Ion Z Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
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What is it?
Ion Z is a supplement used to improve focus, concentration and mental energy. This product claims to boost brain function by stimulating blood flow to the brain.
Ion Z is made with a blend of nootropic ingredients, which the makers behind this product claim boosts the natural production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Ion Z additionally aims to reduce anxiety and stress, and improves mood.
In reviewing a range of supplements, we’ve learned that Memotenz really works best to deliver positive effects on the memory, an increased capacity for information and better overall cognition.
For all the details on how Memotenz works, click the link provided here.
Ion Z Ingredients and Side Effects

There’s no official label to be found for Ion Z. We were able to find a list some previous consumers had posted, but we’re not sure if here are additional ingredients in this blend, or if this is all there is. Here’s a quick look at what you can expect to find in this product:
Glutamine |
Caffeine |
Vinpocetine |
Huperzine A |
Glutamine: An amino acid found naturally in the body, glutamine is produced in the muscles and is distributed to the other systems by the blood. Glutamine is critical to a number of functions, and may help reduce symptoms of ADHD.
Vinpocetine: A chemical made to mimic the effects of a plant known as Vinca minor, vinpocetine is used to prevent and treat damage from stroke, enhancing memory and promoting greater blood flow to the brain. It’s also used to prevent age-related memory loss and cognitive decline.
- Side effects associated with taking vinpocetine may include headache, dizziness, flushing, nausea and a disrupted sleep cycle.
Huperzine A: A chemical extracted from a plant known as Chinese club moss, this ingredient is thought to reduce symptoms associated with the aging brain, like memory loss and impaired cognitive function. Huperzine A is also thought to have an effect on Alzheimer’s patients. In healthy adults, it may also boost mental energy and improve learning capacity.
- Side effects may include a decrease in appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, increased sweating and a rise in blood pressure, restlessness, twitching muscles and an inability to control urination.
Caffeine: A chemical found in coffee, chocolate, tea and soft drinks, caffeine is used primarily to help users stay awake and energized. It may also help improve focus in people with ADHD, and treat severe headaches.
- Side effects associated with caffeine may include nausea, vomiting, restlessness, anxiety, agitation, trouble sleeping, chest pain, increased heart rate, nervousness and irregular heartbeats.
Click here for a look at the risks and the benefits of nootropics supplements.
Ion Z Quality of Ingredients
Unfortunately, we don’t have a whole lot of information about Ion Z or the formula used to make this product. There are a lot of sites that mention this product, and the ingredients, but there are none that have posted an official label.
In looking at the list of ingredients we do have, it’s clear that this product relies on caffeine to deliver the energy and mental alertness it promises. While we’re aware many people use caffeine safely on a regular basis, we don’t know if the amount included in this supplement is equal to a cup of coffee or much more. In high doses, caffeine produces a range of side effects. If users don’t know how much they’re getting, it can be hard to account for their daily intake. Huperzine and vinpocetine also come with some nasty potential side effects, and user should consider taking this product carefully.
Learn more about the types of brain pills you should be aware of.
The Price and Quality of Ion Z
Ion Z is hard to find for sale anywhere online. There is an Amazon account set up for this product, but the listing states that this product is currently out of stock.
There are a few sites promoting a free trial bottle of this product, but nowhere does it mention the price. We’re not sure how much this costs, or the likelihood of getting a free bottle if you input your information into one of these sites—most of which advertise Ion Z as a “Limitless Pill” or under the heading “scam or legit.”
Based on this information, or really, lack thereof, it’s probably a better idea to use a product that makes it easy for customers to make a purchase.

Click this link for an examination of the supplements that most effectively keep your brain in shape.
Business of Ion Z
Ion Z appears to be made by a company that is also known as Ion Z, but we’re not sure who is the real force behind this mysterious brand.
As we mentioned above, there’s no official website dedicated to this website, but there are a few that appear to be the kind of traps that aim to catch people in an ongoing billing cycle after they’ve signed up for a free trial of the product.
This product is listed on Amazon, but is currently out of stock, though the reviews are still prominently displayed. The brand name on the listing is Ion Z, but there’s no information about the company that makes this product.
In general, it’s difficult for us to recommend a product made by a company that so clearly wants to avoid any interaction with consumers, or provide information to potential buyers.
It’s possible that this product has been discontinued, but we haven’t seen anything on the web mentioning this.
Customer Opinions of Ion Z
The reviews for Ion Z showcased a range of user experiences. Some people felt as though this was a placebo without any real benefits, while there were a few reviews suggesting it had some benefits. Here’s a look at what we found:
“I don’t like that this has caffeine, I bought this product because I was hoping for an increase in energy without relying on all the coffee and what not.”
“Ugh, I used this crap for over a month, and I may as well be taking a sugar pill. This does not improve memory or productivity. I won’t buy this again.”
“Admittedly, I ordered this after I watched the movie, Limitless. I felt like it helped me achieve some clarity and I’ve been able to get a bit more done each day.”
“I couldn’t tell if this did anything for me at all. I think I’ll just stick to my trusty old gingko biloba.”
There are enough people who experienced no effect from taking this product. It seems as though this product was featured on Amazon only a couple months ago, yet it’s all of a sudden very difficult to find. It’s unclear if the product has been discontinued, and if so, we’re not sure if it was due to bad reviews, lack of marketing or something else.
Based on the reviews we looked at, it’s clear there are better products out there for improving brain function, many of which are much easier to find available for purchase.
Take care of your brain, learn which vitamins and supplements will keep you sharp into old age.
Conclusion – Does Ion Z Work?
After looking at reviews and attempting to learn more about the people behind Ion Z, we don’t really have a clear sense of whether or not this is a good product. There were some good reviews, sure, but there was also a large selection of bad reviews.
First of all, we don’t actually know what’s in this product, we think the contents consist of glutamine, caffeine, huperzine A and vinpocetine, but it’s unclear if this is accurate or up-to-date. All these ingredients have the potential to impact focus and brain function, but we don’t know how much of each is included in a single dose. We also don’t know if there’s a significant amount of caffeine in the formula, which could make users jittery, nervous or worse, if they have a sensitivity or simply take too much.
Aside from our lack of information about the formula, we hardly have any information about who makes this product.
We don’t know what their business practices are like or if they offer a good customer service experience.
Based on all this information we laid out, there’s not enough evidence suggesting that this product is a good choice for people looking for a brain boosting supplement. There’s plenty of options out there offering greater transparency, customer service and a documented track record demonstrating product efficacy.
After reviewing many supplements claiming to improve brain health, we’ve found Memotenz is best for improving overall brain function, increasing ability to recall information, and work more efficiently. Made from glutamine, bacopa monnieri, gingko biloba and St. John’s Wort, this product offers the most value to users looking to keep their minds in great shape.
The people who make Memotenz regularly subject the supplement to rigorous testing to guarantee the benefits are as advertised. Read more information about Memotenz and its positive effects by clicking here.
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