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Maple Syrup Diet

Maple Syrup Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Stars like Beyonce use this to detox and start fresh.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

The Maple Syrup Diet is a fad detox diet made to promote weight loss by drinking a homemade drink. This beverage mixes maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemonade.

The claimed benefits extend beyond weight loss and they include healthier skin and nails, a resistance to illness via stronger immune system, increase mental focus, enhanced energy, and stronger hair. The diet was popularized by the musician Beyoncé after she admitted it helped her lose weight for a film role. By reviewing many different weight loss diets our experts found the most effective was the 18Shake Diet. This diet offers a nutritionally balanced appetite suppressing meal replacement and a fat burning diet pill. They both are free of stimulants, preservatives, binders, fillers, and only have natural ingredients. Discover more about the 18Shake Diet via the link provided here.

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Maple Syrup Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

The key ingredients one will be eating are:

Maple Syrup:Sweetener extractedfrom the maple tree. It has a unique flavor and is mostly made up of the sugar sucrose. There are different grades to this as some are less processed, taste stronger, and have a darker amber color.

It also has very little macronutrients, and often has a lot of carbohydrates and sugars per serving.

Lemon Juice:This citrus fruit is low in sugar and high in vitamin C, with an average sized fruit providing 51% of the daily requirement for vitamin C.  They help support the immune system and are high in antioxidants.

Cayenne Pepper: Spicy chili pepper extract that is used to flavor dishes. It is rated from 30,000 to 50,000 Scoville units which means it can be exceptionally spicy and very little of it is need to add spice to meals. When handled and eaten it can promote side effects that may include:

         • Stomach pain, diarrhea, and cramps.

         • Skin irritation, burning, and itching.

         • Kidney or liver damage.

It contains a high amount of vitamin A and has some trace vitamins and minerals. It is known to help stimulate blood flow and increase the rate of metabolism.

There’s no official guide to the Maple Syrup Diet, though it’s often recommended to serve this drink in the following ratio. 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, and a pinch of cayenne pepper or ginger to a half pint of cold or hot water. One can drink as much as one likes, with an ideal range of 6 to nine glasses.

Different plans are offered as well with typically the 4 possibilities listed:

• Full detox: Having the only thing you eat being this drink for a total of 10 days straight, and 14 fulldays if one is capable. For people   beginning this diet it’s advised to do it for a 5 to 7 day period.

• One a week: Skip food just one day a week and replace with this drink.

• Master plan: Twice yearly and multi day detox approach followed once a week.

• Relaxed version: Replacing breakfast, dinner or both with 2 to 3 glasses. Also there is no allowance for dairy, coffee, sweets alcohol, red meat, processed foods, and fried foods.

For a top 10 ranked diet plans list for weight loss click the link cited here.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

Maple Syrup Diet Quality of Ingredients

While cayenne pepper and lemon juice can be healthy, the added maple syrup is high in sugar and there’s no protein from this drink. Sustaining oneself only on this can be potentially dangerous, as Web MD adds:

“The problem is, you will lose muscle mass. The diet puts you at risk for nutritional deficient too.”

They also mention the possibility for weight loss:

“you will likely gain the weight back really quickly once you start eating normally”

“You’ll likely be hungry on such a strict diet.

They even describe one of the key flaws to the diet:

“There’s no proof that detoxifying leads to long-termweight loss”

Eating only these kinds of foods instead of a nutritionally well-rounded meal can lead to deficiencies and side effects. It’s not only difficult to continue, but the possibility for real weight loss is very unlikely. For a list of the most effective weight loss diets click the link provided here.

The Price and Quality of Maple Syrup Diet

All one has to pay for is the lemons, cayenne, and maple syrup. This can be easy to obtain and often does not cost much, though the grade of maple syrup might be pricy.

Overall however, due to the lack of evidence, health sites like Web MD have confirmed that this is an unlikely weight loss fad diet. It’s considered a crash diet, meaning one has to follow it for a short period in order to achieve weight loss.

There are many potential issues and no proof that it is actually safe and effective. For a comprehensive list of the top ranking diet plans for weight loss follow the link provided.

The diet does not emphasize any important facets of weight loss, and instead is meant to promote effects via a detoxing effect which has not been proven. There is a lack of provided facts about the real effects of this diet. Without this key information, it makes the overall quality poor and potentially risky to try even in short bursts.

Business of Maple Syrup Diet

The diet was popularized by the musician Beyoncé and there are some websites which offer free resources. However, the basics of the diet are easy to explain.

It’s unclear exactly who created this diet, though one claim is that it was founded in the 1940’s by a Stanley Burroughs who practiced alternative health strategies. His claim was that this drink was effective for treating ulcers and eliminating toxic waste fromthebody. His original plan was to help detoxify the body, but this has since been debunked as Dr. David Dahlman mentions:

“not only is this diet dangerous, but it fails to detox the body” The detoxification system works by nutrients combining with toxins”

“doesn’t provide the necessary nutrients foe the liver to do its job, and it will deplete your reserves within 48 hours”

Therefore the science behind this diet has been proven to be ineffective. The top 10 ranked diet plans for weight loss are featured in this link.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of Maple Syrup Diet

Many have tried this diet; here are some user quotes about the use of the Maple Syrup Diet:

“drank it and immediately vomited”

“I think the taste of the drink is horrible! I couldn't even drink it!”

“I HIGHLY discourage this.”

“I’ve got the mother of all headaches and nausea”

There were many people who found it undrinkable and much too spicy to handle. There were side effects such as nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, and feelings of illness.

Some people did lose weight;however, any diet that severely restricts calories will have this effect. There is also no need balanced protein, carbohydrate, and fat profile to help suppress appetite. Many said they felt extremely hungry and unable to operate at full strength.

There were issues with a concern over the lack of science to back up any of the claims made about this diet. The highest rated top ranked diet plans for weight loss can be seen here.

The British Dietic Association has also said that the diet is potentially unsafe and that weight loss is likely to be short term, as the weight will return once one resumes a regular diet.

Conclusion - Does Maple Syrup DietWork?

The Maple Syrup Diet is a detox diet that claims it can help provide many benefits to overall health as well as make weight loss easy. The diet was first created as a way to help treat ulcers, but it’s now used by some celebrities for quick weight loss. While any severe caloric restriction can promote weight loss, it’s not considered the most wholesome way to accomplish this goal. Many users have repeated the same issues, that it does not taste good, promoted side effects, left them feeling hungry, and did not promote sustained weight loss. Health sites have also confirmed that this can lead to nutritional deficiencies and a rebounding effect with weight gain as soon as it’s no longer used.

Our experts have concluded after much research that the most effective weight loss solution is the 18Shake Diet. It combines anappetite suppressing meal replacement made with 15 grams of whey protein, and a plant based stimulant free diet pill to help burn fat and boost metabolism. Many who have tried it have left positive testimonials and reviews on the official website. People say that it is effective and can promote real weight loss change.

Both the diet pill and the meal replacement offered by the 18Shake Diet are fully supported by a money back return policy. This 30 day guarantee allows for returns with no questions asked for the entire period. Discover more about the 18Shake Diet when you visit the link provided here.

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(Page 4 of 8, 142 total comments)



Ok I'm on day 3 and I have to tell you this is my first real day. There is a lot not on this site about the Cleanse, but I downloaded the App Master Cleans and I tell you it started working right away I love it. Day 2 was the worst for me but now I'm in the zone

posted Jan 14th, 2011 4:07 pm



I just got done with day one it was so hard but I did it now 1 down 9 to go

posted Jan 13th, 2011 11:34 am



I will start this diets tomorrow to kick my new way of life into gear I cant wait

posted Jan 11th, 2011 1:47 pm



Totally messed me up. I was 118lb before starting and got down to 114lb and then quickly ballooned up to 125 and am still there 6 months later. I now crave carbs that I did not crave prior to doing this diet. I HIGHLY discourage this. I had hopes to go raw vegan but the carb cravings were too intense.

posted Jan 10th, 2011 3:52 pm

Madiana Alfred


Starting this diet on 1/10/11, hope it works lol

posted Jan 7th, 2011 3:10 am


I've decided not to do the maple syrup diet because there's no way to maintain the weight you find yourself at after you do it. Losing weight is not the hard part... keeping it off is. You're most likely going to regain it. It's a better idea, if your goal is to lose weight, to do something maintainable (like southbeach which works far better).

posted Jan 6th, 2011 6:45 pm


I'm starting this program tomorrow! I'm really drawn in by the detox. aspect and I'm looking forward to this experience! :)

posted Dec 31st, 2010 2:18 am


I'm going to try this on January 10th for 10days. I'm so excited. . . I hope to see some results. I'm so ready to shed off these pounds and feel healthier! I love the fact that it detoxified your body as well as weight loss. I can't wait.

posted Dec 29th, 2010 6:47 pm


this is my 1st day tryin this... im tryna get my family 2 do this with me so that i wouldnt have 2 watch them eat all that other good food lol... wish me goodluck :)

posted Dec 17th, 2010 8:00 pm


Day 3, the first day was the worst, yesterday was better. I cheated on day 1 a little (chicken breast). I've lost 4.5 lbs.

posted Dec 16th, 2010 4:10 pm


I juste stated today, I am very hungry but I think I can manage!! Want to lose at least 10lbs by Christmas! Good luck everyone!

posted Dec 14th, 2010 6:12 pm



Ahh day 10 done,starting the final stage of getting back to where I can eat.Orange juice today and I am having my First glass,it taste great.I will say though I am very happy with the results,I feel great and I have lost 20lbs.Good luck to everyone who is doing this it can be done.

posted Dec 9th, 2010 10:36 am



Wow done with the 10th day.I wiil admit I am tired of drinking THE DRINK looking forward to drinking some orange juice and starting my next stage.The results were outstanding though 22lbs now have got to keep going with the workout program and watch my calorie intake as I want to lose 30lbs more.Good luck to all who are doing this and keep the faith it can be done.

posted Dec 8th, 2010 10:52 pm



Half way trough my 7th day everything still going great.Have not slipped up.I am down 16 lbs but the weight is not coming off as fast as it did earlier.I did the sea salt flush yesterday ,today feeling a little funny but overall very pleased.Good luck everyone

posted Dec 5th, 2010 5:57 pm



Starting my 5th day ,things are going great.I am not hungry at all, my mood is very good and I am down 12 lbs.Good luck to all

posted Dec 3rd, 2010 3:50 pm



Cheated but now I'm on day 3 full speed ahead! I pee a lot! Lost 4*nd a half lbs so I'm happy

posted Dec 3rd, 2010 9:43 am



Done with day Two.Things are going great.No hunger problems,I am down 5 pounds.Got to say though this stuff tastes awlful.I made have put to much pepper in.Good luck to all .

posted Dec 1st, 2010 12:02 am



I am on day one of this.I am useing this as a jumpstart to my weight loss and workout program.I will keep people posted as to how it is going.242 ILBS is my starting weight.Lots of luck to everyone for whatever reason you are doing this.

posted Nov 30th, 2010 12:29 am



Hi Guys

I am on day 8, just like to find out what kind of syrup are you using cause i am from South Africa and tried to find Grade B ORGANIC but nothing I end up with Canadian Syrup original not flavoured, just want to find out if is fine or not.

posted Nov 23rd, 2010 1:10 pm


Just started today:) hope this works lol but after drinking it for three days how long do I stop drinking it for?and when do I start the next three days?

posted Nov 23rd, 2010 5:48 am


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

Popularized as of late by starlets around the globe, including Beyonce Knowles of Dreamgirls fame, the Maple Syrup Diet is not a diet per se. Rather, it is a cleanse, meant to detoxify the body of all previous food intake, providing a clean slate for future healthy eating. Also known as the "Master Cleanse" or the "Lemonade Diet", the program is basically a mixture of Grade B Maple syrup, fresh squeezed lemon juice, spring water and cayenne pepper that a person drinks for up to 10 days. Pioneered by Stanley Burroughs in the 1950s, its practitioners and participants claim that not only do they lose weight, but they see better, smell better, hear better and feel better, while also ridding their bodies of ailments that have afflicted them for years.

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  • Users claim the lemon/maple syrup mixture is pleasant tasting
  • Weight loss is immediate as the user loses pounds of retained fecal material
  • Euphoria and other feelings of serenity are an added bonus as the person becomes almost yogi like in their fasting state

  • Cannot leave the house for up to three days as user rushes to the bathroom for frequent bowel movements
  • No food intake of any kind other than maple syrup mixture means participant will likely develop intense food cravings, making it difficult if there are other people in the home eating solid foods
  • As you detoxify body, intense fatigue and mood swings are reported as "normal" by most users of the Maple Syrup Diet
  • Very low calorie intake, about 500/day

Take a clean one-gallon jug and pour in the following:

  • 3 Quarts of Water
  • 1 Cup Lemon Juice (fresh if possible)
  • 1 Cup Grade B Maple Syrup (not maple flavored, but 100% real maple syrup)

  • 1 tsp. Cayenne pepper

  • Shake it all up and drink 8-12 glasses a day

Note: followers of this program also recommend a senna laxative tea as well as a saline water drink in the morning, as an additional component of this program. These additional supplements are simply for additional colon cleansing.


None, and thank goodness, because most users would not have time (with all the trips to the bathroom) or the energy (at about 500 calories a day).


Again, this is not a diet, but a fasting or detox program, and cannot be recommended for long-term use. Ask your physician if you are healthy enough to carry out this very restrictive regimen before beginning. However, weight loss experts have touted the benefit of a healthy bowel system, but forcing the bowel to cleanse, may cause future problems for a person when they begin to eat their regular food routine. This would be a good program for someone who already eats vegetarian/vegan and avoids all processed foods, as a return to processed and fatty foods will take the user back to their pre-cleanse weight in short order.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Maple Sirup, maple syurp, mapple syrup, maple serup, syrup diet

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