Trenbolone Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 14, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Trenbolone is an anabolic steroid, used by athletes to improve their physical performance. Trenbolone is used to help men gain strength, especially as they age and start to lose muscle.

Trenbolone was initially designed as a way to bulk up livestock for more efficient meat production. Trenbolone was adopted by body builders and athletes as a way to bulk up, though it’s legality is still a bit confusing.

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Trenbolone Side Effects

Trenbolone is made from one active ingredient. Here’s a look at the side effects that may be associated with taking the substance.


Trenbolone: A steroid initially used to bulk up livestock to create lean rather than fatty meat, trenbolone was adopted by body builders as a way to bulk up and eliminate fat easily during workout routines. Trenbalone is both anabolic and androgenic, meaning effects both increases muscle building capacity and enhances male-specific sexual characteristics.

  • There are a lot of side effects associated with taking Trenbolone. Common effects may include acne, hair loss, gynocomastia and changes in blood pressure.
  • In some cases taking Trenbolone may cause erectile dysfunction, reduce the desire for sex, as well as testicular atrophy, severe coughing fits, anxiety and rapid heartbeat.
  • Trenbolone may also cause damage to the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

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Trenbolone Quality of Ingredients

In looking at the contents of Trenbolone, there’s really only one ingredient in the product, and it poses a lot of risks. Based on looking at the product, as well as consumer reviews, it seems that this product has been effective in producing the results it claims to, but there are some tradeoffs users may take issue with.

Assuming most users are looking for something to make them feel younger or more active, Trenbolone may cause sexual issues and mood swings, as well as hair loss – all issues that likely are unwelcome.

Because Trenbolone is made by a few different manufacturers and some versions aren’t legal in the US, it’s hard to find much information as to whether or not this product is safe, effective or regulated in any capacity, not to mention there isn’t much available in terms of customer protections.

Trenbolone has a reputation as being a really harsh anabolic steroid, and may be dangerous for many users. Aside from changes in the user’s appearance, Trenbolone may also cause trouble sleeping, increased perspiration and an intense cough.

Based on the information we’ve gathered about Trenbolone and the benefits it may provide, it seems any positive gains are vastly outweighed by the negative effects this substance may cause.

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The Price and Quality of Trenbolone

Trenbolone is sold in by a number of companies in different forms — both pill and injectable solution. It is illegal to sell the injectable solution in the United States, though the pill version is available on a number of small, steroid-oriented webpages. The average price is between $100 and $200 for a one-month supply, which typically is a bottle containing 90 capsules.

As far as quality is concerned, Trenbolone seems to be a dangerous solution, yet does have proven results in increasing the body’s potential to build lean muscle. Based on the information we have, it seems there may be better options for getting in shape. Trenbolone or any other anabolic steroid comes with a long list of risks ranging from sweating and hair loss to permanent organ damage.

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Business of Trenbolone

There are a number of companies that make Trenbolone, but one that comes up again and again, is the product, Tren 75, which is made by a company known as Anabolic Research. They make one of the legal version of Trebolone, which is taken orally, not injected. Their contact information is as follows:

Phone: 855.244.7077

Address: 942 FM 1960 E. #346

Humble, TX 77346

The Anabolic Research site is very minimal and focuses entirely on selling anabolic supplements legally. The site mentions one should only take Trenbolone for a 30-day cycle, then stop using for some time after that. Tren 75, the company’s version of  Trenbolone, is aimed at creating a dry, hard muscle, eliminating bloat and water weight and helping the user burn fat during workouts.

Unfortunately, despite the widely known side effects associated with taking anabolic steroids, the site doesn’t clearly list the many risks associated with taking such a product.

Based on the limited company information, we don’t recommend trying this version of Trenbolone or any others, and instead suggest looking toward other products that can more safely provide the benefits you are looking for.

Customer Opinions of Trenbolone

Based on the customer reviews we found for this product, it seems people had vastly different experiences while using Trenbolone. Many people felt the side effects were too much, while others felt that a little discomfort was worth the benefit of building muscles and gaining strength in a relatively short period of time. Here’s a look at what past users had to say:

“I’ve seen some results so far for sure. I’ve had some side effects like acne and aggression, but overall it hasn’t been too bad, Trenbolone is really powerful and I am getting in much better shape than I’ve been in quite some time.”

“I’ve been using for a few weeks, and I’m a little nervous about the side effects. I’m noticing I’m losing fat and building muscle, but I feel anxious and am sweating a lot more than I’d prefer. I do feel stronger and more energized.”

“Tren gave me these really hard, painful lumps under my my nipples the size of marbles. I found it helped me bulk up, but I stopped taking after the lumps appeared. They really freaked me out.”

“Tren is has been giving me terrible night sweats, as well as this sore throat that won’t go away. I feel a little moodier, like little things really bother me, and I’m finding it’s harder to have fun. I’ll probably stop using this soon.”

Reviews for Trenbolone were somewhat difficult to find. On the one hand, there are countless forums and blogs and other online sources full of people who had experience with Trenbolone, but most users were vague when talking about their personal experiences with the steroid.

Many users found this product altered their mood, and changed their personality to a moody more aggressive demeanor, rather than a competitive aggression one might find useful at the gym.

Based on the information above, it is clear that Trenbolone is targeted toward a very specific group of body builders and fitness enthusiasts, and this product should not be used in place of a testosterone booster or steroid-free bodybuilding supplement.

Our review experts have put together a guide of the best male enhancement supplements of the year — click here for more.

How Does Trenbolone Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Trenbolone
  • 38/100
Conclusion – Does Trenbolone Work?

Based on the information outlined above, we do not recommend taking Trenbolone or any other anabolic steroid without the supervision of a reliable physician.

Because there are so many side effects associated with Trenbalone, this product may be a dangerous solution for men looking to get some youthful energy back, or gains in strength. Trenbalone may cause a number of adverse effects, and with hair loss and acne being the most mild, and other conditions like erectile dysfunction and testicular atrophy potentially coming into play. Not to mention, taking anabolic steroids comes with a major risk of aggression and changes in mood.

Aside from the risk of many adverse effects, the legality of taking Trenbolone at home remains somewhat murky. The injectable version of this product is not legal for home use, but you may purchase Trenbalone pills.

Ultimately, even if Trenbolone is an effective product, we’d advise looking toward solutions with a more transparent company standing behind them, as well as something that is easy to purchase from a credible webpage or brick and mortar store.

After looking at a broad range of male performance enhancement supplements, our review experts have discovered that Viritenz is the most effective product on today’s market. The supplement is made using a blend of all-natural ingredients like tongkat ali, ginseng, tribulus terrestris and L-arginine, all proven both safe and effective for improving sexual function.

Viritenz is safely manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility. To ensure customer safety, this product is subject to routine third-party inspections. For more info about Viritenz and its ingredients, click here.

One Response to Trenbolone Review

Chad Briscoe says:

I’ve noticed these hard painful lumps under my nipple what can I do to get rid of them and stop them from tren

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