Phosphatidylserine Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) May 3, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Phosphatidylserine is nootropic supplement made with an amino acid and fatty acid blend which is important for regulating many functions. This is taken to help treat age related brain health decline, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, and depression.

The ingredient Phosphatidylserine surrounds cells and provides protection from outside potentially dangerous compounds. It is highly important for proper cell function, and it has benefits beyond brain health. It can also be found in certain foods, and it can actually reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which also has brain health effects. Our review experts thoroughly examine cognitive enhancement supplements. The most effective brand has been shown to be Memotenz. It has natural compounds which can help support overall brain function. Find out more about the benefits of Memotenz by clicking here.

Phosphatidylserine Ingredients and Side Effects


Phosphatidylserine Phosphatidylcholine Phosphatidylethanolamine Phosphatitidylinositol Phosphatidylserine Complex

Phosphatidylserine: This ingredient is found in cell membranes and is important for transporting signals across cells. It can be found in many foods such as:

  • Tuna, white beans, eel, cow brain, chicken heart, chicken liver, veal, pork, turkey, offal, and many other meats.

Found in higher amounts in cow’s brain. This used to be primarily sourced from this part of the cow, but it has since been taken from mostly soy based sources. This is because cow’s brain can potentially be contaminated and may contain diseases. It has to be specially treated to ensure it is preserved well, and that it does not come from dangerously treated brains.

In the link is a comprehensive top 10 list showcasing the best nootropics in an updated yearly list.

Studies have shown that around 200 mg three times a day is recommended a day for results. Typically even doses of 100 mg 3 times a day would also be optimal. also adds:

“Studies in children and adolescents for… attention improvement… use 200mg, and a dose of 200-400 mg”

Additional amounts may be needed for some to ensure real results.

Phosphatitidylinositol: Found mainly in brain tissue, this is important for regulating metabolic function in animals and plants. This is found in all cells and tissues. They are highly important for sending signals through cells.

Phosphatidylethanolamine: Found in cells and in particular surrounding the nerve tissues. This has been shown effective for regulating blood flow in the heart. When taken in foods they often breakdown and this can lead to increase in oxidative stress. This raises the possibility for certain diseases.

Phosphatidylserine Quality of Ingredients

There are many different versions of Phosphatidylserine added. However it does need much more support to have functional nootropic effects. These variants of the same ingredient have shown similar kinds of effects, which aren’t comprehensive enough.

It can help in the prevention of natural cell death, and it can also be used as a real treatment for some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, which is associated with failing brain health.

For more dedicated coverage there are supplements with mixed ingredients which can provide well-rounded support. Discover which of the nootropics currently available made it to the top 10 list of the year.

Price and Quality of Phosphatidylserine

The main additive in this is basic Phosphatidylserine added in 100 mg per serving. The company has decided to provide a recommendation of 3 soft gels a day. This means one is getting 300 mg of the key ingredient, Phosphatidylserine.

While this is the recommended dosage amount, instead of adding other beneficial ingredients, the makers have decided to simply mix variants of the same ingredient. While this is meant to provide slightly different effects, it’s not enough to ensure one is benefiting from dedicated cognitive support.

As mentioned previously, the main ingredient is a good additive, but on its own it’s limited on the range of effects for overall brain function.

The company sells each 30 day serving for $44.99. This is slightly higher than other brands which feature the same basic ingredients. This breaks down to $.49 cents per serving. They also ensure it is free from any contaminants like dairy or nuts. Provided in this link are the best nootropics for mental sharpness, focus, and ability.

Business of Phosphatidylserine

The creators are known as Vitamin Shoppe Inc., and they can be reached via the following contact details:

Address: Secaucus, New Jersey 07094

Phone Number: (866) 293-3367

They offer both online and brick and mortar stores for direct sales. A study in 2025 showed that the company had supplements which contained leaked amounts of BMPEA, which is known to be potential contaminants. Some studies have shown it can lead to the creation of estrogen. also ran a study which showed it contained potentially unsafe levels of lead in some of their supplements. Because of this they called for a voluntary recall.

For a list of nootropics made from reputable companies, click here for a top 10 list.

Customer Opinions of Phosphatidylserine

Provided underneath are some online reviews from various users:

“noticed an almost immediate improvement when I take it for my memory problems”

“it has gradual effects which improve over time; it improved memory over 2 weeks”

“caused me to remain very nervous. It gave me uncomfortable side effects I did not expect”

“felt quite nervous and far too stimulated in such a bad way, I could not continue taking it because of this reason”

The majority of people did notice positive changes, though many had to up their dosage to the maximum amount allowed.

There were also a few users who had common side effects such as headaches, fatigue, and difficulty relaxing. This was not very common however, and may be attributed to it not working well with one’s body chemistry.

Click the link for the most wholesome nootropics shown to deliver positive results.

How Does Phosphatidylserine Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Phosphatidylserine
  • 35/100
Conclusion – Does Phosphatidylserine Work?

Phosphatidylserine can help boost overall brain health and it’s necessary though already created by the human brain. Supplementing with additional amounts has been shown to help reduce stress, and prevent symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s, as well as aid in overall brain health. It can help support one in retaining memory, attention, and overall thinking.

The problem with this supplement is that the company has had issues with quality control. They also sell it at a high cost, and do not add many other ingredients. Instead they have decided to focus on adding variants of the same ingredient. While there are different effects possible, they are not comprehensive enough to support overall cognitive health.  This is also sold a cost much higher than other brands.

After analyzing many types of nootropic brands, companies, and ingredients, our review experts found that Memotenz was the most effective. Not only does it contain natural ingredients, but they also create it in a certified GMP approve facility for overall quality control. This is the most effective  way to ensure you’re getting a wholesome formula which is routinely tested by unbiased parties.

Customers have also mentioned that it was an effective solution that enhanced memory, focus, attention, and all with a potent formula that many have said delivers safe results.

Find out about the benefits of Memotenz and what it’s capable of by clicking on the link here.

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