Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 24, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 is a joint health supplement that is formulated to reduce inflammation and help build stronger cartilage. Their website recommends taking Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 to help with mild stiffness, creaky or popping joints, and the natural effects of aging. According to their advertising it also increases mobility and joint function while fighting the effects of inflammation.

Our joint health experts currently recommend Flexitrinol as the most effective joint health supplement currently on the market. Flexitrinol uses the body’s natural defense systems to build stronger cartilage and connective tissue. Click here to learn more about what makes their formula so effective.

Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 Ingredients and Side Effects
Vitamin C Glucosamine Boswellia
Bromelain Citrus Bioflavonoid Concentrate Acerola Concentrate

Vitamin C: One of the most important chemicals in the body. Vitamin C is used for everything from skin health, to skeletal health, blood maintenance, and immune function. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and there are no serious side effects related to its consumption.

Glucosamine: A frequent ingredient to many joint health supplement blends because of its ability to help the body grow and maintain its cartilage. Glucosamine is derived from animals and is safe for most humans, although in rare cases some individuals may experience a mild allergic reaction to it. There are no known serious side effects to glucosamine consumption.

Boswellia: An anti-inflammatory agent derived from the sap of the Indian Frankincense tree. Boswellia has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, however there is very little clinical data surrounding its effects. Side effects that could potentially be associated with boswellia include:

  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Spastic diarrhea
  • Noxious flatulence

Bromelain: An enzyme extracted from the stems of pineapples that is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties. Despite its recent status as a popular fad additive, there is almost zero clinical data regarding the long-term effects of bromelain. Some side effects that are possibly associated with bromelain may include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Intestinal cramping

Citrus Bioflavonoid Concentrate: Another name for the plant pigment rutin. Rutin is thought by some to strengthen blood vessels or prevent mucositis, however there is currently no clinical data that supports those claims. Side effects that may be associated with citrus bioflavonoids include:

  • Flushing
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Upset stomach

Acerola Concentrate: A derivative of the acerola fruit, also known as the Barbados cherry or wild crepe myrtle. Acerola is an excellent source of vitamin C, however it has little known application beyond that. Side effects may include:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Sleepiness

There are possibly other preservatives or fillers in Nutrilite Glucosamine 7, however their website only chooses to list the active ingredients.

Our team of nutritional experts has compiled a list of the top joint health supplements currently on the market that can be seen by clicking here.

Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 Quality of Ingredients

It is very difficult to assess the quality of Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 as a joint health supplement as it is largely a combination of untested ingredients.

Vitamin C and glucosamine are trusted and known to be effective for both general wellness and for joint health in particular.

Boswellia, bromelain, rutin, and acerola are all natural ingredients that have very little clinical data surrounding their usage. So far indications are that they are all mostly safe, however that only accounts for short-term usage.

There is no clinical data regarding long-term daily consumption of these ingredients and it would be irresponsible to either recommend or condemn them at this juncture.

Follow this link to learn more about which joint health supplements scored the best during our experts’ independent trials.

The Price and Quality of Nutrilite Glucosamine 7

Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 is not available through their own website unless customers are a member of Amway. It can be purchased through a number of other online retailers, and is generally found to retail in this range:

  • 1 bottle of 240 Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 tablets (approximately a three-month supply): $38.60

This price level makes Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 one of the more affordable supplements on the market, averaging just over $0.32 per day. One of the reasons for this is its limited and untested ingredient selection.

Many of the more popular joint supplement aids such as chondroitin, MSM, or omega fatty acids, are absent from Nutrilite Glucosamine 7’s blend, which may be a benefit for some individuals that have allergy concerns, however other users may find the product to be less effective overall.

Click here to learn more about which joint health supplements are the most effective for increasing flexibility and range of motion.

Business of Nutrilite Glucosamine 7

Nutrilite is one of the brands owned by healthy, beauty, and home care products manufacturer Amway. They list their contact information as:

Phone Number: 080-39416600

Address: Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. 84, Sector – 32, Gurgaon 12201 (HR), India

Email: Amway does not make their email address public on their website, however they do have a customer contact form on their website.

Amway is perhaps best known for their multi-level marketing model that uses individuals as independent sellers of their products. They use a pyramid-like scheme to recruit new agents, who then give a percentage of their profits to the agents above them in the organization. Their company has quite a few critics that view its practices as a scam designed to take advantage of its customers and its members alike.

Their organization has been sued many times throughout their existence for a number of different reasons. Multiple former clients have filed lawsuits alleging fraud, misrepresentation, and breach of contract. In 2025 the were forced to pay $150 million to former clients, and their own lawyers estimate that there have been thousands of other cases that were settled out of court or brushed away somehow.

To see which over the counter supplements are considered the safest and most effective for improving overall joint health.

Customer Opinions of Nutrilite Glucosamine 7

The online reviews of Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 are somewhat mixed, ranging from mildly positive to frustrated and disappointed.

“I tried to be open minded, but I was really disappointed with this product. Didn’t work like it said and they wouldn’t let me return it.”

“I thought this would be able to help with my knee pain, but it was just another garbage supplement that promises big but does nothing.”

The most frequent complaints online were regarding the effectiveness of the product, especially in relation to their promise of improvement within seven days.

Click here to see the list of the top over the counter joint health supplements as compiled by our team of experts.

How Does Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Nutrilite Glucosamine 7
  • 25/100
Conclusion – Does Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 Work?

It is the opinion of our experts after reviewing all of the relevant data that Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 is probably a mildly effective joint health supplement and anti-inflammatory agent.

The level of its effectiveness is questionable, as its ingredient list is somewhat limited. Glucosamine and vitamin C are known reliable additives, however the rest of their ingredients are untested and not thought to contribute to natural joint health and repair.

Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 is inexpensive enough that it could be paired with another, more effective joint health supplement, however that may just render the Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 redundant or unnecessary.

Our team of experts currently rate Flexitrinol as the most effective joint health supplement on the market. Its proprietary blend utilizes proven ingredients to naturally improve joint health as well as reducing inflammation. Click here to learn more about how Flexitrinol benefits the body.

One Response to Nutrilite Glucosamine 7 Review

Anna M says:

I’ve been using this product for 4 yrs and i’m a formal athlete (soccer player) I’ve had arthritis for a very long time and this is the only product that has helped with out any side effects nurtilite/ Gluecosamine is the best!!!!

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