GenF20 Plus Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 27, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

 GenF20 Plus is a supplement made to restore growth hormone levels in the body, which, according to the website, offsets normal signs of aging like low metabolism, low libido and general sexual dysfunction.

Self-proclaimed #1 HGH releaser, GenF20 Plus is a supplement used to address sexual dysfunction and aging concerns. The manufacturer claims to encourage the body to restore the production of natural HGH, increase muscle mass and boost sexual performance. After taking a look at a number of male enhancement drugs, our review experts have discovered that Viritenz is the best option out there. Its natural formula is both potent, and free of adverse side effects – boosting all-around performance in users. For more information about Viritenz, click the link here.

GenF20 Ingredients and Side Effects


L-arginine L-glutamine L-lysine Deer Antler Velvet Colostrum
L-glycine L-tyrosine Astragalus Root Extract GABA L-valine

 L-arginine: An amino acid that plays an important role in stimulating the blood vessels in the penis, L-arginine is thought to help produce firmer erections.

Our review experts have put together a list of the top performing male enhancement pills.

L-glutamine: Key to a healthy metabolism and cell growth and maintenance, L-glutamine is an amino acid thought to improve energy and immunity.

  • Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, gas and abdominal pain, as well as muscle and joint pain, headache, dizziness and fatigue.

L-glycine: According to the website, L-glycine enables the pituitary gland to release HGH.

  • Side effects associated with L-glycine may include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

L-lysine: Boosts immunity and is thought to improve sexual function. When paired with L-arginine, efficacy is improved considerably.

  • Side effects associated with L-lysine may include adverse reactions in the GI tract like diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain.

L-tyrosine: A hormone released in the thyroid gland, thought to reduce risk of depression and promote energy.

  • Side effects associated with L-tyrosine may include rapid heart rates, restlessness, anxiety and insomnia.

Astragalus Root Extract: Used to boost metabolism and immunity, aid in digestion and improve function of adrenal glands, lungs and boost energy.

Deer Antler Velvet: Found on deer antlers, deer antler velvet contains a number of elements like collagen and glucosamine that help stimulate hormone growth.

In some cases, deer antler velvet has been thought to cause kidney problems or increase the risk of prostate cancer.

GABA: A chemical made in the brain thought to relieve anxiety, promote lean muscle growth, burn fat and more.

Colostrum: Thought to reverse and prevent signs of aging, colostrum includes an insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) which is found in HGH.

  • Side effects associated with colostrum may include nausea, vomiting, a decrease in red blood cells and abnormal results in liver function tests.

L-Valine: An amino acid required for muscle repair and metabolism, as well as promoting the presence of nitrogen in the muscle tissues.  

 For a list of our top-ranked male enhancement supplements, click here.

GenF20 Quality of Ingredients

GenF20 Plus is made from a number of natural ingredients, however, it is difficult to evaluate the quality due to a lack of scientific evidence to back up the claims featured on the website.

A complete list of ingredients has been made available on the official website. While the quality of this product has not been evaluated by the FDA, GenF20 Plus is far more transparent than most of the other supplements on today’s market.

Several of the other ingredients are associated with stomach problems, dizziness and headaches.

While GenF20 Plus is available in a variety of stores, and appears to have a legitimate web presence, it doesn’t mean it’s an effective product.

Our experts have reviewed a number of supplements, here’s our list of the best male enhancement products.

The Price and Quality of GenF20

GenF20 is priced on the higher end of the spectrum as compared with other male enhancement supplements. A packet of 120 tablets retails for $82.99, and comes with a GenF20 Plus spray aimed at enhancing the benefits of the pills. The website offers some bundling deals to first time buyers, but there are no free samples or trial periods available to new customers.

For more information on male enhancement products, take a look at our comprehensive guide.

Business of GenF20 Plus

The company is known as Leading Edge Marketing, and their contact information is listed as follows:

Phone Number: (866)621-6884

Address: #100 – 645 Tyee Road

Victoria, BC V9A 6X5

Email: not provided.

Leading Edge Marketing does provide a 60-day money-back guarantee for GenF20, less shipping and handling. They do not provide a free trial or sample offers. The Leading Edge website does list three medical doctors as their Board of Advisors, lending some legitimacy to the brand. Additionally, Leading Edge has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

While there is no email provided, Leading Edge has listed a toll-free number you can call with any customer service-related questions or concerns.

Customer Opinions of GenF20 Plus

Customer feedback for GenF20 Plus has been mixed, but they tend to lean toward the negative. Most of the positive reviews made no mention of the supplement’s use as a treatment for sexual dysfunction.

Here’s what people are saying:

“The product gives moderate results at best. I experienced blurry vision with use. Kind of scary, but effects went away when I stopped taking it.” 

“There is definitely a “placebo” effect here. it could take weeks for these pills to have any effect. I’m not sure if it’s worth the price.”

“Pretty expensive, and not worth the price. I noticed no significant results after taking, wish I could get my money back.”

The majority of the reviews were negative, due to lack of results. Unlike other male enhancement products, GenF20 Plus promises a more holistic set of benefits, targeting all aspects of aging. While some customers reported feeling more energized, had reduced feelings of depression or anxiety or a faster metabolism, there was little information as to whether or not it helped with any sexual issues.

On a more positive note, there were very few reports of physical side effects associated with GenF20 Plus. The general consensus among users was that the supplement either didn’t work, or they only saw small gains in strength and energy.

Find out which male enhancement supplements were rated best by clicking here.

How Does GenF20 Plus Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • GenF20 Plus
  • 27/100
Conclusion – Does GenF20 Plus Work?

While GenF20 Plus has a number of reviews from satisfied customers, there is not enough evidence that this is an effective male enhancement supplement. Mixed reviews coupled with the lack of any money-back guarantees, as well as the false sounding testimonials listed on the website make GenF20 Plus seem like a risky purchase.

There is some evidence suggesting HGH supplements do have an effect on certain symptoms of aging, there is little scientific evidence backing up these claims. Because there is little evidence suggesting GenF20 Plus is an effective male enhancement product, we cannot recommend this as a solution. We also found claims the product produces boundless energy and reverses signs of aging like gray hair, strengthens bones and more to be overblown.

If you’re considering a product to resolve sexual issues, its best to consult with a doctor before taking a new supplement.

Among the many products our reviewers have tested, we’ve found that Viritenz is the best on the market. Viritenz is a healthy alternative to other male enhancement products on the market.

Additionally, Viritenz is manufactured in an FDA approved facility, so everything from the formula to the machinery is subject to regular third-party inspections. To learn more about Viritenz, click here.

4 Responses to GenF20 Plus Review

Earnestine says:

My friend had an awful reaction with Garcinia Cambogia through upset stomach and with the customer support.

Shawn says:

Does this supplement cause many to feel nauseous & cause vomiting? Also my more urgent question is if anyone has had any liver or kidney problems in the past should they be more weary when taking gen-f20-plus? For example, I was hospitalized 3 years ago due to “pancreatitis” then found out I had hepatitis C. I was cured of both & changed my diet to a healthier one now. Im excited to start taking gen-f20 but my first dose had me vomiting for a few hours after. I ate a tbsp of garlic at same time on empty stomach (part of my new diet) sometimes the garlic can upset my stomach, so the combination might have been the blame for vomiting. I would appreciate any advice/info, or contact info for someone who could answer these questions. I hope to hear back from you soon, please & thank you.

Booger says:

This product gave me severe diarrhea. Doctors tested me for all sorts of disease and found nothing. I finished the box and my problem went away. A few weeks later, I realized I still had 1 foilpack of 20 and began taking them. Within a few days, the problem was back. I quit taking them and after 8 days, my problems are fixed.

Luigi Serafini says:

This productGenf20plus is great I am 75 years old I bench press 295lbs I play tennis I do boxing I do 250 push ups four times per week this supplement has great recovery no side effects also more energy in the gym and better cardio.

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