Neosize XL Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 13, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Neosize XL is a male enhancement supplement that claims to be able to increase penis size. It’s advertising also says that it can increase user’s erectile health and strength, as well as stimulating the libido.

They promise up to three inches of actual length and one inch of girth can be added to penis size, although these effects are not seen in all users.

Our panel of men’s health and wellness experts believe that the most effective product on the market for increasing male potency is Viritenz.

It has been shown to be effective at increasing libido and erectile power, as well as benefiting overall circulatory and bodily wellness. Click here to see Viritenz’s proprietary blend of ingredients.

Neosize XL Ingredients and Side Effects


L-Arginine Tribulus Terrestris Mucuna Pruriens
Asparagus Adscendens Withania Somnifera Sida Cordifolia

L-Arginine: An amino acid that the body converts to nitric oxide, a vasodilator that improves circulation. It is also thought to help with the regulation of insulin and human growth hormone, both of which have applications for male sexual health.

Circulation is one of the most important factors in being able to achieve and maintain healthy erections. Proper blood flow is required in order to maximally fill erectile tissue, and nitric oxide helps control the flow both into and out of the penis.

Nitric oxide and insulin levels are also closely related, and insulin can also play a role in proper blood flow and blood sugar levels. Human growth hormone can increase libido and sexual health in both men and women, and is also applicable for general wellness.

Tribulus Terrestris: A spiny Mediterranean plant also known as the puncture vine. Its fruits are not edible, however they have been used medicinally for centuries. Conditions that tribulus terrestris has been used to treat include:

  • Heart and circulation issues
  • Angina
  • Organ health

Tribulus terrestris has shown a number of different potential sexual benefits, including that it can also improve circulation in the body. It has also been linked to improved sperm health and density, and it may also lower stress levels, which can be helpful for certain kinds of ED.

It is also thought to be a libido enhancer, and studies have connected it to increased sexual arousal in animal test subjects. This is attributed to tribulus improving the density of androgen receptors in the brain, which are what help detect arousal impulses.

Mucuna Pruriens: A tropical plant also known as cowhage or velvet bean. Cowhage contains high levels of levodopa and can help regulate prolactin functions in the body.

Too much prolactin can lead to loss of sexual desire and erectile dysfunction in men, so being able to properly regulate can have sexual benefits for some individuals. It is unlikely that mucuna pruriens is useful in a sexual capacity in individuals that do not have hyperprolactinemia.

There are some side effects associated with the consumption of cowhage including:

  • Vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Abnormal body movements
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Psychosis
  • Hallucinations

There are serious concerns about negative interactions with a number of different medications, so users should consult with their prescribing doctors before taking velvet bean products. Individuals with a history of mental illness, especially schizophrenia and psychotic disorders, should not take mucuna pruriens.

Asparagus Adscendens: A species of the asparagus plant found in India and parts of Asia, not to be confused with the commonly eaten vegetable of the same name. The two come from the same plant family but are very different in appearance, edibility, and medicinal use.

It should be noted that there is not very much scientific data that supports its medicinal uses, however it has been a staple of Ayurvedic healing for centuries. Conditions that it has been used to help treat include:

  • Anxiety
  • PMS
  • Gastro-intestinal issues
  • Bronchitis
  • Dementia
  • Alcohol withdrawal

Withania Somnifera: Another popular Ayurvedic herb that is called by many names globally including ashwagandha, winter cherry, poison gooseberry, or Indian ginseng. There is similarly little clinical information about how withania somnifera affects the body, however it is thought to be an adaptogen that can also help lower blood pressure and improve immune functionality.

Conditions that it may be helpful for treating include:

  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Parkinson’s disease

It should be noted that there are no clinical studies that support these uses. There is also similarly little data about the safety of ashwagandha, however some side effects that may be potentially related to its consumption include:

  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Thyroid issues
  • Blood pressure fluctuation

Sida Cordifolia: A plant that is high in the chemical ephedrine, a stimulant that is banned in the United States. Ephedrine is an amphetamine like stimulant that has been linked to a number of various potentially serious side effects including:

  • Vomiting
  • Heart attacks
  • Seizures
  • Strokes
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Death

Sida cordifolia may have use as an erectile aid in that as a stimulant it increases the rate of circulation, however it is also likely to increase anxiety and heart rate. Other conditions that sida cordifolia can worsen include high blood pressure, thyroid problems, and kidney stones.

Click here to see our panel’s list of the most effective male enhancement products on the market.

Neosize XL Quality of Ingredients

Overall, Neosize XL has a very mixed ingredients blend in terms of quality. Some of their additives are very useful for male sexual health, some are more questionable, and some of them are so bad that they are illegal in many countries.

L-arginine is a highly recommended circulatory aid that has been clinically shown to help improve erectile functionality. Tribulus terrestris is also helpful for circulatory function and it has uses for improving the quality and quantity of men’s sperm.

Asparagus adscendens and withania somnifera are not among our team of expert’s most recommended ingredients, however they are somewhat affective and are safe for most users – although both are connected to more side effects than our team likes.

Mucuna pruruiens is not one of the ingredients that our team likes to recommend. Not only is it only effective in a very specific set of individuals, but it has a highly concerning set of potential side effects. Any drug that can have extreme mental effects, especially those including symptoms like hallucinations and psychosis, is too worrisome for our team to be able to promote them to our readers.

Sida cordifolia is not just dangerous and illegal; it is also not particularly effective. There is no reason that it should be included in a male enhancement supplement and our panel of experts not only does not recommend any product that includes it, they actively discourage our readers from its use for their own safety.

Follow this link to find out which male enhancement supplements were the most effective at increasing circulation and erectile strength.

The Price and Quality of Neosize XL

Neosize XL offers several different pricing options for their products:

  • 1, 60-count bottle of Neosize XL male enhancement pills: $54.95
  • 2, 60-count bottles of Neosize XL male enhancement pills: $89.95
  • 3, 60-count bottles of Neosize XL male enhancement pills: $129.95
  • 6, 60-count bottles of Neosize XL male enhancement pills: $239.95

This is slightly more expensive than most products of this nature, although there does not seem to be any reason for this. None of their ingredients are particularly rare or expensive, although some are government controlled.

For more data about which male enhancement pills have the best track record with users, follow this link.

Business of Neosize XL

Neosize XL is a product of Avion Nation Pte. Ltd., a Singapore-based exporter of herbal products. They list their contact info as:

Phone Number: (800) 991-3163

Address: 3141 Piper Lane E-1687

Charlotte, NC 28208

Email: Neosize XL does not have a public email address listed online, however they do offer a customer comment form for electronic communications.

To learn about the male enhancement products that will be most effective for your specific needs, click here.

Customer Opinions of Neosize XL

The online reviews of Neosize XL are not very positive. The most common rating on Amazon is one star, and there are a number of consumer rights websites that feature complaints about Neosize XL similar to these:

“Did nothing for me but make me cold all the time. If I could give it zero stars I would.”

“Still small, still sad. Total scam.”

The most common complaint was about ineffectiveness, however there were also people that experienced some mild side effects and many customers that had trouble getting it shipped to them thanks to international regulations.

Follow this link to find the male enhancement products that have shown to be most effective with real users.

How Does Neosize XL Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Neosize XL
  • 48/100
Conclusion – Does Neosize XL Work?

There are some reasons to think that someone taking Neosize XL could experience some degree of sexual benefits, mostly in terms of erectile strength. There is very little chance that it could actually do anything to make a penis larger, as most pills that make these claims do so without much in the way of scientific backing.

Its lack of effectiveness is not even the largest reason that our team will not recommend Neosize XL. It has two ingredients that are dangerous for users mental health and physical wellbeing.

Finally, our team cannot recommend Neosize XL because it is illegal for most of our users. They further added that they agreed with the regulations that were in place and they did not consider Neosize XL a safe product for any person.

Our team does recommend Viritenz to uses that are looking for effective male enhancement. It has been shown to naturally help increase the length, girth, and rigidity of users erections, as well as their stamina and lasting power.

Their blend pairs L-arginine with tongkat ali and many of the most effective circulatory, adaptogenic, and libido increasing ingredients available on the market. Their product is safe and effective for most users and is legal in all countries. Click here to learn more about how Viritenz can benefit your erectile health.

One Response to Neosize XL Review

Gio says:

Hey I just started taking Neosize XL um I’m 18 should I be worried?

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