Viritenz Review 2025 – Is Viritenz a Smart Choice? | Top Reviews

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 27, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

The best reviewed all-around male enhancement supplement of the year was Viritenz. There were a lot of reasons why it was rated highly: customers had nothing but good things to say about it, the ingredients are pure extracts, it’s all blended in the right dosage strength, and it’s completely all-natural.

These are just some of the reason why we rated it as the best male enhancement of the year. The science behind it also shows how it can increase libido, boost lean muscle mass, support healthy testosterone levels, and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. All this makes it great for men who want to improve their sex lives, results in the gym, or general vigor.

We’ll help explain what kind of support this supplement has to offer by exposing all the important details in this review. We linked a special 70% off deal on Viritenz which you can find by clicking this link.


Viritenz Ingredients and Side Effects

Discount Alert:

The official website Viritenz is offering a limited time,
70% OFF promotional discount from 03/16/25 - 03/28/25


Ingredients of Viritenz:

Tongkat Ali Maca L-Arginine Ginseng Blend Sarsaparilla Herb
Pumpkin Seed Powder Muira Puama Powder Oat Straw Nettle Cayenne Pepper
Astragalus Catuaba Bark Powder Licorice Tribulus Terrestris Orchic
Oyster Extract Boron (Amino Acid Chelate)

Tongkat Ali: This popular herbal extract was traditionally used in Malaysia as a way to help enhance libido, testosterone, and even enhancing weight loss. In recent times it’s been used as an effective way to help improve endurance in sports, and it is reviewed in clinical studies.

Enjoy a 70% off discount on Viritenz offered in this link.

Let’s take a study by Biotropics Malaysia Berhard who after studying this on 63 people, revealed it was effective at reducing stress of all kinds. Stress should be regulated when attempting to control testosterone, since it can have very negative effects on overall health and T levels. Their study said it can help support”

“exercise training… (reduce the chances of) sleep deprivation”

This also enhances libido and overall sexual health.

Maca: You’ll often find maca added in a male enhancement supplement since it can affect libido, energy, and overall sexual health. The Department of Biological and Physiological Sciences said this can boost

“sexual behavior, fertility, mood… metabolism”

This known aphrodisiac is heavily supported by a lot of different studies, and it can improve general health.

L-Arginine: Amino acids are important for general health, and L-Arginine is unique in that it directly affects blood flow. For men this amounts to stronger erections which last longer. L-Arginine can also affect physical endurance for stronger workouts and more energy in the bedroom.  It’s often used by athletes who want to improve their endurance.

Ginseng Blend:  Many varieties of ginseng exist and each version is used for a specific purpose. They can be affective at boosting energy, libido, circulation, and overall health. There are many studies but a particular review by Southern Illinois University showed that Asian ginseng could increase:

“Libido and copulatory performance”

They even said it could actually effect the relaxation of blood vessels in the penis, which can make erections, last longer, reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction. Viritenz provides a unique mixture of ginseng as other male enhancements typically only use a single ginseng extract.

Pumpkin Seed Powder: Pepitas are an edible seed that is rich in many nutrients, most notably testosterone enhancing zinc. The natural fatty acids are also effective at boosting testosterone. With even a small serving of pumpkin seed there’s a high amount of healthy vitamins and minerals which can boost health.

Oat Straw: This plant is the same source for oatmeal, and it was used in the Middle Ages to help support healthy brain function, physical performance, and testosterone levels. This can be effective at improving libido and it’s also rich in trace vitamins and minerals.

Catuaba Bark: Traditionally this herbal ingredient was used in the Amazon as an aphrodisiac which can increase energy and vigor. This is used to reduce erectile dysfunction and it has rich antioxidants which can enhance the immune system. Catuaba bark is especially important for working out, as it reduces the strain caused by exercise, making it easier to recover and helping prevent the chances for sickness.

Oyster Extract: A seafood that contains the richest natural source of zinc. What’s especially great about this is that since it’s a food, it can be easily used by the body as a healthy way to create testosterone. Some male enhancements will only add zinc, but in this form it’s rich and easy to take.

Boron (Amino Acid Chelate): This mineral is important for making testosterone and also for supporting the way certain other minerals are absorbed by the body. The amino acid chelate is what makes it much easier to absorb in the body, by providing calcium and an amino acid. It makes it a much better version of boron that can be processed faster and stronger.

To get access to a 70% off savings deal on Viritenz, click on this provided link.

Libido Enhancement

Ingredients like maca, tongkat ali, muira puama, and catuaba bark all work to help support healthy libido. This is particularly necessary for general male vitality, and it’s a great way to start enjoying a more active sex life.

There’s no doubt that libido will suffer when there’s other issues that affect your quality of life which we outline below. Fortunately with Viritenz there are ingredients in this which can impact sexual excitement and the ability to actually perform. This can work by providing the following benefits:

  • Boosting Blood Flow: The science behind it is that certain ingredients like L-Arginine affect nitric oxide levels. This is important for athletes and for men who want to keep their erection going. What this does is when aroused; it can make it easier for an erection to last instead of feeling sexually excited but being unable to do anything about it. Blood flow can affect the ability to increase the blood vessels of the penis, making an erection longer and wider.
  • Support Healthy Sperm Production: Nettle is a particular supportive ingredient which can directly affect prostate health. By supporting the ability to make sperm, men can remain fertile and able to reproduce.
  • Increase Sexual Desire: The excitement that comes from being sexually aroused can be completely lost when stress, a bad diet, loss of testosterone, and general lack of vigor strike. Many aphrodisiacs including maca and muira puama are included in this supplement which directly affects the desire to want to be sexually active. With this formula you’re better able to stimulate healthy sexual desire by letting libido remain at healthy levels.
  • Raise Energy and Vigor: Even though there are no stimulants in this, the impact it can have on energy not only affects physical endurance, but the endurance needed to last in the bedroom. What this means for men is reducing the risk of premature ejaculation. This is made possible by the blood flow support, and with the the natural chemicals which can affect brain activity.

When all this comes together it can support a healthy sex life, and reduce the changes of erectile dysfunction, not being in the mood, and of finishing too early.

To try Viritenz with a high 70% off discount, you can follow this cited link.

Muscle Building Benefits

The only way to properly increase muscle mass is by having testosterone levels maintained to a certain standard. When there’s not enough testosterone it’s not uncommon for there to be excess estrogen, which results in a flabby frame and an inability to make gains in the gym.

Muscle is greatly affected by stress levels, if stress is too high it’s much harder to enjoy results in the gym. You end up having to work out much more intensely, and you won’t enjoy the same results you would have had testosterone been at a healthy level. There’s also a circular negative impact that happens when testosterone is not optimized:

  1. When T levels are low it reduces energy, mood, athletic performance and confidence. You feel worse and can’t workout good enough to hit peak levels.
  2. By having all these issues it makes it much harder to get in the mood to workout. Even if you do workout it’s not the same, and it’s harder to recover each time. Your workouts suffer, you end up causing more strain to your body, and you feel worse because the body is not recovering quickly enough.
  3. These 2 problems feed each other and make it harder to stay motivated. Each time option 1 and 2 increase to affect each other, resulting in a lack of progress. This cycle continues and you end up demotivated and lack the desire to continue.

The real benefit of Viritenz is that it can actually support the reduction of stress, improve circulation, improve mood, boost energy, and raise testosterone levels. Already you get a major jump in testosterone which can affect your ability to keep lean muscle gains.

You’ll be better able to work out harder in the gym, and hold onto your muscle mass.

The ingredients in this supplement that can affect muscle mass include testosterone boosting pumpkin seed, oyster extract, sarsaparilla, nettle, orchic extract, and boron. The other natural ingredients like L-Arginine can also improve workouts by boosting blood flow and increasing energy, and with the previously mentioned ingredients, it’s targeted specifically for a boost in testosterone.

Men who’ve tried this not for the sexual enhancement support but to get lean muscle mass were often better able to perform better as athletes. The recovery phase was also much easier, and customers said they experienced less fatigue and much more energy.

 Viritenz Quality of Ingredients

There are no cheap ingredients of any kind; all you get are natural stimulant-free extracts. This is likely the reason why we couldn’t find any negative consumer reviews or side effect complications.

All that’s included in this are ingredients which are enhanced by their strength. The entire formula is also produced in a GMP certified facility which ensures the quality is consistent. A GMP certification makes it possible for routine factory inspections which ensure that the ingredients used are kept to a high standard.

Enjoy a 70% off deal by getting Viritenz from this provided link.

Overall Quality of Viritenz

The natural ingredients and clinical studies from 3rd party websites make it clear that this is a great blend.

Another major benefit to this formula is the fact every ingredient is added in the right amount, and you get the support of overall male enhancement. This can be useful at boosting men’s overall sexual health through improved blood flow, testosterone, energy, and general health.

The reason why many people enjoyed it is because the claims the company makes were seen in their results. By looking at all the available data and researching each ingredient, it’s clear they put the effort in to research the right mixture and dosage strength.

A deep discount on Viritenz is currently being offered for a full 70%; to get savings on it click the link.

Customer Opinions of Viritenz

Here’s some feedback from customers:

“Started off great and after a few extra weeks it was even better”

“This definitely increases stamina, power, and energy. My partner and I both saw a noticeable difference in the bedroom”

“Started using it for that extra push needed to keep up a good workout pump and it worked. Reduce my soreness and fatigue”

There was a lot of support from satisfied customers who were able to enjoy male enhancement benefits without any side effects. Typically people said they continue to use it for either results in the gym, or for a better sex life.

Conclusion – Does Viritenz Work?

The reason why we rated this supplement so highly is because it scored high on all the important factors we look for. This has a good blend of studied ingredients which can greatly affect lean muscle gains, sexual health, energy levels, and testosterone levels. Customers also had nothing but good things to say about its results.

If you’re interested in getting a full 70% off discount on Viritenz, click this link to be redirected.


Update: Viritenz has a promotion that includes a 70% OFF discount and free shipping.

Official website:

45 Responses to Viritenz Review

Fred Straube says:

Read reviews very positive the question is where can i purchase item and the cost ?

Andrew K says:

It’s sold on their official website with promotional discount

Chris says:

I’m in my 50’s now and I haven’t been able to be as physically active as I was in my 40’s. I’ve started to notice that my “performance” has not been what it used to be. My wife has noticed too, and keeps asking me “what’s wrong?” Too ashamed to admit that maybe it’s time to talk to the doctor, I instead thought I would try an over the counter solution. After reading some reviews, I figured it was worth a chance. I took one of the pills about an hour before bedtime – and it was a pretty awesome night (and a pretty good morning too). It had been about a month since my wife and I had been together, and it felt good to reconnect.

The next night I didn’t take Viritenz, and unfortunately could not repeat my performance. I waited a few weeks before deciding to try it again, but when I did I again saw a huge difference. It felt like when we were first married over 15 years ago! I was in the sixth week of a four-times-a-week workout regimen, and I thought maybe that had something to do with my increased energy. Just to test it – and also a little worried I wouldn’t be able to repeat my performance – I took Viritenz about an hour before bed. It was truly like we were in our 30’s again, and I didn’t notice any kind of side effects either. My wife loved it and kept asking me what I was doing differently, and I told her it was the working out. Sure, that probably helped, but I know that Viritenz played a big – BIG – part in that. Would taking this pill alone without working out be as effective, or just working out and not taking the pills? I guess the jury is still out, but I’m not taking any chances. I’m ordering more Viritenz and I’m keeping up with my workout routine so that I can keep having times like these with my wife. After all, happy wife = happy life!

M says:

I just bought it, hope it will help

Matt says:

I’m a 56-year-old healthy male that has definitely noticed that my erections are not what they used to be. This is not to say that my libido has dropped at all, so I tried a Viagra pill that one of my friends gave me. That definitely did the trick, but I didn’t like the side effects; I got a wicked headache and had a weird ringing in my ears that didn’t go away until the next day. I opted to try a more natural route and have found that a supplement with L-Arginine, zinc and saw palmetto, along with this product, got some pretty impressive results. Certainly not what I saw with the little blue pill, but in experience it was better because I didn’t have any of the side effects I got from taking Viagra. In my experience, it’s best to take this stuff a few hours before “The Game”.

big mac says:

Guys, this is a must have. I’m in my 50’s and I was starting to have some… issues. I saw this stuff on Internet and it got good reviews so I thought what the heck. I was pretty skeptical at first, but not anymore. From pill number one I saw remarkable results. It worked for hours that night and to my surprise it was even still working the next day. The directions said to take it an hour beforehand, and like clockwork I started noticing the effects right at the one hour mark. Some specifics I noticed: ED gone, stamina GREATLY increased, rock hard for multiple sessions within a 24-hour period. I’m totally serious. I know this sounds too good to be true, but I’m telling you: this stuff works! I’m going to be a long-term user, and it’s definitely worth the money. I’d tried other stuff without much improvement until this, but now I’m a VERY satisfied customer. Thank you!

Mike says:

Good product, totally satisfied, and I feel 10 years younger! Fast shipping, works well – I will be buying this again.

Kim Kim says:

I got this because I was curious about its effectiveness for improving sex, and I figured that the only way to get an honest answer was to try it myself. I did as the instructions said and took a pill 30 minutes before sex. I felt a bit hot at first, but there wasn’t really an immediate difference… But then when it happened – oh man! I would finish once and still be hard. I was ready to go again and again for like 3 hours.

I experimented with taking two and it lasted the same amount of time, but the firmness was noticeably better that way. I recommend this product – get it before Valentine’s Day for a night neither of you will forget!

Shaun says:

Do these pills make your pennis grow don’t really have a problem with getting hard just want a bigger Wong ??

Aaron J says:

No, you need to try another male supplement that improves this effect.

Richard Norvell says:

This stuff works, hands down. I completely understand that all of us have different types of conditions, and that some people may or may not be affected by any given product. I will say though that this stuff seems to work for everyone, whatever your specific type of dysfunction may be. I didn’t know what the cause of my ED was, and doctors hadn’t been able to tell me. They did prescribe me “the usual” and it worked, but it was also way too expensive for me. I haven’t needed it recently because of the effectiveness of Viritenz, which is also a huge boost to my confidence. Psychologically it gives you a great sense of relief going in, which also really helps with the dysfunction. I highly recommend this product!

William says:

I was very hesitant to use performance enhancement pills again because I’d tried them in the past and gotten real sick. I saw Viritenz online and they had great reviews, plus they were all-natural and doctor certified, so I gave it a try and was super happy with the results! I took 2 pills on an empty stomach before the session and I got an amazing performance boost, plus I didn’t feel any side effects of any kind! No wonder the product has such great reviews. I give it a 5 out of 5 overall – great in every aspect!

Donald says:

How do I rate this product? In one word: AMAZING!!! It did everything that’s advertised in the description and much MUCH more! Without a doubt, this is the closest that I have ever gotten to feeling 18 again. No side effects either – I have a hyper sensitive stomach and this stuff didn’t bother me at all. I have no complaints and neither does she! 🙂 Great job!!!

vic says:

I’ve used Viritenz for 6 months and have noticed that it gives me energy and this healthy, relaxed feeling. I researched the herbs in it online and they all seemed to be noted for their beneficial effects, especially for enhancing your performance after a workout. Highly recommended!

Anonymous says:

So does this really enhance your penis for the time being? As in only just for sex? Because I’m trying to grow my penis in size and girth. To me, this just seems like a freaking viagra pill

Miguel says:

I feel the same way you feel. It seems like Viagra

Anonymous says:

I just wondering because I’m having the same issue u are

Aaron J says:

No, you need to try another male supplement that improves this effect.

Viritenz may help you have Intense Erections and Improved Endurance.
Results are individual and may vary. They can not guarantee the same experience for every consumer.

Joseph kezar says:

Hi I’m 65 with diabetes.have heart disease.high blood pressure. I’m taking androgen ever night.I also have viagra.nothing works.cant get a erection.

Mark says:

Sounds like you may have a artery blockage problem. I have the same issues you do. I had a angiogram done and I had 92 percent blockage. After it was cleared up the cialis, Viagra, and other things worked real well. I just had to watch my sugar levels so they weren’t high.

Dang says:


Just look into all the user reviews here with positive feedbacks.

I want to give it a try,

I tried to order but the site got blocked here in UAE.

Can you let me know how to order it?

Brian Hacker says:

Does viritenz have a guaranty and also I want to no I have no problem with getting an erection but I’m have a six inches will it enlarge my penis

Shaun says:

Same did you get any where with your question I just want more size and girth

Mark says:

Use a penis pump safely.

Aaron J says:

No, you need to try another male supplement that improves this effect.
They are very confident in their product because it was developed by a group of nutrition specialists. Years of hard work gave us a perfectly balanced product that they are proud to sell. If you are not satisfied with your results, they will give you 100% money back!

Mark B says:

What is the supplement? I like what I’m hearing here.

Aaron J says:

Their company recommended trying Sizetrexx.

Aaron J says:

Unfortunately they do not ship to UAE.

Khaybulla says:

I just wanna say one thing I think this is only for sex there is no one mention it can grow your size or girth it just my opinion

MG says:

I don’t have a problem getting or maintaining an erection,my problem is premature ejaculation.does this product help with that,or at least keep the erection after I ejaculate?

Aaron J says:

Viritenz reduces the risk of premature ejaculation.
Results are individual and may vary. They can not guarantee the same experience for every consumer.

Danny says:

Does Viritenz increase semen volume? I’m not talking about sperm.

Aaron J says:

Viritenz has the potential to increase semen volume.
Results are individual and may vary. They can not guarantee the same experience for every consumer.

Nemz Daquioag says:

How can I buy this stuff. I am from Philippines. Do you have this one here in the Philippines? If yes? Where to buy here?

Aaron J says:

Process and ship all international orders only from their official eBay store.

Allan says:

Would it have similar effects on my wife’s performance and arousal ?

Aaron J says:

No, your wife needs to try female libido enhancers.

Dick Black says:

Has anybody checked Testosterone level before and after trying it for a while?

MSgt says:

I’ve read that some take 2 caps at once. is that goodtogo?

Aaron J says:

You can start with 1 pill per day for 7-10 days. If not satisfied with the results, please increase the dosage to 2 pills per day.

Worth Helms says:

I have afib and well controlled blood pressure. Is this safe?

Aaron J says:

All of the ingredients in Viritenz are all-natural and formulated to be safe for all users. There are no significant worries of potential complications with this formula, but, as with any supplement, users should consult with their physician first.

Don Jordan says:

Where is it made?

Aaron J says:

Viritenz is manufactured in the United States in an FDA registered laboratory that exceeds industry standards. Our manufacturing facility is GMP-certified and abides by the strictest FDA recommendations.

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