Trivita Nopalea Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) November 29, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

Trivita Nopalea is a wellness drink that supports the body’s natural anti-inflammatory processes. It is a sweet, bright pink blend of superfruits and chemicals designed to be consumed up to three times a day to improve joint comfort. Trivita Nopalea’s website says that their drinks are GMO- and preservative-free and that they have anti-toxic qualities that promote overall cellular health.

Our panel of experts has concluded that Flexitrinol is the most effective over-the-counter joint health supplement currently available. Their blend of nutrients and vitamins works to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production processes and contribute to overall joint wellness. Click here to learn more about how Flexitrinol improves flexibility, mobility, and range of motion.

Trivita Nopalea Ingredients and Side Effects

Water Nopal fruit puree
Agave syrup Other fruit juices, purees, powders and concentrates

Nopal Fruit Puree: A potent source of antioxidants harvested in the Sonoran desert. Also known as the Prickly Pear cactus, Nopal fruit is high in betalains, pectin, and fiber and has been used to treat obesity, diabetes, and colitis. There is very little clinical data surrounding the effects of Nopal on humans, though it is thought to be likely safe for consumption. It has, however, been tied to some side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Headache
  • Quantity of stool

Other Fruit Products: In addition to their main ingredient of Nopal, Trivita Nopalea contains some form of all of the following fruits and vegetables:

  • Cranberry
  • Orange
  • Beet
  • Papaya
  • Tomato
  • Strawberry
  • Apple
  • Guava
  • Peach
  • Mango
  • Apricot
  • Raspberry
  • Kiwi
  • Lemon
  • Grape

All of the fruits included in Trivita Nopalea are considered safe for humans, although it is recommended that any consumers with food allergies would be wise to double check the ingredient list to ensure that it is safe for them to ingest.

Agave Syrup: A natural sweetener, taken from the Mexican agave plant, the same plant that most tequilas are made from). Agave has no other nutritional value to humans.

Agave syrup is mostly thought to be safe for consumption, however recent studies say that it may interfere with the body’s ability to process insulin in both diabetics and non-diabetics alike. Agave consumption has also been linked to a number cardiovascular and metabolic conditions, and it processes into fat easier than traditional sweeteners such as honey. Doctor Oz, who had previously recommended agave syrups as an alternative to sugar, issued a retraction on his website and encouraged all of his followers to stay away from the sweetener until more information is available.

Our panel of nutritional experts have complied a list of the top quality joint health supplements available today – click here to see their full report.

Trivita Nopalea Quality of Ingredients

Trivita Nopalea’s list of ingredients did not inspire confidence in our joint health and nutrition experts that their beverages would be functional joint health supplements.

At best, some of the ingredients have mild anti-inflammatory qualities and may support overall bodily wellness. There are no ingredients that specifically help the body produce or maintain collagen, cartilage, synovial fluid, bone, muscle, or ligament tissue.

Additionally, their drinks contain multiple different forms of sugars and sweeteners, which our experts do not recommend as part of a daily nutritional supplement. If taken as indicated, Trivita Nopalea consumers will ingest nearly eight extra grams of sugars a day.

Some of those sweeteners, such as agave nectar, are now thought to have other more serious side effects associated with them as well, further encouraging our nutritionists to warn against their inclusion in vitamin and supplement products.

Click here to see the list of the best over the counter joint health supplements on the market today.

The Price and Quality of Trivita Nopalea

Trivita Nopalea is exorbitantly expensive. One 32 oz. bottle costs $34.99, which, if taken as indicated, is only enough for about a ten day supply.

Even if it were effective, that would be far over the current market price for quality joint health supplements, most of which are about 1/3 as expensive as Trivita Nopalea. Given that it seems unlikely that Trivita Nopalea can provide any kind of collagen, cartilage, or synovial fluid support, a secondary supplement would also be recommended, further making it cost prohibitive for regular use and possibly rendering the Trivita Nopalea redundant.

To see our experts’ list of the most effective supplements for combating joint pain and increasing mobility, flexibility, and range of motion, follow this link.

Business of  Trivita Nopalea

Trivita Nopalea is manufactured by Trivita, Inc., a health and wellness products distributor. They can be contacted at:

Phone Number: (800) 991-7116

Address: 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Ste 950

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Email: Trivita does not make their email address publically available, nor do they have a customer comment form on their website.

Trivita only has a “B” rating with the Better Business Bureau, though no rationale for the lowered grade is given on the BBB’s website. The business of Trivita Inc. just settled a lawsuit with the Federal Trade Commission alleging that Trivita made unsupported claims about Trivita Nopalea’s health benefits. Trivita was forced to pay $3.5 million dollars to complainants and change the nature of their advertising so that they no longer claimed that their products have specific medical benefits, such as healing injuries or curing any form of disease.

Click this link to see our experts’ list of the safest and most effective joint health products available on the market today.

Customer Opinions of Trivita Nopalea

Online reviews of Trivita Nopalea support our experts’ theories of ineffectiveness. There are large quantities of negative reports about their beverage’s success in reducing joint pain. Common reviews sounded like these:

“Ordered a bottle and took it every day for a couple weeks like they said but I saw no improvement.”

“I tried it for a little bit and it didn’t really have an effect; I might’ve tried it for a little while longer but it was just way to expensive to worry about.”

“Don’t waste your money. Tastes terrible, does nothing, costs way too much.”

The two most common themes were the product’s ineffectiveness and its high cost. There were also two reports of digestive distress, including nausea and excessive flatulence.

Follow this link for a complete listing of the leading joint support supplements according to our panel of wellness experts.

How Does Trivita Nopalea Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Trivita Nopalea
  • 34/100
Conclusion – Does Trivita Nopalea Work?

After an extensive review of the manufacturer, the ingredients, and the online reviews, there is nothing about Trivita Nopalea that would make our experts recommend it to consumers.

Their proprietary blend is ineffective for treating anything other than mild inflammation and does not actually improve joint health. It is loaded with sweeteners, which is not suggested for a daily supplement, and it is also one of the most expensive supplements available on the market. Consumers are encouraged to seek out other alternatives for joint health supplement options.

Our panel of experts currently recommends Flexitrinol as the top joint health supplement option. Its blend of ingredients works to stimulate cartilage and synovial fluid health naturally rather than simply masking the symptoms of wear and tear. Click here to learn more about how Flexitrinol compares to other leading brands of joint health supplements.

4 Responses to Trivita Nopalea Review

Jason McCarter says:

I am wondering if this would be beneficial for me. The reason for my research into this is from an “infomercial”. I need help in rebuilding the muscle I used to have in my back and legs. Why? On 9/22/2015 I sustained a traumatic spinal and sternal fracture(s), I fractured my C7, T1, 2, &3. With that being noted, I was wondering if this type of product would help me. Now for my other ailments: A-fib diagnosed in ’13, TBI in ’87, and my recovery from my spinal fractures. I can walk, but my balance is off. I have been physically active most of my life. Not as much in my last 10 years. I am 47, so the question is validated knowing my extensive major medical ievents. Will this product assist in recovery from my spinal injury. My blood type is O- and I realize that my blood type dictates my diet and physiology. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


i have taken Nopalea for years and was on autoship but for some reason my auto shipments have stopped , i might have stopped them by accident but i can tell they were helping me and i want them started back like they were .



Mim says:

Best I’ve ever had. Been taking these products for 20 years. B12 is the best!

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