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PINK Method

PINK Method

A comprehensive nutrition and fitness program for women created by Cynthia Pasquella.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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  • Established: 2011

  • Founder: Cynthia Pasquella

  • Headquarters: New York City

  • Accessibility: Online, DVDs

  • Diet Type: Low-Calorie

  • Gender: Female

  • Celebrity Endorsements: Dr. Phil

  • Corporate Site: PinkMethod.com

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P.I.N.K. Method is a new scientific weight loss system that released in the U.S. on November 28, 2011 via an episode of the Dr. Phil show. P.I.N.K. stands for Power, Intensity, Nutrition and Kardio. This is a comprehensive fitness and nutrition system, created by nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella, that allows women to lose weight, change their health for the better, and look their best.

The program is flexible and available for those who want to lose 10 pounds to 100 pounds. P.I.N.K. is designed for women of all ages and fitness levels as well. P.I.N.K. Method gives you lasting results through combining fitness and nutrition within the three different phases of the program. Each phase lasts three weeks and your workouts are adjusted to your body as it changes with the program. There are a total of four different meal plans to follow and 30 recipes included with the P.I.N.K. Method. The three different phases of the program are listed below:

  • P.I.N.K. Reset – Detoxifying and short term diet designed to jump-start your metabolism
  • P.I.N.K. Primary – Fat-fighting diet that reintroduces the body to high-energy foods
  • P.I.N.K. Preservation – Sustainable weight management program to keep the pounds off

When you become a P.I.N.K. Method VIP member, you will get lifetime access to the web site, a full 82-day program, diet and workout plans, trainer and nutrition support, and daily tracking tools. You can track your progress and never worry about missing a workout with the available email reminders.

For more information, and to sign-up, visit PINKMethod.com.

  • Comprehensive plan based on scientific research
  • Includes nutrition and exercise guides
  • Offers rapid results
  • Lifetime access upon VIP status
  • Created by a clinical nutritionist
  • Program changes with your body as you lose weight
  • Teaches better eating habits
  • Support throughout weight loss
  • Works for women of all ages
  • Vegetarian-friendly
  • Suitable for those with gluten intolerances
  • Diabetic-friendly
  • Shipping available to Canada
  • Workouts adaptable to meet varied physical needs

  • Not available for men
  • Not for pregnant women or nursing mothers
  • Designed only for those with "normal health"

Clinical nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella works with you throughout the P.I.N.K. Method program on eating better. The program is said to have four different diets within one program and includes recipes created by world-renowned nutritionists. You will be able to properly fuel your body as you progress through the phases of the program.

The P.I.N.K. Method relies on a low-calorie, low-fat diet that focuses on whole foods. Pasquella prides herself on creating a plan that didn't eliminate any food groups and doesn't have any radical approaches to food. There's no guesswork, as P.I.N.K. members receive a daily blueprint, which outlines meal plans and workouts for each day, custom to you.

A day on P.I.N.K. Method might look like this:

  • Breakfast: One of 3 "P.I.N.K." smoothies made of hemp or whey protein powder, strawberries or beets, and other fruits and vegetables.

  • Lunch: Grilled chicken salad

  • Dinner: Fish or chicken with vegetables and brown rice. (Substitute quinoa for vegetarians.)

  • Dessert: Avocado chocolate pudding

The diet is adaptable making it available to just about any woman. As a vegan herself, Pasquella made sure that P.I.N.K. didn't exclude anyone because of a unique dietary need. Vegetarians and vegans, diabetics, and even those with gluten intolerances will be able to adapt the diet, or find "work arounds," that suit them.


P.I.N.K. Method promises noticeable results after just three weeks on the program including significant muscle-toning. The fitness aspects of the program are led by fitness experts Jenna Phillips, Lisa Christie and Basheerah Ahmad.

The fitness program is focused on combining sculpting, cardio and flexibility elements.

  • Phase 1 is led by Jenna and lays the groundwork for good exercise form and building a strong base.

  • Phase 2 is led by Lisa as she works with you to increase your intensity and take your cardio workouts to the next level.

  • Phase 3 is led by Basheerah. This phase highlights strength and endurance while helping you achieve maximum calorie burn.


Not many programs offer as much assistance to help you get to your goal weight as P.I.N.K. Method. This program covers nutrition, fitness and the very important aspect of support. With this program you can find friends to help you stay motivated and receive motivation from the nutrition and fitness leaders. Women of every fitness level and age will soon be able to work towards reaching their goals by becoming P.I.N.K. Method VIP members.

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pink method, pink method diet, pink diet, pink program

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(Page 7 of 10, 191 total comments)


I ordered and received the plan. I must say that the morning shake is very tasty and it is very filling. It sticks with me all morning. The exercise is more advanced than a beginner, but the instructors encourage you to go at your own pace and they offer alternatives for beginners. What I like most about this program even though this is some of the same things we've all seen before, is that it tells me exactly what to do and when. I have been on a lot of diets and it's not that part that I need the most. I get confused in the exercise part when you're supposed to do cardio, flexibility and weight resistance training. It would take me 2 hours a day to accomplish this. The exercises are compound exercises in that you are working multiple muscles. This packages pulls together all the elements of losing weight in one single system. Easy to follow. I would recommend this to anyone!!!!

posted Dec 8th, 2011 1:30 pm



I tried to return this and found it nearly impossible to get a return authorization! I called and emailed for 4 days without any response from the manufacturer. I finally had to get my credit card company to intervene. I think this is a SHAM!!

posted Dec 8th, 2011 4:23 am



I thought there would be a forum where people could contact one another for feedback. Where is that? The support system.

posted Dec 7th, 2011 3:39 pm



I placed 2 orders within 5 minutes via the online system over a week ago. One order has been delivered and the other is MIA. I have called the P.i.n.k. customer service line 3 x over 3 days and have been told the same thing - we can't track your order, we can guarantee it will be delivered and we can't guarantee we can cancel it so you do not get charged - the only thing you can do is call back tomorrow and hope your order shows up. I have emailed the customer service cs@pinkmethod 3 separate times/days and never once received a response. Every time I've called their support center I get the same poor lady who has no information and cannot help me. I get the impression they have no idea how to manage a business professionally. This is ridiculous. Perhaps the program has substance but, the fact that it is managed and set up by what appears to be a 1 man shop gives me 0 hope they know what they are doing. Last, my mother who by a miracle received her kit cannot access the VIP site even after requesting an email reset.

posted Dec 7th, 2011 3:32 pm


@ DUH~ I personally know one of the girls shown, Rachel, who lost 60lbs in 5 months. Amazing transformation. That was proof enough for me. I always thought maybe they were photo shopped but, I KNOW she wasn't

posted Dec 6th, 2011 4:17 pm


Here we go again! another Miraculaous Diet! If I didn't know any better I would say that Dr. Phil has $$$ invested in this P.I.N.K Method program. He introduced it on his show and a couple of days later it was on the "Doctors" produced by Dr. Phil's son. People, ladies, can I just say, YOU already know what to do, there are no magic formulas or magic pills, there is only common sense. You must eat clean and move your body. I am 56 and have purchased a boat load of programs and it occurred to me that they ALL WORK if I do them consistently and if I choose to eat clean. By clean I mean NO fast food, NO processed food and stay away from Sugar as much as possible. I have no doubt that this is a program that will do what it says it will do, but the key is to follow it as directed. It will not be a piece of cake, no pun intended. Quite simply, you must be ready and just flip the mental switch to decide to just do it. You will be so glad you did. Good luck

posted Dec 6th, 2011 6:50 am



I ordered the PINK Method before it was ever shown on Dr. Phil and received it quickly. I am on "reset." I have a lot of weight to lose and ever doctor I have seen says the same thing. Eat less and eat lean protein and plant based veggies and carbs and exercise more. Eating healthy and exercising are the only ways to lose weight. If you do it consistently, it works. I have been on every diet known to mankind and every one of them worked (some not a lot) until I stopped them. It is not pleasant giving up the white stuff (sugar, flour, etc.), but those are the things that have me so unhealthy. PINK reset is not easy. You make a plant protein and berry smoothie each morning for breakfast, a lean protein and veggies for lunch and for dinner. It is healthy. I asked a nutritionist. Not for nursing and pregnant women because they need more fat in their diet. The baby needs more nutrients. Take the weight off when you are done nursing. According to my weight and height it is suggested that I stay on "reset" for 14 days. I am on day 6 and I am not dying. I am full, but miss sugar and flour just as I have on every diet. I am taking vitamins and I do feel more energy. I was sick several times this year and I have been told over and over again by every doctor that if I just took off the excess weight, ate healthy foods-lean protein, veggies, whole grains and fruit, and walked or did some sort of exercise I would not be getting sick all of the time. So, what I am saying here is something that we all know. Eat healthy, eat less, move more. Some of us enjoy the thrill of buying the latest book or program and that is fine. But it only works if you do it and change your lifestyle. No magic here.

posted Dec 4th, 2011 2:40 am


I just purchased the PINK Method program after seeing it on Dr. Phil. I have to say I am a little disappointed with the diet. You are told not to start the exercise portion of the program for up to 14 days (depending upon weight and height) and eat the "reset" diet program which is daily 8oz. of lean protein,and unlimited non starchy vegetables.No butter, oils, fats, sugar, sugar substitutes, cream, non dairy creamer, no cakes, pie, breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, nut butters. No sausage or other fattier meats. Limited caffeine -one cup of coffee daily.

I found it odd that the book tells you not to start exercise until you have done the reset diet. After you start exercise you have the "primary" diet which is a more generous reset diet as it adds in fruit and limited starches. I was surprised to see white potatoes in the shred soup as its not on the daily eating list.

Hope this helps people make a decision.

posted Dec 3rd, 2011 8:53 pm


Norma, Only your doctor can answer that question.

posted Dec 2nd, 2011 4:43 pm


Did anyone here notice Cheaps comment? I joined SparkPeople.com for free. And the comment from Megan? Any program works as long as you DO IT! I'm going to give SparkPeople.com a shot first. Pulling out my cardio cds, wish me luck!

posted Dec 1st, 2011 10:57 pm


I saw P.I.N.K on The Doctors today and felt like it was a rehearsed 30 minute infomercial. I was very disappointed by this. The instructors came across as fake to me - something just didn't feel right.

The short clips of the workout that they showed did look interesting as I saw moves that I haven't seen in other programs.

The diet looks restrictive to me as it only has 3 meals + dessert. I successfully lost 70 pounds by following a low-glycemic index diet (which is what this program is) and having 5 smaller meals throughout the day.

The way they are promoting this program (seems like P90x for women to me) I have a feeling this is going to be the fitness craze of 2012.

I'd pick it up if it wasn't so expensive just so I could check out the workouts.

posted Dec 1st, 2011 12:07 pm

Brenda Ren'ee Hines

my question is I have no problem with the produce it's with the problem within my body I"m 62 years old I also have plantar fasciitis under my right foot and also I'm a diabetic tell me what kind of exercises I need to do n order to lose the weight I wt 310 pounds

posted Nov 30th, 2011 10:00 pm


Why don't people check out Sparkpeople.com? Its free and it spunds like it does the same thing>

posted Nov 30th, 2011 9:12 pm


HELLO!!! There are NO REVIEWS!!! It was established this year and I can't find a single review not associated with the PINK method's website! the nutritionist (who has mommy arms) told one girl she could have most of the 50lbs off in 90days... give me some proof!!!

posted Nov 30th, 2011 7:44 pm


Results that sound too good to be true - usually are! I know for a fact that if I were to go to my Dr's office to get clearance to start the program - he'd laugh me out of his office! "I want to go on this diet & no, I don't know what you eat because thet don't tell you that until you pay $80 & no. I don't know what the exercise program is cuz they don't tell you that either until you send $$". He would tell me to use some common sense, reduce the calories I consume, increase the amount of exercise I do & save myself $80. Sounds very much like a get rich quick scheme for The Pink Method Ladies!

posted Nov 30th, 2011 7:37 pm



What a shame! You have to be on facebook to get any of their information. Why don't they say that BEFORE we buy this program. I HATE facebook, to bad they just couldn't just have thier own websight to get all info for this program,. Facebook what a bunch of crap to have to get on Facebook. Whos idea was that. Dr. Phil why didn;t you tell everyone they have to go through facebook to use this program.

posted Nov 30th, 2011 6:02 pm


I just bought the program. It's on sale on the website for $67.98 plus shipping ($8.95 for economy). It's normally $79.99.
For those people asking about specific health conditions, I would advise you to ask your doctor. They will be able to tell you if it will be safe or not.
I have the p90x program, and I made it 3 weeks in before I started getting exercise-induced migraines. I think that program is geared more toward men and toward people who are already pretty active.
I'm hoping the P.I.N.K. Method will give me enough intensity to see results, without throwing me into migraines.

posted Nov 30th, 2011 4:29 pm


Okay ladies, here is the problem with most of us, including myself. These products truley work, but only we can make them work! The issue is the diet and the workout. You can't just pic one and expect to see results, they both work togethr in promoting healthy weight loss! You must follow through with the diet and the workout faithfully. You can't decide okay today i am going to eat great and workout, then not the next day...you will never see results. Also ladies, remember portion control. It is better to eat small portions throught the day then three solid meals. Breakfast is also key, breakfast food provide energy and brain power. I wish everyone the best of luck!

posted Nov 30th, 2011 4:00 pm


I was a little bummed that Dr. Phil seemed to be doing a full-blown infomercial on his show....BUT of course, I went ot the website and am tempted to buy it....just one thing people: It only works if you follow it! That's the hard part! I have P90X, The Firm, a treadmill and The Biggest Loser products. I like 'em all, but still have 30 lbs to lose, so not sure if it's worth it when I already have so many!

posted Nov 30th, 2011 4:30 am



Will I need to purchase additional items for PINK Method? Will I need to purchase items not included with my shipment?. I saw the ladies demonstrating the exercises with small dumbells. What size is recommended? Is there anything else that I must purchase that is not included in the program?

posted Nov 30th, 2011 4:29 am


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