Start the Diet Now Advertisement
- Established: 2001
- Headquarters: Florida
- Accessibility: In-person or online private counseling via email or phone
- Diet Type: Low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, supplements and prepackaged meals
- Gender: Male, female, children
- Celebrity Endorsements: Rush Limbaugh
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Quick Weight Loss, founded in Florida, provides individualized weight loss therapy. The program boasts no exercise and you eat the foods you love including the diet program's own line of diet foods and herbal and thermogenic supplements.
Made popular by Rush Limbaugh who in 2009 lost a remarkable amount of weight in a short period of time following a Quick Weight Loss created just for him, this southern Florida company has helped many lose weight.
Currently, the only bricks and mortar Quick Weight Loss Centers are scattered around southern Florida but there is an online program that you can join from anywhere in the country. This home-based program is a six-week program in which you receive support and counseling via email and phone from Quick Weight Loss Center specialists.
Once you have signed up for either program, you work individually with a Quick Weight Loss Center expert in order to create your own customized diet plan.
In general, the Quick Weight Loss plan provides participants a diet that is low calorie (up to 1,500 calories/day). You buy the foods you like to make and supplement with Quick Weight Loss brand's bars, beverages, soups as well as supplement s that are intended to facilitate weight loss.
You can expect to lose three to seven pounds each week while following the Quick Weight Loss Center programs.
- Doctor clearance shows they are being responsible
Helped Rush Limbaugh lose 80 pounds in 2009
Offers an individualized program to weight loss
One-on-one support provides motivation and accountability

- Weight loss claims may be exaggerated
- Required to buy program's special line of foods increases costs
- Herbal supplements and other stimulants are required
- Supplements do not require FDA approval; check with your doctor before taking
- Brick and mortar locations are limited to southern Florida and Texas
- Low calorie diet plan may lead to rebound weight gain
- Diet program rules are not scientifically founded
While all Quick Weight Loss Center diets are custom-designed, there are a few benchmark features that are applied to every participant's diet.
Most diet plans include a low-calorie and low-fat daily eating plan that is comprised of about 1,500 calories a day.
And while the company remains pretty hush-hush about what their diet looks like, a few secrets slipped through the cracks thanks to Rush's public discussion about his experience with Quick Weight Loss Centers.
There are a host of other food rules that you must abide by while following the program such as eating green peppers but not red bell peppers and not combining two different kinds of proteins in one meal. For instance you can have seven ounces of grilled chicken breast but not three ounces of white fish and four ounces of turkey breast in one meal. In addition, alcohol, sugar, refined flours and fried foods are not allowed.
You can also supplement with Quick Weight Loss Centers proprietary foods which can be purchased online or at one of the Center's Florida locations. Such foods include special puddings, shake mixes, nutrition bars, soups and oatmeal.
In addition, you are also encouraged to take Quick Weight Loss Centers own line of dietary supplements like essential fatty acids, herbs and carb blockers, all of which are supposed to facilitate speedy weight loss.
You can engage in moderate exercise while following the Quick Weight Loss Center diet but hard-core exercise is not a strong feature of this plan.
Made popular almost overnight by conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh who lost 80 pounds in just a few months, Quick Weight Loss Centers is a Florida-based customized diet plan that helps you lose weight quickly with its low-calorie and highly structured eating plan. But it is exactly this stringent plan that lands this diet in the category of countless other plans that take off a lot of weight in a short amount of time and then risks gaining it all back once you are no longer on the plan.
But with this rather mysterious diet plan filled with specific eating rules and special supplements that contain hoodia and ephedra-like stimulants, you might want to think twice about spending the money on Quick Weight Loss Center and instead think about incorporating more natural, practical and long-term strategies for successful weight loss.
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Quick Weight Loss Centers
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User Feedback
(Page 16 of 33, 649 total comments)Karene
Here is a recipe from the QWLC cookbook:
posted Oct 11th, 2009 9:19 pmOven Fried Chicken or Fish
1 Protein, 1 Starch
6 oz. Chicken or Fish
2 Pieces of Melba Toast (made into crumbs)
1/2 tsp Oregano
1/2 tsp Poultry Seasoning
1/2 t Thyme
Rinse off chicken or fish and place in pan. Sprinkle w/mixture and bake at 375 degrees for 30 mins. Serve w/tossed salad!
I just started yesterday and I was not given a detox period. i had orientation on thursday and started eating of the plan yesterday. Major headache last night and today. I broke down and had a cookie, headache is gone. Is this withdrawal I am going through that causes these headaches? Any thoughts? I know I am supposed to go in immediatley and tell them about the cookie but tomorrow is sunday so I can't. I feel like I am going to get 20 lashes with a wet noodle for my "fall". Maybe I just won't tell them.
posted Oct 10th, 2009 10:44 pmMarie
I just joined this week. This is my first "real" day of the diet. I've been doing the 3 days of prep.
posted Oct 9th, 2009 1:10 pmI'm fine with the diet. It�??s not all that much different then how I eat now. But, it's a lot of money. After the $450 for the program and then another $350 for supplements, I'm wondering if it's worth it. Considering that I don't have that much to lose and could (and was) doing it on my own.
The only troubling thing I see is that most of the counselors are heavier then I am now. Just guessing here, but I'd say most are about a size 10 and I fluctuate from a 6 - 8. Well hopefully this helps me get the last few pounds off that I seem never to be able to lose.
I just joined this week. This is my first "real" day of the diet. I've been doing the 3 days of prep.
posted Oct 9th, 2009 1:08 pmI'm fine with the diet. It�??s not all that much different then how I eat now. But, it's a lot of money. After the $450 for the program and then another $350 for supplements, I'm wondering if it's worth it. Considering that I don't have that much to lose and could (and was) doing it on my own.
The only troubling thing I see is that most of the counselors are heavier then I am now. Just guessing here, but I'd say most are about a size 10 and I fluctuate from a 6 - 8. Well hopefully this helps me get the last few pounds off that I seem never to be able to lose.
Julie Anderson
-I can't comment on Rush's weight loss, as I don't follow him, but let me give you a little heads up about this program. You will go in for a "free" consultation. They will take your weight and throw a few words at you. Then they will ask you for money- the amount you want to lose is how they determine your "fee." They will tell you about the 3 day preparation phase, but not about what you will be eating afterwards because as I was told today- "we don't want to overwhelm you." They will tell you that they will be adding other foods back in. For this "fee" you will get a month's worth of their supplemental pills and a weeks worth of two of their food products. Then they send you on your way and you start your 3-day prep which consists of protien and leafy green salad veggies and water and an orange a day. When you go back on day 3 for your "nutrition" class to learn what your diet will consist of, depending on your plan, it's basically protien, a couple of choices of starches, more veggies, fruits and either lite marg or mayo and 2 of their supplemental foods a day. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. NO DAIRY (except cottage cheese or skim milk) All the seasonings you want unless it has salt or sugar in it (no salsa,no ketchup [but hey, they will give you a recipe so you can MAKE it- uh, really? Who has time for this??) You can use Mrs. Dash to your heart's content. This is basically a protien, low sugar, almost no salt, very low carbs (only in fruit, no fruit juice allowed) diet. If you can do this, than this diet is for you! I am sure that it works, because if you add up total calories for the day on plan II, it comes to JUST over 1000. This is not healthy!! This is the only way they will guarantee your weight loss. ALSO they don't tell you that on the first 2 weeks of your diet that they want you to come in DAILY and then 3 times a week afterwards. This will also be on your paper that you sign that "guarantees" your weight loss. And they say that you don't have to exercise, but if you do, they only want you to do cardio, no lifting weights because they want to see your "real" weight loss. Muscle is weight, but muscle also burns more fat, so this is totally assanine in my opinion. I for one, know that if I had seen the types and restricitions of the types of foods that I would NEVER have given them my money- all $517.00 of it. Getting it back is IMPOSSIBLE. Once you sign that paper you are screwed. I talked to corporate today after I sent them 2 nasty emails saying that I felt deceived. They tried to talk me into it for at least 1/2 hour. Then, "i'm sorry, I don't know what else I can do for you." Then, "well, $390 is non-refundable for supplements and the time that we took to take history, etc., but we can refund the remainder." Great, I get $127 back and i've just bought some really expensive supplements- thanks. All this, of course, is just my opinion and my interaction with them. If you think this would work for you, I recommend it, but PLEASE, FIRST, tell them that you need a day or two to think about it. DO NOT just sign up willy nilly. Us overweight people are desperate for a quick fix and for me, losing 65 lbs in 20 weeks sounded amazing. You know what the old saying is, "if it sounds too good to be true, it is." Julie
posted Oct 7th, 2009 1:19 pmsamqur
Hi everyone!!
posted Oct 6th, 2009 9:55 pmJust joined and today was the last day of prep phase. I had some withdrawl symptoms of carbs but I was able to do it. Its hard to eat out on this plan, at least so far. Even grilled chicken has salt in it.
I am already scared thats why i wanted to joined a group to get support because i have to do it and i don't have any choice but to loose weight.
Wendy can you please let me know how to reach your group? i searched on yahoo for your group but no luck?
would you please put a link here? if not please guide me how to get to your group?
-It's now been a month. Lost 4.4 pounds during detox , and the month since 5 pounds, and this is after the protein break. I'm so discouraged. If the headaches would go away I would be grateful. I follow the program to the cheating, correct salt, fat, protein, fruit, starch, supplement, water, etc, intake. I spoke with one of the brain dead "counselors" about it tonight and all she said was to get through the weekend and come in on Tuesday.
posted Sep 18th, 2009 9:49 pmContinuing to choke down chicken, fish and raw veggies is fine when one is seeing results! I am not getting acceptable results and I don't know what to do. The "counselor" said that I never mentioned the headaches and if that was my problem I could eat an extra orange! Huh? I've told those deaf broads about the headaches EVERY time I go to the center! It was explained to me that I must follow their rules,,,like I had done something wrong. Believe me, I have nothing to feel guilty about. If this keeps up, I may go on the Jaxson's Ice Cream Diet. Now, that would be something to be guilty about and if I ate the stuff really fast, I would have an explanation about where these headaches are coming from! To be honest, I was almost in tears when I left the center, tonight. I hope I can muster up the bottle to haul myself in there on Tuesday.
+Awsome diet. Easy to follow and after you get over the initial $$ dump, you can get everything else at other places. Only thing that was hard was to give up a Punchie/Mt.Dew/Ischabaha but after a the first week or two, smooth sailing.
posted Sep 18th, 2009 9:59 amI am on pace 4-7 lbs per week and no significant signs of dementia noted. Totally Jazzed.
Thanks for the encouragement. I just posted a few minutes ago, at the group site. I am taking advantage of the recommended salt and everything else..but the headaches are vicious on this protein break phase. I thought I was going to pass out at work yesterday. The hunger pain is not as bad as the head pain. I'll go to the center Friday and keep ya posted. I don't have great hopes for any decent advice. The comment about the breathy thing on the phone made me LOL! I can imagine that she might be more suited for phone sex! hehhe!
posted Sep 17th, 2009 8:04 amWendy
posted Sep 15th, 2009 9:34 pmC'mon back to the yahoo group. (Wendy =Jane) We're reassembled. Could your headaches be from low potassium? Mine were. I'm doing the at-home program. That includes counseling. But everytime I call for that, they are dim bulbs. I get some breathy girl that clearly has little experience. BUT, the diet works. Maybe we can help ya trouble-shoot.
-well...I'm almost a month into the program followed to the letter. My weight loss has been so slow, that I'm on a protein break (from QWL) for 3 days. They hope this will jump start more loss. I think the problem might be all the sugars in the supplements. I never used to eat sugar unless I had a Dairy Queen about once a month. :-)
posted Sep 15th, 2009 1:44 pmI'm not totally discouraged, but I don't think this plan is working that well for me. I'm only down 8 pounds and I even gained 1/4 of a pound after biking all weekend. My energy is low and I still have periodic headaches. I am annoyed that when I go to the center, talking to the counselors is almost like talking to a brick wall.
If the financial investment were not what it is, I would go to proper nutritionist and forget all the sugar laden supplements that claim to make you lose faster. The only thing that stuff does is lighten one�??s wallet.
The new yahoo group for dieters of this program is called kwik-waist-loss-at-home-program. We changed the name to avoid any problems. We are for support, info, encouragement of at home users of this program. It does work. \o/
posted Sep 15th, 2009 10:40 amItalianAngel
Erin-noticed you're from Stuart, FL- how is that QWLC. I have read so many bad reviews about the reps and bad service that Ive been pretty apprehensive about going. Heard PSL sucks bad. I was hoping to get signed up this weekend...let me know! And big time congrats!!
posted Sep 12th, 2009 1:27 amcatherine
+like it
posted Sep 11th, 2009 7:42 amDon77
+If you are interested in the cookbook u can send me an em at
posted Sep 9th, 2009 7:58 pmDon
+I have one of the cookbook that I would be willing to sell. I paid $33 plus 11$ ship for a total of $44. Make me an offer
posted Sep 9th, 2009 12:24 pmnatasha
+I would like to know if any one has a cookbook for this program for sale or would share some of the recipes.. thanks
posted Sep 9th, 2009 3:28 amNatasha
+I would like to find some one who is selling the cookbook....
posted Sep 9th, 2009 3:18 amor will share the recipes from the cookbook
+3 wks on QWLC--loss of 14 lbs. It's doable and the weight loss IS there if you do the program. DPL I had same symptoms as you.-it was the flu. Better from flu now, NO symptoms. Stick to the plan and get results-no excuses.
posted Sep 7th, 2009 12:12 amBarbara
Wendy, what is the name of your Yahoo group? I'd like to join it because I'm thinking of doing the QWL diet at home.
posted Sep 5th, 2009 6:04 pm