’s inheritance will be worth a reported $350 million).

She also doesn’t seem to be short on self-esteem, as the 27-year-old is known for her athletic-level of dedication to exercise and diet.

One look at Pippa’s figure and you can see that she has the body of an athlete. That’s because she is an athlete. Pippa is known for taking part in triathlons and other events, not to mention she was a college athlete, winning scholarships for hockey and tennis to Marlborough College. (more…)