Calm-R-Rest Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) September 26, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Calm-R-Rest is a sleep aid that is designed to balance the type of sleep the user is experiencing: paradoxical and slow wave. The product also claims that by balancing the type of sleep the consumer is getting, they’ll see more energy while they’re awake.

The product comes in a 60-capsule bottle of which one or more can be taken every day, ideally before bedtime with a snack. Depending on how many capsules you use, one bottle could last anywhere from one to two months.

The top ranked sleep aid that is currently available is Fenotrex. It attained its top ranking after review experts evaluated hundreds of sleep aids and found that Fenotrex had the most potent ingredients and consistent customer feedback. Just follow this link to learn more about how Fenotrex could benefit your sleep habits.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Calm-R-Rest Ingredients and Side Effects

The product provides a clear list of ingredients on its website, but it is unclear if what they provide is the full list of ingredients or just the ones they are choosing to feature. They do not allow you to view the supplement facts label through their site, so the specific dosage information in unknown. They do offer a short explanation of the role of each of the main ingredients in the product, but they could definitely be more transparent and allow users to be more informed as to what they could be putting into their bodies.

Here are the active ingredients included in the product:

Valerian Root Passion Flower Skullcap Vitamin B6
Hops Chamomile Calcium Magnesium

Vitamin B6: Vitamin that is found in foods like beans, vegetables, meat, eggs, and cereals, as well as produced in a laboratory. Its main function is to prevent and treat anemia, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Additionally, it is also used to treat Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD nerve pain, muscle cramps, asthma, migraine headaches, and infertility.

Chamomile: An herb that is derived from a flower and used to make medicine. It can be used to treat a variety of disorders, including intestinal gas, ADHD, diarrhea, restlessness, and trouble sleeping. It contains chemicals that can promote relaxation, as well as reduce swelling or inflammation in some users. By reducing anxiety, it helps many users relax their brain prior to going to sleep.

Skullcap: A plant of which the above the ground parts are utilized to make medicine. It is used for a variety of medical conditions, but has not been studied extensively, so its exact effectiveness is unknown. That said, it can be used to treat insomnia, anxiety, and paralysis from a stroke. Furthermore, it is also used to treat the hardening of arteries and high cholesterol, along with inflammations and muscle spasms

Sleep is too important to be unsure about your sleep supplement, so click here to view a top 10 list of sleep aids as rated by experts.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Calm-R-Rest Quality of Ingredients

The formula for Calm-R-Rest seems to feature a good blend of reputable ingredients that are often found in sleep aids for their effectiveness. Chamomile, Passion Flower, and Valerian are all top-notch ingredients for battling sleeplessness, while the rest of the ingredients have some aspects that could be useful in helping the user get to sleep.

That said, melatonin is a key in any great sleep aid, and it is missing here. Most of the other ingredients can help with process of getting to and staying asleep, but melatonin is what helps regulate the body’s internal clock which can go a long way benefiting the user both in the short and long-term. By not revealing the specific dosages of the ingredients used or even disclose if you used a proprietary blend is a red flag and makes it difficult to judge whether this product can actually be effective.

Don’t waste any of your valuable time or money on sleep supplements that don’t do anything, find the best by viewing the top 10 sleep aids here.

The Price and Quality of Calm-R-Rest

The product is sold on the Herbalist website for $16.65 per bottle plus shipping and handling. It does not appear that it is available for sale anywhere else, such as another online vendor. Amazon has a page for it, but lists it as unavailable and seems to have practically no information regarding the product.

In general, that would seem to be a good, fair price for a sleep aid, particularly one that could potentially last up to two months. It is also concerning because, as mentioned previously, the manufacturer does not allow the consumer to view the supplement facts on their website, so they don’t know exactly what dosages that they are paying for. Also, the open-ended directions that state to take one capsule “or more” every night, because it could mean taking more than two, which would make each bottle last less than a month.

Business of Calm-R-Rest

Calm-R-Rest is produced and manufactured by company that goes the name of The Herbalist, who state that they have been manufacturing herbal medicine since 1984. They have two physical stores as well as an online one.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: 2106 ME 65th Street, Seattle, WA 98115

Phone Number: 206-523-2600

Email: [email protected]

It does not appear that the manufacturer has a page with the Better Business Bureau, and they are not currently involved in any lawsuits or litigation.

A group of review experts have convened and evaluated all the sleep aids on the market, click here to view their top 10 list.

Customer Opinions of Calm-R-Rest

Strangely, we were unable to locate any objective customer reviews of Calm-R-Rest online. In general, it seems to have a very small presence online, and is not sold through any of the online vendors that would typically provide the outlet for reviews.

No reaction to a product suggests that it may be new, but it could also suggest that there is something about the product that is driving people away. This is just another of several failings in transparency with this product.

Inform yourself about some of the top sleep aids on the market currently by clicking this link and viewing an expert top 10 list.

Conclusion – Does Calm-R-Rest Work?

Calm-R-Rest would appear to have a formula with some potential, but there is just too much that is unknown about it for us to feel comfortable recommending it. The product website itself is well-designed and explains the mission of the product in very scientific terms, but doesn’t provide any clinical data on their product or statements regarding paradoxical versus slow wave sleep.

It provides a list of its main active ingredients and their intended effects, but no mention of the dosages that were used or look at a supplement facts label means that we really don’t know how these ingredients will perform once they enter the body. This problem is only exacerbated when you find that there are no online consumer reviews or testimonials of anyone who has tried it; nothing on which to view and judge whether it works or not.

As mentioned, many of the ingredients that are included look good on paper, and there is the possibility that this could be an effective supplement. But transparency is one of the most valuable aspects of any good supplement, and Calm-R-Rest provides very little of it.

The best sleep aid on the market right now is Fenotrex, because it’s formula is unmatched and consumers reaction is riding high. Customers love the product because it allows them to get to sleep fast, wake up with energy, and have a better grip on their overall sleep schedule.

The strong ingredients that make up the product have been tested for safety and effectiveness individually and independently. The product is also produced in a GMC approved facility. To find out more about Fenotrex just click here and get on the road to restful sleep.

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