Start the Diet Now Advertisement
- Established: 2001
- Headquarters: Florida
- Accessibility: In-person or online private counseling via email or phone
- Diet Type: Low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, supplements and prepackaged meals
- Gender: Male, female, children
- Celebrity Endorsements: Rush Limbaugh
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Quick Weight Loss, founded in Florida, provides individualized weight loss therapy. The program boasts no exercise and you eat the foods you love including the diet program's own line of diet foods and herbal and thermogenic supplements.
Made popular by Rush Limbaugh who in 2009 lost a remarkable amount of weight in a short period of time following a Quick Weight Loss created just for him, this southern Florida company has helped many lose weight.
Currently, the only bricks and mortar Quick Weight Loss Centers are scattered around southern Florida but there is an online program that you can join from anywhere in the country. This home-based program is a six-week program in which you receive support and counseling via email and phone from Quick Weight Loss Center specialists.
Once you have signed up for either program, you work individually with a Quick Weight Loss Center expert in order to create your own customized diet plan.
In general, the Quick Weight Loss plan provides participants a diet that is low calorie (up to 1,500 calories/day). You buy the foods you like to make and supplement with Quick Weight Loss brand's bars, beverages, soups as well as supplement s that are intended to facilitate weight loss.
You can expect to lose three to seven pounds each week while following the Quick Weight Loss Center programs.
- Doctor clearance shows they are being responsible
Helped Rush Limbaugh lose 80 pounds in 2009
Offers an individualized program to weight loss
One-on-one support provides motivation and accountability

- Weight loss claims may be exaggerated
- Required to buy program's special line of foods increases costs
- Herbal supplements and other stimulants are required
- Supplements do not require FDA approval; check with your doctor before taking
- Brick and mortar locations are limited to southern Florida and Texas
- Low calorie diet plan may lead to rebound weight gain
- Diet program rules are not scientifically founded
While all Quick Weight Loss Center diets are custom-designed, there are a few benchmark features that are applied to every participant's diet.
Most diet plans include a low-calorie and low-fat daily eating plan that is comprised of about 1,500 calories a day.
And while the company remains pretty hush-hush about what their diet looks like, a few secrets slipped through the cracks thanks to Rush's public discussion about his experience with Quick Weight Loss Centers.
There are a host of other food rules that you must abide by while following the program such as eating green peppers but not red bell peppers and not combining two different kinds of proteins in one meal. For instance you can have seven ounces of grilled chicken breast but not three ounces of white fish and four ounces of turkey breast in one meal. In addition, alcohol, sugar, refined flours and fried foods are not allowed.
You can also supplement with Quick Weight Loss Centers proprietary foods which can be purchased online or at one of the Center's Florida locations. Such foods include special puddings, shake mixes, nutrition bars, soups and oatmeal.
In addition, you are also encouraged to take Quick Weight Loss Centers own line of dietary supplements like essential fatty acids, herbs and carb blockers, all of which are supposed to facilitate speedy weight loss.
You can engage in moderate exercise while following the Quick Weight Loss Center diet but hard-core exercise is not a strong feature of this plan.
Made popular almost overnight by conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh who lost 80 pounds in just a few months, Quick Weight Loss Centers is a Florida-based customized diet plan that helps you lose weight quickly with its low-calorie and highly structured eating plan. But it is exactly this stringent plan that lands this diet in the category of countless other plans that take off a lot of weight in a short amount of time and then risks gaining it all back once you are no longer on the plan.
But with this rather mysterious diet plan filled with specific eating rules and special supplements that contain hoodia and ephedra-like stimulants, you might want to think twice about spending the money on Quick Weight Loss Center and instead think about incorporating more natural, practical and long-term strategies for successful weight loss.
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Quick Weight Loss Centers
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User Feedback
(Page 22 of 33, 649 total comments)fitnthin
good for you lilmom!!! keep at it.
posted Apr 13th, 2009 12:32 amNo, I don't have that kind of pressure either. 'Tis a good thing.
Update: Started two weeks ago, lost 7 pounds so far. Still haven't had anyone pressure me to buy anything.
posted Apr 10th, 2009 12:05 amfitnthin
Just keep it, everyone. You'll be happy that you did. I was one of those people who can't lose weight on my own. I make entire meals out of carbs on my own, thus the weight gain, but I had to laugh at TCH's first post re: the generic approach... that made me laugh because when I read it, I could hear all the counselors at our Center in Alpharetta, GA "stepford wiving" those same words over and over. LOL
posted Apr 9th, 2009 10:54 pmThe thing that gets me about the program is what type of real weight loss do they expect you to have every 2 days?
I'm missing something. I can see going everyday or every other day because I do, but not getting weighed each time. I go for the support and to be sure I'm on plan.
But once enough or maybe twice should be enough, but not each and every single time.
I have to agree that the vitamins and supplements are excessive. (little tidbit) - - - a gentleman that was invited to speak at a recent Pep talk responded to a question about the vitamins, Quick Boost, EFAs, etc and I couldn't believe he admitted (the counselors were in the back preparing disgusting samples)... that he took them all in the beginning of the program, but as time went on, he just took the vitamins and KLB and still had weight loss...
... not encouraging that, but I have to be honest. I want to lose weight and follow their plan, but I seriously - seriously wonder if all of those "extras" are really necessary for the weight loss.
TCH - my doctor knows nothing about this program either. Awhile ago we talked about my starting a weight loss program again... but that was that, I went to different weight loss program overviews, but settled on this one.
They never once asked for any approvals.
I never heard of zero exercise either. Kinda weird.
If you need the structure (food plan combined with the visits) then yes it's a great program. I just can't get over all these pills. I have lost inches, 10+ just not the weight I was hoping for. My stomach is flatter but that has to be from drastically cutting the carbs. I have decided the increase my physical activity and continue to go at least 3 times per week for the support (that I have paid for). Good luck everyone!!!
posted Apr 9th, 2009 1:37 pmallynda
+Buying bigger clothes and medication is a whole lot more than this program. I figure I'm making money not eating at Macdonalds every day. And fitting into a lot of my old clothes now. If you can do this on your own, great. But if you really need the help, this program is great. Really use the visits - I go every day when I am having a hard time . . . and they don't charge me any extra.
posted Apr 8th, 2009 8:21 pmTCH
-Hey there. I joined this program 3 1/2 weeks ago and I'm only down 3 lbs. I wish I would have done more research instead of going in there one day. No one cleared me to be in this program and I did not have to provide any authorization from my doctor.
posted Apr 7th, 2009 4:44 pmThe supplements and nutritional "aids" are very costly. The food part is easy but you have to take about 19 capsules daily. That is excessive. I paid in full, like a dummy, and they have my money. I do not recommend this diet because of the cost of it. The program is based on you buying their over-priced products and the "guarantee" is based on you following the program. For Month 1 I have spent: $640 at sign up, $100 for 3-4 wks of additional supplements plus the cost of food.
Just control your portions, drink plenty of water, reduce your carb intake and exercise. I can't believe that they do not encourage excerise. They do encourage you to buy more products, every single time you go to the center. The staff at the Sugarland, TX location is friendly but their support is generic and one-size-fits-all. Everyone says the same things: "Are you drinking enough water? Are you taking your Morton Light Salt? How are your BMs?".
They are 4 plans and everyone gets a different plan depending on their weight loss goals. I have decided not to purchase any more products from them but I will stick to the diet at least. I will continue to weigh-in 3X weekly to try to get my money's worth.
fitnthin: i guess i can agree with you on that. atleast im losing more pounds than i was when i tried dieting by myself. but that was also before i knew about fat burners, efa's and all that stuff that are more helpful for you. its actually something you can do by yourself ..if you ever gain your weight back that it.
posted Apr 6th, 2009 11:50 pmas for what you said about exercising. i decided to go for a jog the other day and as soon as i stepped back on the scale i gained three pounds and didnt know why. i glad you said it gains you muscle, now i know not to jog again until i lose all my weight
shaena, the worst thing you can do while on this or any weight loss plan is compare yourself to others. It's counterproductive.
posted Apr 5th, 2009 1:33 pmAs you mentioned everyone's body chemistry is different, some hold more water than others and others are on other medications. All of these variables, including metabolic rate will effect the amount of weight loss a person can enjoy.
Give yourself time, you will proud at your efforts. it's better to lose 3-4lbs a week in my opinion as it seems more permanent.
As I mentioned in my first post, I could barely get all of that protein and water down and that's key to the weight loss - - and I lost a good amount of weight - - - - for me. Now imagine if I had been eating a lot of protein and drinking all of the water required from the beginning? I would probably have lost 25lbs by now.
I'm happy that the scale is going down with just meeting the recommended effort, I can only imagine if I did extra.
Now, on to your question about exercise. It's not against any law for you to exercise to lose weight. In fact, exercise is encouraged by every "real" medical doctor that I know of.
While I don't exercise, I do increase my movements... as far as not telling the staff, who are they? They invited a gentleman to speak at a recent Pep Class they held and when asked if he exercised (he lost 80 lbs since last Nov)... he said that he didn't on the program, but he does now, so that he could enjoy his more empty calories every now and again (he's in stabilization).
I know many on here mention a "guarantee" - but you can guarantee yourself even better healthy by exercising if you choose. Only thing with that is, you can get confused by the scale because with the extra protein and working out can create muscle... that will make your weight on the scale go up every now and again.
For me, I don't care what the scale says to be honest... it's great and all, but I want to see the weight loss and feel my clothes get loser and loser... for me, that's my measuring stick.
Good luck on your program and when losing weight, this is the time to concentrate on your body's responses and not compare yourself or become cynical of the background reasons why others are losing more than you.
People on this site fail to realize that their success is determined by their attitude about it as well.
so far i've been on the program for 1 month and lost about 11-12-13 lbs. i say this because my weight just keeps going up and down, up and down. i follow directions as i should.i started complaining to them asking them why am i not losing 5-7 lbs a week as they guarantee. all they can say is losing and gaining is normal and is to be expected. and it will get better. what i don't get is how the hell do some of these people lose up to 10 lbs a week and the most i've lost was 4? i think these people work out and just don't tell the staff.
posted Apr 5th, 2009 12:54 amall i can say is Dont get your hopes up too much about losing weight quickly. you may not lose weight as quickly as they say. maybe some peoples bodies are different than others, i dont know. but so far im not regretting this program, but im also not very pleased because im tired of my weight going up and down. and if everyone is not going to lose 3-5 lbs a week it shouldn't be advertised.
+Well, it's been 3 weeks now and I'm down 19lbs!
posted Apr 4th, 2009 10:45 pmI'm excited about the program and will keep at it, it's getting easier even though I can still do better with the water, but over-all, as long as I see results, it's a good deal.
As far as price, it's mad expensive, this is true, but it's cheaper than a funeral and realistically, it's a lot cheaper than the HMR program I was on... and guess what? I spent over $3,000 for food, the program itself and drs fees since we had to be under strict supervision... this went on for 9 months.
I lost weight on that program too, but with consuming nothing but shakes and nasty entrees over and over, when you go back to "real food," the meal plans aren't spelled out as clearly as this program and eventually the taste of food is so enticing that the weight comes back with a vengeance... this program teaches you the proper way to eat and balance foods from the start.
I still say thumbs up because no one put a gun to my head to make me sign up and I knew what I was in when I walked in the door.
I control all of the transactions, so there is no pressure. I just space my supplements out and buy only when needed, not because of "sales" or coercion.
+I began 10/19/08 and as of 4/3/09 I have 36 lbs. I only want to lose another 15. Ihave cheated, went off plan and started back up. I have only bought the herbal metablolizer 2 times. I use my own efa and multi vit and carb blockers. I think the diet has taught me how to eat and make better food choices. Now I eat really healthy and still lose weight. It is portion control and changing your eating habits. I eat all fresh/frozen vegs, fruits and meats. I like the qb, and supplement bars/dirnks, but I dont always have them. I sometimes make my own with weight control oatmeal, honey, and almonds, or mulitgrain cheerios. Still alot of protein and taste great for a snack. plus all natural. I have looked at diet direct and think I will buy the quick boost from them, but other than that, do your research on products and you can really save money. I also joined to keep a food journal, read stories and articles about health. CHECK IT OUT IT IS FREE!!! And you can incorporate the two.... PS I did buy Slimquick from walmart when I didnt want to buy the other from them. I tried to find one from the web but havent. Also if you look up qwlc products seems like alot of them or different. So does it really matter?
posted Apr 3rd, 2009 1:33 pmSheryl
+I have been on the program for 7 weeks and have lost 28 lbs so far. I think this is the best program I have ever been on. The people at the Coral Springs location are amazing. They are supportive and helpful. Yes this program costs money but what weight loss program doesn't. Did any of you complainers think that this would be free. It sounds like excuse after excuse to me. Just stop complaining and start losing like me. Nobody pressures you, just ask questions.
posted Apr 2nd, 2009 8:22 pmSheryl
+I have been on QWL for 7 weeks and have lost 28 lbs so far. I find the program fabulous. The people at the Coral Springs location are wonderful. For those of you complaining about this program stop making excuses of why you can't lose weight. Any program costs money but if it works who cares. I have been on every diet known to man and this is the first time I am learning what to eat and sticking to it. You must be crazy to think you get anything for free. So quick complaining and start losing.
posted Apr 2nd, 2009 8:15 pmElaine
-I went into the Quick Weight Loss Center after hearing it advertised on the radio. After very little information they rushed me into signing a contract and gave me a bag of (non returnable) products that I really didn't need for 4 days. Once the contract was signed I was then told that only the first month of supplements was imcluded in the $628 and it would cost a minimum of $300 per month for the remaining supplements plus all the food that was required on the plan. I was very upset left not realizing I walked out with the supplements then went back 3 days later asking for my money back and was told that I signed a contract and my money would not be returned.
posted Mar 30th, 2009 9:36 pmAfter one week of calling I had a supervisor call me who said they would only refund a little over $100. The consultation was suppose to be free but for one appointment they are pocketing $500. This is absolutely horrible they should not be allowed to be in business and take advantage of people this way!
MiaDolceBella ... can you please email the plan to .. i would love to do this diet again, but cannot afford to do it. Would love to talk!
posted Mar 29th, 2009 10:34 pmlilmomo999
+Just wanted to add that I'm going to the Pembroke Pines location and the staff so far has been nice. No one has pressured me at all yet to purchase products. But it's only the beginning so we'll see how that goes.
posted Mar 28th, 2009 1:56 pmlilmomo999
+I started this program on Tuesday 3/24/09. Today is Saturday 3/28/09 and I just went for a weigh-in. I lost 4 pounds so far. I love the plan, for me it does offer a lot of variety in foods and I really don't feel hungry at all. The first 3 days are very restrictive but after that there a much more options. I'm glad I signed up for it and I can't wait to keep seeing the number on the scale go down. I have 32 more pounds to lose and my target date is 6/15/09. I am confident that I will reach it.
posted Mar 28th, 2009 11:53 amJewels
-Well I have officially stopped this diet. I have never been in such bondage to food in my life! I talked to the director and they have plenty of loop-holes that they can get out of honoring their guarentee. So the $700 to lose the weight with their "help" (or lack thereof) and the $500 in suppliments was a high price to pay for this information I am sharing with you.
posted Mar 27th, 2009 11:55 amNever, never, never, never would I recommend this to anyone. If you note most of the thumbs up are people who just started. Most lose big numbers the first week or two. Where are the comments after a few months or years?
Fortunately I was turned onto a book called, Intuitive Eating and am learning how to break free of the chains of dieting (I have gained more weight since trying to lose it than any other time of my life!!!) I strongly recommend this practical and lasting approach. It may not be quick, but QWL wasn't either!!!
Hope you steer away from this very costly lesson and go toward a solution that actually works.
-The people at the Coral Springs location are extremely rude and pushy...I spent $700 on supplements and seeing the idiots in the office who are supposed to be helping me...It was a complete waste of my money and time..
posted Mar 26th, 2009 2:06 pmTo the employees at the Coral Springs location:
Learn how to treat your customers..I hope you location goes out of business and you are all out of work. that will teach you the importance of good customer service! And especially to the nutrionist who is there!! Your a mean, old, ugly bitch!!!
+I started the 3 day induction phase on Sunday, and am on my first day of the weight loss phase. As of yesterday, I had lost 3.25lbs. That's excellent, although I know it's probably mostly water. If I don't gain it back, that means that it's become fat. I have read all 11 pages of comments here, as this is really the only place online that has feedback on QWLC. So far, I have a few comments:
posted Mar 25th, 2009 3:19 pm1. I mentioned a radio ad and received 40% off the regular price. It still cost me almost $700 up front.
2. I was very worried about the nutritional lesson and the sales people trying to guilt me into purchasing products. That didn't happen. I was told that all I need to buy are the protein supplements, 2/day. I was offered them for $10/box. I went ahead and purchased them because it's the same price as those online and there are no shipping costs. Additionally, spending so much money gives me more incentive to adhere to the plan.
3. I have created a blog to log my experiences (and it has my food information) at . If that gets erased, it is at remakingagirl dot blogspot dot com . Please, feel free to leave comments, etc. I need support and am more than willing to offer it in return!