Animal Test Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) February 3, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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What is it?

Animal Test is a bodybuilding supplement that increases the amount of testosterone output and balances estrogen levels. The makers of Animal Test claim also helps boost strength and lean muscle.

Animal Test is part of a line of Animal products aimed at promoting strength and physical fitness. The official Animal Test website mentions the formula works best when taken daily in conjunction with intense training and a diet containing plenty of protein.

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Animal Test Ingredients and Side Effects

The makers of Animal Test have included a label on the website, making it easy for customers to review the product without having to dig around too much on the web. Here’s a look at what’s inside the product:

Mucuna Pruriens Tongkat Ali Pedalium Murex
Rhodiola Rosea Urtica Dioica

Urtica Dioca: Also known as stinging nettle, this ingredient is a diurertic and is often used to treat urination. Stinging nettle may also support hormone levels in the body.

Cissus Quadrangularis: A succulent vine plant from Asia and Africa, cissus quadrangularis is used to treat a number of conditions such as diabetes heart disease, obesity, asthma, upset stomach.

  • Side effects may include headache, nausea, vomiting, gas, diarrhea and trouble sleeping.

Polygonum Cuspidatum: Also known as Japanese knotweed, this ingredient is a great source of the anti-oxidant resveratrol, which fights against free radicals in the body.

Agaricus Bisporus: A white mushroom commonly found in the supermarket, this ingredient contains vital nutrients like vitamins C and D, as well as zinc, iron and potassium.

Yohimbe: An African plant used to promote sexual function and athletic performance, yohimbe may help treat erectile dysfunction and increase energy levels and capacity for exercise.

  • Side effects associated with yohimbe may include kidney failure, rapid or irregular heartbeat, seizures, anxiety and heart attack.
  • Yohimbe may also cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, lowered blood pressure, bloating, rash, sinus issues, headache and changes in mood.

Arachidonic Acid: A fatty omega-6 acid, arachidonic acid supports the immune system and is thought to produce pro-inflammatory effects. This ingredient is thought to help build muscles.

  • People with rheumatoid arthritis or other chronic inflammatory diseases should avoid arachidonic acid.

Grapefruit: A good source of fiber, lycopene, vitamin C, grapefruit is beneficial for heart health and maintaining optimal blood pressure levels.

Piper Nigrum Extract: Sometimes known as black pepper extract or bioperine, this ingredient helps the body maximize the nutritional benefits of other ingredients, increasing absorption.

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Animal Test Quality of Ingredients

Most of the ingredients used in the Animal Test formula are easily found in food, and known to be relatively safe for human consumption. However, aside from yohimbe, it is unclear what role the listed items play in increasing testosterone levels with use.

Yohimbe has some troubling side effects like heart and kidney problems, making it potentially dangerous for a number of people. Based on the ingredients listed above, it is likely yohimbe was responsible for any reported side effects which were as wide reaching as acne, vomiting and heart palpitations.

Additionally, while arachidonic acid is found in number of common foods like chicken, eggs and more, the reason it is used in bodybuilding is because it causes inflammation, which may cause some problems for a number of consumers.

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The Price and Quality of Animal Test

Animal Test is regularly sold for $109.99 on the official website for a box of 21 one-serving packets to be taken daily. The website recommends taking this product for two consecutive cycles along with other products in the Animal line. Overall, this seems like a costly investment.

Animal Test is also sold through Amazon, and can be found for a significantly lower price.

In terms of quality, there were a lot of positive reviews associated with this product. However, there were many other people that mentioned side effects like increased aggression, acne, stomach pain and nipple swelling. Plus, yohimbe on its own poses a number of health risks, particularly for those taking anti-depressants or with a heart condition.

Unfortunately, it isn’t clear whether or not Animal Test is effective enough to warrant the risks.

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Business of Animal Test

The name of the company that sells Animal Test is known as Universal Nutrition, though this product falls under an umbrella brand known as Animal Pak. The company information is as follows:

Phone Number: 800-872-0101

Address: 3 Terminal Road
New Brunswick NJ 08901

The Animal Pak website is trying to do a number of things at once. It’s hard to read, featuring white text on a black background, and a video starts playing as soon as you enter the site. There is a lot of information about testosterone and the benefits of increasing the hormone has on physical fitness levels.

The site does do a good job of outlining the ingredients included in Animal Test, as well as the other supplements the company sells through this brand. While they don’t link to individual case studies, the information listed seems to be written by someone well informed on the topic, and is free from much of the jargon you’ll find on similar sites.

While we’d appreciate seeing a case study or a physician endorsement, there are no red flags that come up when searching for information on this company. However, just because there are no lawsuits or reports of bad business practices doesn’t mean that this is the best solution out there.

Customer Opinions of Animal Test

According to the customer reviews we found, Animal Test does not seem to produce many negative side effects, and is likely safe for most people looking for a natural testosterone booster. Still that’s no guarantee it works for everyone. Here’s a look at what consumers have had to say:

“If you want a product that really gives some good results, try Animal Test. I saw a lot of gains from using this for the recommended cycle.”

“Took this for the 21 days, and my joints started hurting like crazy. I realized the pain was coming from arachidonic acid, which causes inflammation. I don’t recommend this product, as it just isn’t good for you.”

“Great! I’m a hard gainer and have been lifting for a few years now. Before starting Animal Test was at 240lbs, with 12.5% body fat. I’ve added 5lbs and lost 1.5% of my body fat.”

“This product increased my test levels by only 11.2%. Meaning there means poor price/value ratio. It was actually a pretty good aphrodisiac, but didn’t do much for my performance in the gym.”

Reviews for Animal Test were generally pretty good, though there was quite a bit of variation in user experiences. There were many people that felt this product increased muscle mass and strength, while others complained of joint pain and inflammation, as well as the product not working as well as they had expected. There were a few mentions of Animal Test improving users’ sex drives, but this effect was not mentioned super often.

Because we don’t have enough information regarding the results of the clinical studies performed on this product, nor the conditions of the men that reviewed this product, it’s hard to know whether or not this product works with any consistency.

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How Does Animal Test Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Fast Results
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Animal Test
  • 35/100
Conclusion – Does Animal Test Work?

After looking at the ingredients and customer experiences, Animal Test does show some promise for men looking for physical gains or who suffer from low testosterone.

The fact that yohimbe is in this ingredient makes us a bit wary of Animal Test. While many people have been pleased with the results they got from using this product, it’s worth pointing out that there were a number of people who experienced a broad range of adverse effects, from acne and aggression to vomiting, muscle cramping, and in a couple cases, increases in breast tissue.

While many people may be willing to take risks in favor of gaining muscle or improving testosterone levels, it’s best to talk to a doctor before adding Animal Test or any other supplement into your daily routine.

After looking at a broad range of male performance enhancement supplements, our review experts have discovered that Viritenz is the most effective product on today’s market. The supplement is made from all-natural ingredients like tongkat ali, ginseng, tribulus terrestris and L-arginine, all proven both safe and effective for improving sexual function.

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One Response to Animal Test Review

Todd Strobel says:

After using this product for 2 weeks I felt stomach pain with increased visits to the toilet for regular stool. My wife said it makes me smell like a farm animal.

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