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Mend-A-Body Solutions

Mend-A-Body Solutions

Reduce your waistline and improve your health with this program.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

Mend-A-Body Solutions is a company that focuses on wellness and waistline management. The company has wellness coaches and they specialize in counseling towards a low glycemic and low inflammatory lifestyle. This guidance can enable you to lose weight and help relieve pain related to inflammation-related disease. The program offered by Mend-A-Body Solutions is holistic and personalized. The waistline program that is available has been scientifically proven. The plan is easy to follow and produces results quickly. Your waist size can indicate a lot about your health which is why Mend-A-Body Solutions focuses on waistline management.

There are tools and products available for you to purchase while on the program that will make it easier. The process of the Mend-A-Body Solutions program includes three elements of one-on-one coaching support, education on healthy food choices and a line of supplements. You will lose weight on this program faster than many other diets you may have tried.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Program reduces your waistline leading to health improvements
  • Program involves using coaching support along with education about healthy food choices
  • Quick results that last
  • Reduces symptoms associated with inflammatory-related illness
  • Enjoy increased energy and improved sleep
  • Scientifically proven
  • Supplements are encouraged on an auto renewal basis
  • Price may be too high for some dieters

The eating plan that you will follow on Mend-A-Body Solutions I is based on the science of a 40-30-30 diet. This means that 40 percent of your daily calories come from carbohydrates, 30 percent come from protein and 30 percent from healthy fats. In order to maintain proper balance, there are different sources of carbohydrates that are suggested. There are food products available for sale through Mend-A-Body Solutions but you are not restricted to only these products. This program is available to anyone no matter their age or what illness they might be suffering from.

Along with your diet, there is mention of supplements that you will be taking. When you meet with your counselor, you can make the determination of if you want to be placed on an auto renewal for the supplements. There are some recipes included on the site. A wide range of categories are available including recipes like:

  • Healthy Home Fries
  • Fruit Salsa
  • Pumpkin Pancakes
  • Walden Farms Hamburger
  • Stuffed Peppers
  • Lemon Lust
  • Sugar Free Fudge
  • Fruity Mousse
  • Apple Butter Pork
  • Stuffing
  • Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes
  • Low Fat Turkey Gravy

There is little information available about exercise with the Mend-A-Body Solutions program. There is one article on the web site that covers top mistakes people make at the gym. This article is mainly helpful in avoiding injury when you work out. There doesn’t appear to be any specific guidance on exercise until after you meet with a coach.


The Mend-A-Body Solutions program seems to offer some very promising results in the way of reducing your waist size and helping reduce inflammatory disease pain and symptoms. The program doesn’t exclude carbs or any other food group, and teaches you how to eat properly to achieve fast results. Supplements are recommended with this program, which could lead to costly fees, but the program appears solid.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

mendenbody solution, mendabody sollution , mend a bodies solution, mend a body diet

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  • Easy to follow
  • Cheap Price
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(Page 4 of 6, 113 total comments)

Jenn L


This program has helped me be successful and teach me all the important facts about eating and what your body does with food. As a social worker I am always helping others and this program has pushed me to help others now by becoming a coach.. Its been so rewarding even though most of my clients have been friends.. to share their journey has been the best part and keeps me on track as well!!! I will never go back after what MAB has done for me!!

posted Jan 29th, 2013 12:21 am

Aloyoise M


I have not only lost weight and inches but have gained energy and confidence. My husband comments about how good I am looking. I have less bloating and back pain. The diet is very easy to follow.

posted Jan 28th, 2013 8:49 pm

Amanda Ward


I first saw a friend post on Facebook about Mend-A-Body in early of 2012. I emailed Amanda Davenport-Lothrop to inquire, as she was the recommended coach in the post. I watched the provided overview, and read the provided pamphlets. I did some Google searching for reviews, and just couldn’t decide. I was totally afraid to spend on this money and not have it work! I mean I had done things like the 17 day diet, and the south beach diet, and I lost some pounds…but they never really provided the results I wanted. I couldn’t make the decision so walked away.

Shortly after I started a weight loss challenge at a gym, and had some decent weight loss. I was at the gym almost every morning by 5, then having long 10 hour work days, and coming home to 3 young children. It was exhausting!! When the challenge finished after 12 weeks I was pretty disappointed I didn’t meet my goal of losing 15 pounds, but I was proud of my success that I was looking better.

I remembered Mend-A-Body (MAB). I started poking around again and contacting Amanda. I was still really nervous about spending all this money to lose weight. I broke it down. It’s way cheaper than weight watchers, and many other programs! I didn’t have to buy food and have it shipped. Really, how could I not?! So in September I took the plunge and signed up.

What. A. Life. Changer! I lost the same amount of weight in HALF the time on MAB than the weight loss challenge. And…AND…I was NOT going to the gym! I didn’t have to get up so early in the morning and waste hours at the gym! It completely changed my life! While I continue to work out now, it is not the focus of my weight loss. I truly believe in MAB, not just for weight loss, but weight management, and developing an overall healthier lifestyle! My ultimate goal is to lose another 21 pounds, but I’m soo happy with my life right now it’s no longer about the number on the scale! I wish I would have joined MAB at the beginning of the year! My coach is AMAZING, she is always there for support. On nights I was ready to cave and give in to temptation I was able to send her a text message, and she was right there responding and helping me through, and learning to resist! The support for the entire group has been more than anyone could ask for, and I would recommend MAB to everyone! MAB is not just about losing pounds, it’s great for maintaining, it’s great for overall health so it’s the ideal program for absolutely anyone!

Thank you MAB, and Thank you Amanda!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 6:14 pm

Lori Cole


After watching my coach shrink down over the last few years, I finally decided to sign up with MAB. I told her a year ago I wanted to sign up and the only thing I lost was a year. So now I've been three weeks on the program and the changes in my body are amazing. I have lost 8.6 pounds and 7 inches total. My bloat is gone, my energy level is higher. The support from the other members is amazing. I look forward to continuing to shrink, and will hopefully be able to coach and inspire with MAB!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 2:43 pm



I have been on MAB since Feb 2012 and I have discovered some misconceptions that I had:
1. Being Fat isn't in my genes (being lazy may be)
2. I'm not big boned (i have been told this my entire life)
3. at 36 it is possible to look and feel better than you ever have
4. It’s never too late to change your life

In a year I’ve gone from a snug 14 wearing XL to size 6/8 wearing M and S, I am participating in life rather than watching my life pass by me. I find myself raiding my 11 year old sons closet for t-shirts. I am a new woman a woman I never dreamed I could be. I was put on my first diet as an infant and have been yo yo dieting ever since I could remember…for the first time in my life food isn’t the enemy

posted Jan 28th, 2013 2:26 pm



I have been on MAB since Feb 2012 and I have discovered some misconceptions that I had:
1. Being Fat isn't in my genes (being lazy may be)
2. I'm not big boned (i have been told this my entire life)
3. at 36 it is possible to look and feel better than you ever have
4. It’s never too late to change your life
In a year I’ve gone from a snug 14 wearing XL to size 6/8 wearing M and S, I am participating in life rather than watching my life pass by me. I find myself raiding my 11 year old sons closet for t-shirts. I am a new woman a woman I never dreamed I could be. I was put on my first diet as an infant and have been yo yo dieting ever since I could remember…for the first time in my life food isn’t the enemy

posted Jan 28th, 2013 2:12 pm

Shannon G


I've lost 31.4 pounds in 14 weeks. I have tendinitis in my feet and sclerosis in my hips, both of which no longer bother me. In addition to being pain free, I have gained a load of self confidence, to the point where I actually go out in public wearing cute little tops. I was even approached in Hannaford by a total stranger the other day who told me how pretty I am! Although my boyfriend wasn't too impressed, I graciously accepted the compliment. MAB has changed my life!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 2:03 pm

D Cote


It has made me feel better about myself ,makes me think twice about what to put Ony mouth and has lead me into a more healthier active life and care about myself. Size 14 to an 8 and XL shirts to a medium !!!!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 1:56 pm

Liz C


Mend a body has made me view my food choices so much differently, I am more active and much more healthy, and it has made my family more healthy too!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 1:54 pm

Julie L


I went from 227 lbs to 135 lbs in less than a year! Size 18 to a size 4. but the best part is I maintained the weight for alomst 2 years!!!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 1:35 pm

Dave W


I lost 50 lbs in 8 weeks! I love that it's only 15$ week for my coach! Well worth every penny!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 1:31 am



This is the easiest life style change. I now know what I can and cant have to maintain my weight loss. Working with my coach has helped me the most. It'd nice to know I can pick up my phone and the person on the other end can help me, when im at the grocery store, restaurant. Anything! my coach was so helpful and so caring!

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:54 am



I have so much more energy, just after the first few days! I cant believe how good I feel! Thank you Mend A Body

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:47 am


I love Mend A Body, I went from a six 15 to a 5 in 6 weeks. after 8 weeks I lost 37lbs

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:46 am



I am so pleased to be losing weight. The best thing is that I am not hungry! The reduction of carbs and sugars have also improved my sleeping habits!!!!! I will be a life long MAB gal and look forward to losing 10 more pounds

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:41 am



Mend A Body has taught me portion control and to love my veggies

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:40 am

Nikki R


I went to the doctors last week and had blood work done, i no longer have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. It has given me a sense of empowerment, to know that I do have the strength and courage to do what I know I have to do.

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:30 am

Kat D


Since starting Mend A Body two months ago not only have I lost 28lbs, I feel amazing. I can keep up with my one year old daughter endless energy. After a year of struggling to lose the baby weight from pregnancy I can finally fit into my old clothes. Mend A Body offers such a wide variety of food choices and recipes I am never tempted to sway. After all of the fad diets I have tried beforehand this is something I could easily follow for the rest of my life. Thank you Mend A Body for giving me my confidence back and the tools to live a MABulous life.

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:29 am

Roberta G


I have arthritis very bad in my hands and joints, while being on mendabody my arthritis pain has gotten much better, and the swelling has decreased dramatically. Overall I feel much better.

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:27 am

Erica Hall


I've been on Mend A Body for a little over two weeks, I've already lost a little more then 15 pounds, I'm in a wedding this weekend and my brides maids dress is a little loose. I love Mend A Body

posted Jan 28th, 2013 12:23 am


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