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Get a lean, mean body with the help of this supplement.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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  • Founder: Zoller Laboratories
  • Headquarters: Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Accessibility: Online and in most drug stores
  • Diet Type: Diet supplement to be combined with diet and exercise
  • Gender: Male and female
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Snooki, Britney Spears

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?


Zantrex-3 comes right out of the gate with boastful claims that it's not just another diet supplement in an already crowded market. Zantrex-3 says it belongs in a brand new category of super-charged, super-result supplements. Promising users up to five times the normal weight loss from other pills, and the energy you need, Zantrex-3 says it’s the fat burning, energy boosting pill that is going to win you over once and for all.

Zantrex-3 does come across as a high-intensity product that seems to focus more on the short-term rather than support for the long-term. You'll take Zantrex-3 about half an hour before each main meal - this will limit your appetite and you'll begin to see results in a couple of weeks.

Zantrex-3 contains three herbs that are not common, and there has been little research conducted - liex paraguarensis, turnera diffusa and Paulina cupana P.

  • Rapid weight loss
  • Lose more weight than with diet and exercise alone
  • Increased energy
  • Increase metabolism
  • Does not use ephedrine

  • No emphasis on diet and exercise
  • Xanthine
  • Guarana
  • Niacin
  • Green Tea
  • Ginseng

For maximum results, you should take two tablets 15-30 minutes before meals with a full glass of water. You should not exceed six capsules per day.


No guidance given.


There are, of course, many dietary supplements on the market that make similar claims. The decision to choose one of these over another should be an educated one. So, you should enlist the advice of your doctor. Supplements should not be relied on as a stand-alone weight loss plan, as a healthy diet and routine exercise greatly impact results. Zantrex-3 explains on its site that the product has not been tested alongside any diet or exercise programs.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Zantrax, Zantrex3, Zantrex-3 deit, Zantrex Three

How Does Zantrex-3 Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Zantrex-3
  • /100
  • .
  • .

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(Page 24 of 29, 563 total comments)


Today I tried Zantrax-3 for the first time. I was 120lbs in high school, when I got in college I gained 28 pounds and I was planning to go on diet but before I could I got pregnant and gained a lot of weight. My son is 2 and half years old now and I weigh 133 now but Im trying to go back to 120. Hopefully this works. I took it 2 hours ago and ate a good breakfast I feel no side effects except for energy, Im actually liking the feeling.

posted Jun 3rd, 2008 1:01 pm


Today I tried Zantrax-3 for the first time. I was 120lbs in high school, when I got in college I gained 28 pounds and I was planning to go on diet but before I could I got pregnant and gained a lot of weight. My son is 2 and half years old now and I weigh 133 now but Im trying to go back to 120. Hopefully this works. I took it 2 hours ago and ate a good breakfast I feel no side effects except for energy, Im actually liking the feeling.

posted Jun 3rd, 2008 1:01 pm


Today I got really in bad mood after taking the pills in the morning, I think it was because my breakfast was small(about 200 cal.), but for the dinner that I had full meal with orange juice and desert it went well, I have added protein powder to my diet, so far I liked it and I want to make mussel to not gain the weight back again, so I'll take two just before dinner, let see... & haven't lost any weight so far...

posted Jun 3rd, 2008 9:05 am


I've taken Zantrax-3 before and saw results but then when I quit the weight came back +10. I've decided to give it another try and if it means I have to take it for the rest of my life to lose and keep off all these pounds then so be it. I weigh 205 and am only 5'3". I used to weigh 95 when I was in high school but that was over 30 years and 2 grown children since then. My children have never seen me thin except in photographs. I'd be very content to weigh 150 but my dream is to weigh 125. I'll keep you posted. I'm exercising everyday and watching my calorie intake. I'll keep you posted.

posted Jun 2nd, 2008 2:56 pm


I bought this yesterday(may 31/2008),I am fine with taking caffeine so although I am taking 4 in a day I am fine, I work out alto but eat alto too, hopefully it helps me to cut the calorie down!will let you posted..

posted Jun 2nd, 2008 9:14 am


I took zantrex before spring break to look better in a bikini, and now I am taking it again. I only take 1 pill in the morning and 1 in the afternoon which worked for me. I lost about 10 lbs. I took 2 once and NEVER did it again. I couldn't catch my breath and i felt like I was having a heart attack. I had researched zantrex before I started taking it, so I knew I couldn't have any extra caffeine and I needed to drink PLENTY of water. People had actually complained in other forums that they couldn't even eat chocolate due to the caffeine. Overall though, I like zantrex I never weigh myself but I can see myself change. I become a lot leaner and more defined. I really like taking it in the morning because it would take me multiple cups of coffee to wake up and it takes just one zantrex pill. I would only use it for short term weightloss goals though because it IS apparent that it takes a toll on your body.

posted May 29th, 2008 8:40 am


I have been taking Zantrex-3 for 1 month and have lost 12 pounds. The first day I took 2 pills 30 minutes before breakfast, and then 2 before lunch. I started to feel like I was going to faint and my heart was beating very fast. The next day I took 2 in the morning and then just 1 before dinner because I wanted to be able to go to sleep. That was fine for me and I have lost the weight I wanted without any bad side effects. I did not change my diet, but I am pretty sensible when it comes to controlling the junk intake. My advice for this pill is to listen to your body. Start with one pill and see how it makes you feel rather than taking 2. You may just need one pill. Also, DO NOT drink coffee and eat a decent sized meal. Drink LOTS of water. This pill is stimulated by food and water. As with any other diet pill, you should make sure you read all of the directions, warnings, and captions on the bottle so you know what you are to expect. If you get light headed and shaky, you probably took too many for your body or did not eat/drink enough. Also, this pill is not meant for obesity. It is meant to lose you 10-15 pounds in 6-8 weeks and then you are to discontinue use. Taking this for more than the recommended period of time can cause dependency and is not healthy for your body. It isn't a vitamin. Good Luck!

posted May 28th, 2008 8:55 am


I started taking Zantrex 3 today. I have a lot of weight to lose. I feel fine. I have taken it in the past and felt fine. I think that some of the individuals that have made comments on feeling bad after taking it; may have taken too much or may not be overweight. Which may have a huge influence on how you feel. I also followed the directions and took the correct dose and then ate my meal.. not a snack but a meal size portion of food.

posted May 27th, 2008 1:27 pm


I am going to be somewhat graphic here but I took Zantrex for about 5 days and not only did my stomach hurt but I couldn't seem to get off the toilet!! I had some scary moments and then stopped taking the pills because I would rather be overweight then deal with the side effects. I don't have problems with caffeine and I was eating well but the stomach issues were unbearable.

posted May 27th, 2008 1:27 pm


ive just got the stuff and i was a little jittery but i think it was in my head. im 230lbs and wanna get down to about 200 or so. ive stopped lifting heavy wieghts and doing light wieght. I am also jogging about 3-5 miles mon-fri. im gonna try to eat better so in a month i will see what kind of results i will see and let yall know whats up

posted May 27th, 2008 9:31 am

future np

It seems to me that many of you should take some sort of anatomy and chemistry course. Of course youre going to have negative side effects when youre dumping a large amount of chemicals into your body. You're shocking your body. Sometimes the benefits outweigh the risks. With any diet pill there are risks, there are side effects, you wont find a single diet supplement pill without this if its actually a diet pill and not just a caffeine, fiber or water pill and even still then there will be side effects. In the past year I have lost 130 pounds on my own and am down to 140 pounds at 5'5''. I know thats a healthy weight for my height, but I am still uncomfortable with my body, and have been fighting the past 4 months to lose but have only lost 10 pounds, Im attributing my struggle the past few months to being a pre-med student and a single mom. So I started Zantrex 3 today to help shed this last 15 pounds Im needing to lose. I felt a little quesy but nothing I was not expecting. If youre wondering if this product would be ok for you, try drinking 5 cups of coffee back to back. If you do fine, then you may be ok for this. However, dont sugar your coffee down too much, that just slows the metabolic process so it wont quite be the same

posted May 24th, 2008 9:20 pm


I have been taking Zentex-3 on and off for about 3 months now. The reason why I would stop taking it was because of the sideffects. I have not seen any results, just been feeling sick to my stomach. So sick sometime, it becomes hard for me to fuction throughout my day.I started by taking 2 pills twice a day, then reduced that to 1 pill twice a day, still didn't work. I'm not sensitive to any known thing, not even caffine. I don't know....I think i'm ganna stop taking Zentrex, its just not worth it anymore. I read the reviews, and it seems like atleast 75% of the people who've tried Zentrex have all had negative or no effects to this product. I wish I had done more research on this product before trying it...getting sick for any period of time using any product can not be healthy for you.

posted May 23rd, 2008 6:13 pm

Hopetobe 20poundslighter

After reading so many bad reviews I was hesitate to try this product althroght a girlfirend told me it worked for her. I was afraid I would have horrible side effects. Well I took 1 pill with 10 oz of water about 15 minutes before I ate. Because my stomach was empty I was alittle nauseous, very little. That went away quickly after I started eating. I noticed it gave me alot of energy no jitters yet. I was able to clean, feed my newborn,wash dish, wash cloths and exercise. Wow I tell you for those of you who experience problems you should probably start off with just 1 pill then if you need more don't increase til a week later. I am only going to take 1 for the whole day. I also noticed I have alittle tightness in my chest, but as long as you drink plenty of water I am hoping this will go away to. I starting weight is 175 so I hope I can lose 20 pounds by exercise and watching what I eat and taking 1 pill a day. I will keep you updated. Good luck to the rest of the people trying to lose weight.

posted May 23rd, 2008 8:53 am

mommy of 3

today is 5/13/08 i feel great taking this pill i have only been on it now for 3 days and lost 3lbs of course with diet and exercise i am really excited and still feeling lots of energy

posted May 13th, 2008 3:40 pm


hi, i started today 5/12/08 I took just one pill with the breakfast and one pill with the lunch and i fell sick all the day, I feel nauseus. Tomorrow I,m just going to take one with the breakfast and we will see

posted May 13th, 2008 10:34 am


I started today 5/11/08 I took just one pill--and I feel nada..no energy or ne thing. I am actually tired and was thinking about lying down. I use to take Zantrex 3 before and I don't remember y I stopped taking them--anyway I just hope that when i start to increase my dosage...I am only going to take 1 today and maybe 2 tom. we will see--hopefully I will get a big burst of energy or something!

posted May 12th, 2008 9:19 am


I am interested to know how taking the two diet pills is working for those of you who are doing it. I actually read about it last week in Woman's World magazine. "Combo Pilling" as its called, is Hollywood's new weight loss craze. It's how I found out about Zantrex-3. I don't plan on trying combo pilling but was curious about how you take both of them and how your bodies are responding to it.

posted May 11th, 2008 7:15 am

mommy of 3

i recently had my third baby and gained 75lbs and fighting to get rid of it and back to my before baby weight of 150 i decided to try a diet pill for the first time in my life i just started today 5/10/08 already feel full of energy but make sure you eat before you take it you keep you posted

posted May 11th, 2008 7:15 am


omg i dont no if this is ok i keep throwing up and i caint hold food down soon as i eat i throw it up and i fell hella shaky all the time i dont think this is good for me to do to my body but i just started it like a week ago so i dont no if im just not used to it yet so if somebody has used it i need to no if thats just wat it is or if i should just stop takeing it

posted May 9th, 2008 9:32 am

Anonymous in Miami

Hi I am 25 and 5'11 and weighed about 285 lbs back in April of last year. With a good diet and lots of cardio 3 to 4 times a week for about 30 min and being able to cheat once a week I was down to 240 in late May and 215 in June and then 190 in July. Like everything the more time passes by the less amount of weight you will lose. I got off the pill in November after reaching my goal and in March I only got up to 200 lbs, I guess it was the 10 pounds over the holidays. I got back on in in April and now I am at 185, so I lost the 15 pounds in about 3 weeks. If you want to be cheap and do not want to take those pills, drink coffee without the sugar and creamer it is a deuretic, granted I hate coffee and you would have to drink 4 cups to get the same effect. The truth of the matter is that if you do not exercise some way shape or form, you will not lose the weight quicker, you have to burn twice as much calories as you in take to drop a pound a day, example you eat 1,200 calories in a day, you have to burn 2,400 during the whole entire day. You can get 350 from doing cardio on avg and you need to take into account that you breathing, typing, walking is all burning calories...so this pill will help you, but it will NOT solve all your problems either. Good luck all.

posted May 8th, 2008 4:48 pm


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