NEW Rest-ZZZ Review 2025 [Warning]: Does it Really Work?
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Rest-ZZZ is a dietary and sleep support supplement that is designed to relieve restlessness, muscle tension, and sleeplessness in general. The product also states that it works to calm the nervous system and establish natural sleep cycles within the user.
The product is sold in bottles containing 60 capsules each, and the directions advise users to take two capsules approximately 20 to 30 minutes prior to going to bed. If used as directed, each bottle should last about a month.
Fenotrex has been declared the top sleep aid on the market according to a group of review experts. They reached this conclusion after evaluating hundreds of other sleep aids and finding that the consumer reaction to Fenotrex, along with the consistent, safe formula outperformed the rest of the competition. To learn more about what sets Fenotrex apart from other sleep aids and find out the potential benefits it can provide to you, just click here.
Rest-ZZZ Ingredients and Side Effects

The website for the product provides a full list of ingredients, as well as short descriptions of how each ingredient is supposed to function within the body. They also provide a look at the supplement facts label, which lists the specific dosage information for each ingredient. This level of transparency allows the user to be informed as to what they are putting into their body and the potential effects that it may have. It also allows the product to be more thoroughly vetted ahead of time.
Here are all the active ingredients included in Rest-ZZZ:
Melatonin |
Chamomile Extract |
Lemon Balm Leaf |
Valerian Root Extract |
Passion Flower Extract |
Hawthorn Berry |
GABA: A chemical that is made in the brain and can also be taken as a supplement. It is generally used to relieve anxiety, improve mood, and treat ADHD. Additionally, it can also help to burn fat, lower blood pressure, and develop lean muscles. It can block neurotransmitters within the brain that allows the nerves within the body to relax.
Lemon Balm Leaf: An herb from the mint family, it is used to make medicine. It can be used for treating digestive issue, bloating, flatulence, and an upset stomach. Additionally, it has a calming effect, so it is included in many sleep aids for its ability to reduce anxiety, restlessness, and stress. It is also used to prevent and combat Alzheimer’s disease. The balm contains a chemical that acts as a sedative, which make it affective in sleep aids.
Hawthorn Berry: Derived from the Hawthorn plant, the berries of which are used to make medicine. It is used primarily to treat issues related to the heart and blood vessels, such as congestive heart failure, irregular heartbeat, or chest pains. Additionally, it can treat low and high blood pressure, along with high cholesterol. Its connection to sleep health is not entirely clear, though a limited amount of research suggests that it may be used to reduce anxiety and could act as a sedative, though the research on that aspect is limited. It also has the potential to create some negative side effects including:
- Nausea, insomnia, and agitation
A group of review experts evaluated countless sleep aids on the market now and identified the top 10, which can be viewed here.
Rest-ZZZ Quality of Ingredients
In general, the product features a good mix of quality ingredients that have been studied clinically and found to be effective. The formula is also not overly complicated so users should be able to get a handle as to what they are putting into their bodies. That said we are concerned about the inclusion of Hawthorn Berry, whose connection to treating sleeplessness is tenuous and needs for research, and can possibly cause some negative side effects, including insomnia, which would obviously negate the whole point of the product.
Click here to inform yourself about the top 10 sleep aids available for purchase, and what sets them apart from the competition.
The Price and Quality of Rest-ZZZ
Through the manufacturer’s website, the product is sold for $29.99 plus shipping and handling for one bottle, which is a monthly supply. They also offer an auto-renewal service, which takes 15% off the price if the consumer commits to having a new bottle delivered every month. Overall, this is a decent price, though when shipping and handling fees are added in, it starts to get a bit pricey.
They do offer a free trial, but it is just for five days, which may not be enough time to find out if it works consistently, and by signing up for the trial, you are also signed up for the auto-renewal service which will charge you automatically after the trial has ended. There is no mention of a money back guarantee, so users may not be able to secure a refund if the product is found to be ineffective.

Business of Rest-ZZZ
Rest-ZZZ is manufactured and sold by a supplement company by the name of Life Seasons.
Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:
Address: No physical address is provided.
Phone Number: 940-455-2826
Email: No email address is provided, but they do offer a page through which questions can be submitted electronically.
The company does not appear to maintain a page with the Better Business Bureau. They are not currently involved in any lawsuits or litigation.
Get to the bottom of your sleep issues by checking out our review experts’ top 10 list of sleep aids here.
Customer Opinions of Rest-ZZZ
In addition to being sold through the manufacturer’s site, the product is also sold through other online vendors such as Amazon. This makes finding objective consumer reviews and reactions easy. Overall, the reactions were generally mixed to positive, as it seemed multiple consumers received some sort of benefit from the product, but there were others who were unimpressed or had issues.
Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:
“The product smelled like manure and didn’t work for me at all. I ended up throwing them away.”
“This product alone is not enough to get me to sleep, as I suffer from bad insomnia. I have to combine it with acupuncture and other supplements.”
“They seem to work, but you need to make sure you can dedicate a full 8 hours to sleep or it may leave you feeling groggy when you wake.”
Don’t be frustrated with the overwhelming amount of choices when it comes to sleep aids, instead follow this link to become informed about the top 10 available now.
Conclusion – Does Rest-ZZZ Work?
Overall, Rest-ZZZ features a pretty solid formula, at least on paper, with the exception of the use of Hawthorn berry, and has the potential to be an effective treatment of sleeplessness in some consumers. The price is a bit higher than we would generally like to see when you include shipping and handling costs, and we would recommend avoiding auto-renewal programs, no matter who the manufacturer is.
The consumer reviews seemed generally satisfied, but not overly impressed. Some users noted issues such as a nauseating smell, and occasionally feeling groggy after waking up. The amount of consumer reaction was somewhat limited, and we would generally recommend finding a product that has more consumer reaction, so that you can get a fuller picture of what to expect with how the product will perform.
After an exhaustive amount of evaluation and research by review experts, Fenotrex has been named as the top sleep aid on the market. It has been recognized due in large part to the vocal, positive feedback it has received from consumers, and for a formula that features a blend of ingredients that can potentially be effective and easily digestible. When used as directed, the product can help to establish healthier sleep patterns within users, provide more energy when they are awake, and help them to get to sleep faster.
The active ingredients that make up Fenotrex have all been tested by individual third-parties and have found to be generally safe and potentially very effective. Of course, the product is produced in a GMP-certified facility. Learn more about what makes Fenotrex so special and what it can do to improve the quality of your sleep by clicking here.
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