Tag Archives: supermarket

How Grocery Stores Can Help Us Eat Healthy

man shopping for groceriesSupermarkets are typically laid out to encourage costumers to make as many purchases as possible. The most frequented areas of the grocery store, such as the ends of aisles, are occupied by highest bidder. These choices are driven by profit margins, and not with the shopper’s health in mind.

But what if encouraging healthy purchases were a grocery store’s priority? The Marketplace Health Desk at WHYY public radio in Philadelphia takes a look at this topic. They interview Karen Glanz, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania who has done extensive research in consumer habits in supermarkets. She explains that she’s “trying to learn from what commercial marketers have been doing all along, see if we can’t turn that to health advantage.”


Four Simple Tips for Avoiding GMOs

How to Avoid GMOsWhile the health and environmental risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are still being debated, many people feel strongly about not eating them. After all, do you really want fish genes in your tomato? Here are four simple shopping tips from nongmoshoppingguide.com.

1. Buy Organic

Anything with a USDA Organic label cannot contain GMO ingredients by law.


How to Save Big on Groceries

Pamela Ofstein is the Director of Nutrition Services at eDiets.com, a leading provider of weight loss services, information and products.

If you’re like me, any place I can save a few pennies (or dollars) helps. For most of us, this economy has put a squeeze on our spending; we’re stretching our dollars as much as we can.

When was the last time you went to the grocery store and your bill was less than expected? With less money coming in and costs rising, it’s tough to cut corners, especially when it comes to food and nutrition.

But despite those factors, there are ways to eat cheaper, healthier and save a few dollars here and there. It may take a little thinking out of the box, but the payoff can be worth it.

There are definitely some tricks when making that next trip to the grocery store. Follow these tips to help stretch out those dollars:


Fast Food Changes Mood and Behavior

Researchers from the University of Toronto are suggesting that fast food can not only damage our health, but effect our patience, even to the point of financial detriment. An article in Psychological Science describes three experiments that demonstrate this correlation.

In the first experiment, participants who were subliminally shown the logos of six major fast food chains read faster than participants in the control group.


Jamie Oliver’s Essential Grocery List

Whether you’re inspired to start living a healthier lifestyle because of the buzz from ABC’s new show Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, or you simply recognize that it’s time to start making some changes (for the better!), then this grocery list will be an important tool.

Changing eating habits is no easy task. The foods we eat and how we eat them, even our attraction to them, is deeply ingrained within us. If you’ve never eaten vegetables, getting in the recommended five servings a day can seem daunting. If all you’ve ever eaten is white pasta or bread, then switching to a whole grain variety might seem foreign. So having a list like this at the ready will only make it easier to plan for healthy made-at-home meals.

As Jamie Oliver prepares to take on the most unhealthy city in America, he offers the rest of us his top choices for a healthy grocery list. (more…)

Lose Weight With a Kitchen Spring Cleaning

For many of us, it has been a long snowy slog this winter. But the end is near, and spring is just around the corner. While it may not match the annual New Year’s resolution everyone makes, spring is also a time of renewal. The scent of flowers begins to fill the air, and we start shedding our layers of clothing… which reminds us that by hibernating for the winter, we now have a few extra unwanted pounds.

Do you have some extra weight that you need to shed before bathing suit season arrives? Then, it’s time to do some spring cleaning in your kitchen. Here are five ways that will shape up your eating habits, and your waistline:

1. Grocery Shop Wisely

If it’s not in your kitchen, you won’t eat it. That may be a simple mantra, but its importance is profound. If you are even the least bit weak when buying snack foods, don’t shop for food when you are hungry. Better yet, go grocery shopping right after a meal. That may be a little difficult – who wants to grocery shop at 7 p.m. after a long day of work? But if you can do it, you may cut thousand of calories a month. (more…)

Tune In: Foods You Should Never Buy at the Grocery Store on The Dr. Oz Show

dr. oz show logoTune in this Friday, February 19 to The Dr. Oz Show when Dr. Oz goes undercover in a grocery store and tells you what five things that should never land in your grocery cart.

As Dr. Oz made his way through grocery store aisles and poked around shoppers’ grocery carts, he pointed out these five foods that might be taking years off of your life and adding inches to your waistline. 


Recession Diet: Healthy Eating on the Cheap

One of the biggest complaints about eating healthy is that it costs a lot of money. While there is an element of truth to that, if you are going organic, it is a misnomer to think that you have to shed zeros on your account balance to shed weight around your waist.bananas

First, you need a basic “hunting and gathering” strategy when you enter your local grocery store. Experts have long pointed out that the best strategy is to stick to the periphery of the store, where most of the healthy items reside. If you’re trying to save money, and who isn’t in these lean economic times, here are a few healthy food suggestions that won’t break the bank:

Beans – I love black beans and rice. And if you pair them up with whole-grain brown rice, you have yourself a healthy and cheap side dish.

Bananas – I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who thinks bananas aren’t a tasty snack. And, you don’t have to wait for them to be in season. At about 70 cents a pound, you have a great source of fiber and potassium. And, a diet rich in potassium is believed to reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke. Extra savings tip: use them before they go bad. Add ripening bananas to a smoothie or banana bread. (more…)

Get a Grocery Makeover with the Healthy Family Grocery Shopping Guide

groceriesWe all get into a grocery shopping rut. We walk through the store, either with or without a shopping list, and toss the same items into the cart each shopping trip. They may or may not be the best choices for our bodies. Recently, I agreed to share my grocery list with Amy Crews, Holistic Health Counselor and editor of the Natural Health Newsletter here at DietsInReview.com.

I provided my grocery list in six areas: Fruit/Veggie, Bread, Frozen, Dry Goods, Meat, and Cold items (like dairy). As you will see, the list of foods that I buy could stand some improvement. Why not use this list as a springboard to make over your own grocery list, keeping in mind that the most important changes to your shopping list need to be both manageable, sustainable and will help you to be as efficient and healthy as possible – always a bonus for all of us!

See our Healthy Family Grocery Guide now. Download, print, and use to inspire your own grocery makeover!

How to Afford Eating Healthy in a Comfort Food Economy

It’s no secret that the economy stinks these days. According to a survey by a Chicago-based research firm, people are passing on the healthier options offered at fast food and casual dining restaurants in favor of a super-sized serving of comfort. Eighty-two percent of respondents say their better-for-you items are selling ‘lousy.” Customers are citing economic factors for their preferences.grocery shopping mom

More than half of consumers say they are more concerned about their eating habits than they were a year ago… yet:

  • 70% say that healthful foods are harder to afford
  • 53% say they buy less-healthful items because those items are cheaper (not necessarily, as I wrote about the price of salmon vs. hotdogs)
  • 44% say their budget prevents them from eating healthful foods
  • 34% of respondents say that they are choosing cheaper fast food over more-healthful options
  • 9% are skipping breakfast and 3% are skipping lunch

To that, I say, this is totally unnecessary. People may think they are saving, but trust me, they are paying for it in their health. They’ll pay even more later whether it’s in some combination of weight gain, lower energy levels or poorer quality of life.

Instead, here are some tips to maximize your comfort with minimal strain on your pocketbook. (more…)

Win a Grocery List Makeover for Healthier Shopping

Shopping cart
As a health counselor I can’t help but look into the shopping carts of fellow shoppers to see what types of products and produce they load into their carts. In some cases I have had to fight the urge to question some shoppers as to why they just selected a product full of sugar, fat and artificial ingredients.

Below are some quick tips to help move your regular shopping list to a nutritious filled list:

Typical food items on shopping list:

  • White Bread
  • White Rice
  • Salmon
  • Chicken
  • Vegetable Oil

Nutritious shopping list:

  • Whole Grain Bread (not just whole wheat)
  • Brown Rice
  • Wild Salmon (not farmed)
  • Free-Range, Antibiotic-Free Chicken
  • Olive Oil or Coconut Oil (more…)