Flexcin Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 14, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

Flexcin is a joint health supplement product that advertises itself as an anti-inflammatory and lubricant that also contributes to overall bodily health. Flexcin is designed to reduce pain in the lower back, neck, knees, and hands by supporting the body’s natural collagen, elastin, and synovial fluid production systems. They currently offer their original formula capsules, a newer “Load Up” formula, and have recently begun manufacturing a joint relief lotion for topical application.

Our panel of experts currently ranks Flexitrinol as the top joint health supplement on the market. Their proprietary blend has been proven in clinical trials to stimulate collagen health and increase synovial fluid production. To read more about the benefits of Flexitrinol, click here.

Flexcin Ingredients and Side Effects

Unfortunately, Flexcin does not choose to make their ingredients list or dosage amounts available to the public. Their website does list some of the additives that they include, however it does not say that that list is exhaustive so it is reasonable to assume that there are other products in Flexcin that are not mentioned online.

The ingredients listed on the Flexcin website are:

CM8 Bromelain Enzyme Blend
MSM Collagen Glucosamine

CM8: A fatty acid that is believed to function as a joint lubricant and tissue softener. It has been used in treatments for arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and fibromyalgia. There are no known side effects associated with CM8 at this time.

Bromelain: A naturally occurring enzyme derived from the stem of the pineapple. Bromelain has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory that has been used to treat arthritis, reduce joint pain, and restore joint functionality. There are no side effects associated with the usage of bromelain.

Enzyme Blend: This is a highly ambiguous entry on their list. The manufacturers of Flexcin do not ever stipulate what is in this blend, only that it accelerates digestion. It is difficult to predict either the benefits or potential side effects of this blend.

MSM: Derived from green plants and commonly found in joint health products due to its ability to help promote the body’s natural production of collagen and synovial fluid. There are no known side effects associated with MSM consumption in humans.

Collagen: Collagen is the basic building block of cartilage, the joint tissue that holds our skeleton together. As important as healthy collagen is – and it is very, very important for proper joint functionality – you can’t just swallow collagen supplements whole and have it magically become a part of your joint collagen.

Collagen is a basic protein that gets broken down in the stomach and becomes a part of the rest of your body’s systems. There are no harmful effects associated with it and it may contribute generally to overall bodily wellness, however there is no specific linkage between consuming collagen orally or applying it topically and increased cartilage health.

Glucosamine: Glucosamine is one of the more effective joint health products on the market today. Nutrition specialists tout its ability to actually increase the body’s natural collagen production.

Click here to see our experts’ list of the best joint health supplements that are available over the counter.

Flexcin Quality of Ingredients

Flexcin’s overall quality is a bit of a mystery. Their ingredient list has some quality entries on it, however there are also too many unanswered questions about their formula:

  • What is their enzyme blend, and why are they not more specific about it?
  • What other additional ingredients are there that Flexcin is less proud of?
  • What are the dosage amounts of the ingredients that they do list so that Flexcin can be compared to other products on the market?

The presence of collagen is always a red flag for joint health supplements because it means that either the company does not know that collagen is not really a joint health product, which is concerning, or it means that they do know but continue to include it because it will trick some consumers, which is maybe even more worrisome.

Flexcin is also a chondroiten-free product, which may be helpful to those consumers allergic to chondroiten that are having trouble finding joint health supplements without it. Those without chondroiten allergies may want to combine Flexcin with a chondroiten supplement as well for optimal cartilage health.

To learn more about our experts’ list of the top joint health supplements for your body, click here.

The Price and Quality of Flexcin

Flexcin is available through their website and their pricing structure breaks down like this:

  • 1 bottle of 90 Joint Health and Mobility Capsules: $39.95
  • 3 bottles of 90 Joint Health and Mobility Capsules: $79.90
  • 3-bottle starter pack: $89.90
  • 1 4oz jar of Motion Lotion: $19.95

This makes Flexcin one of the more expensive supplements on the market today. For that kind of price you should know that you’re getting a premium quality supplement.

Click here to see our panel of nutritional experts list of the top brands of joint health supplements.

Business of Flexcin

Flexcin is manufactured by Flexcin Intl. and the Flexcin line is their only set of products. They can be contacted at:

Phone Number: (800) 363-7246

Address: 909 NE 27th Ln #3

Cape Coral, FL 33909

Email: They do not make an e-mail address publically available, however there is a customer contact form on their website.

Flexcin is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau and it should be noted that there are a number of formal complaints against them online, mostly due to customer service and returns issues. There do not seem to be any legal actions against Flexcin at this time.

To see the most effective nutritional supplements for stimulating collagen growth, reducing inflammation, and repairing damaged tissue, click here.

Customer Opinions of Flexcin

While some users have reported a reduction in their joint pain with use, there are a number of complaints about the product online as well. Some of those complaints sounded like these:

“Ordered the starter pack and have gone through nearly two bottles of the pills, but still no improvement.”

“Just another supplement that promises more than it delivers.”

The majority of the complaints were regarding quality of joint pain relief, however there were several other messages like this one:

“Started taking this product and my blood pressure shot up. I stopped and it went down, so I never took the pills again.”

Anyone that has a history of high blood pressure or is currently taking blood thinners or blood pressure medication is not advised to try taking Flexcin.

For a list of the healthiest and most effective supplements on the market, click here.

How Does Flexcin Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Flexcin
  • 25/100
Conclusion – Does Flexcin Work?

There are some users who have seen success with Flexcin, and there are some who have not, which is not unusual with any nutritional supplement.

More concerning is that Flexcin is lacking some of the more effective joint health ingredients found in the other leading brands and they are unclear about their recipe and dosage information.

Most worrisome, however, are the reports of adverse reactions to Flexcin. Whether or not one has a history of heart issues, that type of report is problematic and reactions to the supplement should be closely monitored to avoid any serious health complications.

Our experts have determined that the safest, most effective supplement currently on the market is Flexitrinol. Their blend of chondroitin, glucosamine, MSM, and other key additives works to stimulate collagen and synovial fluid production so that sore joints actually heal themselves. To learn more about Flexitrinol’s proprietary blend and why it’s effective click here.

2 Responses to Flexcin Review

Len says:

Thanks for the review.

My friend don not like it, their shake is a scam! My friend Chad had a bad effect to this cheesy supplement with upset stomach and had a chellenge getting a refund.Under no circumstances try anything unless medical adviser prescribe Diets in!

Sean Thompson says:

Curious if he tried the cream that they make?
I was introduced to the Flexcin cream for joint relief and within 30 minutes felt no pain in my knee. Prior to using the cream I would normally take 2 Ibuprofen and 2 Tylenol to attempt to manage my pain but the cream is the 1st product I have ever used which relieved my pain without taking pills or having side effects. I have used the cream for about 3 weeks and have noticed that I need it less and less!
NO JOKE AND NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT… This stuff seems to work for me.

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