Biomanix Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 10, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Biomanix is a male enhancement supplement that promises to increase the size of their users’ penises, as well as other sexual benefits. Their advertising says that it can increase penile length by up to 32%, as well as also increasing the volume and density of ejaculate. They also claim that users will be able to prolong their time until climax and gain control over when their orgasms happen.

Our panel of health, wellness, and sexuality experts has examined all of the top male enhancement products on the market and has concluded that the most effective is Viritenz. Their proprietary formula uses the most potent natural additives available without a prescription in order to help users achieve the strongest, hardest erections of their life. Click here to see scientific data about the effects of Viritenz.

Biomanix Ingredients and Side Effects

Biomanix does not publish their full ingredients list. Instead, their promotional materials highlight some of their more effective additive, including:

L-Arginine Tongkat Ali
Muira Puama Maca Root

 L-Arginine: One of the most popular and effective ingredients for male enhancement products. L-Arginine is an amino acid that converts in the body to nitric oxide, a useful drug for dilating the veins and increasing circulation.

Circulatory function is critical to the erectile process, as the ability to properly regulate the flow of blood to the penis is what determines its size and tensile strength. L-Arginine has also showed an ability to increase insulin and human growth hormone levels, which can also play a role in the frequency and rigidity of erections.

Tongkat Ali: A flowering plant commonly found in Malaysia and other parts of southeast Asia that is also known as long jack. Tongkat ali is used for improving male sexual health in a number of different ways.

It is thought to potentially be useful for helping achieve and maintain erections, possibly due to increasing testosterone levels. It is also shown to be useful for increasing the quantity of male seminal fluid as well as the density of sperm within the fluid.

Muira Puama: A plant also known as ptychopetalum or “potency wood” due to its aphrodisiac affects on the body. Its extracts contain a combination of fatty acids, plant sterols, and alkaloids that are thought to increase the libido in both male and female subjects.

It has stimulant properties, which are also useful for helping counter the effects of erectile dysfunction, as well as possibly having some benefits for cognitive health. Muira puama can be taken both orally or topically, and has shown a link to orgasm frequency and intensity.

Maca Root: A member of the broccoli family that is most frequently found growing the Andes mountains of Peru. Its main active ingredient is an alkaloid called macaridine, which increases libido levels in men and women without affecting the hormone production process.

Maca root has shown an ability to help combat erectile dysfunction and is also thought to help improve seminal quality in men. People of both sexes have reported reductions of depression and anxiety levels, which can also play a role in erectile functionality.

Click here to learn more about which brands of male enhancement products come the most recommended by our panel of men’s health experts.

Biomanix Quality of Ingredients

The ingredients that Biomanix lists are all considered to be highly effective for male sexual function, however none are directly linked to being able to increase actual penis size. Most supplements that claim to be able to increase size are either talking about erection size, which it is very possible to affect, or they are lying to users and promising them a function that they cannot deliver.

Of the ingredients that they divulge, there is good chance that they will be able to improve erection size. The chemicals in their blend are helpful for increasing overall circulatory function, which in turn has the ability to help sustain larger, harder erections.

They also have a number of libido-increasing ingredients, which help improve the ease and frequency of achieving erection, as well as the ability to maintain it throughout sex and to achieve orgasm. There are other chemicals that can improve orgasm intensity, as well as the quantity and quality of semen that are produced.

None of those functions are actually related to overall penis size, especially on a permanent basis or in relation to flaccid penis size. It is possible that there are other ingredients in their blend that could grow the penis, but if so they do not disclose them, which would be a strange choice for a product that advertises that ability.

Our panel of experts in general does not recommend products that do not disclose their ingredients. The most reputable products will be eager to display their proprietary blends and dosage amounts because they want to demonstrate to their customers that they are more effective than their competition.

When a company does not make their ingredients information public it sends certain signals to their customers. It says that the company itself is not proud of their product. It also says that they may be using some ingredients that are less reputable, and even possibly dangerous, that they don’t want users to know about.

It is unfortunate how many companies use ingredients that are not just potentially harmful bet even illegal. Dimethylamylamine, sida cordifolia, and other banned additives still show up in a large percentage of erectile health products, even though they are questionably effective and can lead to conditions as serious as strokes and heart attacks.

Follow this link to find out more about which brands of male enhancement products will be the most useful for addressing your specific need areas.

The Price and Quality of Biomanix

Biomanix is sold through a number of third party dealers, as well as through their own website. They have a variety of pricing options available to users, including these options found on their home page:

  • 1, 60-count bottle of Biomanix male performance capsules: $99.95
  • 3, 60-count bottles of Biomanix male performance capsules: $239.95
  • 5, 60-count bottles of Biomanix male performance capsules: $459.95

These prices are well above the average for products of this nature. Given the limited ingredients that they display, there is no reason why it should not cost half this much.

For access to our panel of experts’ male enhancement pill rankings, follow this link.

Business of Biomanix

Biomanix is both the name of the product and the name of the company that makes it. It is their only product offering. They list their contact information as:

Phone Number: (800) 296-1686

Address: Biomanix does not make a physical address publically available.

Email: [email protected]

There are a number of former customers who have threatened legal action against Biomanix, however there is no evidence of any lawsuits actually filed against them.

Click here to see which male enhancement products are the most effective for achieving maximum heft.

Customer Opinions of Biomanix

Customer feedback for Biomanix is incredibly negative, and they’ve received more one-star reviews on Amazon than all other ratings combined. Many responses were similar to these:

“No results. I used this every day for two months and I look exactly the same down there.”

“Does absolutely nothing. Didn’t make me bigger, and I still had trouble getting hard.”

“I thought maybe Biomanix was going to be the savior that I’m looking for, but it was just another in along series of disappointments.”

It’s possible that the negativity is due in large part to the unreasonable advertising claims made by Biomanix. While their ingredients may be effective for helping male sexual function in some ways, users that are purchasing their product in an attempt to actually grow their penises will be disappointed.

To see which male enhancement products our team has rated as the most effective for increasing erection length, girth, and density, click here.

How Does Biomanix Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Biomanix
  • 43/100
Conclusion – Does Biomanix Work?

If you measure a product by the standards that they set for themselves, Biomanix is a highly unsuccessful product. They make advertising claims that they can increase their users’ raw penile size, which their product clearly cannot accomplish. As such, they have lots of angry former customers that are still looking for solutions.

If Biomanix made more reasonable claims, such as that they can improve erectile strength and frequency, they may have received more positive feedback, however given many of their responses even that may not be enough to garner positive reviews. Regardless, our experts cannot recommend their product because they do not publish their full ingredients panel.

We do not recommend our users try anything that we cannot guarantee is safe for them, and given that Biomanix refuses to publish their full ingredients it is impossible to say how anyone in particular will react. Manufacturers of quality products will be honest with their users about their contents and dosage amounts so that buyers can make educated decisions for themselves.

Our panel of male enhancement experts has found that the most potent product on the market is Viritenz. Their pills have shown an ability to increase both the frequency and the quality of users’ erections.

Penile rigidity and staying power are maximized, as is overall circulatory function and bodily wellness. Click here to see the complete ingredients list for Viritenz.

3 Responses to Biomanix Review

saiqulislam says:

1, 60-count bottle of Biomanix male performance capsules: $99.95

Siva Rao says:

Hi I’m Shiva from Malaysia. I need know the price of boimanix? Thq

Mohammad says:

I live in America. How can I get this original product from you? Please arrange to give it to me if you have the original product

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