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Get a lean, mean body with the help of this supplement.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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  • Founder: Zoller Laboratories
  • Headquarters: Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Accessibility: Online and in most drug stores
  • Diet Type: Diet supplement to be combined with diet and exercise
  • Gender: Male and female
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Snooki, Britney Spears

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?


Zantrex-3 comes right out of the gate with boastful claims that it's not just another diet supplement in an already crowded market. Zantrex-3 says it belongs in a brand new category of super-charged, super-result supplements. Promising users up to five times the normal weight loss from other pills, and the energy you need, Zantrex-3 says it’s the fat burning, energy boosting pill that is going to win you over once and for all.

Zantrex-3 does come across as a high-intensity product that seems to focus more on the short-term rather than support for the long-term. You'll take Zantrex-3 about half an hour before each main meal - this will limit your appetite and you'll begin to see results in a couple of weeks.

Zantrex-3 contains three herbs that are not common, and there has been little research conducted - liex paraguarensis, turnera diffusa and Paulina cupana P.

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Lose more weight than with diet and exercise alone
  • Increased energy
  • Increase metabolism
  • Does not use ephedrine

  • No emphasis on diet and exercise
  • Xanthine
  • Guarana
  • Niacin
  • Green Tea
  • Ginseng

For maximum results, you should take two tablets 15-30 minutes before meals with a full glass of water. You should not exceed six capsules per day.


No guidance given.


There are, of course, many dietary supplements on the market that make similar claims. The decision to choose one of these over another should be an educated one. So, you should enlist the advice of your doctor. Supplements should not be relied on as a stand-alone weight loss plan, as a healthy diet and routine exercise greatly impact results. Zantrex-3 explains on its site that the product has not been tested alongside any diet or exercise programs.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Zantrax, Zantrex3, Zantrex-3 deit, Zantrex Three

How Does Zantrex-3 Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Zantrex-3
  • /100
  • .
  • .

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(Page 23 of 29, 563 total comments)


Z-3 has worked pretty good for me so far. haven't felt any of these side effects that many of your are talking about on this blog. i truly have had lesser of an appetite that's for sure. maybe that's because i have been on a hardcore workout routine lately though. t those of you that said u are taking it before your go to bed that is a terrible idea it would most likely just keep you up all the time. my suggestion is to take it maybe in the morning when u get up like 20 minutes before breakfast and then maybe a half hour or so before lunch. another good thing you can do is spread out your meals and just eat many small meals throughout your day and just do ondose of the Z-3 in the morning. I promise you will see better results this way. I trimmed maybe 5 or more lbs so far and have only been on it for 3 days, but remember i am doing a lot of cardio and weightlifting alog with that.

posted Jul 8th, 2008 9:53 pm


i have been on zantrek-3 for two and a half days and it makes me sick to my stomach!!!! i fel like im light headeed and weak !!! its horrib le ... different folks different strokes i guess!!!

posted Jul 7th, 2008 7:06 pm


i love using this stuff. I lose about half a pound a day. I been using one before i eat yogurt in the morning and one before i eat yogurt at dinner time. and i've never felt sick from it and it does give me a boost of energy in which i need cause im always so tired.

posted Jul 5th, 2008 10:06 am


I think everyone is different, cause Im not usually caffeine sensitive..used to drink a few cups a day but this product has SO much caffeine in it, that its really affected my ability to sleep and Im taking my last pill so early in the afternoon that you'd think it should wear off by then. But hey Im not complaining, Im having wonderful results with Zantrex! Havent been snacking, havent even thought about eating much (but I AM eating healthy meals) Good luck to everyone on it!

posted Jul 4th, 2008 9:13 am


honestly i dont know what everyone means about it keeping you awake or hyper.......i have taken 2 pills in the morning with a cup of coffee and 1 in the afternoon and 1 at night about 1 hour before going to bed......and not once did this bother me or affect me in anyway i still fall asleep like absolutley nothing.....and even when i drank that cup of coffee i still felt normal......i guess caffiene just doesnt effect me.....so if your a person that is sensitive to it then you will feel a difference but if not you'll be fine.

posted Jul 3rd, 2008 7:36 am


Whew, its 1:15am and this is the second night I've been awake this late, or should I say early. Im assuming it's from the Zantrex-3. I started taking this product 2 days ago, and I have to say, I haven't been hungry at ALL. Im usually an all day snacker, and I haven't been tempted to snack, and more or less had to force my breakfast, lunch and dinner down. I have felt a little jittery, but it's keeping me from noshing all day so I'll give it a + for now. :)

posted Jul 2nd, 2008 8:47 am


pill defenetly makes you lose wieght 8 pounds in one week ....feel sick all the time cant remember whatit feels like to be hungary i dont know weather o recomend or not but it is defennatly makeng me lose wieght

posted Jun 30th, 2008 4:44 pm


Zantrex 3 will supress your apetite.... I am a big eater and it has shut my hunger down..... the only problem is that it messes with your head a little...... I reccomened it..... Deffinately works.

posted Jun 30th, 2008 9:56 am


Does Zantrex work? I weigh 162lbs and I wanna lose 12 or 15 pounds. Does this work?

posted Jun 29th, 2008 5:50 pm


I hate it, I haven't lost any weight and gained...,it didn't do anything for me,just False thought that what ever I eat, it will wash it out, and it didn't....

posted Jun 29th, 2008 5:47 pm


OK everyone i went from Alli to this now......alot of you inspired me so...im goin for the GOAL......lets SEE!!!!

posted Jun 29th, 2008 5:47 pm


I used to take this but stopped because it made me feel terrible--but many times I wasn't taking it with food. I'm already thin: 5'3 and 105, but I want to be thinner. I don't eat much and exercise a lot, so I hope this excelerates the weight loss. I haven't felt too bad as long as I eat. I drink a bunch of water. In 15 minutes I've gone through 2 water bottles.

posted Jun 26th, 2008 8:29 am


I am eally interested on how ppl take both Relecore and Zantrex together. Do you take them both how their own directiosn say? Please e-mail me I really want to know .

posted Jun 23rd, 2008 10:06 am


I took Zantrex 3 today for the first time and I thought i was goign to pass out. Yet after afew hours I got better and I am actually sleepy. I think the key is to take it for Breakfast and Lunch because by the time dinner came I was not very hungy.

posted Jun 21st, 2008 7:55 am


Z-3 really helps...it supresses appetite and you get results fast.I work out everyday and i have lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks.No Joke. I greatly recommend this product.

posted Jun 21st, 2008 7:55 am


My goal is to loose 30lbs in 3 months and I feel like its impossible. Altough many of you motivate me I will try them...

posted Jun 14th, 2008 8:34 am


Honestly, I cannot believe what some people wrote on this page..... Because I got completely opposite results. If you feel dizzy or overtly-energetic.... that probably means you dont drink enough water with the pill!!!!!!!! With ZANTREX I drink A LOT OF WATER!!!! and feel absolutely normal. I'm already a small girl, but about three months ago I started taking about two pills a day...... I went from 145 to 108 lbs.... yes I am actually that small now. I never thought in my entire life I'd be this small.... and I LOVE it! My appetite is still there with zantrex, but since i drink sooooo much water, that is what suppresses my appetite. i eat about just as much as i used to,, but i drink more water. i dont really 'EXERCISE' at all..... but i've been forcing myself to do more active things on a daily basis.... like vaccuumming the whole house every single morning, or taking a walk around the block after everytime i eat... anyways, i REALLY recommend zantrex 3 because it has made me LOOK and FEEL GREAT! i'm only 20 years old but because of zantrex 3 i've allowed myself to be excited for the future because i am finally what i want to look like, and i feel healthy about it!!! yays =]

posted Jun 13th, 2008 9:34 am


Can anyone tell me some healthy food to take with this pill and good exercise to help loose belly fat?

posted Jun 6th, 2008 8:31 am


Zantrex 3 has worked fast for me every time i take it. I feel like a olympion in the gym too. You begin to shed weight within 48 hours. Its funny how you crave water...not gatorade or soda....but it makes water taste amazing....i drink over a gallon a day when im on Zantrex. It is hard to focus sometimes though. And it loses effectiveness after about 8 weeks....then when you get off your a little sleepy for about a week. All in all its wonderful to take just before beach season.

posted Jun 5th, 2008 1:19 pm


I just started taking Zantrax 3 yesterday. I started with just one pill before dinner. And drank a whole glass of water with it. I lost a whole pound by morning. Which is so awesome. Today im taking 2 before my lunch and i plan on eating a salad then something else. Hopefully it works. When i first did take it i had bad stomach pains off and on but by morning they were gone. So we will see how i am after 2.

posted Jun 4th, 2008 1:24 pm


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