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- Established: 2008
- Founder: Jillian Michaels
- Headquarters: Los Angeles, California
- Career Highlights: Biggest Loser, The Doctors
- Accessibility: Fitness DVD
- Diet Type: Fitness
- Gender: Male and female
- Get started by saving with these Jillian Michaels coupons
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Fitness Guru and NBC’s Biggest Loser trainer, Jillian Michaels, has a repertoire of exercise DVDs, books and vitamins to help you get in shape and stay fit. Her latest DVD, Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred, includes three separate workouts designed to give your body the strength, form and power it dreams of having. The DVD, when done according to Michaels’ plan, is supposed to help you lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days. Jillian makes clear that this is not for substantial weight loss- but to help those looking to ditch those last 10-20 pounds through high-intensity exercise.
- Exercise is a key component to losing weight and maintaining weight loss
- Jillian Michaels is a well-known and well-respected authority on fitness for safe and effective weight loss
- Following Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred is much less expensive than paying for a gym membership
- A healthy way to lose those final pounds

- Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred promise to lose “up to 20 pounds” is no guarantee
- Exercise must also be followed in conjunction with a low-calorie eating plan in order to lose weight successfully
Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred does not include any specific dietary information. Even though diet is a key component to any weight-loss plan it is therefore strongly recommended to combine this DVD with one of Michaels’ eating plans or another effective dieting program that seeks to establish long-term healthy eating behaviors.
You can use 30-Day Shred along with Jillian's online weight loss program, which provides detailed guidance for nutritious eating. Joining the Jillian Michaels program online provides members with information to identify the right foods for your body type, custom calorie plan and more than 100 recipes that are both healthy and delicious.
Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred includes three 20-minute workouts that get progressively more challenging as you go through them. Each workout begins with a brief warm-up session and concludes with brief cool-down session. Each of the three workouts is created with Michaels’ signature 3-2-1 Strength/Cardio/Ab training circuit in which three minutes of strength work, 2 minutes of cardiovascular work and 1 minute of abdominal work is performed.
It is no question that Jillian Michaels knows what she is talking about when it comes to fitness given her tough workouts, her unflinching motivation and her expert knowledge of physical fitness. If you've been craving those intense Biggest Loser workouts, now is your chance to do it. Her DVD, Jillian Michaels: 30-Day Shred, combines all of Michaels’ trademark qualities including her exclusive signature 3-2-1 Strength/Cardio/Ab training circuit.
Although the DVD promises to help you lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days, there is no guarantee that this amount of weight loss will occur. By performing the workouts on most days of the week, you will increase your cardiovascular stamina, strength and flexibility. In order to lose weight, a sound diet plan should also be followed in conjunction to the performing the workouts in 30-Day Shred.
In just thirty minutes, Michaels packs in a powerful workout that combines the core components of any successful exercise routine.
Jilian Michaels, Jillian Michael’s, thirty-day shred, 30-day shread, Jillian DVD, shred diet, 30 day shred diet

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 8, 146 total comments)Marg
just cant wait to lose weight and see these bitches face and reactions when im actually skinny..!
posted May 1st, 2013 10:20 pmmaryann
?I have worked out for 15 years, got tired ad quit 1 ago, I gained 40lbs should I do this program. this workout program says it's for people that only have to loose 10-15lbs. I have to loose 40 will it work for me, I need a eating plan as well.
posted Apr 10th, 2013 11:50 pmnemesiszoe
+even though I had a knee injury in level 2 this still is a great workout routine very simple any one can do it...
posted Feb 6th, 2013 11:12 pmNiecy
+I have been doing jillian's 30 day shred for about a month now and have lost 4 inches on my waist. I also walk 3 - 4 times a day and am on a healthy eating plan. I love it!!!
posted Jul 21st, 2012 4:50 pmleticia
?hello i just bought the JM ripped in 30, and i was going over the menu and noticed that many of the meals are
posted Apr 30th, 2012 6:02 pmBetty Ann
I lost 8 pounds and inches. I did this work out 7 days a week and only took 3 rest days while doing this work out. I also added taebo and 2.7 mile walk along with 30 day shred.
posted Apr 6th, 2012 12:58 amGina
+Question: I started today, 1st day with Level 1..Great workout, realistically, what is the min amount of days to workout at this level to lose 5 lbs? Any suggestions??
posted Feb 25th, 2012 8:41 pmNichole
+Absolutely loving this DVD! I've been going to the gym regularly for a year now and haven't really been seeing results. A few days ago I decided to add this DVD to my routine. I've only been doing it for 4 days but already I notice a difference! Level 1 wasn't so bad for me (perhaps because I've already been working out), I've had no trouble completing it. Day 3 was pretty killer though, yikes! But I stuck with it and Day 4 was much easier.
posted Feb 23rd, 2012 2:08 amI actually look forward to doing this workout, I feel great after finishing it! It's a very quick routine and the best part is it actually *feels* like it goes by quickly--before you know it, you're done. And Jillian is very motivating. Love her style, loving the results!
+I love her shes tough.but she gets me moving and motivated 30ds is rough day one killed me but I felt better the next day I didn't feel so sluggish and thanks to a low calorie count and jillian I've already lost 5 pounds in my first week(:
posted Feb 20th, 2012 7:23 pmtarah
+i LOVE this workout!! day 1 level one was tough!! i had to stop half way through and finish it to get my husband off to work but the next day i still felt the soreness!! today will be day 2 if i can make it through! day 2 i already felt my arms somewhat stronger (i am using 8 lb weights though) i intend to do level 1 until i feel like i am not pushing myself and when i start level 2 i will be doing levels one and 2 in one day. :) and so on until i master level 3! :) cant wait to see after pics!
posted Feb 7th, 2012 7:44 pmKelley
I am using it in conjunction with the gym and it does kick your butt and gives results :)
posted Feb 7th, 2012 1:03 amJack
This is a great program for fast results. One has to push play every day. I went every other day for a while and saw great results but one has to stick to it. Once a week won't work. Push play every day and you will see results.
posted Feb 4th, 2012 4:54 pmTerri
?Are there any 50 year olds out there that are using the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD? Are there any 50 year olds out there that are using this DVD? Would like to hear how things are going for them. I bought the DVD....guess I will know tonight If I can do it or not.
Sameeha Dadshah
+I had finish workourt 1 and today i get started in to workout 2 it's was really hard
posted Jan 19th, 2012 8:38 ambut am seeing result @_@ thar's so amazing , i can't wait to finish a mounth with the DVD ( i lost until now like 2 kg ) .
and my skin look better ! love you jillian
you are the best .
+The 30DS is certainly effective, but man, it can be HARD. I've never been big on exercise and decided to get in shape with the 30DS (combined with eating healthier and watching my calories.) I finished level 1, which was killer at first but got way easier. Today I started level 2 and couldn't even get through the whole thing. I will keep trying every day, but man, it is TOUGH. The good news is I can already see results. I've only lost a couple of pounds, but I have definitely gained muscle - I can already see more definition in my stomach, and my arms are stronger than they were before! I definitely recommend this workout if you're prepared for the intensity.
posted Jan 15th, 2012 1:00 ammg
+I have done a tone of different workout dvd's and this one is one of the best. It was only $10 @ Walmart too! It's fast moving, and very motivating. I lost about 80lbs 7 years ago and have recently gained about 20lbs back but this workout is kick starting me back into losing weight. it's nice because it's short but you really feel it. Jillian is awesome, she talks to you in a way that makes you want to put all your effort into the workout and then not ruin it after by eating something bad for you!
posted Jan 11th, 2012 4:31 pmJacob
-I agree with Josh. This is not a diet - it is an advertisement DVD :(
posted Dec 2nd, 2011 7:11 pmHomeWorkoutsReport
+This program consistently rates really highly by users. She's supposed to be a tough lady, but she knows how to get the heart pumping and the body jumping!
posted Nov 16th, 2011 1:31 amLoban
-I'm 30 minutes looking for the price on the website (It's a very long time. Moreover, I am in disbelief to the pill.
posted Oct 1st, 2011 5:24 amtcasey
The third workout is sooo hard but I got into shape really fast. cant wait to be able to to thid again!
posted Sep 23rd, 2011 3:20 pm