Start the Diet Now Advertisement
- Established: 2001
- Headquarters: Florida
- Accessibility: In-person or online private counseling via email or phone
- Diet Type: Low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, supplements and prepackaged meals
- Gender: Male, female, children
- Celebrity Endorsements: Rush Limbaugh
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Quick Weight Loss, founded in Florida, provides individualized weight loss therapy. The program boasts no exercise and you eat the foods you love including the diet program's own line of diet foods and herbal and thermogenic supplements.
Made popular by Rush Limbaugh who in 2009 lost a remarkable amount of weight in a short period of time following a Quick Weight Loss created just for him, this southern Florida company has helped many lose weight.
Currently, the only bricks and mortar Quick Weight Loss Centers are scattered around southern Florida but there is an online program that you can join from anywhere in the country. This home-based program is a six-week program in which you receive support and counseling via email and phone from Quick Weight Loss Center specialists.
Once you have signed up for either program, you work individually with a Quick Weight Loss Center expert in order to create your own customized diet plan.
In general, the Quick Weight Loss plan provides participants a diet that is low calorie (up to 1,500 calories/day). You buy the foods you like to make and supplement with Quick Weight Loss brand's bars, beverages, soups as well as supplement s that are intended to facilitate weight loss.
You can expect to lose three to seven pounds each week while following the Quick Weight Loss Center programs.
- Doctor clearance shows they are being responsible
Helped Rush Limbaugh lose 80 pounds in 2009
Offers an individualized program to weight loss
One-on-one support provides motivation and accountability

- Weight loss claims may be exaggerated
- Required to buy program's special line of foods increases costs
- Herbal supplements and other stimulants are required
- Supplements do not require FDA approval; check with your doctor before taking
- Brick and mortar locations are limited to southern Florida and Texas
- Low calorie diet plan may lead to rebound weight gain
- Diet program rules are not scientifically founded
While all Quick Weight Loss Center diets are custom-designed, there are a few benchmark features that are applied to every participant's diet.
Most diet plans include a low-calorie and low-fat daily eating plan that is comprised of about 1,500 calories a day.
And while the company remains pretty hush-hush about what their diet looks like, a few secrets slipped through the cracks thanks to Rush's public discussion about his experience with Quick Weight Loss Centers.
There are a host of other food rules that you must abide by while following the program such as eating green peppers but not red bell peppers and not combining two different kinds of proteins in one meal. For instance you can have seven ounces of grilled chicken breast but not three ounces of white fish and four ounces of turkey breast in one meal. In addition, alcohol, sugar, refined flours and fried foods are not allowed.
You can also supplement with Quick Weight Loss Centers proprietary foods which can be purchased online or at one of the Center's Florida locations. Such foods include special puddings, shake mixes, nutrition bars, soups and oatmeal.
In addition, you are also encouraged to take Quick Weight Loss Centers own line of dietary supplements like essential fatty acids, herbs and carb blockers, all of which are supposed to facilitate speedy weight loss.
You can engage in moderate exercise while following the Quick Weight Loss Center diet but hard-core exercise is not a strong feature of this plan.
Made popular almost overnight by conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh who lost 80 pounds in just a few months, Quick Weight Loss Centers is a Florida-based customized diet plan that helps you lose weight quickly with its low-calorie and highly structured eating plan. But it is exactly this stringent plan that lands this diet in the category of countless other plans that take off a lot of weight in a short amount of time and then risks gaining it all back once you are no longer on the plan.
But with this rather mysterious diet plan filled with specific eating rules and special supplements that contain hoodia and ephedra-like stimulants, you might want to think twice about spending the money on Quick Weight Loss Center and instead think about incorporating more natural, practical and long-term strategies for successful weight loss.
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Quick Weight Loss Centers
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User Feedback
(Page 19 of 33, 649 total comments)jen
You can purchase the quick boost from nashua nutrition for approx $20. You can also buy FRS (light) energy drink in the powder form -- its the same thing!! You can find this on FRS website and Amazon. Many FRS products are sold at GNC but last time I checked they did not have the powder drink mix.
posted Aug 1st, 2009 4:03 pmChris in Texas
Like "marym", I tried this diet and it didn't work for me. I lost a whopping 9 pounds in two months and that was it! The only thing that really lost weight was my bank account, to the tune of about 3 grand for membership, suppliments, and food. Oh, and their "guarantee"? If you don't lose the weight you wanted to, you can stay with the plan another year - buying their overpriced food of course - some guarantee! What a waste of money!
posted Jul 31st, 2009 6:27 pmtrekker
Does anyone know where to get the quick boost energy drink mix online? Diet Direct does not seem to have them. At $31 for 7 days that adds up. I love these mixes too as it keeps me on track.
posted Jul 31st, 2009 3:18 pmmarym
ok well Im giving up on this one its just not working out. I have 5 boxes of supplements
posted Jul 30th, 2009 5:03 pm2 boxes of bars
2 boxes of pudding
1 box of chicken soup and half box of bars. also a cookbook. Im only asking $60 for everything. I live in Houston/ Clearlake area..... . If anyone is interested let me know please.
+Rush Limbaugh announced today he has lost 70 lbs in 5 month with this diet. He loves it.
posted Jul 30th, 2009 4:29 pmI was on this years ago and had huge success. I joined in the last year and quit. I didn't like the center in GA. Well I NEED to get some weight off.
Glad to find this forum to help boost each out up.
I have my paperwork, starting my 3 day prep tomorrow.
These news supplements like pretzels, I can get those much cheaper at Diet Direct. Does it matter how you mix those up? I know you can only have 1 bar a day.
Any other new pointers i need?
+I am getting ready to start this again. I had successful over 12 years ago. About 6 months ago I paid a whopping fee to go into the center but didn't do well, I hate going into the center to be weighed. LOL
posted Jul 30th, 2009 4:10 pmToday on Rush Limbaugh, he announced he is loosing his weight with the diet. He is using a false name but has lost 70 lbs in 5 months. He is down to 211 and says he isn't stopping.
That made me remember this 20 lbs I gained back, I am starting prep phase tomorrow! I have taken out my sheets. If anyone wants to tag team and help each other, I'm for it.
I went to Direct Direct and will order my supplements from there for next week.
Hey, all the new snacks, IE pretzels, etc... these count as 1 supplement right? I know we can't have 2 bars a day but these snacks can be one and the bar one for 2 a day? Or do we have to do a pudding, shake or something?
Holler back at me now, I might need some help. I have a thyroid problem.
i have dropped 45lbs since this aired.
i was bodybuilding. to add muscle naturally
you NEED to
I joined last saturday and so far so good, even though my weightloss seems to be kinda slow 3 pounds the first week. My carb cravings have disappeared and all. I know this diet does work so Im excited about this.
posted Jul 18th, 2009 12:18 pmLindsay Hout
Hi. I just started the program and few days ago. I've already lost 2 lbs but I've been getting headaches. I think it might be withdrawl from not drinking alcohol (I don't think I'm an alchy...but I was drinking 2 to 3 beers a night). Plus I know the cut in carbs probably makes a difference. What I'm really concerned about are the supplements...they are so expensive! I am going to my class tomorrow and I know they are going to try to sell them to me. I'd like it if anyone could tell whether or not I should buy them. Thanks!
posted Jul 16th, 2009 4:45 pmerin
+Well, I started QWLC June 1st, so 45 days in and I am down 25 lbs.
posted Jul 15th, 2009 3:05 pmIt is expensive, but I have 127lbs to lose total and nothing has ever worked before so i am excited.
i am taking the pills and the supplements, (no quick boost). I spent $1000 and got all the pills for 5 months and the supplements for 2.5 months.
I am hoping to use my boyfriends bonus for more supplements in october, or maybe buy online.
Is anyone else on this site from south florida? It would be helpful to share food ideas and share tips.
So, I have found so far, that I am not hungry, I don't crave bad things, because the supplements are yummy.
I tend to be creative and vary my food a lot. I don't ever eat dry chicken and lettuce, although that would be an option of course.
Good luck to everyone who tries this.. I hope I am able to keep losing.. and I hope you are too.
I am also a regular exerciser so they are moving me from phase I to III.
posted Jul 14th, 2009 9:21 pmCan someone tell us what phase II is?
I tried the program about 5 months ago...the first week i lost 6 lbs. i've never eaten much fruit and fruit is allowed in the program so that was good 4 me, allows good veges and protein and protein bars that can curb sugar cravings...all in all a good program and you will lose weight, it was my fault that i stopped after the first week i just wanted to eat what i wanted and failed myself...the counselor called me over and over again i finally called her back this week after 5 months of ditching her calls, happy she was persistant i'm starting again this week so wish me luck...i'm so tired of being over weight and now my doctor has recommended i lose a few pounds so here i am again at the end of my rope...will try to give it my all this time around!!!
posted Jul 14th, 2009 6:28 pmLorretta
You can purchase any of the nutritional supplements, (food) at Nashua Nutrition on the internet. The EFA's are sold on the internet from Dr. Arthur Hadley in Houston for 15.00 a bottle. (the same exact ones from QWLC) The Quick Boost is actually FRS whick is promoted by Lance Armstrong, and can be purchased directly from them at about 10.00 cheaper per box. As for the other supplements, you can go to any compounding pharmacy, and ask them if they would order Soma Lab products through the web site. You can get a bottle of "herbs" for $23.00! (Same exact ones sold by QWLC) They make their money off of marking up the products.
posted Jul 14th, 2009 2:40 pmshelley
-Without paying the huge amount of money they charge, all you have to do is follow any sensible low carb diet. QWL's diet is simple.. lean protein, non-starchy veggies, limited fruit, QWL supplements and basically no carbs. You can purchase the exact same supplements on line through 'Diet Direct' for alot less money. A box of QWL pudding costs approx. $'s $10.00 through Diet Direct.
posted Jul 8th, 2009 10:12 pmnicole
I started this program about 5 weeks ago and I have not had the best success. I am losing INCHES, but the weight has only gone down about 10 pounds! I am so annoyed with the people at the center because they get an attitude when you tell them you don't have money for their overpriced supplements. I asked the lady if there was ANY way I could find them cheaper and she told me that any supplement from anywhere else would NOT work because it would have too many carbs and not enough protein. i was supposed to go in today, but I don't know if I want to go back at all. I don't feel so alone in this though reading everyone else's comments! Thanks for being honest everyone! for those of you who are satisfied..Congrats and I am glad it worked for you!
posted Jul 8th, 2009 12:47 amQWL Patient
This is my second week and I've lost 6lbs. The plan is ok, in my opinion. However, I in Plan III and that's because I work out. I've stopped working out and I let them know, but they won't put me in plan II. Can any one tell me what is plan II? Just to have an idea what is it that I am missing out. Thanks.
posted Jul 6th, 2009 1:36 pmDena
I joined with 2 other friends Mary and Sue. Mary and I bought all of our products up front. Sue did not. Mary and I used all of the products and followed the diet perfectly. Down 44 pounds in 14 weeks. Just as QWL promissed, Mary and I had the same results our skin is tight, our hair looks great, we glow and are now learning to maintain our new weight. However Sue did not have the same results. She did not use the products and her weight loss is slower. Her skin is not tight and glowing like Mary's skin and my skin. She regrets not using QWL products. I love qwl. Thanks for a new life.....
posted Jul 5th, 2009 12:31 pmmarym
I did this way back in clear lake and I got preggo now I have 16 weeks to use and I really want to do this because I know it works but this lady was being totally rude when i called about going back today. Anyway anyone doing this without using the bars and other supplements, and if so what are you doing instead of the supplements??
posted Jun 17th, 2009 5:44 pmJess
I just signed up to the program today but got a little scared with what the costs of the supplements, etc will be. I paid $698 for the program itself which I don't think is that bad but after signing up I was offered a years worth of supplements for a "discount" price of $3K which I see they are going to keep insisting that I buy. So has anyone completed the program that can tell me which supplements are really necessary and which ones aren't? Or if I can substitute with something else because I do not want to waste that much money on bars, etc.
posted Jun 15th, 2009 11:22 pmlilmomo999
My goal date is tomorrow and I'm 10 pounds shy of my goal weight. I have already lost 26 pounds in 11 weeks which is wonderful anyway. I moved to a new house during weeks 9 and 10 and that threw me off my diet routine a bit so I didn't lose weight during those weeks but I didn't gain any either, and I CHEATED big time! It'll probably take me an extra week or two to lose these last 10 pounds but I will lose them. I already feel great, wearing size 7 now (I was size 13). Don't give up!
posted Jun 14th, 2009 1:41 pm