Start the Diet Now Advertisement
- Established: 2001
- Headquarters: Florida
- Accessibility: In-person or online private counseling via email or phone
- Diet Type: Low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, supplements and prepackaged meals
- Gender: Male, female, children
- Celebrity Endorsements: Rush Limbaugh
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Quick Weight Loss, founded in Florida, provides individualized weight loss therapy. The program boasts no exercise and you eat the foods you love including the diet program's own line of diet foods and herbal and thermogenic supplements.
Made popular by Rush Limbaugh who in 2009 lost a remarkable amount of weight in a short period of time following a Quick Weight Loss created just for him, this southern Florida company has helped many lose weight.
Currently, the only bricks and mortar Quick Weight Loss Centers are scattered around southern Florida but there is an online program that you can join from anywhere in the country. This home-based program is a six-week program in which you receive support and counseling via email and phone from Quick Weight Loss Center specialists.
Once you have signed up for either program, you work individually with a Quick Weight Loss Center expert in order to create your own customized diet plan.
In general, the Quick Weight Loss plan provides participants a diet that is low calorie (up to 1,500 calories/day). You buy the foods you like to make and supplement with Quick Weight Loss brand's bars, beverages, soups as well as supplement s that are intended to facilitate weight loss.
You can expect to lose three to seven pounds each week while following the Quick Weight Loss Center programs.
- Doctor clearance shows they are being responsible
Helped Rush Limbaugh lose 80 pounds in 2009
Offers an individualized program to weight loss
One-on-one support provides motivation and accountability

- Weight loss claims may be exaggerated
- Required to buy program's special line of foods increases costs
- Herbal supplements and other stimulants are required
- Supplements do not require FDA approval; check with your doctor before taking
- Brick and mortar locations are limited to southern Florida and Texas
- Low calorie diet plan may lead to rebound weight gain
- Diet program rules are not scientifically founded
While all Quick Weight Loss Center diets are custom-designed, there are a few benchmark features that are applied to every participant's diet.
Most diet plans include a low-calorie and low-fat daily eating plan that is comprised of about 1,500 calories a day.
And while the company remains pretty hush-hush about what their diet looks like, a few secrets slipped through the cracks thanks to Rush's public discussion about his experience with Quick Weight Loss Centers.
There are a host of other food rules that you must abide by while following the program such as eating green peppers but not red bell peppers and not combining two different kinds of proteins in one meal. For instance you can have seven ounces of grilled chicken breast but not three ounces of white fish and four ounces of turkey breast in one meal. In addition, alcohol, sugar, refined flours and fried foods are not allowed.
You can also supplement with Quick Weight Loss Centers proprietary foods which can be purchased online or at one of the Center's Florida locations. Such foods include special puddings, shake mixes, nutrition bars, soups and oatmeal.
In addition, you are also encouraged to take Quick Weight Loss Centers own line of dietary supplements like essential fatty acids, herbs and carb blockers, all of which are supposed to facilitate speedy weight loss.
You can engage in moderate exercise while following the Quick Weight Loss Center diet but hard-core exercise is not a strong feature of this plan.
Made popular almost overnight by conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh who lost 80 pounds in just a few months, Quick Weight Loss Centers is a Florida-based customized diet plan that helps you lose weight quickly with its low-calorie and highly structured eating plan. But it is exactly this stringent plan that lands this diet in the category of countless other plans that take off a lot of weight in a short amount of time and then risks gaining it all back once you are no longer on the plan.
But with this rather mysterious diet plan filled with specific eating rules and special supplements that contain hoodia and ephedra-like stimulants, you might want to think twice about spending the money on Quick Weight Loss Center and instead think about incorporating more natural, practical and long-term strategies for successful weight loss.
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Quick Weight Loss Centers
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User Feedback
(Page 14 of 33, 649 total comments)John
It looks like most of the people really getting into the feedback are really looking for a free diet plan - The thing that makes this work for most of us is the consulting staff we visit 3 times a week to keep us on track, take BP,etc.
posted Jan 9th, 2010 8:29 pmThere are some really good free programs available online - Calorie Count is the most helpful for getting support from RD & others online. WebMD has some good info available and also support from users. The use of supplements, quick weight loss and medication is not promoted by most of those not seeing someone to give proper help. I'm not criticizing folks for wanting free help, but this is really not a good approach & most of what is given here is only part of the whole needed for rapid and sustained weight loss.
The cost upfront for having someone keep track and offer advise throughout the weight loss and maintenance is what is being paid for by those having made the commitment. Most of us have tried doing these things on our own and failed at least a few times. Take this in good spirit and good luck losing weight
After staying pretty close to the QWLC plan for the past 13 weeks, I have lost almost 70 lbs & have almost 75 to go, so that's about on track for 5lb. loss per week.
posted Jan 9th, 2010 8:03 pmMy experience in Texas has been that my handlers have been helpful in keeping me on track, moved me into a couple of new things through the weeks and for novices, they do a good job.
I agree that supplements and pills are too highly priced, but they did give me a break on food supplements in Dec @ $10 per box, so I have not ordered online yet - bought my own multivitamins and EPA - May get Carb Block & some of the supplements from Nashua Nutrition, but trying to stay with the exact things - Happy New Year from Texas, Good Luck in 2010 to become a svelte person.
After staying pretty close to the QWLC plan for the past 13 weeks, I have lost almost 70 lbs & have almost 75 to go, so that's about on track for 5lb. loss per week.
posted Jan 9th, 2010 8:02 pmMy experience in Texas has been that my handlers have been helpful in keeping me on track, moved me into a couple of new things through the weeks and for novices, they do a good job.
I agree that supplements and pills are too highly priced, but they did give me a break on food supplements in Dec @ $10 per box, so I have not ordered online yet - bought my own multivitamins and EPA - May get Carb Block & some of the supplements from Nashua Nutrition, but trying to stay with the exact things - Happy New Year from Texas, Good Luck in 2010 to become a svelte person.
Is there a support blog somewhere? So you can blog on how you are doing or questions that you have that you might want ask the center?
posted Jan 7th, 2010 7:15 pmRobin
After reading Jeffs comments I decided I would to check out Diet Direct and found the BariWise bars and drinks are exactly the same as QWLC and 6 dollars cheaper! Got my first order and very pleased! The exact same purchase from QWLC would have cost me $115 dollars more!
posted Jan 7th, 2010 1:42 pmI decided to do further research and found another web site called Nashua Nutrition, they also have the same bars called Health Smart. They also have the EXACT same Herbs ($20 savings) Carb Blockers, EFA's , ($6 savings) and the Quick Boost for $20.95 .
(The name they are under is Herbal balance)
They have free shipping with orders over $99 .
I really wish that I would have found these sites 5 months ago... would have been able to buy a new wardrobe with the money I could have saved!
Started tuesday with detox. On day 3 I'm going tonight for the class & to measure in for first time. I really hope I have lost some weight since I paid almost 600. Not really excited about the center but I have to do something to lose this weight. 40lb to go....
posted Jan 7th, 2010 12:20 pmsouthflmom
Still unsure on this. I do know 2 people who had successfully lost a good chunk of weight----1 gained it all back but said her problem was that she didn't do maintenance (mental note). She was happy though b/c she bought "premium" membership and can go back on the plan at the lesser cost---still cost $600 though. I went for my consult already sold on the product and did not have a good "counselor"---she was reading the info on the back of a flip chart the whole time. I'm in sales and it was probably the worst presentation i've ever seen. Anyway I signed up regardless because i was sold before by my 2 referrals. Spent $600 just for 1st month and they told me i'd be smart to spend another $1099 to get my insurance in case i gain it back (to come back cheaper) and that would include all of my supplements. I almost fell off my chair! The way it was done asking for the $1099 AFTER she had run my card for the $600 really made me have buyers remorse. But I went back today and spoke with a different counselor who explained things much better and said I do NOT need to buy all of that stuff upfront. I am going to get on those sites to get my products cheaper. This is the end of day 1 of detox and I feel fine. I did get a headache but that is not unusual for me in the afternoons. I didn't take anything and it did go away for the most part. Oh, by the way when I went in today for my measurements I had lost 2 lbs since yesterday. We shall see! I've got about 40 lbs to lose.
posted Jan 6th, 2010 6:51 pmLinda Z
This program works ... if you work it. Remember, nothing is perfect ... but they have the right combination on counseling, intake of foods, and continued guidance. I'm 54 and had no control of food ... first, you have to hit the wall and admit your problem and that you need help. Second, nothing is cheap or free! This group just got me down 96.4 pounds in 10 months! I am now 8 pounds shy of my goal ... and it just a number. I am now wearing clothes/jeans from years ago! I joined on a DARE ... go ahead and PROVE that you can get me to 150! Never, never did I think that my 'pouch' would ever go. If you join ... go Platinum ... if you have always had problems with controlling food. They know their stuff and guide you daily (if needed) with your life ... no matter what weight loss you choose ... you have to get your head right ... and make food fuel for your body and not pleasure. This program also gets you to live 'outside' the diet box ... eating REAL FOOD and being able to eat out.
posted Jan 2nd, 2010 12:06 pmWorth every penny ... piecing it together and buying similar products may last for a bit ... you are paying for counseling on a daily basis. Conclusion: I am healthy and at a healthy weight for today. Thank you Quick Weight Loss for my new life! Tell them Linda Z from Stuart sent you!
+I lost my 45 pounds in 13 weeks. If you stick to the program, you will lose the weight. If you aren't willing to follow the plan, you will fail. I'm very happy with my outcome!
posted Jan 2nd, 2010 10:22 amSB Smith
There are 14 "brick & mortar" QWL centers in the metropolitan Houston TX area. I start Jan. 6th....I'm getting a crown put on a tooth on the 4th and wanted to wait till after that to start.
posted Dec 28th, 2009 12:01 amMy SIL has lost 70 lbs. on this since last March. She's at goal wt. now.
I will be one of the remote by phone customers as the closest location in Houston is over one hour's drive one way. I've already had contact with them and they know I'm waiting till then to start,.
posted Dec 15th, 2009 4:26 pmYou can Get the Quick Trim stuff at as well as all the exact same bars and drinks. The Quick Trim (EXACT SAME) is $30/bottle and the bars are $8.99 a box. Free shipping on orders over $75. You can get the EFAs from any drug store or better yet Costco. They're bottled as triple omegas (because all the EFAs are is omega 3-6-9) and it's much cheaper as well. They also have a better selection than most of the centers. For example, i cannot take anything with sucralose as it makes me terribly sick but I can get the same products with aspartame instead.
Another good site, although just slightly more expensive, is - they also have the exact same brands at lower prices.
The plan alone is expensive enough, so I don't feel I'm cheating them out of any money in the least by cost-cutting!
+I lost 32 lbs in about 7 weeks!
posted Dec 14th, 2009 7:06 pmThe first week was the best: 11 lbs. I think that a lot of that first week's weight loss was water-related because of the big cuts in sodium on this diet. I've lost 2-5 lbs a week since then.
I go to the gym about 2x a week to lift heavy stuff or do yoga. I'm not doing any treadmill/starimaster/biking because it bores the snot out of me. The good folks at QWLC tried to steer me away from weight lifting because the added muscle would "throw off" my weekly weight loss. Whatev. I'm having fun :)
I've found the supplement bars at diet direct (look for bariwise products instead of healthwise. They are the same thing). The bars are $9.99 a box at diet direct. They also have additional discounts for volume orders and free shipping pricce points.
The milkshakes/pudding mixes were tougher to track down (the ones at Diet Direct are different and much higher in calories! Beware!).
Here's the best source I found for the identical shakes/pudding mixes (only $7 a box!)...
QWLC claims that their QuickBoost is a proprietart blend, but FRS makes something that looks nearly identical. The only difference I noticed is that QuickBoost lists licorice root in their ingredients and FRS doesn't. So I drink a mug of Celestial Seasons Honey Lemon Ginseng Green Tea sometime each day (it includes licorice root). Amazon sells the lime and fruit punch flavors for about $11 a box...
I've been using the FRS powder for a couple of weeks now and I'm still dropping the pounds at the same rate.
I have had ZERO success finding the Gold XTrim, Multivitamin, or Essential Fatty Acids at any kind of savings.
Lastly, I asked QWLC if they would price match. They said they would (except the QuickBoost/FRS), but I'd have to call in to place the order to get the price match. I never took them up on their offer because ordering online is so much more convenient. Plus Diet Direct has extra discounts, free shipping, free samples, and weekly specials where they mark down special products to $7.99 a box!
Merry Christmas everyone, and have a blessed New Year!
+I have been on the program fo 12 weeks and have lost 50.8 lbs. My goal is another 30. I have done this in less than half of the set amount of time. I am a man so we do tend to lose weight easier but it has been relatively easy. The holidays do make it hard and i will probabaly need a water flush this weekend. I cheated a little bit but not badly. The diet and program aren't cheap but the fact that i'm losing weight is all worth it. It has also been suggested by curious friends that i had the stomach surgery. Wouldn't dare do that. As far as the ladies that are having difficulty losing the goal weight of 15lbs. Well everyone is different and my girl friend was in the same boat. She didn't lose all her weight during the few weeks she had to do it but she has stuck to the program diet and now she is down 17lbs! She also is showing signs in her already tiny waist of being smaller and her soft spots have toned up. Go figure that one out. So the diet does work but the pescribed time is questionable. I do agree that the supplements are pricey so i will be watching the forum to see if there any other sources for the products. The caramel supplement bars are tasty too. Don't get the pretzels or the tomato soup (nasty)
posted Dec 13th, 2009 9:03 pmKandyMrasy
Could someone tell me where one can get the supplements for a reasonable price?
posted Dec 8th, 2009 2:09 pmJulie
I have been on this program since 10/11 and lost 15 lbs until I hit a plateau 2 weeks ago. I was finally put on a "protein break" last week which lasted 3 days and lost 3lbs. Now that I am eating their normal diet again for 4 days I gained back 2lbs. This is so frustrating, I am supposed to have lost 40lbs by January 11th and its not looking like it is going to happen. This SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
posted Dec 8th, 2009 9:51 amJulie
Diet Direct has bars called wonderslim that I have compared to the QWLC bars that are pretty much the same. They sell for about $10 a box of 7 hope this helps.
posted Dec 8th, 2009 9:46 amdebbie
Hello please can someone give me the detail on the diet how it works, and how many pounds of protein i will need, what kind of fruit and vegetable i can eat and also the portions, and also the diffeent vitamins required please i need to lose about 50 pounds.
posted Dec 8th, 2009 12:39 amthank you
My hubby and I have been on the plan for about 8 weeks now. We are on the exact same plan...he has lost 25 pounds and I have lost 15. We are supposed to have reached our goal weight loss of 30 pounds by the next two weeks. He will reach it, I won't. I am curious to hear what they are gonna say when that happens. As far as the supplements....I have found MOST of them that I am purchasing elsewhere. Here can get your multivitains from BJ's wholesale. They are the Berkley & Jensen brand, with 500 tablets for $15. I am also going to get my EFAs there....all they are..Omega 3,6, and 9. I puchased my "Quickboosts" at Publix called FRS energy (which you can also get online). I am in the process of trying to find the bars, the herbals, and the carb blocker. Haven't had much luck YET. But when I do, I will post it. I am gonna continue on this program, only going into the center 2-3 times a week is getting on my last nerve. This plan has definitely changed my way of eating. I don't blame on going back to my old habits. I want to lose enough that if I gain back about 5 pounds, I will be okay.
posted Dec 4th, 2009 11:14 amNatasha Leann
-if the program doesnt work you are stuck there is no refund
posted Dec 2nd, 2009 6:50 pmkathydavis
+Thank you Julie!!
posted Nov 24th, 2009 7:04 pm