Prolargentsize Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) March 8, 2025       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Prolargentsize is a male enhancement pill aimed at improving sexual function, fertility, and as the name suggests, increasing penis size. The dedicated website claims that this product will improve self-esteem, strengthen erections and treat premature ejaculation as well.

Prolargentsize is made from an all-natural formula designed to address low libido and bring increased blood flow to the penis, providing men with firmer, more dependable erections. The manufacturer also mentions this product is dairy, gluten and side effect-free.

After reviewing all kinds of male enhancement pills, our review experts have come to the conclusion Viritenz works best to improve libido, function and overall male vitality.  Customers have benefitted from the unique formulation of minerals, herbs and more, offering a natural solution to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low testosterone. Click the link here to learn more about the benefits Viritenz has to offer.

Prolargentsize Ingredients and Side Effects

The Prolargentsize website lists both an official label for the product, as well as a graphic and description for each key component of the formula.

There are also a number of secondary ingredients, though in the interest of efficiency, we’ve only listed the most active components.

Tongkat Ali Maca Extract L-Arginine
Zinc Oyster Extract Ginseng Combination

Tribulus Terrestris: An herbal ingredient commonly used in the body building community, tribulus terrestris is thought to help increase lean muscle mass and testosterone levels in the body, and improve male vitality. Tribulus also can stimulate sexual desire when ingested.

Ferula: A plant also known by the nickname, “devil’s dung,” ferula is a strong smelling plant used to treat breathing problems, and severe flu symptoms. It’s also used as a nerve stimulant for people suffering from fatigue both mental and physical.

  • Side effects may include swollen lips, belching, nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, headache and gas. It may also increase bleeding, so those with blood disorders may want to avoid this ingredient.

Panax Ginseng: Used traditionally to maintain immune system health and improve focus, panax ginseng is also thought to improve sperm quality and stimulate sexual function.

Ceratonia Siliqua: An herb better known as carob, this ingredient is often used as a digestive aid, or a natural treatment for celiac disease.

Epimedium: An herb used in many traditional applications, epimedium is best known for its ability to act as an aphrodisiac, as well as improve the blood flow into the penis, offering users with improved sexual abilities.

  • Side effects may include heart palpitations, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

Click here for the most up-to-date info on which male enhancement pills actually work, and those that don’t.

Prolargentsize Quality of Ingredients

This product is made with a variety of herbal ingredients that show some promise for male sexual health. Ingredients like ginseng and tribulus terrestris are found in a number of supplements and have proven themselves to be effective in alleviating symptoms of ED with use.

Prolargentsize claims to be side effect-free, which makes very little sense, as this product contains both epimedium and ferula, which both have been linked to a number of issues, most of which are mild digestive problems, but others are a bit more serious. Ferula is risky for people taking blood thinners or who have a bleeding disorder, while epimedium poses a threat to people with heart problems.

Additionally, we do not have access to an official product label, so the actual contents of the formula cannot be confirmed.

Finally, there is no evidence suggesting this product will improve self-confidence or increase the size of the penis. The claims listed on the official webpage are unsubstantiated and this product preys on insecurities.

Our reviewers have made a list of the best pills, sexual enhancers, test boosters and more – click here to read the full guide.

The Price and Quality of Prolargentsize

Prolargentsize is $89.99 per a single bottle containing 60 pills — a supply that, if taken as directed (one tablet 3 times a day) will last 20 days.

The price seems a bit high, especially considering it doesn’t last for a full month as many competing products do. Should you be looking for a better value, the makers of Prolargentsize offer a minimal discount should you order multiple bottles at a time. 3 bottles of the product go for $249, while 9 bottles retail for $679.

Prolargentsize is not sold through any additional platforms and all sales will need to be processed through the official webpage. This company ships worldwide and offers a money-back guarantee.

Read through our expert guide to find the right male enhancement pill for your life.

Business of Prolargentsize

The name of the company is Prolargentsize and they are based in the UAE. Here is their contact information listed below.

Phone Number: (855) 579-9247

Address: Egemel Ltd.

27 Q1-01

SAIF 122390 Sharjah, U.A.E

Email: [email protected]

The Prolargentsize website features a lot of images of people having sex, as well as a lot of language that aims to get under peoples’ skin in order to make a sale. For example, the FAQ section mentions men with larger penises are more successful with “women and in life” and mentions this product could be used by teenagers.

Additionally, the site claims that because this is an herbal product, it cannot possibly be dangerous, nor cause any side effects, despite the fact that it contains epimedium, which has in fact, been linked to some adverse effects with use.

Because this company is based outside of the United States, we aren’t able to look at a Better Business Bureau listing or any other review of how this company conducts themselves.

One thing we know for sure, Prolargentsize is marketing this product toward people who feel badly about having a small to average size penis, and charging almost $90 for a 20-day supply. This seems somewhat predatory, especially considering most of these ingredients are found in a number of lower priced competing products that do not claim to increase penis size with use.

Customer Opinions of Prolargentsize

Unfortunately, it was very hard to find any credible reviews of Prolargentsize on the web. The company does have a Facebook page, as well as a rather graphic Blogspot page, that some users might find offensive. Unfortunately, it’s presence on the internet has not led to much engagement on the part of consumers, nor are there any third-party sellers of this product, which typically helps make reviews easier to find.

Because we can’t offer much insight into a product with so little information, it’s hard to know whether or not it’s effective, or if there are any side effects users should be aware of. Additionally, there’s no scientific information available to potential customers in lieu of reviews.

Learn more about the ins and outs of male enhancement, our reviewers share their top rated supplements.

How Does Prolargentsize Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Prolargentsize
  • 33/100
Conclusion – Does Prolargentsize Work?

We ultimately don’t know enough about Prolargentsize to know if it’s an effective treatment of erectile dysfunction or any other form of sexual dysfunction. This supplement aims to address a broad range of issues, many of which seem a bit out of reach for an herbal supplement of any kind.

Most of the ingredients listed offer some good benefits and can be found in many products that do in fact provide users with some positive results. On the other hand, Prolargentsize does contain a couple ingredients we don’t recommend. We were unable to find an official label for this product, so the amounts of ferula and epimedium are unknown, and as a result, so are the risks of side effects.

Without a product label, and scientific data sets backing the claims made on the website, or even any customer reviews, we really can’t know enough about this product to determine if it’s good or not. The price is very high as compared to similar supplements, and we’re not sure it’s justified, aside from potentially offsetting costs from international shipping.

Aside from the many issues we’ve outlined above, perhaps the biggest problem is the false advertising Prolargentsize is engaging in. There is no such thing as an herbal supplement that can add inches to your penis and transform your overall confidence levels. If these are major problems for users, they should perhaps see a doctor and discuss the best care options.

Additionally, we found it troubling that the makers of this product suggest males as young as 15 might use this product. The messaging seems both sexually charged and problematic, and offering that up to young teens seems to be in poor taste.

We’ve found, after looking at a wide range of sexual enhancement options, that Viritenz best takes on common male enhancement issues little interest in sex or low testosterone. This all-natural formula provides a number of reproductive benefits, and is an effective alternative to prescription drugs.

Viritenz is made in accordance with FDA guidelines and follows procedures that ensure consumers are guaranteed safety, and a product that works. Click here to read how Viritenz can give you an all-around boost.

2 Responses to Prolargentsize Review

Imran says:

Can i get this in Saudi Arabia?:(

jhonny says:

Can i buy it in Australia?
Of i can..
Where.. how much cost..

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