Purity H.A. Joint Formula Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) December 11, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Purity H.A. Joint Formula is a nutritional supplement that is designed to help provide support for joints and connective tissue. Their advertising claims that Purity H.A. Joint Formula increases flexibility and mobility while decreasing the pain and irritation associated with inflammation. They recommend their product for golfers and other weekend athletes, the elderly, and anyone dealing with repetitive motion stress or other forms of tissue strain.

Currently our team of wellness experts believes that Flexitrinol is the most effective joint health supplement on the market. It performed the best in their battery of tests and has proven safe for long-term consumption. Click here to learn more about what makes Flexitrinol so effective.

Purity H.A. Joint Formula Ingredients and Side Effects
Hyaluronic Acid Hidrox Collagen
Quercetin Vitamin C Boswellia Serrata

 Hyaluronic Acid: A popular joint health supplement additive for its ability to help cushion and lubricate joints. Hyaluronic acid, or H.A., is one of the components of our body’s synovial fluid, the gelatinous substance that surrounds or joints and helps make movement easy and painless. There are no known side effects associated with the consumption of hyaluronic acid.

Hidrox: The brand name for hydroxytyrosol, other wise known as simple olive oil. Olive oil extracts have been used to relieve constipation and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is thought by some to have anti-inflammatory properties, however there is very little evidence to back up those beliefs. There are no serious side effects associated with hidrox, however it should be avoided by individuals with diabetes or women that are nursing or pregnant.

Collagen: Collagen is always a strange entry to find on a joint health supplement’s ingredients list. Collagen is one of the main components of cartilage, synovial fluid, skin, bones, and ligament tissues. It accounts for somewhere between 25%-30% of the body’s proteins and is a major part of a number of different biological processes.

However, collagen is a complex chemical that gets broken down into its component parts as soon as it starts getting digested. Eating collagen doesn’t magically turn it into ligament tissue any more than eating a bone would turn into a piece of your skeleton.

Collagen is safe for humans to consume and the proteins, amino acids, and minerals that it is made up of are distributed throughout the body. They are all considered generally helpful nutrients, however there is no direct link between eating collagen and your body’s collagen production.

Quercetin: A flavanoid derived from certain kinds of plants that has high levels of antioxidants. There is very little actual evidence regarding the medicinal effectiveness of quercetin and the only condition that it has been proven it treats is pain and swelling in the prostate. This may be because quercetin has some anti-inflammatory properties, which could be helpful in some cases of joint pain, however there is insufficient evidence at this juncture to state that definitively. There is equally little data about the long-term side effects of daily quercetin consumption, however there are some concerns that it could lead to kidney damage in higher doses. Other side effects of quercetin might include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Tingling extremities

Vitamin C: One of the basic chemicals that the body needs in order to function properly. Vitamin C is at the heart of a number of biological processes including protein generation, immune processing, skeletal growth, and more. Vitamin C is safe for human consumption and has no known side effects.

Boswellia Serrata: An extract taken from the oils of the Indian frankincense tree. Boswellia serrata has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, however there is very little scientific evidence regarding its effects. In eastern cultures boswellia has been used as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat:

  • Bursitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Painful menstruation
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Syphilis
  • Pimples

Boswellia serrata is generally considered safe for humans, however it is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Some side effects that could potentially be associated with its consumption include:

  • Stomach pain
  • Nausea
  • Sporadic flatulence
  • Diarrhea

There are also a number of inactive ingredients listed; consumers with allergy issues or that are taking any prescription medications should consult with their physician before beginning to take Purity H.A. Joint Formula on a daily basis.

Click here to see our panel of experts’ list of the most effective joint health supplements.

Purity H.A. Joint Formula Quality of Ingredients

Purity H.A. Joint Formula has some ingredients that are respected and effective components of many of the top joint health supplement brands, they have some other ingredients that are untested and less respected, and they also have some ingredients that should be warning signs for consumers.

Hyaluronic acid is known as a top joint health supplement additive because of its ability to actually improve synovial fluid health, cushioning the impact of movement and lubricating bone-to-bone contact to avoid pain and inflammation. Vitamin C is helpful in almost any supplement blend and your whole body can benefit from its presence.

Boswellia serrata and hidrox don’t have much clinical evidence that justifies their effectiveness or ensures their long term safety, however the anecdotal evidence is that that they may have mild anti-inflammatory properties and that the side effects associated with them are mild.

Quercetin is more concerning because not only is its effectiveness unknown, but there has been some evidence that it may potentially cause long-term kidney damage in some patients. Our nutrition experts currently recommend against taking supplements that contain quercetin until more data becomes available about its safety.

Lastly, collagen is always concerning when it appears in a nutritional supplement that is formulated specifically for joint health. It is unknown whether Purity H.A. Joint Formula is unaware that it is ineffective for joint health needs or if they are including it anyway in an attempt to deliberately mislead consumers, however either way it is not a good sign for the overall quality of the company.

To see the list of joint health supplements that performed the best in our panel of experts clinical testing, follow this link.

The Price and Quality of Purity H.A. Joint Formula

Purity H.A. Joint Formula offers a free bottle to first-time users through their website (you still have to pay $7.95 for shipping and handling), or it can be purchased through a number of online retailers for prices similar to this:

  • 1 90-count bottle of Purity H.A. Joint Formula capsules: $34.95

Purity H.A. Joint Formula recommends taking between 3-6 capsules a day, which makes each bottle a 15-30 day supply. This is somewhat more expensive than average for a joint health supplement, though not by very much.

Follow this link to see which brands of joint health supplement tested the highest for increasing mobility and ease of motion.

Business of Purity H.A. Joint Formula

Purity H.A. Joint Formula is manufactured by Purity Products:

Phone Number: (800) 256-6102

Address: 200 Terminal Drive

Plainview, NY 11803

Email: Purity Products does not make an email address publically available, nor do they have a customer feedback from on their website.

They currently have an 80% negative customer feedback rating with the Better Business Bureau and there are also numerous postings about their business practices on Ripoff Report and The Complaints Board.

It should also be mentioned that Purity Products was recently named as one of the manufacturers found guilty of mislabeling their products and making fraudulent health claims in a massive class-action suit against a number of supplements companies. They are also currently being sued in Florida over allegations that their supplements contain unlabeled steroid products.

Click here to learn which joint health supplements were the most effective at reducing the pain and stiffness associated with inflammation.

Customer Opinions of Purity H.A. Joint Formula

The online opinions about Purity H.A. Joint Formula range from mildly supportive to frustrated and angry. Many customers said that it was effective in reducing their inflammation, however these are some of the other opinions that can be found online:

“I tried it for a month, taking six pills a day like it said – that’s two bottles worth – and it did absolutely nothing.”

“Total waste of time and money. Did nothing for my knee pain.”

“I switched from the glucosamine supplement that I was taking to this one, and within a couple weeks my arthritis was acting up again. I switched back and it settled down right away.” 

There were also quite a few complaints online about charges associated with the free sample, as well as unauthorized credit card charges related to their renewal program.

Follow this link to see the entire list of the best over the counter joint health supplements that are currently available.

How Does Purity H.A. Joint Formula Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Purity H.A. Joint Formula
  • 35/100
Conclusion – Does Purity H.A. Joint Formula Work?

After reviewing the clinical data, the ingredients list, and customers’ reports about their experiences, it is our panel of experts’ opinion that Purity H.A. Joint Formula is probably mildly effective as a joint health supplement, though most of it effects are attributed to treating the symptoms of inflammation rather than the causes.

There are also quite a few untested ingredients in Purity H.A. Joint Formula, which raise the chances of users experiencing side effects in both the short- and long- term. Quercetin in particular is of a concern to our panel, and they recommend staying away from supplements that use it until more data about its safety is available.

Our team currently recommends Flexitrinol for most joint health needs. Their ingredients list works to stimulate the natural tissue regeneration process and has been clinically shown to reduce the pain and stiffness associated with inflammation. Click here to learn more about why Flexitrinol was rated so highly by our experts.

3 Responses to Purity H.A. Joint Formula Review

Camilla says:

I have been taking Garcinia Cambogia for 24 weeks and working out every day at home, running at gym, eating low calorie meals, practicing meditation. I gaining, gained 16 lbs in three weeks beliving to doctors professional notes. I use to weigh 133 lbs and now i am 176lbs.

Kevin says:

I took this H.A purity it’s very strong don’t take if you going to drive nausea and diarrhea Was my side effects beware

Richard Brown says:

I have used Purity Products H. A. Joint Supplement for a year taking first six capsules a day and found that I had to take five a day after they said four would do it. I thought the product worked just fine for the first six months but the last shipment I got seemed to not be as effective but I went on taking it; Just the other day I wanted to order some more but when I tried to order they would not honor their previous prices which were only six months ago they wanted to jack me up by 79% up the prices, well that made me start to shop around and now to find that they are being sued for mislableling and making false claims about their products now I know why I felt their supplement was not the same. It seems they give you a quality product in the beginning but only to give you something that is not as strong after they get you hooked and to make you pay much more for it. NO MORE FOR ME. I used to buy six bottles and more per time. I am going to try Flexitrinol maybe they tell the truth.

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