Insomnia Control Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Expert rating: stars-icon     By Natalie K (Senior Reviewer) October 13, 2024       Advertising Disclosure

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Insomnia Control states that it is an advanced remedy specifically designed to treat those who suffer from Insomnia. The product states that it can deliver a calming effect to that user that will promote restful sleep and nourish the body as it rests.

The product comes in a box containing an 11ml bottle that the user is intended to be applied topically to different areas of the body, including the forehead, chest, neck, and upper back and massaged into those areas,

Fenotrex is currently the top-rated sleep supplement on the market, according to a group of review experts. These experts were tasked with evaluating all of the top sleep aids that are currently on the market, and they found that because of Fenotrex’s positive consumer reactions and their potent, established formula, they outclassed the competition. If you want to learn more about Fenotrex and what it can potentially do to improve your quality of sleep, then just click here.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2025 ?.

Insomnia Control Ingredients and Side Effects

The website for the product provides a full list of ingredients as well as the specific dosages that were used for each specific ingredient on their supplement facts label. This allows the potential consumer to be more fully informed as to what they are putting into their bodies and how it may affect them, both positively and negatively.

Here is a full list of ingredients that are used in Insomnia Control:

Coffea Cruda Lavendula Vera Piper Methysticum Scutellaria Laterfolia
Lactusa Virosa Lupus Hummulus Verbena Hastate

Piper Methysticum: Also known as Kava, it is extracted from a plant that is native to the western Pacific Islands, in the South Pacific it is a popular social drink. While it can be used to treat a variety of medical issues such as anxiety, stress, and restlessness, as well as for withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepine drugs, there are also some legitimate dangers to its use. Most notably it has been linked to serious liver damage in some users, and has been banned in Europe and Canada but not the United States.

Lupus Hummulus: Known by the more common name of hops or hop leaf, it is a plant of which the dried flowering parts are used to make medicine. It is most commonly used to treat anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, tension, ADHD, and irritability. Additionally, it can be used to improve things such as urine flow, indigestion, and treating different forms of cancer. It is also used as a flavoring agent in foods and beverages, particularly when brewing beer.

Coffea Cruda: Otherwise known as Coffee or Coffea, it is derived from the Coffea arabica bush. Its inclusion in a product whose stated goal is to battle insomnia is a bit strange, as typically it is used to stimulate the nervous system, relieve mental and physical fatigue, and increase mental alertness. The product website states that it is a remedy for restless sleep, but all the research that clinical research that we found stated that it would have an opposite effect. In fact, some of the side effects that are associated with the ingredients are the opposite of what is attempting to be achieved by the product, as they include:

  • Restlessness, nervousness, nausea, and increased heart rate

For more information regarding what makes up to best sleep aids on the market, simply click here for a top 10 list.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Insomnia Control Quality of Ingredients

Insomnia Control features a unique mix of ingredients, many of which we have not encountered in other sleeping aids, and several whose function within the product is unclear. The list of ingredients appears intimidating at first, as the all the ingredients are listed in Latin, but you’ll find that they translate to many familiar supplements and additives.

There are a few ingredients included that are often used in sleep aids, such as skullcap and hops, but the formula lacks many of the most effective ingredients, such as GABA, melatonin, or valerian root. Instead included are ingredients such as coffee and wild lettuce who do not serve any particular purpose regarding sleep quality from what we can tell.

If you’re struggling with sleep, just follow this link and view the top 10 sleeping aids available now according to our review experts.

The Price and Quality of Insomnia Control

The product is sold in bottles containing 11 mL of liquid that is meant to be applied to the chest, forehead, and neck area prior to sleep. Unfortunately, from what we have seen in the packaging, it does not indicate exactly how much of the liquid you are supposed to apply to your skin, and therefore it is difficult to know how long each bottle will last.

The 11mL bottle costs $5.39 through the manufacturer’s site, marked down from $17.95. This would seem to be a competitive price, though it does not include shipping and handling, and it is unclear how long each bottle with last, so you may have to order multiple bottles per month. Furthermore, we are concerned about the effectiveness of the mix of ingredients and how effective they will be in treating insomnia specifically.

Business of Insomnia Control

The product is manufactured and sold through a company by the name of Forces of Nature, a manufacturer that produces several different organic health and wellness products.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: Forces of Nature Inc, 21787 8th Street East #3A, Sonoma, CA 95476

Phone Number: 1-877-975-3797

Email: [email protected]

The manufacturer does not appear to hold a page with the Better Business Bureau, and they do not appear to be involved in any lawsuits or litigation currently.

Don’t throw your money away on products sleep aids that don’t work, instead click here to view the top 10 sleep supplements on the market.

Customer Opinions of Insomnia Control

The product is offered through several different online vendors, as well as the manufacturer’s site. This means that there a many objective consumer reviews that are easy to locate, particularly through third-party vendors, but also the manufacturer’s site itself, which allows viewers to see both negative and positive reviews of the product.

Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:

“I have suffered from insomnia for most of my life, and was hoping this product would do the trick, but unfortunately it did nothing for me.”

“I would recommend saving your money, this product does not work.”

“I was skeptical about a topical sleep aid going in, and now I see I was justified as it has not produced many results.”

Poor sleep can plague you throughout your day, so take control by following this link for the top 10 sleep aids available now.

Conclusion – Does Insomnia Control Work?

Insomnia Control takes an interesting approach to treating sleep disorders, specifically insomnia, with a blend of ingredients that don’t feature much clinical research to back up its effectiveness. The manufacturer makes it clear that they are concerned with making their product safe and organic, and while they may have achieved that, it doesn’t appear to be effective.

It is concerning that we don’t know how long each bottle will last the user, and the effectiveness of the product was met with decidedly mixed reviews from consumers. The price is definitely competitive, but it is hard to overlook the ingredients that are not clinically shown to be beneficial to battling insomnia or improving the quality of sleep. We would recommend seeking out a sleeping aid with more established, safe ingredients that is more likely to produce results.

As it stands, the sleep aid the is currently recognized as the most effective in Fenotrex, due in large part because of the strong consumer reaction that it has inspired in users and a formula that has been shown to produce results. The product functions to establish healthier sleep patterns, by getting the user to sleep faster, and allowing them to sleep peacefully throughout the night.

The ingredients that make up the potent formula have all been tested individually by third-parties, who found that they were both effective and safe to use. If Fenotrex sounds like something that appeals to you, then learn more about it by following this link here.

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