CurcuActiv Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
CurcuActiv is a supplement powder that boosts cognitive function, memory recall and sharpness. The official website claims this product can improve overall brain health after just one dose.
The makers of CurcuActiv claim this product builds upon the thousands of years of medicinal uses for turmeric in Ayurveda, particularly where brain health is concerned. CurcuActiv is made from optimized curcumin, or turmeric extract which is made easier for the body to absorb.
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CurcuActiv Ingredients and Side Effects

CurcuActiv’s formula only contains a single active ingredient, turmeric. While the site claims this ingredient is is especially useful in delivering turmeric’s benefits to the brain, there’s not much suggesting that is the case. Regardless, here’s a look at turmeric and the health benefits it can provide:
Turmeric: Turmeric is a root most often used as a spice in a number of cuisines. The main spice featured in curry, this ingredient has long been used medicinally due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric contains a chemical known as curcumin, which is thought to decrease swelling, as well as treat joint pain, arthritis, headaches, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, diarrhea, fibromyalgia and more.
Additionally, turmeric is increasingly thought to help improve a number of conditions associated with chronic inflammation — certain cancers, dementia, heart disease and more.
Many people, including the makers of this product, claim turmeric may help improve memory and cognition as well.
- Turmeric is considered safe for most people, though in some cases side effects may include nausea, diarrhea or dizziness.
Take a look at the best supplements for keeping your brain young and sharp – click the link for more.
CurcuActiv Quality of Ingredients
In looking over the formula of CurcuActiv, we’re basically weighing whether we think turmeric is a good ingredient. It certainly has a lot of positive effects associated with it, as well as a low risk of side effects, particularly due to the fact it’s a fairly common spice used in a number of foods.
There’s no denying turmeric is a great part of most people’s diet, particularly due to anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s hard to get on board with all the language used to sell this product, which really just amounts to taking turmeric. The website claims this product starts working immediately, and users can expect to see cognitive effects right away.
The reviews we came across suggested, if there are benefits, they’re likely the same kinds of benefits you’d get from taking a multivitamin or eating a nutrient-dense diet. The point is, it’s probably doing more good than anything, but you won’t see any major changes right off the bat.
Users looking for a brain-boosting supplement may want something with more ingredients, or more specific brain-boosting abilities.
Experts share their take on which brain supplements work best for your specific concerns. Click for more.
The Price and Quality of CurcuActiv
CurcuActiv is sold through the official product webpage, as well as on Amazon. The manufacturer’s site offers the product at a regular price of $49.99 per one canister containing 21-day supply. It’s currently on sale for $39.99 for the same amount. Users can save a bit by purchasing packages of 4 or 7 canisters, at $119.95 and $199.75, respectively.
Amazon, is selling a single canister for $39.95, and offers free shipping to Prime subscribers.
The price seems a little high, considering a single unit only lasts users three weeks, if used daily. Plus, turmeric is available in just about any supermarket, so some users may not see the value in making this purchase, unless they are more concerned with convenience.

Check out the cognitive enhancement products rated as the best by clicking this link.
Business of CurcuActiv
CurcuActiv is made by a company known as Nordic Clinical.
Their contact information is as follows:
Phone: 800-709-4979
Address: 3 17th Avenue South
Nampa, ID 83651
Email: [email protected]
The Nordic Clinical website looks clean and professional. It’s easy to learn more about the products that they sell and to place an order. This company makes a number of food-based supplements for all manner of ailments from pain relief to liver detox and immune system function.
The website outlines the benefits of turmeric through a lot of text on the product page, detailing its history in Ayurveda, and showing the expected benefits through an infographic. While there’s no denying that turmeric is an ingredient with some solid health benefits, the fact that the website claims users can feel the product working within an hour seems a little overblown, verging on false advertising.
CurcuActiv is made from turmeric and magnesium, it’s not a drug. It’s unclear why Nordic Clinical would benefit from telling users they can expect instant results, and it seems a bit irresponsible on their end, undercutting their credibility.
Customer Opinions of CurcuActiv
Reviews were mixed for CurcuActiv, many people felt that the claims put forth on the website and the Amazon listing promised more than could be delivered in a one-ingredient supplement. Here’s a look at some of the reviews we came across:
“I had really high expectations when I ordered this product, but was disappointed after using for a few weeks. It does mix really nicely into a smoothie and is quite palatable, but I never felt any effects.”
“Okay, whoever says this is tasteless has no taste buds. I can’t choke this down without a lot of effort, and it hasn’t produced any results worth torturing myself over. Might try something in pill form.”
“I feel like this was a waste of my money. I don’t recommend others buy this, as I feel like I got about as much out of it as drinking a glass of water. This is just another supplement scam.”
“I’ve been using this as an NSAID alternative, as I suffer from inflammation and want to stop taking so many pills. It doesn’t work as good as an Advil or something but it’s okay.”
Multiple five star reviews on Amazon detailed how pleased users were with the fast delivery of CurcuActiv, rather than how the product itself worked. The rest were quite vague and basically just informed readers it was “good.”
Aside from the lack of detail on the higher end of the review spectrum, most users had mixed opinions. A lot of people felt this particular powder made it easy to get their turmeric intake up, claiming it blended easily into smoothies or other foods. The few exceptions seemed to be from people who simply don’t like the flavor of turmeric.
Based on the ingredient profile, we’re not surprised no one was blown away by the tangible benefits of CurcuActiv. This product contains one active ingredient, and the likelihood of users feeling a major change after a few doses seems as ridiculous as expecting to feel completely different after eating some extra servings of kale. Over time, it’s certainly possible turmeric could prevent some health problems and users may find they feel a bit better.
We’ve put together a guide of the best brain boosting products for memory, brain fog and more. Click here for more.
Conclusion – Does CurcuActiv Work?
Overall, we’re not sure we’d recommend CurcuActiv for people looking for a cognitive support product. There is some evidence that turmeric has some good benefits to the brain, but we’re not sold on the claims the Nordic Clinical has made.
First, the makers of this product seem to think it’s okay to tell consumers they’ll experience immediate results from taking this supplement. The high expectations likely deter more consumers from continuing use, as the promises ring false.
Second, there weren’t a whole lot of great reviews for CurcuActiv. This product did have some positive reviews, but nearly all the five star ratings came from people who only bothered to offer a sentence fragment, often unrelated to the product. Most people stated they were disappointed or just didn’t see the cognitive improvements they were looking for.
Based on the information we found about CurcuActiv, we’re not sure we’d recommend this product, as the results seem minimal at best. Users looking for a brain booster may be better off looking for a supplement that contains a broad range of ingredients and can deliver more measurable results.
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Memotenz is made in an FDA-certified facility and takes a number of steps to keep customers safe, and to make certain the product works as promised. Read more about how Memotenz can improve your brain – click here.
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After second dose, my step-father experienced both bowel and urinary incontinence. This is an unusual occurrence for him. Is this likely to be related to curcuactiv?