Calorie Restriction Diets

It may not be enjoyable, but by reducing your caloric intake you may extend your life, delay the aging process and stave off a host of health conditions. Calorie restriction diets have grown in popularity since Dr. Oz's promotion on Oprah in 2009.

Calorie Restriction Diets – Diet Reviews

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    The CR Way

    Created by the leaders of the Calorie Restriction Society, The CR Way will show you how to trim calories from your daily diet while adding years to your life.

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    Low Calorie Diet

    Following a low calorie diet is the easiest and most effective way to lose weight. It's safe and requires you to simply cut calories and incorporate more exercise.

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    QOD Diet

    Alternating eating with fasting is the premise behind the QOD Diet book, also called the Every Other Day Diet.

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Calorie Restriction Diets – Videos

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    Calorie Restriction Diet

    Paul and Meredith are a couple who have being on Calorie Restriction for 14 years.

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    Calorie Restriction Dieter Joseph Cordell

    Joseph Cordell is 51 and has been following a calorie restriction diet for more than seven years. In 2009, he was featured on Oprah....

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    How To Make A Sorbet Freeze

    Sorbet is a healthy frozen treat that is dairy free and fat free as well. This video will show you how to make a frozen drink utilizing sorbet and seltzer.

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Calorie Restriction Diets – Blog Posts

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    Dr. Oz Suggests Calorie Restriction Prolongs Life

    [caption id="attachment_6937" align="alignright" width="290" caption="Dr. Oz explains to Oprah how a calorie-restricted diet could be key to anti-aging. (via"]<a href=""><img...

  • Calorie Restriction Best for Weight Loss

    There are so many roads that lead to the same <a title="weight loss" href="">weight loss</a> destination. But according to a review of dozens of clinical trials, the best path to shedding pounds is the...

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    Obesity Can Shorten Your Life By a Decade!

    So, do you need anymore incentive not to be obese? How about if you're obese, you may just lop off an entire decade of your life!<a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-6696"...

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    Nutrient Rich Foods: Learn Them and Eat Them!

    <p style="text-align: left;"><a href=""><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-1173" title="ADA Pyramid"...