Max Stamina Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 10, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Max Stamina is a male enhancement pill that is designed to improve erections and increase the libido in its users. It raises testosterone and human growth hormone levels, and improves the circulation rate.

It’s advertising claims that it has the ability to improve physical stamina and prevent premature ejaculation, increasing sexual staying power and partner satisfaction.

Our team of sexual health and wellness researchers have concluded that Viritenz is going to be the most effective supplement for most users seeking male enhancement.

Its blend is one of the most potent erectile aids available without prescription or surgery. Click here to see all of the benefits that Viritenz can have for users’ sexual potency.

Max Stamina Ingredients and Side Effects


L-Arginine Epimedium Grandiflorum (Horny Goat Weed) Yohimbe (Bark) Extract
Maca (Root) Extract Eurycoma Longifolia (Root) Extract FD&C Blue #1

 L-Arginine: One of the most effective male enhancement products on the market today. L-Arginine has shown links to erectile health, and some secondary sexual benefits as well.

L-Arginine is an amino acid that converts to nitric oxide in the blood, which has the effect of dilating the veins, making them larger in diameter. This allows for more blood to travel faster through the body, which is a key part of getting and maintaining erections.

L-Arginine also increases the testosterone levels in the body by releasing human growth hormone. This increases libido, erectile quality, and seminal output. L-Arginine also increases insulin production, which can also help improve erection regularity and retention.

Horny Goat Weed: A notorious over the counter supplement that is sold as a sexual aid. Horny goat weed has shown some relationship to erectile quality, however all other benefits are speculative at best.

Horny goat weed is an herb originally discovered in china that was discovered when a peasant that herded goats for a living noticed that when his animals ate a particular weed in one of in his fields that his goats became particularly randy. At least that’s the story about how it got its unusual name, there is no documentation to back those events up.

There is also very little documentation to support any of the other supposed sexual functions of horny goat weed. Advertisers will often claim that it increases libido and sexual thoughts, or that it may prevent infertility or premature ejaculation, however there is no scientific backing behind those claims.

There are some concerns about side effects potentially related to horny goat weed including:

  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Spasms
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Heart arrhythmia

Yohimbe (Bark) Extract: Chemicals taken from the exterior of an African tree that are thought to have aphrodisiac qualities.  Yohimbe is possibly effective for erectile frequency and strength, however it is also considered one of the more dangerous additives legally used in male enhancement supplements.

Yohimbe is a stimulant that accelerates heart rate and circulation, which can be useful for erections thanks to the increased blood flow. It can also possibly lead to conditions such as:

  • Irregular heart beat
  • Kidney failure
  • Seizure
  • Heart attack

Yohimbe has also been shown to contribute to increased psychotic thoughts in schizophrenics and individuals with PTSD. It is not one of our panel of experts recommended products.

Maca (Root) Extract: A Peruvian plant that is one of the most potent natural aphrodisiacs on the planet. Maca is a mild stimulant that is beneficial to men’s sexual health for a number of reasons.

Maca helps increase the frequency, size, and density of users’ erections thanks to increased blood flow and to increased libido levels. Maca is a mental stimulant that raises the amount of sexual thoughts and fantasies that a user experiences during the day, and it is useful for stamina and staying power during the act.

Eurycoma Longifolia (Root) Extract: A Malaysian plant that is often listed as ling jack or tongkat ali. Long jack has been shown to increase testosterone production in users, which is beneficial sexually in a number of ways.

Testosterone increases libido and the frequency of sexual thoughts. It also increases erectile strength and frequency, as well as the quality of seminal fluid produced during orgasm. Eurycoma longifolia is one of our team’s most highly rated ingredients.

FD&C Blue #1: A food coloring also known as Brilliant Blue. Brilliant Blue has no known medical or sexual benefits; it is purely used to give Max Stamina its sparkly blue color.

Blue #1 has been criticized recently after a series of studies uncovered a number of health issues related to the consumption of Blue #1 including:

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Hypotension
  • Death

There is no reason to consume a product that offers no benefits to the user but can have such serious consequences. Our team does not recommend products that have FD&C Blue #1 in their mix.

Click here to learn which male enhancement products tested above the rest for increasing erectile girth and heft.

Max Stamina Quality of Ingredients

Max Stamina has a very split ingredients list. Some of them are among the most effective non-prescription male enhancement products available. Others, however, are among the worst products that manufacturers are legally allowed to use.

L-Arginine, maca, and tongkat ali are three of our panel of expert’s preferred ingredients. They benefit erections, libido, seminal quality, staying power and can help prevent erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Yohimbe and horny goat weed are possibly effective for erectile health, however they are far too dangerous to be included in a daily supplement – especially when paired together. Brilliant Blue makes products look nice, but it does not belong in the human body. Our panel does not recommend any product that contains even one of these ingredients, let alone all three.

Follow this link to gain access to the database of all the top brands of male enhancement products.

The Price and Quality of Max Stamina

Max Stamina can be found in health and nutrition stores or online through a number of different supplement retailers. In general, their price should be fairly similar to this:

  • 1, 30-count bottle of Max Stamina capsules: $39.99

Given that Max Stamina recommends two pills per day, this is not very much product for how much money it costs. Max Stamina is one of the more expensive male enhancement products currently on the market.

To see how the top brands of male enhancement products compare to each other when measured side by side, follow this link.

Business of Max Stamina

Max Stamina is produced by MD Science Lab. They list their contact information as:

Phone Number: (954) 725-5502

Address: 2131 Blount Road

Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Email: MD Science Lab and Max Stamina do not have an email address available for public usage, nor do they have any kind of web page or customer comment form that can be used to contact them electronically.

It should be noted that in 2025 MD Science Lab closed a formal complaint from the FDA. They had been issued a citation for mislabeling products, making misleading advertising claims, and including chemicals that were not mentioned on the ingredients label.

Click here to find out which male enhancement products were the most effective for improving stamina, staying power, and ability to recharge.

Customer Opinions of Max Stamina

The comments from past customers do not make it seem like taking Max Stamina is a pleasant experience. Many of their comments were similar to these:

“Worst thing I’ve ever taken – I thought I was going to die. I was shaking, sweating, and I peed myself while driving home.”

“I took this before going on a date and that was the worst thing I’ve ever done. I had to go home because I was having vertigo and hot flashes, and I started belching this really foul smell.”

“I took one pill and I was still limp, so I took two like the directions said, but then I started to get sick. I got hot and dizzy and spent the rest of the night having diarrhea. My girlfriend was super mad.”

Many of the reviews hit on these same themes of nasty side effects and ineffective male enhancement. The symptoms that they describe are consistent with the side effects that people tend to experience when they take horny goat weed or yohimbe, but especially when they stack the two.

To find out which male enhancement supplement is going to be the most beneficial to you and your specific needs, click here.

How Does Max Stamina Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Max Stamina
  • 38/100
Conclusion – Does Max Stamina Work?

If Max Stamina had only used the good half of their ingredients they would have a generic, mildly effective male enhancement product that would probably not upset most users’ symptoms. However they chose to also include a bunch of low-quality, potentially hazardous additives, and now their product is unrecommendable.

Yohimbe and horny goat weed are unsafe and unnecessary for male enhancement supplements. They may help improve erections, or they may give you vicious side effects that prevent you from being intimate for their own set of reasons. Brilliant Blue is unnecessary, and in light of its hazardous long term side effects, it is not a chemical our team recommends.

The over the counter male enhancement product with the best track record is Viritenz. They have developed a blend that is highly potent without overloading the system, working together to naturally encourage the body’s arousal process.

L-Arginine, tongkat ali, maca, and several other proven effective ingredients form the basis of their proprietary blend which has been shown to increase testosterone, libido, and stamina, as well as erectile quality. Click here for a complete profile of Viritenz’s ingredients.

5 Responses to Max Stamina Review


I received a FREE sample of Max Stamina with the purchase of another supplement on Amazon.
MAX STAMINA IS COMPLETE GARBAGE!! I took ONE capsule at 5:30pm this evening and by 6:30pm, I was sick as a dog; nauseous, chills, hot flashes, dizziness, and very rapid heart rate. It’s now 12:30am and I’m laying on my couch wide awake and in a pool of sweat, still coupled with high heart rate and nausea. Feels like my heart is going to pound out of my chest and I’m considering going to the hospital. I’m posting this everywhere that I possibly can to warn others who may be considering taking this product. I wish I would’ve learned more about it prior to taking it myself! Check out other online reviews, I’m not alone on this. Others have become VERY ill, as well! PLEASE CONSIDER MY POST PRIOR TO TAKING THIS GARBAGE!

robg says:

dude same her wtf I can’t believe there able to sell this to ppl OMG I’m so shakey I can bearly write this review I think I may need medical attention. TWO thumbs down I wont be taking MAX STAMINA ever again in life.

Vee says:

Omg really!!! It’s my b-day/ 2Anniversary nd I’m laying next to my husband who is sick as hell! Errr this sucks considering we were feeling the mood well I was then he gets up nd runs to the bathroom. Maaan figured something was going to get in the way.

robg says:

Worst pill ever! I wont lie they do as they say kinda had no problem getting hard but I could not keep going my eyes are competely red so shakey I can bearly type, stand, breeth, with chest pains and very rapid heartbeat. I strongly erg anyone who is thinking of taking max stamina not to its not worth it and could possibly kill someone I took it 2 hours ago and feel as if I may die. These people should get criminal charges this is not ok

Anonymous says:

Took 2 last night spent the whole night throwing up had to leave work early today don’t take this

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