Neoflex Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) December 11, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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 What is it?

Neoflex is a new joint health supplement that recently entered the market. Their product is formulated to help weekend athletes, individuals with repetitive motion stress, and those just looking to do preventative maintenance on their cranky joints find relief from their discomfort. Neoflex’s advertising claims that its ingredients help build naturally stronger connective tissues and relieve the stiffness and swelling that are associated with inflammation.

The top joint health supplement on the market according to our team of health and wellness experts is Flexitrinol. Flexitrinol has a blend of ingredients that has been shown in independent trials to actually stimulate the joints’ own natural defense and repair functions. Click here to learn more about why Flexitrinol outscored all of the other top brands in our study.

Neoflex Ingredients and Side Effects
Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM

 Glucosamine: One of the most common joint health ingredient on the market today. Most effective joint health supplements start with glucosamine as their base because of its ability to actually affect core-level joint health.

Glucosamine is found naturally in the human body inside of our synovial fluid – the viscous gelatin that surrounds your joints, lubricating and cushioning your movement. Without your synovial fluid there can be bone-to-bone contact during movement, which leads to pain and inflammation.

The presence of glucosamine also stimulates collagen production, which is a key to the health of the entire connective system. Collagen is the main building block of your cartilage – the firm-yet-flexible material that holds your bones together and allows for flexible movement – as well as your ligaments, tendons, and even your bones.

In total, your body’s proteins are over 25% collagen, however as we age that production slows down and can lead to conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. Glucosamine safely helps increase collagen levels and production, as there are typically no negative side affects connected with its consumption.

Chondroitin: Another one of the most frequent joint health supplement additives used today. Like glucosamine, chondroitin is also a key part in the collagen production process. Chondroitin is frequently found paired with glucosamine because of the powerful impact the two can have together on the body’s connective system.

Chondroitin has also been used effectively in the treatment of osteoarthritis and urinary tract infections, as well as cataracts, glaucoma, and some other ocular conditions. It is considered safe for humans and there are no serious side effects associated with the consumption of chondroitin.

MSM: Another one of the three top joint health supplements. MSM is a biologically active sulfur that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

MSM is derived from green plants or can be manufactured synthetically. It has shown to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis, hemorrhoids, and the kind of muscle and tissue damage that is caused by exercise.

Additionally, there are a number of inactive ingredients in Neoflex that in certain rare cases have been shown to cause allergic reactions or to interact poorly with some other treatments. Users with specific sensitivities or that are taking any prescription medications should consult with a medical professional before beginning daily use.

Our team of nutritional experts has compiled a master list of the most effective joint health supplements on the market today; click here to see how they all compare.

Neoflex Quality of Ingredients

If you had to start a joint health supplement with only three active ingredients, these would probably be the three. However, since there is no such requirement, Neoflex’s ingredients list comes off looking a little simplistic.

The vast majority of reputable supplements will be using at least one or two, and probably all three of these ingredients, and generally in the exact same dosage as well. The problem with this is that there is literally nothing that sets Neoflex apart from any other generic joint health supplement on the market.

Most brands feel some need to add something unique into their mix to make their supplements slightly more effective than the others. Common additives are Omega-3 fatty acids that also aid with joint lubrication and overall wellness, vitamins C, D, or E that can help improve skeletal and immune system health, and boron, boswellia serrata, or other anti-inflammatory agents to help provide extra levels of swelling and pain relief.

Glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM are powerful enough that on their own users may see some kind of positive benefit. It is also probable that you can find another joint health supplement that will be even more effective just by doing a little bit of research.

Follow this link to see which over the counter joint health supplements our team of experts rated the highest for reducing pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

The Price and Quality of Neoflex

Neoflex is available through their manufacturer’s website. Their pricing structure breaks down like this:

  • 1, 90-count bottle of Neoflex caplets: $19.95
  • 2, 90-count bottles of Neoflex caplets: $37.90
  • 4, 90-count bottles of Neoflex caplets: $73.80
  • 6, 90-count bottles of Neoflex caplets: $107.70

They offer free shipping for all orders over fifty dollars.

Neoflex is recommended at three doses per day, which means that each 90-count bottle is about a one-month supply of pills. This is close to average, or even slightly below it, when compared to similar joint health supplements.

Given the short ingredient list for Neoflex, it is reasonable that they should be less expensive than other products. Some users may feel the need to add a secondary daily supplement to help improve the effects of Neoflex, such as an Omega-3 aid, or an anti-inflammatory blend, which would certainly make it a much less cost effective option.

Follow this link to compare the top brands of joint health by categories like flexibility, range of motion, pain reduction, and price.

Business of Neoflex

Neoflex is the main product offering from Vitamin Health Inc. They list their contact information as:

Phone Number: (800) 636-3539

Address: Vitamin Health Inc.

PO Box 251274

West Bloomfield, MI, 48325

 Email: They do not choose to make an email address public, however there is a customer comment form on their website that can be used.

It should be noted that Vitamin Health Inc. is currently involved in a lawsuit with pharmaceuticals giant Bausch and Lomb over potential cases of copyright infringement. The case has been going since 2025 and has yet to reach any kind of formal resolution.

Click here to learn which over the counter are the safest and most effective for all joint health needs.

Customer Opinions of Neoflex

There are surprisingly few objective third-party reviews of Neoflex online. The ones that there are split between mildly positive reports and mildly negative reports, with very few extreme reactions on either side. Typical customer complaints were similar to these:

“I took Neoflex for a month and I honestly don’t know if it helped me or not. If it did, it wasn’t enough that I really notice it.

“I started taking their pills every day about two months ago and the pain an swelling that I get in my knees after basketball has gone down, but it hasn’t gone away.”

“My cousin had a glucosamine supplement that he said he liked, but I bought this one instead because it was cheaper. I guess I should’ve gone with his brand instead.”

“Got this as a Christmas gift from my idiot son-in-law and I’ll be darned if it ever actually did anything for me. Now its just one more thing that I can be mad at him for.”

The majority of the negative reviews were related to the product’s ineffectiveness, however there were also a number of issues with the shipping and returns policies as well.

Follow this link to get access to the entire list of the best joint health supplements that are available without a prescription.

How Does Neoflex Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Neoflex
  • 27/100
Conclusion – Does Neoflex Work?

Our panel of experts reviewed the ingredient profile and the clinical data that surrounds Neoflex, and they also analyzed critical and customer responses to the supplement. After examining all of the information it seems that Neoflex will probably be a mildly effective joint health product for most consumers.

Those individuals with minor pain and inflammation due to light athletic activity or the general wear of aging may experience some relief from Neoflex, however individuals with arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis or more extreme forms of inflammation may need to seek out more powerful treatments.

Neoflex seems to be side effect free for most users and there is very little risk of any kind of long-term damage from taking their pills on a daily basis. Ultimately there is little about Neoflex that is either very good or very bad. Our panel of experts has no reason to tell our readers not to try Neoflex, however it is also probable that there will be more effective products out there for most users.

Our team is currently recommending Flexitrinol to our readers as their number one joint health supplement right now. Flexitrinol performed the best in their series of clinical trials measuring flexibility, mobility, and range of motion. Click here to learn more about how Flexitrinol provides complete coverage for a variety of joint health needs.

One Response to Neoflex Review

Dick says:

Good article.
My friend Nathan hate this product, their ad is bogus.
Nathan had a terrible response to this fake product with problems in stomach and had a problem with a money back. Friend aware me never try the supplement.

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