Start the Diet Now Advertisement
- Established: 2001
- Headquarters: Florida
- Accessibility: In-person or online private counseling via email or phone
- Diet Type: Low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, supplements and prepackaged meals
- Gender: Male, female, children
- Celebrity Endorsements: Rush Limbaugh
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Quick Weight Loss, founded in Florida, provides individualized weight loss therapy. The program boasts no exercise and you eat the foods you love including the diet program's own line of diet foods and herbal and thermogenic supplements.
Made popular by Rush Limbaugh who in 2009 lost a remarkable amount of weight in a short period of time following a Quick Weight Loss created just for him, this southern Florida company has helped many lose weight.
Currently, the only bricks and mortar Quick Weight Loss Centers are scattered around southern Florida but there is an online program that you can join from anywhere in the country. This home-based program is a six-week program in which you receive support and counseling via email and phone from Quick Weight Loss Center specialists.
Once you have signed up for either program, you work individually with a Quick Weight Loss Center expert in order to create your own customized diet plan.
In general, the Quick Weight Loss plan provides participants a diet that is low calorie (up to 1,500 calories/day). You buy the foods you like to make and supplement with Quick Weight Loss brand's bars, beverages, soups as well as supplement s that are intended to facilitate weight loss.
You can expect to lose three to seven pounds each week while following the Quick Weight Loss Center programs.
- Doctor clearance shows they are being responsible
Helped Rush Limbaugh lose 80 pounds in 2009
Offers an individualized program to weight loss
One-on-one support provides motivation and accountability

- Weight loss claims may be exaggerated
- Required to buy program's special line of foods increases costs
- Herbal supplements and other stimulants are required
- Supplements do not require FDA approval; check with your doctor before taking
- Brick and mortar locations are limited to southern Florida and Texas
- Low calorie diet plan may lead to rebound weight gain
- Diet program rules are not scientifically founded
While all Quick Weight Loss Center diets are custom-designed, there are a few benchmark features that are applied to every participant's diet.
Most diet plans include a low-calorie and low-fat daily eating plan that is comprised of about 1,500 calories a day.
And while the company remains pretty hush-hush about what their diet looks like, a few secrets slipped through the cracks thanks to Rush's public discussion about his experience with Quick Weight Loss Centers.
There are a host of other food rules that you must abide by while following the program such as eating green peppers but not red bell peppers and not combining two different kinds of proteins in one meal. For instance you can have seven ounces of grilled chicken breast but not three ounces of white fish and four ounces of turkey breast in one meal. In addition, alcohol, sugar, refined flours and fried foods are not allowed.
You can also supplement with Quick Weight Loss Centers proprietary foods which can be purchased online or at one of the Center's Florida locations. Such foods include special puddings, shake mixes, nutrition bars, soups and oatmeal.
In addition, you are also encouraged to take Quick Weight Loss Centers own line of dietary supplements like essential fatty acids, herbs and carb blockers, all of which are supposed to facilitate speedy weight loss.
You can engage in moderate exercise while following the Quick Weight Loss Center diet but hard-core exercise is not a strong feature of this plan.
Made popular almost overnight by conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh who lost 80 pounds in just a few months, Quick Weight Loss Centers is a Florida-based customized diet plan that helps you lose weight quickly with its low-calorie and highly structured eating plan. But it is exactly this stringent plan that lands this diet in the category of countless other plans that take off a lot of weight in a short amount of time and then risks gaining it all back once you are no longer on the plan.
But with this rather mysterious diet plan filled with specific eating rules and special supplements that contain hoodia and ephedra-like stimulants, you might want to think twice about spending the money on Quick Weight Loss Center and instead think about incorporating more natural, practical and long-term strategies for successful weight loss.
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Quick Weight Loss Centers
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User Feedback
(Page 21 of 33, 649 total comments)lilmomo999
Week 4: I only lost a few ounces this week. The couselor said if I don't show significant weight loss at my next weigh-in they will put me on the protein break. I'm still happy with losing 10 pounds so far and I feel great!
posted Apr 24th, 2009 5:01 pmamber2
Will someone please send a copy of the detox diet and the diet program from QWLC to ?
posted Apr 22nd, 2009 9:59 pmThank you
Will you someone please send me a copy of the first phase of plan? I do not have the money to join, but I would like to try the plan. Thank you in advance.
posted Apr 22nd, 2009 9:39 pmfitnthin
I wonder if they only give you certain supplements based on what plan you paid for?
posted Apr 22nd, 2009 5:24 pmWhen I signed up, it was called the Manager's special at $199 for 10 wks... but I had to buy a bottle of KLB-5 (5 ingredient herbal supplement - blue/green algae, bromelain, lecithin, kelp and apple cidar vinegar), those cheap vitamins, etc and I purchased the EFA later.
I take the Quick Boost, and I usually buy the supplement drinks, shakes, soups and some bars.
I promise you I never heard of metabolizers, Carb Blockers, etc until I read what others wrote on here from previous pages. They still never mentioned them to me. I just overheard someone tell a counselor the other day that she should have taken her "meal replacement" with her and when I went online and see that QWLs Houston has a website where they sell it direct.
No one's mentioned that to me either... when I go, they just try and sell me the regular supplements or catch a sale on KLBs and EFAs.. but those other suppressants/fat burners that you mentioned are new to me.
They would probably do me some good, but like I mentioned.. I have to see my doctor because I take pressure pills (of which I hear taking Gold Xtrm or whatever is prohibited).. and I take metformin. I understand that serves somewhat as a carb blocker to a degree or at least balances blood sugar levels.
I just find this all interesting. I even notice that QWL Houston's site sells products our location here doesn't....
OH! I did see where dietdirect and nashua nutrition offer some really, really good deals on the supplements, so that's perfect.
I'm going to stick with the plan because it's a good, balanced meal when I can get my proteins and water in... I'm just scared of mixing meds.
im still purchasing supplements too. mostly bars and puddings because they are so good. not too many people probably know this but you can get the same exact supplements from diet, like 5 dollars cheaper, same ingredients. plus they have more supplements to choose from that the center doesn't have
posted Apr 21st, 2009 10:48 pmshaena88
fitnthin: i kinda laughed a little after reading your comment about how they looked at you. i guess many qwlc's are very different
posted Apr 21st, 2009 10:41 pmat my center in florida, i was given a bottle of carb blockers, herbal balance, EFAs, Multivitamin, and Gold xtrm( appetite suppresent),and a sample of quick boost.
now i just finished that first phase of taking the gold xtrm. now i just started my second phase, which is taking herbal balance metabolizers. they are exactly like the gold xtrm, they are still appetite suppressants, you just have to take so many of them every day ( 5 pills) which is truly annoying. and then after those pills run out they switch you to herbal balance platinum, which, once again is the same thing. and the gold xtrm and all those other appetite pills, they are not just suppressants, they also shed fat. that's where most of the weight loss comes from.
but like i said before i refuse to pay $135 for metabolizers, im just using lipo 6 fat burners from GNC, and my own EFAs, and multivitamins, which are all the exact same ingredients as qwlc.
i guess our pills even have different names. what are KLBs?
mommyto2 - I am at the Katy location.
posted Apr 21st, 2009 1:17 pmNatasha - I have gained weight on Phase I. Don't pay attention to the daily wiegh-ins. Your weight can fluctuate based on the time of day that you weigh in. Instead, compare your weight from week to week. Pick the same day of the week at the same time and write it down. If you notice it going up, you may need to examine what you are eating more closely. Make sure you get all your water in, and try not to exceed the 80 oz. Watch your salt and sugar intake. Make sure you only do one protein bar per day if you are doing the supplements. Pick a shake or drink as your second supplement.
+I just started QWLC phase one on Saturday. It is very different. They told me not to weigh myself but I did I gained two pounds. I am really nervous. Did anyone gain weigt in phase one.
posted Apr 20th, 2009 6:29 pmmommyto2
which location in houston. I too have done it mine location was webster. And I DONT take any of the their supplements and I lost 65lbs a couple years back.I gained back every pound. Today im back doing the program because it works.
posted Apr 20th, 2009 1:09 pm4evrdieting
I started QWLC in the Houston area 3/16/2009. There was no pressure during my initial consultation, but I received several calls from the manager afterwards encouraging me to come in. She called about 6 times with different priced programs. I ended up choosing the regular program that cost $600+.
posted Apr 20th, 2009 1:01 pmI was not pleased about the fact that they encouraged me to take the herbal metabolizers even though I have high blood pressure. My pressure dropped dangerously low to the point that I did not know where I was. Even after telling them about the problems that I was having, they suggested it was my not getting enough potassium, and never once told me to stop taking the metabolizers or the Quick Boost. A experiencing this for several days, I visted my doctor who told me that I could continue the program but recommended that I stop taking the supplements.
I current follow the eating plan, but I don't take the Quick Boost or the Herbal Metabolizers. I take the EFAs and only take the Carb Blocker if I am going to have a starch during that meal. I also take a multivitamin (Not by QWLC - I was told any multivitamin will do). I also take the supplements (protein bars & cold drinks), but I get them through Nashua Nutrition. I take the supplements because they have the protein needed to continue losing weight on this diet. I was also told by a former employee of QWLC that they push the supplements because they get a commission from the sale. She also said that the EFAs, Vitamins, Carb Blockers and Metabolizers can be purchased at GNC for a lot less, but she did not mention which brands.
So far, I have lost 14 lbs. This was quite disappointing to me after their radio announcement of 5 - 7 lbs per week. I guess I am not losing that amount because I am unable to take the Herbal Metabolizer and the Quick Boost.
Even though I have not lost as much as I wanted, I will stick with the program because I have paid for it.
Ok, I just re-read what you wrote about Carb Blockers not being necessary.
posted Apr 20th, 2009 2:32 amI was just trying to figure out what else isn't necessary.... like between the KLB and the Quick Boost, which of those would I be able to cut out and still be fine with weight loss numbers.
Do you see a big difference in loss with the Gold Xtrm or something?
Eh.... I don't have that kind of cash flow personally and just purchasing supplemements *and* groceries is squeezing the purse very tightly.
Yeah I take EFAs.. love those. Everyone should take them because of the Omega 3s in them in addition to maintaining skin elasticity.
I'm just not used to taking a lot of pills like this, so it's an adjustment and like I mentioned, I have to make sure all of this is safe.
Specifically, what metabolizers are you speaking of? The only things I was ever offered was KLBs, EFAs, the Quick-Vitamin, and Quick Boost. Just the other day a counselor mentioned that I should try the QuickTrim.... (the very first time)... and I understood that to only be an appetite suppressant.
posted Apr 20th, 2009 2:21 amI've never taken it and didn't buy it since I was told it was like $80 or something.
You say Carb Blocker, what Carb Blocker? Are you speaking of their standards pill supplements???
I want to take Carb Blockers, but on my own. I didn't know that they offered those. I asked one counselor about them and she just looked at me with a strange look on her face, like what are you talking about???
Weight up and down is due to water. That shouldn't be permanent. My weight loss is slowing down and I'm thinking it's because my body is getting used to it.
I hate eating the protein and my body despises chicken.
Another thing, I am going to stick to the plan because I need to lose the weight, but I take regular meds too and I refuse to put my health in danger by taking conventional, prescription meds with a bunch of herbal supplements and pills.
Like I mentioned before, my doctor doesn't even know anything about this program nor did he have to "sign off" of anything... so everyone's "guarantee" must be different... and I see QWL Centers around the country operate slightly differently with information they're imparting to clients.
I see that as a problem.... a huge problem.
I follow the "core" of their program, but in the end, I do what's right for me and cooking heaps of food all day and taking 12 pills daily - on top of - prescription meds is a dangerous mix.
I think after being confused enough as it is, and reading comments from different centers, etc... I'd better talk to my doctor about this... not to mention every single person that I mentioned this plan too was shocked that "no exercise" is a part of their guarantee... don't get me wrong, I was happy to hear that... but it's still strange.
Let's all be honest about that.
I was reading fit n thins comment. You were saying how you wonder are all those pills really nessary. I can answer you that right now. no they aren't. On my day on consultation ( 2 months ago) one of the counselors told me that just taking all the pills they offer you guarantees 5-7 lbs a week. Keep in mind nothing was said about supplements yet. Then when I web to the presentation, anothe conselor said that you must take the pills and the supplements to guarantee 5-7 lbs a week and of course that day I was pressured into buying supplements.
posted Apr 19th, 2009 1:02 pmNow this is the funny part:
The othe day I visited the cents to get weighed and I just ran out if my gold xtrm, so one of the councelors was trying to get mento buy the metabolizers. I told her I'll wait. Then I asked her what pills are the most important for guaranteed weight loss. She told me the appetite suppressenat ( metabolizers, golds) and the supplements are important and the other pills aren't. Yet this woman tries to sell me. $205 deal getting the metabolizers and all the other pills she claim is not important.
I don't know about the staff at your locations but mine are full of lies. I'm still losing weight an visiting the center to get by moneys worth but from now on I'm getting my efas and fat burners from gnc. The ingredients in the efas at gnc are exacly the same and only $12. Couldn't believe it. But. Will buy the multivitamin from qwl since they are only 15 dollars.
In my opinion the only pills that are uncessary is the carb blockers because were already eating strictly on this program. How much more food do we need to block?
The afas re definately important to keep your skin tight so you don't look flabby, plus theybare god for your health and so are the multivitamins. I'm still following their diet but no longer taking their pills. I'm yettingnmore results out of takig lipo 6 fat burners from gnc, and they are also an appetite suppressnt.
+i've been on this program for two weeks and lost 5 lbs the first week and 3 .5 this past week (and i was on a business trip all week). I'm glad I'm spending the money on the supplements now instead of my usual candy, cake, soda, and fast food.
posted Apr 18th, 2009 9:13 pmfitnthin
I'm down 23lbs and I've been on the program now officially 4 weeks this past Wednesday.
posted Apr 17th, 2009 11:49 amI take QWLs supplements - EFAs, KLBs, 2 Quick Boosts and 1 vitamin.
I inquired about taking carb blockers and other supplements to find out if they were beneficial to anyone.
This diet is difficult for me because my body is rejecting the chicken. I just can't get it all down. I only eat chicken and fish and for some reason, I can take like 4-5 bites and after that, I'm chewing, but it's not going down.
I have to get my protein in. They made it clear that if nothing else, be sure and get the protein and water in and you will definitely lose the weight.
My loss probably would have been even more significant, but in truth, I'm happy with it, just wish the protein (meat) wasn't so taxing to get in.
I joined three days ago. I am trying to find cheeper supplements. what are yall using for carb blocker, herbal-slim metabolizer, and efa in place of the centers products. I am down 5 pounds, got 35 more to go.
posted Apr 16th, 2009 6:33 pmconfused
I am confused about the supplements. What supplements are yall taking in place of quick weight loss supplements.
posted Apr 16th, 2009 6:26 pmcarb blocker, herbal slim metabolizer and the efa?
Update: Started 3 weeks ago, lost 10 pounds so far. I'm averaging about 3 pounds per week which is fine with me. I feel great! I've cheated a few times and they just recommend the water flush so I stay on track. It's important to be honest in your food diary so they can help you adjust. Still no pressure to purchase any products.
posted Apr 16th, 2009 6:24 pmCynthia
I was on the program last year and I lost 56 lbs but I gained it all back shortly after. I kept going back to get more help but they just told me that this is your make it or break it point. One told me that most people do gain their weight back and can't get back on the diet because of the diet being too restrictive. I am now back to square one and just exercising and trying to get back the mucsle that I once had before this diet. I just want to tell you all that this is a quick fix and a very hard one. It is hard on the body when you loose muscle and fat! I just want to say BECAREFUL with this one.
posted Apr 15th, 2009 4:13 pmmommyto2
+I did this diet a few years back and lost 65lbs with it... then life got hard and I gained it back but i really want to do it again because I know it WORKS. If you eat on plan and work the program if will definitaly work.
posted Apr 13th, 2009 2:20 pm